School menu ridiculousness



  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    The "fresh fruits and veggies" are not so fresh and such poor quality no one will eat them. Lovely. Thank God my daughter doesn't think she is too cool to take her lunch. I send her with stuff like whole wheat pita bread or spring mix with chicken and guacamole...her favorite.
  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    my school cafeteria sells healthy stuff ^^
    Like heck yeah. Small baguettes (the brown ones cost less too) and theres a list with things they put on it, most of it is healthy too. They sell cereal with milk, they sell fruit...
    More of that stuff and all. As for drinks it's less amazing but theres good stuff too..
    The baddest thing they sell i guess are things in the vending machines and pizza on tuesdays. Besides that its just all muffins and baguettes with fatter stuff on it. and its so good i just ASDFGHJKL

    This proves my point.

    Processed muffins are just cupcakes without the icing.
  • kristalee83
    If you get through to your husband let me know how, I am trying to teach my children a healthy lifestyle and he also buys them soda, and fruit flavored drinks (koolaid type stuff), french fries, Mcdonalds, etc... I don't forbid "junk" but homeade peanut butter cookies, veggie chips, they love that stuff and its way healthier than what he does. I don't want for them what I am going through!
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    Not surprising here in Canada you get the same and as a Child Care worker at a day care a few years ago they had Kraft Dinner and wieners on the menu..........these are children ages 2-5.I don't even have that in my home and my children are 14,19 and 20!! I have always sent my children with their own homemade lunches even when they grumbled because their friends had something from the caf.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I took a look at our local school menu. I have to say that they have much better choices than when I went to school. We had no choice in lunch. They have 3 different lines with a full menu on each line. I had a single line and there was absolutely no choice. All my kids go to a small private school which have almost no lunch or breakfast service. Everything has to be packed everyday. They do have some sandwiches and whatnot in case some kid comes to school with nothing. I'm sure it varies a lot from state to state, but I would take today's lunch options over what I had any day of the week.
  • rosah2
    rosah2 Posts: 40 Member
    I have a granddaughter who always packed her lunch because she was a small eater. The teachers made the kids finish everything on their plate and she just couldn't eat that much. At first my daughter packed her a half sandwich, yogurt, carrot sticks and a dill pickle along with a carton of milk. The granddaughter always ate her yogurt and dill pickle first, then the carrots. If she was still hungry, she ate part of the sandwich. The teacher started taking away everything except the sandwich until she finished it.

    My daughter went in to talk to her and told her if the child wanted to eat her yogurt and vegetables instead of a sandwich, just let her. The teacher scolded my daughter saying she was allowing her child to eat treats first before eating her sandwich. Lol. My daughter stopped sending a sandwich. Problem solved.

    The child never took cookies or chips; only fruit or veggies and yogurt. I never could understand why the teacher thought it was unhealthy for her to eat that.
  • VioletNightshade
    I remember menus like those when I was in school not too long ago. It's no wonder kids are getting fatter with what they're told is "food."

    At my high school, the options for lunch were pizza (frozen), chicken strips, french fries, garlic french fries, corn dog, chili dog, something from the Mexican food place that was on campus (which was so greasy, it could hardly be considered food) or something from the vending machine, which was filled with candy and cookies, with some beef jerky mixed in.

    The soda machines were taken out my freshman year because soda is unhealthy and the empty vending machines were filled with fruit drinks, which were just as high in calories as the sodas they took out for being unhealthy, and the candy and cookies were allowed to stay.
  • amandacreates91
    amandacreates91 Posts: 18 Member
    When I was in high school not so long ago pizza sauce and french fries were considered vegetables.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well we're talking about health a lot, so I just wanted to bring up my REAL problem with school lunches.

    Learning to appreciate good food is important! Taking pleasure in eating is one of the most rewarding aspects of life. That's not happening if your food is too bland for serving to travelers on an airplane.
  • lauraleighsm
    Kids don't know how to eat healthy. When they offer apples for fresh fruit, most of the apples end up in the waste bin. True story.

    Very true! I WISH my son ate more fruits and veggies....they say lead by example...well, it doesn't exactly work that way sometimes :/ I eat fruits and always offer them, but he'll either not even give it a chance or he'll try it and hate it! He's really big on textures and how things look.

    I'm not sure how old your son is, but mine are 7 and 10 and about 2 years ago we radically changed our diet and theirs. I do not allow anything with high fructose corn syrup in our house and I greatly restrict our processed food. I'm not perfect, but my kids were eating dino nuggets and cheese itzs like they were going out of style. They FREAKED when I eliminated it all. I explained how bad it was for them and since I knew that now, I couldn't give them that type of food because I care about their health. I then involved them in the process of picking out new foods. Kids can and will change their diets if we as parents model it and are firm. I had the pickiest of picky and it would have been so much easier to fall back into the same unhealthy route, but we didn't. My kids have now drank wheatgrass and eat quinoa.

    Anyway, it is possible to turn a picky eater into a healthy one.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kids don't know how to eat healthy. When they offer apples for fresh fruit, most of the apples end up in the waste bin. True story.

    Very true! I WISH my son ate more fruits and veggies....they say lead by example...well, it doesn't exactly work that way sometimes :/ I eat fruits and always offer them, but he'll either not even give it a chance or he'll try it and hate it! He's really big on textures and how things look.

