Day by Day Challenge



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi all! Well done everyone on posting their goals and keeping to them! I'm so impressed! Haven't posted on here for a few days but I'm back now! So goals for today and tomorrow:

    1. As much cardio as possible (to compensate for last night's dinner) - I caved and had a pizza for the first time in ages and it was my first cheat meal since I started on here 5 weeks ago.
    2. Don't forget to drink water - I seem to forget at the weekends.
    3. Only 1 gin and slimline tonic when I go out tonight!!
    4. I bought a new top a couple of months ago that I haven't worn yet but feel more confident with the weight loss so far so going to give it a go tonight!

    1. Water!
    2. Get to my gym class at 9.30am regardless of what time I get home tonight.
    3. Keep within my calories.

    Have a good day!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Forgot to ask...

    Leela what's your abs challenge?? I struggle with the plank and found that I was getting burns near my elbows where I would be slipping! Have been putting a towel down which has been helping. I went to a body balance class on Thurs and my abs are still aching even today!

    Sim I'm with you on the new recipes problem. I don't actually enjoy cooking and find it such a chore so when I don't have time or can't be bothered I usually have cereal which is sooooo boring and I'm getting fed up of it and exactly full of nutrition! Does anyone have a good website they use? Or any good recipes to share?
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Goals for Saturday 9/18

    1.Walk while Hubby plays golf
    2.Shred if I have the time
    3.Eat well all day- avoid the snacks

    Hope everyone does great tomorrow.

    1. Walked during our weekly shopping, aprox. 8,000 steps
    2. No shred, actually I am finding that I am much more comfortable doing Shred every other day
    3. Ate really well today, proud of myself!

    Goals for tomorrow 9/19

    1. Shred
    2.Walk 10,000 steps
    3.Go into town for some fun with the family

    Have a great day everyone!:heart:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening all.....

    Hope everyone is doing ok. I have been unwell so not done much exercise this past week and have struggled to stay within my calories hence the reason I haven't posted any goals for this weekend.

    I won't be going to work tomorrow and won't be exercising either so my goals for tomorrow would be to stay within my 1200 cals and keep up the fluid intake.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Pretty sure I killed my whole week over the weekend... or the past two ... not really sure. Going home always gets me because there's all this homecooked food and food I don't see at college. So... I'm going to skip today with goals just because I haven't eaten anything yet since I just woke up so I'm pretty sure I shouldn't go over calories and I'm kind of busy tonight. But... I wanted to check in and say hi. Don't really have time to catch up now BUT I will be back to a good start first thing tomorrow. And I'm going to attempt to kick my own butt this week since I didn't do so hot last week.

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    1. Resist apple cinnamon donuts and get an apple instead (going to the apple orchard).
    2. atleast 45 minutes of cardio....headed to the gym after this post.
    3. abs challenge....its actually already done!
    4. continue working on push-ups.
    5. plan out my meals and stick to it.

    1. There were samples cut up on a tray, so I snagged a small piece so I wouldn't feel deprived. It was yummy, but that's all I needed!
    2. YES
    3. YES
    4. still a struggle
    5. pretty good...
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I should post Sunday's goals too, just in case I don't get back tomorrow morning.
    Im keeping 3,4, and 5 the same.
    1. rest, no workout.
    2. get my daughter ready for a new school week i.e wash and braid hair, wash her uniforms.
    3. abs challenge...even on my rest day, I want to make this a habit.
    4. continue working on push-ups.
    5. plan out my meals and stick to it
    believe it or not, I didn't rest. It seems like that one would have been a no brainer to accomplish. Well I felt a little guilty about the icecream and trail mix that I ate, that I decided to burn it off!
    2. half way done. She has enough uniforms to last her through the week.
    3. well...I did the shred level 2 today and there was a lot of ab work in there. will do my nightly abs when i'm done posting.
    4. I want to always try to do one more push up today than yesterday.
    5. besides the ice cream, I pretty much stayed on track.

    Monday's goals:
    1. Try shred level 3.
    2. walk for atleast 30 minutes.
    3. drink more water....I haven't been drinking as much the last few days.
    4. continue to stay true to myself and log everything, even the things that I'm not proud of.
    5. clean out junk drawer.

    I think that's about it! I'll come on tomorrow. Sorry I didn't comment more, its getting late.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Goals for tomorrow 9/19

    1. Shred
    2.Walk 10,000 steps
    3.Go into town for some fun with the family

    Have a great day everyone!:heart:

    !. No, my ankle just hurt too much
    2. Walked 7,200 steps - close enough with an aching ankle
    3. Went down to the Old Port , the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies was docked there for the week-end.
    There were thousands of people there to see the ship along with some other sailing ships.
    People were lined up for hours to get on board. We just took pictures and walked around people watching and enjoying what could be one of the last beautiful weekends of the year. The little kids all dressed up in costumes were really cute.
    Adult men dressed as Jack Sparrow, not so much.:tongue:

    Goals for tomorrow 9/20

    1. Staring a new schedule for Shred : Monday, Wednesday and Friday only
    2. Walk 10,000 steps
    3. Laundry, floor mopping, dusting - I have fallen a bit behind, it is actually bothering me.

