School menu ridiculousness



  • lucysmumuk
    yip my daughter always has a packed lunch and this is her 2nd year of school - just don't like what they serve x
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    It's not the food that's making kids obese, it's the TV, and the Ipad, and the Xbox, and the overprotective parents who shelter their kids indoors. When you're a kid, you're supposed to be active, many of us just went until we crashed face down on the carpet, and as a result, what we ate was largely inconsequential. Not saying that kids don't benefit from real food, just that they don't suffer as much as adults from over processed food (assuming the kids are active.) Kids in school these days sit in class for hours on end, many schools have done away with PE programs, and recess, and when they get home they vedge in front of the boob tube. That's what's making them fat. When I was a kid I spent hours playing basketball, football, night games, or riding my bike. At that point I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain an ounce. Kids need to be kids, otherwise, they get fat.

    By the way, I'm no fan of the school lunch program, or public schools in general, but it's become an easy scapegoat for parents who are largely vacant from their children's lives.


  • parteegirl01
    I send my daughter to school to learn, not to eat. I provide well balanced meals for her breakfast and dinner. If she doesn't like the school meal for the day, she packs a lunch.

    I would like to know how many of you complaining would vote for a tax increase to provide better nutrition at school?

    I would totally vote for tax increase for almost anything school related, especially nutrition. It's so important, and for a lot of children out there it's the only semi healthy meal they'll get all day. And sadly there are a lot of kids out there for whom it will be the only meal they get that day.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    My daughter is starting full day school for the first time Monday. It's $2.50 a meal. I think they get to chose between 3 options. They seem like good options to me.

    Aug 19:
    #1: Entree salad w/ dinner roll
    #2: Hot dog
    #3: Turkey sandwich Lunch Aug.pdf

    I also think the Jeffco choices are pretty good. I know your school has a program once a month(?) to introduce new and interesting foods to the kids.
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.
  • merechai
    merechai Posts: 7 Member

    Love it.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Kids don't know how to eat healthy. When they offer apples for fresh fruit, most of the apples end up in the waste bin. True story.
    True. And what drives me crazy about this is that if they offered the kids SLICED apples, they would take them rather than trash them. A lot of little kids (with various missing teeth) find whole apples too challenging for lunch. Slice them, or offer the kids bananas or grapes or berries.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Usually I'd say make the most of it, but that menu especially invites this response;


    Send a pack lunch if you really don't like the choices though.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.
    In 2011, 50.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, 33.5 million adults and 16.7 million children.
    Sometimes hungry kids have trouble learning.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    It was never cool to eat school lunches throughout my days of going to school but only the "rich" kids ate lunch brought from home and once we reached high school they were able to buy food off property. I agree that school lunches should be better but I think they also need better funding to do so and they will only get that through our taxes.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    It's no wonder we're raising generations of obese children, considering what they're getting in public school.

    Yes, it's the school's fault. :huh:
    Never mind that the parents don't teach kids healthy choices, healthy eating habits, or how to listen to their body's natural hunger & full cues. Never mind that the parents allow their kids to sit and play xbox for 5 hours a day... Nope... we are all obese because we eat one crappy meal per day.

    This. ^
    Public schools have limited budgets. Take control of what your child eats and teach them healthy eating habits.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    It's no wonder we're raising generations of obese children, considering what they're getting in public school. My little one will be in a school-run daycare next week, and she's eating solid foods now. One of the options is to let her get her breakfast and lunch free from the cafeteria, but after looking at the menu options, we'll spend our own money and send her real food.

    Keep in mind this menu is produced by arguably the "best" cafeteria in our region, and most of the other schools around here COPY this menu for their students.

    Breakfast daily options: Cinnamon roll/cheese stick, assorted Pop Tarts, Graham Snackers or blueberry or banana nut muffins. Daily hot options are a sausage roll, breakfast pizza, French toast link with syrup, pancake on a stick with syrup and a waffle with syrup and a sausage patty.

    Lunch options...
    Chili dog or cheesy stix (cheese bread) with marinara; chicken nuggets or PBJ; pepperoni pizza or a chalupa; corn dog or "fish strips" (WTF is that anyway); nachos or stuffed dippers with sauce; cheese pizza or meatball sub; and my PERSONAL favorite "main dish" options: mac and cheese with a roll or a corn dog.