    I'm not sure how old your son is, but mine are 7 and 10 and about 2 years ago we radically changed our diet and theirs. I do not allow anything with high fructose corn syrup in our house and I greatly restrict our processed food. I'm not perfect, but my kids were eating dino nuggets and cheese itzs like they were going out of style. They FREAKED when I eliminated it all. I explained how bad it was for them and since I knew that now, I couldn't give them that type of food because I care about their health. I then involved them in the process of picking out new foods. Kids can and will change their diets if we as parents model it and are firm. I had the pickiest of picky and it would have been so much easier to fall back into the same unhealthy route, but we didn't. My kids have now drank wheatgrass and eat quinoa.

    Anyway, it is possible to turn a picky eater into a healthy one.

    If I'm eve lucky enough to have kids, they will be eating grown up food as soon as they can. Food mill for the win!
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I find it a pitty when women pop out 4 or 5 babies knowing that they can't afford to take care of them. Everybody has an opinion.
    must be nice to know exactly what's going to happen in your life and in the world's economy for the next 18-21 years and not have to worry about your financial situation changing.

    Speaking of which, can someone please return my crystal ball? I really need that before the next big Powerball drawing.

    That wasn't the point. It had nothing to do with the future, and all to do with the present. A person knows whether or not they can. afford a child when making the decision to have one. I waited 4 years post marriage because we knew we weren't financially stable enough yet. Others on the other hand, don't care and go ahead anyway. That was the point.
    I'm sure a lot of the people who had kids right before the economy crashed and a huge number of people lost their jobs knew were perfectly stable when they decided they would have kids. The point is that economic statuses change and just because you have a stable job now doesn't mean you'll have one in a year.

    That has nothing to do with....knowing that they can't afford it

    Thank you. At least reading comprehension isn't completely dead... to some of the others, I got a got a good laugh.
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    bump for later...
  • supremelady
    supremelady Posts: 211 Member
    I hear a lot of attack on the school system's lunch menu, but I guarantee that if a kid has a weight problem, it ain't just the school lunch that's the whole issue.
    I'm gonna bet that all the overweight people complaining aren't eating as good as they think they are........................or they wouldn't be overweight that carries over to their kid.
    Don't hold the school responsible for what you kid eats, that's the parents job. Don't like the menu, then make lunch for them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I hear a lot of attack on the school system's lunch menu, but I guarantee that if a kid has a weight problem, it ain't just the school lunch that's the whole issue.
    I'm gonna bet that all the overweight people complaining aren't eating as good as they think they are........................or they wouldn't be overweight that carries over to their kid.
    Don't hold the school responsible for what you kid eats, that's the parents job. Don't like the menu, then make lunch for them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Actually I think that post was awfully presumptive and wildly off the mark. Obese parents do not automatically make obese children. It is perfectly possible for me, the fat mama, to ***** about (and effectively create change in) a school menu while still being fat. I am capable of recognizing a child's nutritional needs and advocate that our school helps fulfill them with me. If you just assumed that my husband was the one teaching our kids good food habits because he has lower scale numbers, you'd be horribly wrong. Dude's skinny fat like nobody's business. I can outlast him in endurance and aerobics. Shape of body does not equal amount of knowledge.

    Now excuse me while I force feed my kids poptarts and koolaid. Oh wait, that's right, they asked for yogurt with granola and cherries.
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.

    ^^^ In a perfect world, that is a lovely sentiment about personal and parental responsibility.

    However, I don't know where that world is that you are living and it saddens to think that someone is so utterly far removed from daily life that they believe each and every parent of each and every child living is responsible and able to feed their children (properly). I can think of multiple reasons why a child is not getting fed at home and the fact that you do not think the education system or community taxes should try and ameliorate their circumstances is disheartening.

    Also, the flippancy with which you write 'pack their kiddos lunches' sickens me when I think of the number of hungry children in this world who would probably be very grateful if they woke up and their parents simply packed them a lunch.

    Children fall through the cracks and the government and child services should be held accountable; however, if you are willing to acknowledge that truth, you must then be willing to admit that something should be done for these children.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Awful. Our schools offer prepared salads as an option other than the "norm". Thankfully they love salad & take advantage of that often.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    Personally, I’m opposed to school lunches altogether. I don’t believe it is the education system/taxpayer responsibility to feed the publicly schooled children.
    I see the feeding of offspring as a responsibility one undertakes when they become a parent. If parents pack their kiddos lunches, they can put whatever they want in the lunch box.

    So you think we should punish children in poor families because their parents don't or can't feed them properly? And how do you propose those children make it out of poverty if they can't get a good education due to being constantly hungry at school?
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    It's no wonder we're raising generations of obese children, considering what they're getting in public school.

    Yes, it's the school's fault. :huh:
    Never mind that the parents don't teach kids healthy choices, healthy eating habits, or how to listen to their body's natural hunger & full cues. Never mind that the parents allow their kids to sit and play xbox for 5 hours a day... Nope... we are all obese because we eat one crappy meal per day.

    I have to agree here! One of my biggest pet peeves is parents trying to blame the school for things. Your child eating this type of stuff at school is NOT going to make them obese. As long as your child eats good at home and gets plenty of exercise than the meals at school will not matter. As a mother of 5, my children not only are active at school in PE and recess but they also all play different sports and such after school. When we are home, I can't keep them inside.
    With that said, I hate the school lunches also. My children get 2 options for their "main dish" everyday. Some days its between a Farmer sub (their mascot is a farmer and the sub consists of meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato) or a pretzel with cheese. While my children do pick the pretzel at times, 2 of them will opt for the Farmer sub every time and do you know why? Because as their parent I taught them what will keep them fuller and is better for them. Its the food they are used to here at home. My kids do not make the best choices all the time and if picking a pretzel with cheese is the worst decision they ever make, I am ok with that.