TheFast Diet



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    ROFL at person who thinks zero calorie fasting for 16 hours a day is wonderful and restricting to 600 a day twice a week is pointless and ridiculous. :laugh:

    I've nothing against Leangains, perfectly valid choice, but to champion one form of IF over another makes zero sense.

    Both methods work just like both methods suit different people.

    I said several times neither lead to any form of accelerated fat loss. That is what the topic is about. No human should be eating 1,200 calories over 48 hours.

    Good day!

    Wait who is eating 1200 over 48 hours? IS that what you think 5:2 is? Um no.

    Monday fast day.... Tuesday AND Wednesday normal TDEE....Thursday fast day....... Friday, Saturday AND Sunday normal TDEE days. Where is someone fasting for 48 hours? Do you have a new timezone I don't know about?

    4:3...... Every 3rd day is a fast day..... no 2 days in a row. Once again.... I have no idea how you came up with it.

    600 for MEN..... 500 for WOMEN. You are stuck on one MENtality...... that would be the testosterone in you making it hard to think.

    Ok, same thing applies, no human needs to eat 500 calories in one day, what is your point? It's a pointless strategy.

    Point is where did you get 48 hours from? Who is eating 1200 in 48 hours? If you cant even get that right then you really do need to go learn more.

    Just because it doesn't really matter whether its over 48 hours or 24 hours - it doesn't need to happen. It doesn't hold any relevance to the situation, a human shouldn't be eating 500 calories in 24 hours either.

    Says who?

    Is this all because YOU would not be able to do it?

    Give me PROOF that nobody should be able to do it. I know when people have surgery they dont eat.... you saying they should?

    I have done several water fasts for 48 hours, to test things, to widen my knowledge. I never said nobody can do it, I'm just saying it's ridiculous. I like how you use comparison to having surgery and just living normal everyday life.

    I am actually done here now, keep doing 5:2 - I don't care, not one bit - but if you re-read the thread you'll realize the whole time I was saying it doesn't accelerate fat loss - you can't prove me wrong on that, because it defies science.

    Good luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I must admit to being of the belief that the publicity on the diet is misleading. Not necessarily by the authors but by people who write about it.

    One girl I know is 5ft 2 and was eating over 2000 calories on her normal days and wondered why she wasn't losing. When I explained 2000 calories is for the "average" sized woman (I am vertically challenged myself) she got quite stroppy with me.

    You have to be realistic about your intake when you are not fasting. You can't eat all the pies and all the chocolate washed down with Pinot Grigio. It is still a diet, and it takes discipline, and if you are smaller than average you have to eat less than 2000 cals on non fast days.

    For the OP this would be the only issue I could see with this particular "diet"'s exactly that.

    those on 5:2 is it to loose weight? if so what happens when you have lost what you wanted??? stay on 5:2 just upping your calories? and if you don't log how do you keep track of the calories?

    I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone just saying if you have 5-10lbs left to loose simply being in a calorie deficet in a healthy way (regardless of the way) will do that for you in about 10-20 weeks depending on how much you want to loose a week.

    I personally could not fast for 2 days (I get dizzy and almost faint without at least 1300 calories a day).
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    ROFL at person who thinks zero calorie fasting for 16 hours a day is wonderful and restricting to 600 a day twice a week is pointless and ridiculous. :laugh:

    I've nothing against Leangains, perfectly valid choice, but to champion one form of IF over another makes zero sense.

    Both methods work just like both methods suit different people.

    I said several times neither lead to any form of accelerated fat loss. That is what the topic is about. No human should be eating 1,200 calories over 48 hours.

    Good day!

    Wait who is eating 1200 over 48 hours? IS that what you think 5:2 is? Um no.

    Monday fast day.... Tuesday AND Wednesday normal TDEE....Thursday fast day....... Friday, Saturday AND Sunday normal TDEE days. Where is someone fasting for 48 hours? Do you have a new timezone I don't know about?

    4:3...... Every 3rd day is a fast day..... no 2 days in a row. Once again.... I have no idea how you came up with it.

    600 for MEN..... 500 for WOMEN. You are stuck on one MENtality...... that would be the testosterone in you making it hard to think.

    Ok, same thing applies, no human needs to eat 500 calories in one day, what is your point? It's a pointless strategy.

    Point is where did you get 48 hours from? Who is eating 1200 in 48 hours? If you cant even get that right then you really do need to go learn more.

    Just because it doesn't really matter whether its over 48 hours or 24 hours - it doesn't need to happen. It doesn't hold any relevance to the situation, a human shouldn't be eating 500 calories in 24 hours either.

    Says who?

    Is this all because YOU would not be able to do it?

    Give me PROOF that nobody should be able to do it. I know when people have surgery they dont eat.... you saying they should?

    I have done several water fasts for 48 hours, to test things, to widen my knowledge. I never said nobody can do it, I'm just saying it's ridiculous. I like how you use comparison to having surgery and just living normal everyday life.

    I am actually done here now, keep doing 5:2 - I don't care, not one bit - but if you re-read the thread you'll realize the whole time I was saying it doesn't accelerate fat loss - you can't prove me wrong on that, because it defies science.

    Good luck!

    You did a water fast for 48 hours & you call US ridiculous? Bet you still ate though? Water in food... you did nothing.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Oh by the way...what happens when the body does not get food for energy & basic organ functions..... where does the energy come from.....

    Oh wait.... fat stores....
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I must admit to being of the belief that the publicity on the diet is misleading. Not necessarily by the authors but by people who write about it.

