Cathe Fans Part 3!

2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

My first time to start a new thread! I knew we were getting close to the end of our limit there on the old one. :wink:

My workout today is going to just be Spinning this evening. Which is definitely a good one but I missed my early a.m. workout due to lack of sleep myself. :yawn: OY! I couldn’t fall asleep until after 11 sometime (which happens sometimes when my DH is gone) and then my sweet Emma woke me up having a 1 AM snack in the living room. She got into the food container and I could hear her going to town on that. :huh: Little sweets was just hungry I guess.

Laurie: Glad you are feeling better today and got your workout in this a.m. I am thinking it will get easier and easier to follow along. It is just “different” terms to listen for. But yes, you don’t notice the tightness until you’ve actually worked those areas in a way that loosens them up. :smile: Glad I have this one!

Michelle: Definitely good hip flexor stretching on that DVD! Sounds like you had a nice walk with the son so that is good. They love their walks that’s forsure. I know my two have been looking at me wondering when we are going again.

Erika: Hello! Hoping all is well and your DOM’s are doing better today.

Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:



  • repochick
    repochick Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks Tammi that was great!! Good luck on your journey.
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning:yawn:

    Capone woke up at 4am this morning and I actually fell asleep after 12am so I was not a happy camper:grumble: The good thing is that he had to go for 1&2 so I'm happy that I stumbled down the stairs and released him from his crate. We finished up the backsplash last night and because this is our first DIY project it took way longer than it should but my tile man is MIA so we saved $200 in labor and it looks great according to the girls:laugh:

    Rainy weather, major DOMS from those curtsy lunges and plyo jumps has sitting on the toilet painful:blushing: I'm tired so I'm going for an easy day before we head to swim class for the little one. On my agenda is Bar Method:noway: for sure and LB Pilates. Funny how those isometric moves has these poor thighs quivering as if I had squatted with 60lbs:bigsmile:

    Tami- The morning walk definitely tired him out as he slept upon arriving home. I just wished he would stay awake and then crash at night:wink:

    Laurie- Sounds like your body needs some down time especially with the change in weather, allergies, etc. Right now my eldest has been affected these past two weeks along with wheezing which requires her to use an inhaler when it surfaces. This summer at Nana's we had no problems but they have surfaced again unfortunately:grumble: .

    Erika- When is the next P57 session:laugh: I'm still stalking their WEBsite along with Ebay for any good deals:wink:

    Laurel- Hopefully you can pop in when you visit your sister:flowerforyou:

    Kara- I'm assuming school and life has you swamped right now. Hope to hear from you soon:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Weird, I found my post from yesterday morning on a new thread, but I didn't start one...hmmm. Found this one though, so I'm going with that! This morning was P57 Total Body. I'm getting closer to being able to make it through the workout with out stopping, but still have a ways to go. The abs section just kills me, as does the "seat" section. I really love these workouts. I don't feel like I'm killing myself cardio/weights wise, but feel like I worked out good, and am sore afterwards (not as bad as I am from KCM, thank goodness!). I also noticed I have more energy after my workouts now. When I do anything that is hard (Hiit Cardio, Drills, Bootcamps or lots of heavy lifting), I can barely drag myself to work, and I am tired all day. I think it really just wears me down, and I always have a recovery drink. I've always been that way...something weird with my body!

    Tami--Glad you got some sleep...sounds like we're all a little short on sleep these days! I have made a deal with myself, that if I'm tired, I'm going to sleep. I usually fight it, and get my butt out of bed to workout, but as we enter cold season, I'm choosing sleep first, to make sure I fight off that nasty stuff. I've got a hubby and my oldest that are both sick at home, so I'm popping Vitamin C, and getting lots of sleep!

    Michelle--Ugh, your son needs to talk to the dog whisperer! :laugh: He doesn't seem to know what time he wants to get up, huh? I hope he gets on some sort of schedule soon...amazing how they are so much like when our kids were set schedule, and always up early! Glad the tile project is done....those DIY projects can sure take awhile, especially if it's the first go round! I hope those DOMS get better quickly...sounds like you are in the same boat as I was last week...darn curtsy lunges!