    Oh, and the lunch options are served with assorted milks, fresh fruits, veggies AND desserts.

    If this is what our government says is healthy and acceptable for kids to eat, we're doomed.

    As far as I can tell that's not within govt regulations. My sons school caters and the caterer has to meet those government decreed standards. Lunch has to include 2 choices of veggies, 2 choices of fruits, a protein and a grain with milk, juice or water. No junk whatsoever. Wonder if you can report them.

    Sadly, this menu probably does meet govt. guidelines. No junk what so ever - yeah right. WHole grain pop tarts count as a whole grain.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.

    Since many kids in low income areas - this is the ONLY food they get - well, are you really suggesting punishing the child b/c their parents are poor?!?

    Get a grip.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.

    Um.... You have to pay for it (at least we do), unless the family qualifies for free lunch.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I send my daughter to school to learn, not to eat. I provide well balanced meals for her breakfast and dinner. If she doesn't like the school meal for the day, she packs a lunch.

    I would like to know how many of you complaining would vote for a tax increase to provide better nutrition at school?

    I would totally vote for tax increase for almost anything school related, especially nutrition. It's so important, and for a lot of children out there it's the only semi healthy meal they'll get all day. And sadly there are a lot of kids out there for whom it will be the only meal they get that day.

    I would vote too.

    I also want to point out that I do not have children and it's becoming more and more of a big possibility that I never will. That being said I do still believe that it's part of my responsibility to pay taxes toward children educational and hunger needs because someday I will be old and they will be charge.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I'm at war with my husband over feeding our little girl. I don't want her to be so sheltered from "junk food" that she binges on it in secret or when she's away from us when she gets older

    Let her have the school food for a couple days a week and you send her with lunch on the other days. Make her go play outside instead of tv/video games 24-7. Problem solved!


    Moderation in all things is more realistically sustainable for a lifetime. Teach the kids that those are "occaisional" foods, not "everyday" foods. And make healthy dinners at home.

    I tried to keep sugar away from my first. My Grandma fed him froot loops. I had a fit, etc. Now, 15 years later it seems petty. He has learned and makes good choices most of the time. He is healthy, muscular and slim.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    We had similar breakfast and lunch options when I was a youngster in school.
    My family qualified for the "free" school lunch program because we were so poor.
    On some occasions, the lunch I got at school was the only meal I ate that day.

    You'd be surprised how many kids these days are in similar situations.
    For some families it's not really an option to be selective about the types of food they eat, but more about
    IF they get to eat that day at all.

    Just be grateful you have the luxury to send your child to school with a lunch you've hand selected for her.

    As a teacher in the 'hood,

  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I send my daughter to school to learn, not to eat. I provide well balanced meals for her breakfast and dinner. If she doesn't like the school meal for the day, she packs a lunch.

    I would like to know how many of you complaining would vote for a tax increase to provide better nutrition at school?

    I would totally vote for tax increase for almost anything school related, especially nutrition. It's so important, and for a lot of children out there it's the only semi healthy meal they'll get all day. And sadly there are a lot of kids out there for whom it will be the only meal they get that day.

    I would vote too.

    I also want to point out that I do not have children and it's becoming more and more of a big possibility that I never will. That being said I do still believe that it's part of my responsibility to pay taxes toward children educational and hunger needs because someday I will be old and they will be charge.

    Sadly, an awful lot of people do not feel the same way you do.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.

    This is utterly ridiculous.

    How am I supposed to teach a kid to read while he's HUNGRY?

    Your privilege is showing.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I send my daughter to school to learn, not to eat. I provide well balanced meals for her breakfast and dinner. If she doesn't like the school meal for the day, she packs a lunch.

    I would like to know how many of you complaining would vote for a tax increase to provide better nutrition at school?

    I would totally vote for tax increase for almost anything school related, especially nutrition. It's so important, and for a lot of children out there it's the only semi healthy meal they'll get all day. And sadly there are a lot of kids out there for whom it will be the only meal they get that day.

    I would vote too.

    I also want to point out that I do not have children and it's becoming more and more of a big possibility that I never will. That being said I do still believe that it's part of my responsibility to pay taxes toward children educational and hunger needs because someday I will be old and they will be charge.

    Sadly, an awful lot of people do not feel the same way you do.

    Yeah I know, it's a pity.