Haters gonna hate. tired of the "1200 is not enough" speech



  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    One size does not fit all
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Oh and by the way, injuries can keep you flat out in bed ,
    I have lost muscle but not weight even though I've been eating 2000 plus daily. Some members here have a hard time gaining
    If Alan Aragon can't put weight on me i'm certain you can't. Sorry for dropping names, sometimes it's needed

    I am so impressed with the name drop. :yawn:
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    I don't know why people freak the fsck out about this on here all the time.

    1200 calories a day for a small, relatively sedentary person is fine. We're not all giants. I'm 5'1 and I exercise for 45 minutes to an hour 6 times a week and I rarely eat over 1400 a day. That's how much I want to eat and that's how much I lose weight on.

    Seriously though, it's not a religion. You can eat 2000 calories a day and lose? Good for you. Takes 1200, fine that's cool too.

  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    First of all I am new, hello to all...I am supposed to be eating at 1200 calories a day. I have seen these posts going on and on about it about eating too little and who eats more than that, who is starving themselves etc..., WHO CARES? Let people do what they want, eat a little eat over, whatever, it is boring and there should probably be a more productive discussion going on. I started this and I realized after today and actually seeing the calories, fat content, sodium etc and I could not believe what I was doing.It really opened my eyes actually looking at it, and on top of not exercising, NO WONDER I am 217 pounds at the moment and 4'8''. I realistically according to many websites and things should really be around 100 pounds. I could really use some advice on how I can help my body learn to only take in 1200 calories and be fine with it because I feel I would be hungry all the time. I really want to lose some weight and would really like to get some motiviation. I need some new buddies to help with that...anyone willing ??:)
    Welcome! When you state you are "supposed to be eating at 1200 calories...", I assume you are referring to the mfp website recommendations? That's fine - what "it" recommends for me and a million other people I'm guessing. You've probably noticed that your calorie recommendations also change with exercise, correct? Also, I'm assuming you are brand new here...not just somewhat new...as you say "I feel I would be hungry all the time [on a 1200 calorie diet]", so I must ask...have you tried it? Losing weight takes a mind set and you might feel hungry at first, but you won't know how you feel until you try it. If the limitation of calories bothers you, I'd recommend you add in substantial exercise so that you can eat more and still remain at a calorie deficit.

    As to your "WHO CARES" comments about what other people do and your desire to find some new buddies to help YOU, well...good luck with that!
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    Okay. So why point it out? Not sure how it relates to the topic at hand. :huh:
    Because reasons!
    Pointing out the obvious is no bigger waste of time than this thread. Which I am willingly participating in...

    Careful,..your eyes might get stuck back there. :wink:
  • PumpJockeyy
    PumpJockeyy Posts: 98 Member
    Stay safe.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I can't even keep track of all the derp.

  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    Why are they "haters" because they dont agree with you? and if you are so dead set that you are doing the right thing why are you starting a thread about it? get over it. move on. do whatever you want. ruin your body. no one cares.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Why don't u just make it private then no one can comment? U are losing for u not them anyway.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    this still here?!?!?!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Okay. So why point it out? Not sure how it relates to the topic at hand. :huh:
    Because reasons!
    Pointing out the obvious is no bigger waste of time than this thread. Which I am willingly participating in...

    Careful,..your eyes might get stuck back there. :wink:

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Oh and by the way, injuries can keep you flat out in bed ,
    I have lost muscle but not weight even though I've been eating 2000 plus daily. Some members here have a hard time gaining
    If Alan Aragon can't put weight on me i'm certain you can't. Sorry for dropping names, sometimes it's needed

    Then eat even more. You are not outside the laws of thermodynamics.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    WTF did I just read xD lmfao.

    I eat about 1300-1500 calories a day, I workout 2hrs a day and well I seem to be loosing, so I don't think I myself will be eating 1200 ever again. I might hit 1250, but that's on a day were I don't feel hungry :)

    my TDEE is like 2140 or something like that I go at it with a 30% and normally range in deficit of 1000 on non working days and 1900 deficit on working days.