    Laurie, Laurel and Kara---Good Morning!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Todays workout was Cardio & Weights, has been a long time since I have done this one and it was fun. :wink:

    Michelle, That little guy (or getting bigger guy! :laugh: ) sure is making the sleep pattern tough isn't he? I will tell you it does get better, but sure seems like forever when you have to get up that early. OUCH on the toilet sitting! Guess that workout is getting you in different places. Yep I'm sure it is allergies, they just seem to come on so quickly. One minute I'm fine, and then all of a sudden I'm stuffed up! :noway: Sorry to hear that your dd is suffering so much through this, that can't be fun. Glad to hear that the tile project is finished, and that the girls like the results.

    Tami, So it seems that our doggies are keeping us up? :noway: Mine was a good girl last night, but homecoming is approaching, so I'm sure that we will be having mischief in our yard that she will have to warn us about. :laugh: i was surprised that this morning I hit the snooze button one more time than I usually do, must be the weather.

    Erika, I think that the site was having problems with posts. Weights are deceptive in that you don't feel tired afterwards, but you have worked muscle fibers. Cardio is usually endurance for legs, which doesn't make me as tired or as hungry for that matter. :wink: Sorry to hear that you have a house full of sick people, I think that it has left ours and gone elsewhere.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    I’m glad everyone found the thread ok ….. :wink: Much better sleeping night last night. Emma stayed out o the food and treats and only wandered around a little bit. So felt good this a.m. and the scheduled workout was STS #9 – Legs, tonight I will hit the 6:30 Spinning class again for my cardio. :wink:

    Erika: I did check out the P57 the other day online. It does look really fun and the music seems great. I’m happy for you that you are liking those workouts so much and they aren’t completely wiping you out. I think all of us have workouts that absolutely work for each of us & certain ones just do wipe a person out forusre. :tongue: You don’t have a weird body! Good job on the sleep and vitamins! I hope you don’t get the sickies like your boys did. That’s too bad. :ohwell: Yes, I definitely had to decide “no” on only 4.5 broken up hours of sleep. My workout wouldn’t have been the best. That doesn’t happen to me too often and knowing I had Spinning, etc. it all worked out.

    Michelle: You gotta love our furry friends … they are such funny creatures, especially as pups. He will get better, hang in there! :wink: Good job saving the $$ on the back splash. I bet it looks good. Enjoy your Bar Method & LB Pilates today. Hopefully those DOM’s have simmered down by then.

    Laurie: Glad you enjoyed your workout. Is “Cardio & Weights” Cathe’s? Aren’t you getting excited for the “new” ones to arrive? I keep seeing the photos and reading more & more about them. :bigsmile: I think they will be good. I know what you are saying on the weather. We were down into the low 40’s last night. Decided when I got up for my workout this a.m. that it might be time to turn on the furnace. We are having a nice sunny day though so that is good.

    Laurel – Hoping you had a good flight and all is well! :flowerforyou: We miss you.

    Hi Kara – Hope you are doing good and school is going well for you! :smile:

    Have a great day everyone!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Well, I think my new P57/Power Walking rotation is going to be just the right thing for me right now! I am definitely sore from P57 yesterday, and a nice fast power walk felt soooo good this morning. Kinda stretched out those tight thighs and just gotta work on the triceps!

    Laurie--I notice I get more tired from weights than anything (like STS made me oh so sleepy after my workouts!), but I think I just need to pair that up with low key cardio and I'd be fine. I am hoping to do another STS rotation in 2011...just gotta figure if I'll do STS, or some combo of STS and other weights too! Glad you enjoyed Cardio & Weights yesterday!

    Tami--Sounds like you had a better night of sleep and some good workouts yesterday! I hope your workouts today are just as fun!

    Good morning Laurel, Michelle and Kara!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today is my yoga day so Yoga Zone Flexibility and Stress Relief with Alan Finger's was my choice. This is an intermediate workout, and really focuses on stretching poses more than all the power yoga moves. It was nice and refreshing, guess is did do the stress relief thing. :wink:

    Tami, Glad Emma had a better night, they really do get flustered when all the "pack" isn't where they are suppose to be. :laugh: Yep Cardio & Weights is a Cathe workout, it also has Imax2 on it. C&C is a step section followed by weights, there are four of these all together, and then she hits the chest and abs after that. The ab section in this one is great. Imax2 is just all out cardio, with a step section and blast, with 10 of them all together. Something that you probably would love.

