

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Your parents sound like wonderful people. You were lucky to have had them. :flowerforyou:

    Rebel: I think that modern dentistry is more responsible for the health and longevity of people than nearly any other single thing except childhood immunizations. You need good teeth to get the nutrition that your body needs to repair itself and create energy for daily life. Congratulations on your crowns. :flowerforyou: I have several and I’ll admit the process of getting them is NOT comfortable.:noway:

    DeeDee: I think I want to come over and play, too. Your fairy garden sounds fabulous.:bigsmile:

    I woke up to starving hummingbirds searching for nectar, so I quickly filled a feeder and took in out, then brought the empty one in and washed it. I had two up at once in the spring but cut back to one at a time once the flowers began to bloom. The Rufus Hummingbirds are migratory and have left or will be leaving soon. The Annas hummingbirds live here year round. In the winter, the feeders are really important to them. I have a 30 year-old bird book that says he Annas winter as far north as San Francisco Bay. Newer books focused on the PNW say they live here year round now and speculate that people’s gardens with winter blooming plants make it possible. I have deliberately planted things that will bloom in winter for them and for my own pleasure. I suppose a lot of people do that. But I also consider this may be a result of global warming. Either way, they are fun to have around.:heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Thursday morning

    Laundry done and 2 full lines hung outside to dry in the breeze and sun. Now I'm off to take a bath. Just spent time on the phone with the City to find out why the lawn bowling club I belong to (I'm secretary and treasurer) hasn't received a water and sewage bill since last year when the water was turned off for the winter. It turns out that the electronic meter that is supposed to send info to the billing department isn't working. So, that then meant a second phone call and they will call back. Must take the mobile phone and account number into the bathroom with me.

    Still reeling from the news about the grand-daughter and couldn't stop thinking about it yesterday evening and again this morning.

    Good news and happy dance - I'm down 2.4 this week. Isn't it amazing what happens when tracking and moderation step into your life!!!

    Off to have a bath and wash my hair which is fading. I had it done with teal streaks in early July but now it is a lovely bright turquoise as some of the green has faded out. Why, you might ask. Well, I'll tell you. You see people with pink in their hair in recognition of breast cancer. Teal is the colour for ovarian cancer and teal and white is the colour for cervical cancer. I already had the white, so just added some teal because I'm a cervical cancer survivor for 38 years.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Dee Dee,my grandaughter would love the fairyland.Her other grandma has a fairy garden for her in their back yard.She tells Violet the fairies weed and water,how cute.
    Have a great day!Date with hubby.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning! Just holding my spot. Glad you are all doing well. I will try to get back online tonight to catch up w/ the posts and let you know what's been going on. I am fine; just running like crazy! Off now to bake gluten free treats for a church function this afternoon. Happy Thursday, my Friends!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all,

    New washer is humming along. DD had to do a short turn-around and be back to open the pool at 6am today.

    Meg..........I wish your dh a safe trip, so sorry to hear about the reason, though

    Kate...........my dd is 21; I'll happily wait a bunch of years for those grandbabies

    Rebel.........got 6 crowns here and probably more to come; don't much care for the procedure either

    Janie.............yes, we all get distracted by life now and then; I guess the important thing is coming back here every time

    Sandy........fingers and toes crossed for you to be successful----chin UP with attitude!

    Katla.........I can only dream of those species of hummers here; mine will all be leaving soon

    DD requested beef stroganoff for dinner, so I'm off to the grocery store
    my second home. Went over last night and not one, but two cars backing out nearly hit me........the price of parking at the far end to get steps!!!!

    Have good days!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Geanelace - so sorry you DBF's family had to go through that experience. It must be traumatic all round. I can imagine that that decision was extremely painful. Of course, our thoughts go out to the child as well.

    We all seem to be super busy.
    Dee dee - I love your fairy picnic space.:love: I am determined to be Supergran as well as my mother was the worst grandparent and my ex's mum the best. My own 3 grandparents were very important to me. :heart:

    I had a great yoga session with my new FF. We spent about an hour doing quite hard work. Then we had a nice lunch and chat with DH's new friend and went for the long walk round the lanes. First thing in the morning I had been up hoovering and cleaning for the guests, so I reckon I must have burnt off 600 calories today.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yeah, more to eat! I love it when DH goes off for his sport as I get to eat my 'funny food'. Probably will have curry laksa with king prawns tonight!!!! HOT STUFF!

