

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good afternoon my Vit F friends,

    All is quiet in the house now as DH is watching football on the internet with headphones. He can't hear me either!:tongue:

    Melfitnesspal - the recipe I am about to cook is made with Chinese salted and fermented black beans, not the Mexican sort. I buy them online. It's a great dish as it can be made in advance and reheated or even eaten cold for a picnic. They are extremely salty so I dont use any other salt, low sodium soy sauce and stock with no salt in it. If I can't be bothered to get my own stock out of the freezer I use organic chicken baby stock cubes (i.e. for babies) which have hardly any salt in them. My son put me on to them. They are brilliant for Asian food which often has a lot of salty ingredients. A great find, though I do make a lot of my own stock for soups etc.

    Kate - I will message you about my children's books.

    My hairdresser had forgotten all about coming to do my hair so I had to phone her. She had some sort of excuse as her daughter had hurt her hand out horse riding.(Horses seem to be very dangerous animals!) She always wants to do things to my hair that I don't want as I like it to look as natural and 'undone' as possible, wearing it longer, looser and straighter than is traditional for my age. I think she likes a more "done" look. She said I was "a tough nut to crack". I do think she has her work cut out. I always say I spend a lot of money trying to look as if my hair just grew that way naturally. Very few people suspect that it is dyed as it does look quite natural. I am though naturally grey! I like to say I have 'young hair', even if it costs me a lot to get it that way. I didn't go in for a fringe after all, though she has feathered it a bit down the side. When I was young people my age (nearly 64) all had blue rinses and tight perms. I think I have a horror of looking like my mother! ! ! !

    Must get on with the chicken now. For supper we are having 'Jerk Duck'!:laugh: I mix some chipotle paste with allspice and put it under the duck skin as we don't eat the skin. Sometimes I make 'rice and peas' if we have company, but it is fattening with the coconut milk so will just do brown rice and some lovely cabbage. I will, of course, serve mine with extra chilli sauce!:laugh: :love:

    Just to mention that the troubles in Egypt are very much on our minds as we spent three weeks there a couple of years ago and met some lovely, intelligent, compassionate Egyptian people. They were so hospitable and had such a great sense of humour. We feel so terribly sad for what is happening to their country. :cry: We do wonder what is happening to the people we met there. We toured the country as individual tourists, not in a group, so got very close to our guides over quite a few days. My thoughts are with them as we watch the news every day.

    Love to all you lovely women. I am glad, DeeDee that you got your fairy party in despite the threat of rain. It is raining here right now, but should be fine for DGS' s visit next week.

    Heather from wet and gloomy Hampshire UK
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    I lost 6.8 lbs this week :noway: :noway: :noway: To say I'm shocked is an understatement. I weighed myself 3 times :laugh:

    I'm off to try and get some running shoes...wish me luck

    :heart: Sandy from sunny Ontario

    WOO-HOO Happy dance for you!!!!:bigsmile:
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Bump to read later.. I'm 60 and well on my journey. Join you all when I'm back from hols xx
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    On my way out the door to Alaska. will post when I can!:bigsmile:
    The house was so quiet with out Bodi and Ritter last night. :cry:

    Robin (without Bodi and Ritter right now)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    have a ball Robin!!!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Saturday morning

    Just a little time to post before I go off to visit my aunt who lives in a retirement residence. When I called she said that she thinks that she'll be there because she will be going down for coffee about 10:30 or 10:45 but she couldn't remember if that is when she goes or not. I gently reminded her that, yes she goes down for coffee at 10:30 and her friend would probably stop by to collect her on the way. I'll be there about 11 and stay until she goes for lunch at 12:15 or so. I have other friends who live in the same place so I always have lots of people to talk to..

    DBF just called - he was just about to get up and have his breakfast and then we will go to the mall this afternoon. I have to drop off a book at the library - The Gravedigger's Daughter. We heard an interview with the author on the radio and both thought that the books she has written sounded interesting - and the interview was certainly very interesting. I've finished the book and while it was ok, I don't think it is one that I would really recommend to DBF who had difficulty reading since he was ill last year - his attention span is now very short. At one time he was an avid reader but I don't think he has finished one book in the last 18 months. I thought that a Kobo or some other type of reader might help but he isn't very technically oriented.