    Erika, WTG on getting a rotation that you are enjoying, that is what makes us do our workouts. If I dread something then it probably will get sidelined. I'm starting P90X next week, and if I remember correctly I was pretty tired after those weight workouts. Hope that isn't the case this round! :noway:

    Michelle, Did that son of yours sleep late today? :wink:

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning,

    Yes I woke up a bit later and then put Caponew back in the crate for an extra 1/2 hour with all of the lights worked:bigsmile: The DOMS is still here mainly inner thighs though:noway: I must say though that I'm excited to put that Angie KB on tomorrow:bigsmile: I also put away my Amy Bento KB as it just did not deliver that soreness factor.

    Erika- That rotation sounds great! I can completely understand
    n you relist your rotation again:bigsmile:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning,

    I slept in better this morning but still felt lethargic due to the elimination of refined carbs this week. The hormonal cravings has kicked my butt and drastic measures were required. Along with an itchy and sore throat I was planning on skipping my workout but decided to tap into those fat stores:bigsmile:

    This morning was Squeeze Upper Body with Abs and then a pretzel/clam combo for a great 55 minute workout.

    Kara- Your rotation sounds great. Hopefully school will settle down soon but focus on your exams and good luck.

    Erika- I completely understand your thoughts and that is why I switched to Squeeze. I was busting butt, trying to fit everything in and my body was tired, old injuries were aching, bulking and I was not happy! I like the simplicity of those workouts and feel it right away not to mention my knees hate all of those crazy jumps, hops, etc.:bigsmile: Can you relist your new rotation on this thread. Yes my thighs are feeling better except for the inner thighs:bigsmile: .

    Laurie- Yes until 5:30am and then I put him back in the crate until he called me at 5:55am. Then he slept for 2 hrs this morning after eating:grumble:

    Tami- Now I see why you called them your "kids". He is just like a child eating me out of house and home.:laugh: It is funny that we are not dog people but the love I have for the furry guy is suprising.

    Have a great day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning,

    I slept in better this morning but still felt lethargic due to the elimination of refined carbs this week. The hormonal cravings has kicked my butt and drastic measures were required. Along with an itchy and sore throat I was planning on skipping my workout but decided to tap into those fat stores:bigsmile:

    This morning was Squeeze Upper Body with Abs and then a pretzel/clam combo for a great 55 minute workout.

    Kara- Your rotation sounds great. Hopefully school will settle down soon but focus on your exams and good luck.

    Erika- I completely understand your thoughts and that is why I switched to Squeeze. I was busting butt, trying to fit everything in and my body was tired, old injuries were aching, bulking and I was not happy! I like the simplicity of those workouts and feel it right away not to mention my knees hate all of those crazy jumps, hops, etc.:bigsmile: Can you relist your new rotation on this thread. Yes my thighs are feeling better except for the inner thighs:bigsmile: .

    Laurie- Yes until 5:30am and then I put him back in the crate until he called me at 5:55am. Then he slept

    Tami- Now I see why you called them your "kids". He is just like a child eating me out of house and home.:laugh: It is funny that we are not dog people but the love I have for the furry guy is suprising.

    Have a great day!

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I had accidently posted this in that other thread that was somehow started???? So I copied it over:

    Hope you are all doing well!!!!!

    School is so hard that I'm school-obsessed these days. Not much time for the boards. I also fear I'm "stress eating" more than I should. All of my 1st exams are next week. Hopefully that will ease some stress (unless I fail!!).

    So I got the new Amy Bento workouts & am not overly excited. They're okay, but not great to me. I don't think ya'll like complex choreo anyway right? However, I did just do my 1st trade and I'm super excited. I traded my STeve Cotter Extreme Kettlebell dvd set for both of the new Peak 10. I should get them tomorrow or Sat. So I'm going to finish off the year with 6 weeks of a Peak 10 rotation that Michelle (instructor on Peak 10) put out. You do the Peak 10 cardio strength workout 2x, Peak 10 cardio 1x, 1 full body weight workout & 1-2 straight cardio (no intervals) per week. So I'm going to be cutting my p90X+ rotation a bit short in order to fit this 6 week challenge in.