    Is this bad?? o.o

    Body Fat: 62.4% (updated 08/15/13)
    First Goal: 213lb

    TDEE: Harris- 2,106 x.70 (30%) NO exercise-1474 eat
    Light 1-3 Workout -2413x.70(30%)-1689 eat
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2720 x.70% (30%)-1904 eat

    there, that's all me :)
  • Joydriven

    you're wasting your breath.

    sadly, insisting that 1200 calories is "perfect" for them has become a point of pride with so many of the ladies who eat 1200 calories, that they cannot and will not ever admit they are wrong or seek a more fulfilling and more effective way to lose/maintain weight.

    i know that for a small percentage of women, 1200 calories (without any exercise!) is an accurate calculation. however, for the large majority it is not.

    whenever i post on one of these threads, i do so only for the lurkers out there who are confused. they've read Cosmo which tells them that 1200 is ok, and they have a rail thin friend who insists that 1200 is ok, so they think 1200 must be ok... i want them to know that there is a better way than to embrace the silly yo-yo dieting program that inevitably follows from 1200 calorie diets.

    Well, take me for one lurker who after reading your type of post, did take it to heart and researched and researched.

    I was eating 1000-1200 calories and have upped them now into the 1900-2100 range. Yes, I did gain the 5 pounds of glycogen/water weight. No, I wasn't happy about it but knowing after eating at this level for awhile, I could cut back to 1700 and loose instead of 1200 quickly made me happy again.

    I was one who did not need to be at 1200. I really appreciated all the logical, non-judgmental posts. And, even the heated ones. All the hoopla over "1200" caused me to research. I learned so much and thanks to all who took the time to post.

    In light of this thread, yes, knee jerk reactions without reading or following completely aren't helpful to the OP. Considering how easy even family members often don't fully attend to conversations, Internet strangers doing likewise doesn't surprise me.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    There is intelligence on earth.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    you're wasting your breath.

    sadly, insisting that 1200 calories is "perfect" for them has become a point of pride with so many of the ladies who eat 1200 calories, that they cannot and will not ever admit they are wrong or seek a more fulfilling and more effective way to lose/maintain weight.

    i know that for a small percentage of women, 1200 calories (without any exercise!) is an accurate calculation. however, for the large majority it is not.

    whenever i post on one of these threads, i do so only for the lurkers out there who are confused. they've read Cosmo which tells them that 1200 is ok, and they have a rail thin friend who insists that 1200 is ok, so they think 1200 must be ok... i want them to know that there is a better way than to embrace the silly yo-yo dieting program that inevitably follows from 1200 calorie diets.

    Well, take me for one lurker who after reading your type of post, did take it to heart and researched and researched.

    I was eating 1000-1200 calories and have upped them now into the 1900-2100 range. Yes, I did gain the 5 pounds of glycogen/water weight. No, I wasn't happy about it but knowing after eating at this level for awhile, I could cut back to 1700 and loose instead of 1200 quickly made me happy again.

    I was one who did not need to be at 1200. I really appreciated all the logical, non-judgmental posts. And, even the heated ones. All the hoopla over "1200" caused me to research. I learned so much and thanks to all who took the time to post.

    In light of this thread, yes, knee jerk reactions without reading or following completely aren't helpful to the OP. Considering how easy even family members often don't fully attend to conversations, Internet strangers doing likewise doesn't surprise me.

    That's great!

    Usually when there's a debate, the intended audience is the lurkers. I lurked for a long time and I'm very grateful for all the debates I read.
  • sweepgurl101
    Hey Lady,

    Great job, I tell everyone to keep their damn opinion to themselves lol. I eat 1220 and have lost 75lbs doing it - it's about what works for YOU. Everyone's body is different so just because 1200 dieting didn't work for them doesn't mean your an idiot - or your body will go into starvation mode. Keep up the great work!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
  • Jonahisout
    The 1200 thing is pretty relative everyone!

    I usually consider it this way

    1200 = people wanting weigh around 120 lbs
    2000 = around 180-200 lbs
    3000 = around 300 lbs
    and so forth.

    But even so that can fluctuate depending upon your metabolic rate, how much you exercise, and how strenuous & long the exercise is.

    Similar to how a small animal might need a little food to live but a larger animal (like a giraffe), needs a lot of vegetation to survive.