    Quiet day tomorrow and then a woman comes to the house to do my hair on Saturday. Colouring and trimming. I'm toying with the idea of having a fringe (bangs) again. I always had one, then, because I had a hysterectomy and my ovaries out, I went through a bit of a menopause with hot flushes. Then I had to take tamoxifen after the cancer so I was always dripping! A wet fringe was not a good look! Now I wonder if I should try it again. I have a very high forehead and a couple of furrows, so maybe . . . ? ? ?

    Time to relax now for a few minutes before I go out on my caterpillar hunt through the brassicas. It seems to be a bit better now that the wasps are about and are eating the eggs. Should rain tonight so I won't water apart from the new seeds for the salad.
    The house seems very quiet now.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends
    Glad to report I finally logged my food and managed to workout as per plan. Thanks for all the inspiration. So many challenges and yet all of you keep a positive attitude and move on.
    Got to wade through some corrections so running off. Have a good day all:drinker:
    Lets drink our water and keep moving
  • laurade181
    laurade181 Posts: 1 Member
    This really isn't a reply its a shout for help. With the help of Myfitnesspal I was able to loose 80 lbs but over the past couple of years I have gained back 40 of those lbs. I can't get remotivated. I work crazy hours and there is nothing normal about my daily routines and this stress along with feeling bad about the weight I can't get back on track. Being 55 it's not like when I was younger and could just stop eating and loose the weight fast it is a hard slow process. HELP!!!!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    laurade- I have been where you are right now.I was a yoyo dieter but each time I regained the weight, a few more pounds would join in. I felt that there was nothing I could do to keep the weight off, but I did get rid of the weight and will keep it off because I don't think of this as a diet but rather as a journey to a healthier life. You can do it again and keep the weight off!! I literally made a list of all the reasons I needed to get rid of the weight and then got support from anywhere I could. The group of women here have all kinds of ideas and strategies. Most of all they all understand where we are and are the most motivational and accepting group I have ever encountered. Keep coming back here and let us know how you are doing!

    Deb A in CNY
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    laurade - I'm sure that many of us have been where you are now - and many even worse. I put back on all I had lost, but regardless of your life style and circumstances you know what you have to do - you've done it before, after all. Try to organize your hectic life into segments and make sure that you are eating (and tracking) on a regular basis and if meal times are difficult, then make sure you have lots of good healthy snacks available to cut that urge to pig out on things that you don't need.

    Back from a walk around the mall, have to make an early supper because I'm bowling in an evening game today.

    I think I have a steak, so I might put the bbq on and cook outside.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Sorry for myself :noway: about being MIA for more than a month. Lots going on for me. First, I gained about 7 pounds, :sad: mostly water I think during my time away. I was having issues with a temp that was working for me :explode: (no longer!), stressing about moving/not moving to CT from TN :grumble: , back to taking Master's classes :huh: ( I am a glutton for punishment!), switching from an employment agency to a contracting agency (confusing mess :huh: ) while looking for work in New England! WHEW! Made myself tired just typing this little bit! :ohwell: Things are settling down now (I hope). I had an interview for a position near Harford, CT last night that went very well :happy: . I am hoping that will pan out. Perfect job in the right location for where I want to go. It just seems too good to be true so probably won't happen :grumble: . I have GOT to get back on track with exercising and calorie counting! I WILL NOT GET BACK UP TO 200 POUNDS!!!!! :embarassed: My back, knees, plantar faciitis (SP?), hip and allergies are all acting up! Can't sleep because of the pain. This is making it very hard for me to be active. Can't walk, my feet hurt. Can't do squats, back knees, and hips hurt. Can't bend! Oh, well, I am going to have to look online for some sort of exercise that I can do to help all these aches and pains. :glasses: Feeling very old right now....:yawn:

    I'll be back on later.

    Thanks for letting me vent!

    Rita from, Cookeville TN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Rita-Hartford is 20 minutes North of me, what part of the state are you looking to live in?im sorry your not able to work out-I too am suffering with plantar faciitis(sp) and a heel spur,Im still plugging along though,
    keep us filled in though.
    well I ate sorta well and under my calorie count, and am hoping the weight keeps goin down..
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Believe it or not, we had 1 ½ inches of rain last night and another ¼ inch during the day. YAYA! It only got to 72 degrees today (22degrees in Celsius). We had an off-site retreat for the nursing division today. I was a good girl and took my own lunch even though lunch was provided. The only think I ate there was a bag of chips which was only ½ ounce. They didn’t’ have fruit or veggies, which kind of surprised me.