    I'll catch up on everyone's posts during my study breaks today.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~

    Today's workout was Cathe's Cardio Kicks .... which definitely flies by! :wink: No evening workout - had to do a little grocery stop and put a salad together for tomorrow evening's potluck with some ladies from work. I decided after what was on the menu I would definitely bring a healthy salad! :wink: They actually expect it from me they said.

    Erika - Yes. I felt great yesterday and again today - thanks! That's excellent hat P57 is working out for you. Like Laurie said, finding a workout/rotation that you truly look forward to and enjoy so much keeps us motivated forsure! Hope you had a great day.

    Michelle: Hopefully you aren't getting a little cold or something w/ that itchy throat. :huh: Good job on pushing through for a workout, hopefully it sparked the energy level a bit for you. I know sometimes if I'm not feeling just right that helps. I think it's great that you are loving your little son eventhough you aren't really dog people. They have a way of working their puppy magic on people.

    Laurie: Yoga Thursday! Sounds like you had another good one this week. :happy: Thanks for the info. on Cathe's Cardio & Weights .. I figured it was hers but wanted to check. It does sound like something I would like. :smile:

    Kara: Good to hear you are hanging in there with school - I would imagine it is quite an adjustment for you and is demanding nearly all of your mind power. Hopefully after your exams next week it will ease some stress for you. :wink: Sounds like you have a fun new rotation to do, that's awesome and definitely something to look forward to!

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    We stayed up late to grout and finish up the backsplash. Now today we will put back the switchplates and clean and buff the glass tile again..whew:tongue: Last night we missed all of our favorite shows..Bones, Fringe, CSI, so tonight we will watch our recordings:bigsmile: Capone woke up limping this morning and we are clueless as to what happened:frown: I'm wondering if on one of his walks with the eldest and her BFF if they ran him too hard aand he injured his hip:noway: Needless to say I'm worried so I may haave to take him to the vet if it does not get better. My lil one has an early gymnastics class and my obliques are screaming from yesterday's Squeeze waist routine:noway: A bit rainy today so I think I will take an active rest day as I have some running around to do.

    Kara- The rotation sounds great! Good luck with exams and we will see you soon.

    Tami- Yes I grabbed some cough drops and willed some energy into my body. Yes I love my is just the scoop poop factor and the doggy smell that will drive me crazy:laugh: I have him on a good bathing routine and my eldest who is the true owner is in charge of the backyard messes:wink: I must admit though I'm constantly vacuuming, washing our throws, and his doggy bed in order to eliminate any hubby is not sold on the dog idea but the 4 legged guy is definitely family:bigsmile:

    Erika- Finally the DOMS is gone but oooh these obliques are talking to me. Enjoy your weekend break with your boys:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Good morning..what is your mish mosh today:wink:

    Have a great day everyone,
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    Today was No More Trouble Zones with Jillian. :love: Still really enjoy her workouts.

    Ladies** I think that we probably should be posting on the thread that Erika created, because that one has the topic link from our other two topics. Do we want to change or stick with this one?

    Michelle, Not a very creative mish-mosh from me today, I just was in the mood to workout with Jillian this morning. :laugh: Sorry to hear the Capone is limping, you are right he may have agrivated his hip or scuffed the pads of his feet. Sometimes those pads have to toughen up a little. So glad that you dog has become part of the family, yes they do have some good doggie smells sometimes, but they just love us back so much. I'm one that can't stand the bad breath, but Cami is a good girl and will let my youngest dd brush her teeth. She will not let me do it though! :huh:

    Kara, I'm sending you good exam vibes. :wink: I'm guessing that you will do fine, and you are right that might give you relief on the stress. I am interested in those Peak 10 workouts also, have been looking at the reviews on videofitness and they are getting mixed reviews. Let us know how you like them.