    Good luck all.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Gained two pounds last week. Not really surprised but disappointed in myself.

    So goals for today:

    1. Get back to the gym. (I haven't been there in a week)
    2. Eat healthy-- eat some fruits and vegetables.
    3. Drink water not soda!!!
    4. Do laundry.
    5. Get homework done and study for my exam tomorrow.

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    For the weekend goals.

    1. Get kids bookcase up stairs and put all the books in it.
    2. Drink lots of water all day.
    3. Stay within my calories .


    1. go to concert
    2 have fun:) hehe

    Saturday: Got it all done!!!:)

    Sunday the concert was awesome! I'm so glad I went:) The weather was fantastic for it too. I finally got to see one of my fav country singers too:) And it was FREE!! hehe Local radio station does it every year. Call it their B-day party. It's been 16 so far and I've seen some great shows because of it. This year I got to see Bomshell, The Band Perry, Lee Brice, Little Big Town, and John Michael Montgomery. I have wanted to see JMM since I was in jr. High and I finally got to see him:)

    Goals for today

    1. Laundry
    2. Dishes
    3. Walk river walk
    4. drink lots of water
    5. stay under calories:)

    Bee, That sounds like alot of fun. Wish I could get to see The Black Pearl up close. I'm sure adult men running around dressed as Jack Sparrow wasn't as cute as the kids :) hehe
    Nicole, Don't beat yourself up too much for the gain. You should be back on track in no time:)
    Leela, I've actually done that before. Plan on relaxing and then going and do a workout anyways. Just don't forget to relax at least once in awhile so your body can heal from all the workouts:)

    Good to see everyone is trying so hard! Will probably check back in this evening right before bed.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I really love our little support group. I just got back from my walk and decided to pop in. Not to post goals, but to just comment. And bump us up :drinker:
    After I post, I am going to go on mapquest and map the distance that I walked today. I don't have a pedometer. I used to have a little cheap one, but it counted everytime you shook it, so it wasn't very accurate.

    Bee, I'm glad you were able to get your walk in. I also think its best to shred every other day too, although I know some people who are determined to do it everyday and finish the program in 30 days. Then by day 21, they stop for like 3 days in a row...
    Glad your eating was good. I'm glad you had fun with your fam. You're right, not many good weekends left. We're expecting rain all this week...
    I am trying to complete my laundry too. It's actually converting the wardrobe's from summer to fall/winter. Even though all the clothes were washed before getting packed away, they've been sitting for so long, so I had to rewash them. Most of the summer clothes are already clean, so its just a matter of packing them in the same box that I took the fall things out of.
    Hopefully you'll able to catch up on all your chores.

    Simone, I hope you are doing better than you were last week. You are such a fighter and I know that you will be just fine.

    Nicole, homecooked meals can be your worst enemy. But it tastes soooo good going down. A two pound gain is nothing, it could have been much worse. So kiddos to you for that. Good luck on your test. I have been limiting myself to no more than 1 can of soda a day. Today, I think I will try not to drink any either.

    Rayvn, don't you just love free entertainment! Lots of goals set for today, I hope you're able to get to it all. Seems like I'm not the only one with laundry on the list. Usually I try to do it all over the weekend, but it was much more than I could tackle. I will probably take a day off from working out on one of the days that I normally would work out. So exercising yesterday probably shocked my body a little. On the weekday that I choose not to exercise, I just have to make sure I keep my calories under.

    I'll jump back on one more time tonight to see if I met all my goals and also to post for Tuesday.
  • I will join too! My goals are similar to others:

    Drink 64 ounces of H2o
    Treadmill 45 minutes a day and burn 500 calories
    Log in all my food no matter what!

    The goals sound simple, but once you hold yourself accountable the reality starts!

    P.S. Time to hit the treadmill!!:flowerforyou:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for tomorrow 9/20

    1. Staring a new schedule for Shred : Monday, Wednesday and Friday only
    2. Walk 10,000 steps
    3. Laundry, floor mopping, dusting - I have fallen a bit behind, it is actually bothering me.

    Good luck all.

    Knocking my Shred down to 3X per week was brilliant! I actually enjoyed it for the first time.
    Walked almost 4 miles, way over 10000 steps plus another 1.5 miles after dinner with hubby.
    Laundry done, mopping not yet.

    Leela, I hope you don't get too much rain. Mind you, when I get stuck inside because of rain, my house suddenly becomes much cleaner.:laugh:

    Ravyn, we were very lucky to get the opportunity to see this beautiful ship indeed. The wait to get on board, however was close to 5 hours! I don't know but I thought that was just a little ridiculous. I think we got just as good a view standing next to her.

    Goals for Tuesday 9/21

    1. VACUUM and MOP, seriously, this is getting silly. I know I hate it but it has to be done.
    2.Walk over 10000 steps
    3.Trying a new osso bucco recipe in the slow cooker, hope it turns out ok.