    We have to stop in and get some holiday brochures. He had wanted to go to UK this fall, but after I'd done a whole pile of research he suddenly said that he'd rather go south in the winter. Then 2 days later he decided that yes he wanted to go to London - he could tell by the look on my face that I was annoyed that he keeps flip-flopping. I think we have now decided that we'll go somewhere different in the islands in the winter and then we'll go to UK a week earlier than I normally do in April and have a week together and then I'll take him back to Heathrow and stay on for the rest of my activities. Several lace related things take place in April which I try to go to.

    Tonight we are going to the theatre to see a play - The Drawer Boy. We saw it a few years ago, but we try to support our local theatre - it is their 100th anniversary this year so the season has been a series of 10 plays, 1 taken from each decade.

    Off to find my knitting and then off to visit my aunt. She should be going down for coffee any minute now!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Marking my spot. It's sad that I am just now getting back to the conversation, and there are 8 pages to catch up on. I skimmed the 4 pages I hadn't read in the old part and will be back later today to catch up on these 8 pages.

    Hope you are all doing well and having a great Saturday!

    Kay in NEGA
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Comments on other posts that I've read this morning - my other message was getting so long I thought I'd do a second one.

    Grandmaille - I laughed about your DH being scared of the owl.

    Yannie - don't feel too sad about the poodle. There will be a dog for you - the right dog.

    Patceoh - Michele has already mentioned how to find the thread on a day to day basis. When the thread gets full (500 messages) there is a link at the bottom of the last message that takes you to the new thread. I think that probably happens at the end of the month too when Barbie starts the new month for us. Thank you Barbie!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sat.
    When I visited my senior friend she taught me how to make crotched roses.Made 5 or 6 last night.good way to curb the night eating.
    Going for my
    walk.Have a great day
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    crotched?:laugh: i think you mean crochet .. now that was funny right there.. I dont care who you are..(Larry the cable guy)
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DH is out of town for the weekend and I've been a cleaning fool today. Replaced the yucky wax paper from the top of the stove-side of the kitchen cabinets and scrubbed everything down again, did the cabinet fronts, knobs, appliances, cleaned ovens, counters, floors, etc. If it didn't move, it got cleaned! Also have done the same in the bathrooms, vacuumed and dusted, stripped the bed and started the laundry. I have to steam the floors throughout, then I'm going to sit and admire it for a bit. I had the air conditioning off last night until about noon, when it got very humid again and the rain started, so it is back on. Thank you, Lord, for that invention! :love:

    Have some paperwork to do this afternoon, and plan to go up to the Y as well. If I'm lucky I'll get a haircut, too. Tomorrow after church I'm spending the rest of the day with my dear friend. She and I are going to Asheville over Labor Day weekend, so I'm really looking forward to the trip. My sisters and I are going to Branson together in early October, too. Plenty of travel in my future, it seems.

    Well, as my MIL used to say, 'I've got to get back to my rat-killing'.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I usually just click on my topics,but what number page I finished is a mystery!Thanks to Genalace too. Will try harder to keep up with everyone.Right now we are going thru 'the refrigerator story with Lowes' What a jumble,they have now ordered the 3 rd fridge!!!!!
    Thank heaven I'm not an emotional eater,but I do quite well when hungry!:explode:
    Rhonda - that was so nice of you to go to the hospital with your friend and be there for her.

    meg - thanks for the update from your dh. I'm glad that he's getting to see her, too and I bet it's also helping her

    laurade - one other thing you'll find out as you check in often, you'll find that we all go through times when we're down. We post about it, about how we coped (sometimes with not-good-for-you foods) and then we post about how we're up. To me, that is so rewarding to see

    grandmalle - congrats on being down another pound

    yanniejannie - Vince is the same way as your dh -- he's the person who is the homebody. Me? I need to go out almost every day. You are probably wise to be passing up on that dog. Something just right will come your way. What movie are you going to see?

    Well, the guy who did the baseboard just left. Now it's time for me to clean and Vince and I will be moving furniture back into its place. I haven't gotten a new mattress cover, the one in the bedroom downstairs got ripped. And I do want to protect that mattress. Well, no one will go in the bedroom anyway so it really doesn't matter when I get it.