    Tami, Yippee on CK flying by, got to love that workout. Love the fact that your friends expect something healthy from you. :wink: I always hope that my motivation to being healthy will inspire someone at some point. :happy:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies-

    I'm feeling like this week is such a rollercoaster! My eating has been kinda off, workouts off, hubby is sick, and work is crazy! Ready for the weekend to get here! I did a short walk on the treadmill yesterday morning and skipped my morning workout today...hopefully will fit it in tonight. Trying to get lots of sleep to avoid getting the virus the hubby has...he's on day 3 of missing work because of it!

    Laurie--I sure hope you aren't getting the rain we've had here...I got stuck in Rochester last night as the highway flooded that I had to take to get home, so it took over 3 hours for what would normally be a 1 hour drive, as they were detouring us around the flooding...10+ inches of rain down there!

    Michelle--Sounds like that backsplash is a lot of work! I love DIY projects, but they do seem to take a lot of time. The savings and end finished project are soooo worth it! Way to go on the workouts yesterday...I have been having an off week...fighting off this crap my hubby has, tired, stressed, etc, so I know how much work it is to get up and get the workout in with all those factors weighing in. So proud of you for kicking some butt on the workout! My rotation is very simple...for the last 2 weeks of September and all of October, it's M-W-F P57 (2 of the days will only be the 30 minute workouts followed by a 30 minute power walk) and then T-Th-Sun will be 1 hour power walk days. I am trying to keep as close to this schedule as possible, as I really want to see what the results of these workouts is going to be. So far, after 3 weeks of doing them just 1 time per week, I'm seeing my tricep muscles really pop, my shoulders just look more defined and my legs are looking awesome...I'm just starting to get that side dimple in my booty like Sylwia has in Tonique too...I'm thinking I'm going to have fantastic results!!! If everything goes as planned, I may be moving strictly to this style of workout, so I'd probably add in some Squeeze or Bar or something else to alternate with. For November, I'm going to try Tonique alternating with Kettlebells...I still gotta try those, as I have heard great things about them. I think my final rotation (December) will be P57 and Kettlebells, but we'll see!

    Tami--OOH cardio that one! Good call on the salad. I'm finding that you gotta do that sometimes! I find myself being the bringer of the healthy foods too! Eventually the others will catch on!

    Kara--Tell me more about the trade. Did you just trade with someone you know, or was it online? I have a few I may want to do that with/for.

    Have a good Friday!!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies :smile:

    Today was STS #9 (Back & Triceps) ... Tonight is my ladies get together so will miss the Spinning class but that's ok - looking forward to the healthy salad/appetizers and fun time with them. :smile:

    Laurie: I didn't see where Kara's post is but I can look for it and start posting there. I wonder if that day I started this one and never had before; so didn't do the link portion. :blushing: At any rate I will go wherever you all go! :smile: Just let me know. Nice workout today. I miss Jillian workouts; I may have to get one in soon. Recently I was thinking about the BFBM workout :heart: that one! Did you look into her new workout that is out?

    Erika: I imagine your week has felt a bit on the crazy side. Taking care of the family, work, workouts, etc.... Yowsa! I will be thinking good thoughts for you so you don't get the sickies with them. :wink: Yes, I hope they all enjoy the salad. This is the group that think I always have "weird" food. :laugh: :blushing: but always want to know all about what is in whatever I'm eating!

    Michelle: Your active rest day probably burns a lot more calories than most! Sounds like you are keeping plenty busy. Hope little Capone is ok. I know with ours they sometimes have limping moments after a long walk or what not and then seem fine the next day. Might have bruised a pad or something like Laurie said.

    Kara - Hello and Happy Friday.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :flowerforyou: Hoping to get in another Yoga/Stretch and take the dogs for a walk. Might even try out the new dog park. :wink:

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member

    Kara--Tell me more about the trade. Did you just trade with someone you know, or was it online? I have a few I may want to do that with/for.
    I was just reading a random thread & this lady mentioned how if anyone had this particular dvd that she would be up for a trade. I sent her a private message & told her that there's not much on my wish list. But on my wish list was the 2 Peak 10 dvds & she offered to buy them & have them shipped to me in exchange for my dvd set (my set is worth more than the 2 Peak 10s). And that's it. It was worth it to me just because I had this dvd set sitting on my shelf that I knew I was never really going to use, so even if my set originally cost more I still feel like it was a great deal for both of us!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was P90X Chest & Back along with Ab Ripper X. So starts my new rotation. :laugh: Feeling all those muscles, and I used my Cathe Power Tower for all the Pull Ups.