    One girl I know is 5ft 2 and was eating over 2000 calories on her normal days and wondered why she wasn't losing. When I explained 2000 calories is for the "average" sized woman (I am vertically challenged myself) she got quite stroppy with me.

    You have to be realistic about your intake when you are not fasting. You can't eat all the pies and all the chocolate washed down with Pinot Grigio. It is still a diet, and it takes discipline, and if you are smaller than average you have to eat less than 2000 cals on non fast days.

    For the OP this would be the only issue I could see with this particular "diet"'s exactly that.

    those on 5:2 is it to loose weight? if so what happens when you have lost what you wanted??? stay on 5:2 just upping your calories? and if you don't log how do you keep track of the calories?

    I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone just saying if you have 5-10lbs left to loose simply being in a calorie deficet in a healthy way (regardless of the way) will do that for you in about 10-20 weeks depending on how much you want to loose a week.

    I personally could not fast for 2 days (I get dizzy and almost faint without at least 1300 calories a day).

    This way of eating certainly isn't for everyone. But it does work well for many people.
    Just to clarify a few things-
    1. You do not completely fast on the 2 days, you eat 500 cals, or 600 for males. Some may actually go zero cals, but it isn't intended to be done that way.
    2. The 'fast' days are not consecutive. You always have at least 2 days of higher calories in between the low calorie days.
    3. For most people, if they are wanting to lose weight, they still count calories on their high cal days. They eat at maintenance or slightly below on those days.
    4 When they reach goal and move into maintenance, many people will still 'fast' one day a week. By now, they have learned how to eat in moderation on their normal days, and most do not need to count cals every day. The one 'fast' day gives them the health benefits from the plan, and helps make sure they don't go over their maintenance for the week. If they find they are losing when they no longer wish to, then they add more calories to the normal days.

    Again, this is certainly not for everyone. But it is good for many people, not only for weight loss and maintenance, but for health benefits as well.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Oh by the way...what happens when the body does not get food for energy & basic organ functions..... where does the energy come from.....

    Oh wait.... fat stores....

    Not over one day it doesn't you baboon.

    And it comes right down to name calling. Wow real mature. I'm sure your 'clients' get the same treatment. Consider yourself reported.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Alot of jimmies being rustled in this thread another day on MFP.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Seriously, that man has to hijack any thread on this subject and turn it into a bun fight and now he's resorted to name calling. Awesome. What a pro.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Well offending post is gone anyway.

    Perhaps he's on an 8 hour binge?
  • KeriAnn06
    KeriAnn06 Posts: 49 Member
    My friend lives his life doing Intermittent Fasting. He is in the best shape of anyone I know, competes in fitness competitions and it's just a really healthy guy. I'm more interested in carb cycling though. It works really well getting off those last few pounds.
  • KeriAnn06
    KeriAnn06 Posts: 49 Member
    Many people do plateau at your type of weight loss strategy. While I believe that eating a good healthy diet and clearly creating a caloric deficit will cause weight loss, it eventually stops for most people and they need to do something different to break that plateau. My friend does IF every day of his life and it works really well for him. He is not eating any less calories than he should. He Is just doing it in a certain window of time. I haven't read enough on it to know why your body seems to burn calories/fat in this case but if it's working for him then all the power to him!
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    The 5:2 diet is just a way of reducing your overall calories for the week to give you weight loss. I tried it and had zero problems controling myself on the 500 cal days, it was the "eat at maintenance" days that threw me. I found myself eating far more and that cut in to the defecit I had created by eating at 500 cals for two days lol.

    I know a number of people who have had great success with it though. Some people prefer a more severe limit of calories for just 2 days rather than a slight limit 7 days a week.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    OP I'd recommend that you go for the 5:2 groups instead of out in the public because you'll get much more information, experiences and help over there :smile:

    Apart from that.. I follow the 5:2 and sometimes 4:3 and it works for me. Yes, it is a calorie deficit program, but let's face it, the only way to lose weight is by creating a weekly deficit in the calories consume / calories burned. There is no other way.

    However, I tried the daily 1200 and to be honest it was a pain. I travel a lot. I move from one city to other country a lot! I am a social butterfly, so lunch with friends, weekly dinners and day trips that include a lot of yummy food are part of my schedule. Not counting that every six months I'm due to travel across to another country for a week where multiple yummy meals are part of the days. AND I'm moving from a rich calorie country (Switzerland) to another rich food country (Singapore in a month). In sum, the 1200 or daily restricting calorie was very hard to follow and I felt that I was losing experiences that probably I won't be able to get again. Not eating yummy cheeses in Switzerland and eating only salads was quite depressing!

    Hence my decision to follow this program.

    It is working as I tend to average around 1200 and 1300 a day per week, but I get to eat at maintenance or a bit over 5 or 4 days a week, while I keep a high restrictive days. I get to put my social schedule around feast days and I not only get to try yummy food, but without even realizing, I've been consuming less during those days (I'm not as hungry as before, so I try to bring the calories up with calories dense food).

    Does it work for everyone? No.

    Is it an excuse to binge during feast days? No. You still need to keep an average at the end of the week.

    I don't have to lose a lot of weight anymore (I'm on normal BMI but I want to reach the low side of my range and lose some sizes) so even though the weight is coming off slower, it is coming!...

    As every single program, you need to choose the one that works for you, for your life style, and for your schedule. What works for me, it might not work for you. Period.
  • Nicgianni1
    I am glad you are doing so well!