    Pat - to me, the JCP by me used to have good sales, but lately (for the past year or two) they haven't. And their petite department is so small! I now very seldome go in there. Hope yours is better. New pants sound good to me

    Heather - I'm with you, no more black. Actually, I find that color quite depressing. Isn't the freezer just wonderful for cooking ahead of time and then just having to defrost and reheat it? Have fun with gs

    Did an hour of deep water then went to mahjongg. Maj'd once, but it ws on a closed hand. Then went to Lowe's food where I struck out on practically everything, then Dunkin Donuts for Vince, then to WalMart and then home.

    Joyce - your daughter is so lucky to have you as her mom!

    patceoh - how do you get to this thread? I don't have any problem at all, I just click on the tab that says "communities", then click on "my topics" and this forum is right there.

    Meg - hope you feel better soon

    I made a roast for us to have during the week, but although the directions say to bake it for 50 minutes, I thought it was a bit dried out and should have been cooked for less time. Oh , well, Vince likes his meat well done anyway.

    Yoga tomorrow. I'm going to take my laptop, one guy said to me that anyone at the front desk can help me get connected to the Internet, that they're all Internet savvy. I have my doubts. Well, if not tomorrow, he'll be there Wed so we can do it then. I'll probably want to use their equipment Mon or Thurs after Labor Day.

    We basically got most of the furniture back in it's place. The bedroom looks like a disaster zone, I need to go thru things first. But in the meantime....it'll do for the party, I'll just close the door

    Melanie - how wonderful your clothes are falling off! What spice(s) do you add to the couscous and chicken? I'm thinking of making a couscous and pea side dish for the party and I'll probably add the meat from a roasted chicken. But I'm thinking that it might need some sort of spice/cheese but I'm not sure what to use. What would you suggest?

    Juanita - have a great weekend

    You know, while we were putting the furniture back, I wanted a snack. My first thought was "do I want that brownie?" Then I felt "nah....what do I want? I know ! A pear!!!!" I wanted a pear over something else, it feels so good feeling this way.

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    crotched?:laugh: i think you mean crochet .. now that was funny right there.. I dont care who you are..(Larry the cable guy)

    LOL - :laugh: I also get these kind of misspellings when I type on my tablet. At least my PC gives me a spell check option.

    On another note, I am sitting at this PC and quite enjoying the solitude of the day. I paid the bills, updated the books, am updating my MFP and as soon as I have finished writing this, it is time for me and my books. LOVE.

    Question: I don't like the texture of smoothies (I don't know why) but recently purchased the Leanfit - the Complete Green protein drink, at Costco. The taste is fine (kind of licorice taste) and the product is plant based and GMO free. I can't handle drinking the 2-scoop serving in a glass full of water, so decided to half it. It goes down better that way. The vanilla flavour was the only one available at Costco. I taste a bit of licorice; and I love black licorice (the Dutch salty type). Anyway, I have used it instead of some of the meals this past week. It does keep me full, so that is a good thing. Don't intend to use it every day for the long run. :flowerforyou: Here is my question: I would be interested to know if anyone else is using protein drinks? And if so, how do you find them? Is it helping with cravings, weightloss, both? I know Barbie uses the Isagenix, and I am looking into that already. It appears that in Canada only the vanilla and chocolate are available though.

    Have a great weekend, dear Vitamin F friends!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC. where her neighbours appear to start a huge party, our little dead-end street is chuck-full of cars. Have fun, neighbours!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy gals! Slept in til almost 10:30! Windows were open and a cool breeze was blowing in and I just couldn’t wake up! Ran a few errands then I walked for an hour….omg I thought I’d die! But I made it! I’m going to Longhorn with my best friend and her hubby so now I can have a glas of wine.

    I only have time for a couple of responses but I read all the posts and am cheering all of you on!

    Yanniejannie: I did not know that Vick’s house was turned into a dog sanctuary..how wonderful.

    Joyce: your affirmations are beautiful.

    DeeDee: can’t wait to see the pictures of fairyland!

    Sandy: what a great loss! Congratulations!

    Heather: you remark about Egypt reminded me…didn’t someone post here for a while who lives in Egypt? Is anyone in contact with her? I hope she is ok

    Robin: have a great trip!