    DH and DD#1 left this morning to go to Oklahoma to see DH’s auntie. She partly raised him when he was younger; his family moved to Arizona and every summer he and his brothers got packed off to the aunts for several weeks.

    I didn’t start my evening dose of Metformen last night because when I went to bed I was really hungry, but didn’t have enough calories for a snack.

    Janemartin; so glad you are enjoying time with the grandbaby!

    Tere: wow you are really booking it during your walk! Good for you . I’m sure the melons will rise in good time! 

    Joyce: so glad you are staying. I have been missing email and invitations too since they changed the way the home page works, so I understand. Poor Michele probably wondered why in the world I was ignoring her three emails! Such an interesting story about your dad.

    Kate; your future grandbabies will benefit from a loving gramma! I lived so far away from my extended family all my life (dad was in the navy) and I really only knew my dad’s mom, who spent several months with us each year, no matter where we lived.

    Genealace: I am so sorry to hear about the adoption not working out. There must have been enormous challenges to deal with. My two children are from Russia. I know several people who either had their adoptions stopped mid-stream or the kid said no in court (after age 13 the child has to agree in court) and of course there are all those stories about people putting their adopted kids back on airplanes. That is so sad; I hope they find a good resolution soon. Congratulations on being a cancer survivor!!!!!

    Rebel: hope your mouth feels better! My mom always said it was good that I was cute when I was asleep! Maybe it’s good for all the terrors growing up!!!

    Janie: good for you to get that walk in today! Enjoy the company

    Grandmallie: I get hungry with the cooler weather too! I think it’s genetic memory back to the time when we need to do what jb is doing….storing food for later!

    DeeDee: I want to come have a sleep over at your house too!!! What fun! I bet your DGD has a blast!

    Kallee: no grandbabies here for a while either, but you know I do not have any desire for them. Not that I would be unhappy with them, I just don’t think about and plan for them. I didn’t really ever want kids either and when I decided to have them, knew I didn’t want babies, hence we adopted older kids at 9 and 13. I guess I just don’t have that maternal instinct.

    Katla: I am a big bird feeder too. We only have the ruby throated hummingbird variety here and I have only seen 1 in my yard, once. But I ran right out and bought a feeder for it!

    Yanniejannie: so glad you weren’t actually hit by those cars!

    Heather: so glad to hear you too are a cancer survivor! Victory! I bet the fringe will look great on you!

    Anamika: good for you to stay on plan for the day

    Laurade: join us! You already know what to do….you did it before and can do it again, but this group of ladies is inspiring and motivating

    Rita: good for you to want to get back on plan! Keep coming back and keep us informed. Many of the ladies here have similar physical complaints! You can do it

    Well gals, off to eat dinner; tilapia, wild rice, tomato and mozzarella salad, and pickled carrots. Yum!!! Enjoy the evening and get that water in! Take care, meg from Omaha where summer has disappeared!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just popped on to say that MFP got a mention on ABC News tonight!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    just bumping for now. I've been traveling and have had no time to catch up with this tread....I miss all you lovely ladies and hope to start catching up with all of you this weekend. Hope all are doing well. congrats to those with SV and NSV. sending hugs to all who need one. Have a great evening, Jodios
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just have a few minutes to check in with all of you, my dear friends. This has been a busy day with the usual dog walking, morning line dance class, and final rehearsal for the line dance performance at the County Fair. After practicing weekly since April, we all feel comfortable and ready for the performance.

    Now the dogs are begging for another walk.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.Had a crazy eating day.Slept in.Hubby wanted to go to Red lobster to celebrate our anniversary and his new job.took forever to get there.By the time we got there it was an early dinner.Had a nice time tho.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    tere - what is the butterfly machine? That must be anothr name for one of the machines. Which muscle does it work? Could that be the pec deck? That and the abductor/adductor machines are the only ones that I can think of that have an in and out type of motion. Speaking of the melons, I'm guessing that it's the pec deck. Am I right?