    Lots of work outside this weekend, and I have a very large pile of brush that the town needs to pick up.

    Erika, Nope we didn't get the rain, but other parts of WI got way to much and there is flooding. Sounds like you have a great rotation going with your P57 workouts.

    Tami, Let us see what all the other ladies want to do, and then we will change. How was your get together? I looked at the new Jillian workout with the kettlebell, and I'm passing on that one. But she has a new ab workout, that I'm going to get. It seems to be similar to Cardio Core Circuit, with two workouts. :wink:

    Kara, What a great way to get workouts that you want!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Ooh this morning I woke up to Fall weather which is my favorite season:bigsmile: Yesterday my son woke up at 4:30 which was a drag but I pushed through and completed Bar Method and then a long walk...not to mention the usual household chores to keep the place smelling good:laugh:

    I decided to move the crate into a darker corner for Capone and he actually slept in until 5:50:bigsmile: until he heard me flush the toilet and started barking:ohwell: For some reason I actually feel as if it is 4:30am instead and I'm tired:yawn: , then my eldest has to pick up her BFF as her mom leaves very early and unfortunately missed the bus because the littlle girl could not find her backpack:grumble: So I'm telling my daughter to chase her dad down who had just drove down the street since there was no way they could run down the street and catch that bus:noway: After 15minutes of helping them search to no avail I just told Mikayla to grab another backpack and explain to the teacher the problem, as the mother never responded to the text so we are not sure if she left it in her car or at the sleepover she attended. Afterwards I actually went and slept for another hour and so did Capone:bigsmile:

    Erika- I like your rotation and I can honestly say I told you of the wonders of this method..the proof is in my shoulders and arms. I would love to join you on a similar rotation in November but I may use my 2nd advanced Bar dvd with KB, Tonique may be too much for my knees not to mention the gazillion lunges:bigsmile: For October I will follow that same rotation M-W-F- 1hr Bar Method and T-TH-S- Cathe's MMA Boxing & Kickmax....Oooh a booty go woman:wink: My booty dimples are called cellulite:laugh:

    Laurie & Tami- Capone is still able to run and play but the limp does resume again afterwards. This morning the limp seems gone so I'm hoping that his play yesterday helped to loosen the muscles/strain. I will continue to observe but I may need to head to the vet which stinks b/c there are so many to choose from here. This is just like seraching for a new doctor for the girls:laugh: The post is waaay in the back b/c this one has been moving along and already has 18 messages:wink:

    Laurie- Give my love to Tony:wink:

    Kara- Good luck on those exams:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- I hope all is going well with the visit and house hunting.

    Have a great day.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Today was STS (Meso 3) Chest/Back which was heavy weights but I felt really strong through the whole workout! :happy: Tonight was Turbo Kick :tongue: which also felt good. There were only 5 of us in the class ~ I think because it was sunny and nice. Weekend was good, we had really nice weather so I ended up taking the "kids" for an early a.m. walk both mornings and to the dog park yesterday afternoon. I also got in Plyo Legs yesterday. :wink:

    Michelle: Fall can be such a beautiful season! I love it the most when it is warm in the day and crisp in the a.m. Your morning sounds a little crazy! :noway: Sounds like you have a great rotation planned. The Bar Method DVD's do look like great workouts, I have never tried one but from the sounds of it they create a nice challenge. Good luck on finding your new vet for Capone. I hope he continues to get better and better. :smile:

    Laurie: WOW! P90X started today huh?!? that's great. How did you feel doing the workout? Excited to begin your new challenge? Thanks for asking on the get together. It was fun and they ALL tried my salad and want the recipe. It was fun to have them enjoy it and ask me about it. We had good conversation and laughter, lots of fun. What's the name of the new one that is similar to CCC? That sounds fun. :wink:

    Kara - Hope you had a nice weekend. That is a great way to get the DVD's you want, I agree!

    Erika - Hello! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have had a great day ~ I'll chat with you tomorrow.
This discussion has been closed.