    Janemartin/Grandmallie: OMG Crotched roses!!!!! LMAO!!!!! I nearly spit my water out

    Well I need to get going so I can wash all the sweat off after my trek!!! Enjoy the rest of the day all my vitamin F pals! Take care, Meg
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Been busy today. My sister asked me last week if we can become accountability partners. So we set up an appointment for yesterday for her to come over and weigh and us to talk about weight issues. I have to keep her under control or she will just talk about her ailments all the time. She seems to live or that. So anyway she missed it and just never even blinked when I asked her about it. She had errands to run. So she just said we would meet next Friday at the same time. I suggested today to make up for yesterday. Accountability mean accountability. Her church has a clothing closet and they are in need of size 2x clothes. I finally got MIL to give up some of her clothes. And it was a perfect opportunity for me to give up mine. I had some lovely things of Moms that I had kept, saying I would wear them. I think I was holding on to them just because they were Moms. So I gave them up. The church serves a lower income area and that was always Mom's focus in her day cares so she will be proud to see that she is giving some nice clothes that will help some women find a job or help them with their self esteem. Some of my 2x even had price tags on them! Well, they are gone.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Thought I would pop in and say I'm still trying to get my ambition back up to where I am actively doing something to get myself healthier! :mad: Emotional eating always takes its toll. I haven't been eating well, pain in my feet have stopped me from walking (have to find new inserts for my shoes that work!). :grumble: I stopped the squats because, well, I just got lazy. :embarassed: I think I tried to do too much at once I need to set myself goals that I can reach which will empower me to do more. :smile: So, the only goal I am going to set myself for August is to get back to logging my food That is the biggest thing to keep me losing!

    Hi everyone and keep on plugging away!
    Rita from Cookeville, TN
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening!

    Overslept and was late for tai chi and yoga..........picked up the cookies for tomorrow---I'm going halfies with the friend who ordered them, her idea, but honestly, I could have made a lot more than 3 dozen for $30.00 ---they better be great! Skipped today's picnic as it was chilly and rainy. Made pork chops w/gravy and mashies and peas----simple dinner but the kind we just don't have anymore; sure was good though.

    Sandy..............great loss!!!! Hope shoe shopping went well; been sending you those "confidence" vibes all day

    Heather.........the fleece raincoat sounds fabulous and fashionable!!

    Genealace..........my cousin who moved to Canada does lawn bowling a lot; they live in the Perth/Smith Falls area

    Dee Dee.........can't wait to see pics of your fairyland, lucky gd!!

    Gail...........Asheville is one of the places I'd love to get to; maybe someday

    Rita..........Hi!!! Great to see you back!!!

    Hello also to everyone I've missed; enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • workerbee60
    Just decided to get back in the swing of things and since I am 11 yrs over 50, this is a good chat area. I think I have been trying to loose the same 15lb for the last year and am getting nowhere. I know what to do but keep shooting myself in the foot and making excuses.:smile: Any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated!
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Been busy today. My sister asked me last week if we can become accountability partners. So we set up an appointment for yesterday for her to come over and weigh and us to talk about weight issues. I have to keep her under control or she will just talk about her ailments all the time. She seems to live or that. So anyway she missed it and just never even blinked when I asked her about it. She had errands to run. So she just said we would meet next Friday at the same time. I suggested today to make up for yesterday. Accountability mean accountability. Her church has a clothing closet and they are in need of size 2x clothes. I finally got MIL to give up some of her clothes. And it was a perfect opportunity for me to give up mine. I had some lovely things of Moms that I had kept, saying I would wear them. I think I was holding on to them just because they were Moms. So I gave them up. The church serves a lower income area and that was always Mom's focus in her day cares so she will be proud to see that she is giving some nice clothes that will help some women find a job or help them with their self esteem. Some of my 2x even had price tags on them! Well, they are gone.

    I was so touched by your message. I still have a dress with tags on that I have been unable to wear because it was one of the last dresses my dad helped me pick out when he was alive and well, seems like yesterday and at the same time a life time ago. I got rid of all the rest, also with tags, because I just couldn't bear to wear them. We gave away all his clothes to the church clothing mission too, he would have liked that. We carry on the legacy they have left for us. God bless. thanks for sharing.

  • amysant
    amysant Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone! For a few days I couldn't figure out where you went! Sigh........being a newbie to message boards has it's challenges! I am really just marking my place right now, and look forward to going through the posts to see what you all have been up to since I lost you! :)
    Denver area