    Kate - I think I'm going to return the Birkenstocks that I just got from Amazon. I didn't relize they came up as high as they did, I thought they were more like the other pair I have. However, I've decided I'll keep the pair that I got which came from Germany. They probably do need to be broken in some, plus, it'll probably cost just about as much to return them.

    genalace - how terrible for your BF's son! A friend of mine adopted but she wouldn't get the nursery ready until she had the baby. I can't even imagine what he's going thru right now. ((((hugs)))). How I wish I could hang my clothes outside. Only our homeowner's assoc. won't allow it. I used to hang my laundry out in our second home and when I brought the laundry in, it smelled so so good. Good for you being down in weight! I didn't know that you were a cancer survivor! Congrats! How lovely that you color your hair

    Joyce - yea, you're staying!!! You've certainly had one very interesting life. Thanks for sharing it

    grandmalle - happy birthday to your dh. Tha's just wonderful about the fitbit

    DeeDee - I swear, it was positively chilly today!!! But I liked it. We got up the rest of the rock, put down some new landscape fabric. I tried calling the landscape place and they still can't get the riverrock. The landscape fabric that we had down was literally crumbling. We think it was just disintegrating with the sun. So...I told Vince that I'd agree to this one other riverrock. It's close in color, only a bit more sparkly. But I'd only agree on one condition -- that we don't get it for at least a week. I don't want him working outside in heat. Plus, there'll be so much to get ready for the social, I really don't want something else that has to be done. He does want to powerwash, tho. Oh, in case you were wondering...I'm available for adoption :)

    Rebel - I went to the dentist this a.m. I've been really really bad about using my waterpick, and it showed. So now I really need to get on the stick about it and also flossing. For some reason, I just don't like flossing, but I don't have a problem with the waterpick.

    laurade - first off, welcome! Secondly, log in for lots and lots of support. I've found that tracking is an absolute must. I wish you well. genalace is right -- have lots of healthy snacks at hand. I many times keep a bowl of cherry tomatoes on my counter to just grab as I'm going thru the kitchen.

    Rita - you sure have been busy. Glad you're back

    Did an hour of Jari Love Ripped and Chiseled DVD today, then went to Bi-Lo for a few things, not much. Oh, before Bi-Lo went to the dentist, then the food store, then Vince and I worked some outside. Tomorrow I'm planning to take our aluminum to the Humane Society and then do the deep water class. The guy just called, someone will be here tomorrow to get the baseboard up. I do have a pineapple angel food cake in the freezer, so depending how many men come, I'll give them a piece. If it's just one guy, I'll give him a piece (maybe 1/4).

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I've decided that this is how I feel today. I'm tired:cry:
    I'm tired of no energy. I can't remember the last day I was even able to walk a moderate pace
    I'm tired of having this headache
    I'm tired of taking all of the medicine I have to take every day
    I'm tired of being on this lifestyle diet. It's not jsut weight loss anymore. I am a diabetic and I have to stay this way for the rest of
    my life
    I'm tired of not being able to make a decision on my own
    I'm tired of not being able to see my grand daughters but once a month
    I'm tired of being tired
    I'm tired of having to plan and plan and plan
    I'm tired of my jaws hurting
    I'm tired of my hair not doing what I want it to do
    I'm tired of having to make a decision about whether I wear my 2x clothes which are a little loose or 1x which still show my
    chest roll
    I'm just tired.

  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Robin–Have fun on your Alaska trip; I thoroughly enjoyed the two trips I’ve taken up there
    Joyce–What beautiful memories you have of your family
    Kate–the thunder was very loud; we initially thought the lightning had hit a transformer and blown it
    Genealace–so sorry to hear about DBF’s son and the adoption that fell through; so hard to give a child back; yeah for the weight loss
    DeeDee–would love to see a picture of your yard when you get it all fixed up for your granddaughter; you are so creative!!
    Michele–hope those baseboards get put in

    I started to read the posts last night when my new office manager called in tears. One of her daughters had gotten hurt and was on her way to the ER. My office manager is new to the area and her husband is in the armed forces, so not here, and she was feeling overwhelmed. So I drove down to the hospital to give her some support. Very fortunately there were no broken bones and everything should be fine; but it made for a late night. Now I need to get to bed early, so will keep this short. Encouragement to all those who need it (including me) to keep on track and make good eating choices. On a completely different note, the weather today was FABULOUS–low humidity, with a high around 80.

    Rhonda in SE TN (who really needs to get back on board with tracking food)