    Good luck all:drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's goals:
    1. Try shred level 3.
    2. walk for atleast 30 minutes.
    3. drink more water....I haven't been drinking as much the last few days.
    4. continue to stay true to myself and log everything, even the things that I'm not proud of.
    5. clean out junk drawer.
    1. I did complete it. It was tough, but not as bad as I thought it would be.
    2. I walked for 40 minutes.
    3. I did drink more water and no pop.
    4. I logged everything and I was proud of all of it.
    5. well....I cleaned out the junk drawer, now the table is

    So for Tuesday:
    1. try to shred again.
    2. do the abs challenge...I have been doing this daily, even though I may not mention it.
    3. walk further today than I did yesterday.
    4. finish getting the winter clothes ready and packing up the summer clothes. (this will probably take more than one day)
    5. do 20 wall push ups....going to try to do this every day too.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today

    1. Laundry
    2. Dishes
    3. Walk river walk
    4. drink lots of water
    5. stay under calories:)

    1. started but not finished..
    2. almost done just a few pans left and my back just couldn't take standing there anymore. I don't have a dishwahser, unless you count me:) hehe
    3. I didn't walk the whole thing but I walked half of it.
    4. done:)
    5. I'm well under today and have been full without snacking a bunch. I had a banana this afternoon when I did get hungry between meals. Now I gotta get more bananas cause that was the last of them.

    Tomorrow's Goals

    1. Riverwalk with friend.
    2. drink lots of water(I'm getting better about making sure to do this I'm getting closer to drinking what I'm supposed to be drinking)
    3. take daughter's clothes to consignment shop. Hoping they give me something for them. Its all rather nice stuff and barely worn. If they don't then I'll be dropping them off to Goodwill. I just want them gone.

    Well I'm off to bed. Be back on sometime tomorrow. Good luck to all of you keeping those goals going:)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member

    1. As much cardio as possible (to compensate for last night's dinner) - I caved and had a pizza for the first time in ages and it was my first cheat meal since I started on here 5 weeks ago.
    2. Don't forget to drink water - I seem to forget at the weekends.
    3. Only 1 gin and slimline tonic when I go out tonight!!
    4. I bought a new top a couple of months ago that I haven't worn yet but feel more confident with the weight loss so far so going to give it a go tonight!

    1. Water!
    2. Get to my gym class at 9.30am regardless of what time I get home tonight.
    3. Keep within my calories.

    Morning all! Feel happy and quite proud of myself that I managed to stick to my weekend goals as I usually struggle at the weekeknd. I made it to my class on Sunday morning and am still aching today! Great workout!

    Monday's goals were generally to keep to my calories and do some cardio which I managed. As for today...
    1. Water and lots of it! Feeling a bit dehydrated today.
    2. No gym tonight but must do shred!
    3. Eat more veggies.

    Just wanted to thank you all for being so supportive and encouraging! This group is so fantastic and everyone is doing so well posting and keeping to their goals! Have a great day.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Gained two pounds last week. Not really surprised but disappointed in myself.

    So goals for today:

    1. Get back to the gym. (I haven't been there in a week) Nope--- Homework took me so much longer than expected--like 1am and I still didn't get to study for my exam today that much.
    2. Eat healthy-- eat some fruits and vegetables.-- Ate healthier... can't necessarily say healthy though. Had an excellent salad for lunch though. lettuce, carrot, tomato, salami, feta cheese, and something else i don't remember.
    3. Drink water not soda!!! No soda yesterday!
    4. Do laundry. Done
    5. Get homework done and study for my exam tomorrow. Done!


    So I'm super late today but my three goals.

    1. Water Water Water!
    2. Eat healthy- fruits and veggies.
    3. Rock this exam.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hello all,

    I haven't posted on here for a couple of days. I haven't been feeling very well and I have eaten well over my calories and not exercised. But I am feeling much better and am eager to get back on it!

    Goals for today are
    1. Eat within my calories
    2. Drink plenty of water
    3. Don't stress at work.

    I have cheated slightly because I have finished work for the day and didn't get stressed as I thought it was best to take it easy today.

    I can't wait, my Zumba dvd box set has arrived so I am eager to try this out tomorrow!!!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I can't wait, my Zumba dvd box set has arrived so I am eager to try this out tomorrow!!!!!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better and how exciting about the Zumba box set! Enjoy it and let us all know how you get on!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Tomorrow's Goals

    1. Riverwalk with friend.
    2. drink lots of water(I'm getting better about making sure to do this I'm getting closer to drinking what I'm supposed to be drinking)
    3. take daughter's clothes to consignment shop. Hoping they give me something for them. Its all rather nice stuff and barely worn. If they don't then I'll be dropping them off to Goodwill. I just want them gone.

    Well its just hitting dinner time and I've completed everything!! :) I'm happy about that. I just downed almost all of the water I should be drinking for the day cause I got a sudden thirst that wouldn't go away just stood there by the sink filling up the bottle and drinking it like I might never get any water again. Still gonna keep drinking water for the rest of the night. Daughter's clothes weren't good enough for them or they just weren't buying right now. Oh well. Goodwill will get them now instead.

    Goals for tomorrow.....Well I will have to think about that and post later or in the morning. I'm going to be getting alot of things done around here still today. I'll make use of the energy I have found today:)

    Enjoy whatever is left of your day!!
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