Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I went to water aerobics tonight and really enjoyed it. I am more of a night owl and mornings are difficult for me, so going at night works well for me. The workout was very tough and the steam room and Jacuzzi were very relaxing. Maybe they will help me sleep. I am really going to make an effort to go three times per week, yoga once and walk the other days. I need to get up earlier so I can work on my business which is suffering since I decided to unstress myself.

    Had a good day today, Well under my Macros. Could have a snack, but afraid to eat this late at night. My hubby decided not to take the steady job and I am so happy. I didn't want to influence him and I kind of was glad he would not be traveling and gone on the weekends. However, by not taking the steady job, he will work less hours, make more money and he will have the freedom to take off with me and travel, which I very much want. We want to spend at least two months in the winter in Florida, but with a steady job that would not be possible. Also, we want to drive across country and see the sights as soon as next Spring or Summer gets here.

    When I weighed at the gym this evening, I weighed one lbs less that at home this morning.I am going to go by my home scale weight though because it was in the morning and I started on that scale

    Tops - Thanks for the advice. My neighbor told me that also, so I will definitely watch that. My hubby even said it might have been the pita bread that triggered it last night. Do you eat gluten at all?

    skinnyjeansbound - Well I will admit to eating a petrified French Fry that was left in the McDonalds bag, but I draw the line at that

    Nvirgo - Kaye jogged my memory. It was that helped me out. She will even send you reminders if you want her to. Being someone who is easily distracted, reminders help me stay on track

    Gkay - Glad your Dr's visit went well and hope your recovery continues. Thanks for jogging my memory about Flylady. I bought her workbook on Clutter control and only had Clutter in my mind

  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    Monday check-in -- I feel like I've been doing really well - staying on target and under calories; getting exercise and water in most days. I had a little slip up at dinner tonight - wasn't watching how much I was eating as well as I should have, then was picking at the leftovers. It wasn't a totally bad day - I had done fine up to that point - but just wanting to recognize that I let go of the control tonight. I'll pick it back up tomorrow.

    @kay - glad to hear your dr visit went well for your knee. That pedaler sounds like a good option for getting some strength back.

    @susan - i agree - love the little dog. And we needed a breed that didn't shed and had hair instead of fur because my husband and son are allergic. :) BTW - I did resist the ice cream last night. lol.

    @tootsie - we'll be cheering you on when you start your marathon training. I get the runner's envy. My husband is a runner. Our whole extended family does a 5k race at Thanksgiving - I've never been able. Maybe this should be my year.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on achieving success this weekend either through weight loss or reaching a personal goal. The hard work is paying off.

    To those struggling right now, hang in there and be sure to make time for yourself. So many times we forget to take time for ourselves because we are concerned about everyone else. We are important and need that time to collect our thoughts, relax or just spend time with other people.

    I survived the first day of school and only had a half of muffin. It really wasn't that good but it was something to munch on during the second part of the morning meetings. I have meetings every morning this week until about 11:30 AM. Then I can work in my classroom to get ready for Monday. Today, the seating arrangement is acceptable but not my favorite, the posters have been hung (hope they stay up) and my desk is organized for now. It was good afternoon of work but the classroom just feels dirty. I hope the custodial staff does a final wipe down before we open. They are still polishing the floors and that stuff smells like crazy.
    Tonight I worked with my trainer and it was a major strength training night with lots of work on the abs, needless to say food and ab workout not a good combination. I will remember not to eat dinner after that workout one of these days.

    I am pondering a couple of new activities all of which will challenge me in some physical way.
    1. Completing the Seagull Century- A bike ride on the Eastern Shore of Maryland that is mostly flat but has lots of ditches near along the roadside. The course is either 100 miles or the metric version which is 67 miles, I believe there is a smaller ride about 35 miles. My BFF is riding the course along with my trainer and a couple of co-workers so I think I can do it. I might go for the metric century. Will decide this week--I just wish I had the confidence in myself that other people seem to have in me.

    2. A co-worker and her BF will be biking across America starting in June after school is out. I have been asked if I want to go with them. This will be a wonderful trip that will start in Seattle, WA and end in Annapolis, MD. It will take about 48 days. I still need more details but they will cover about 60-70 miles a day and take every 7th day off. They will be staying at bed and breakfasts at night so that is a plus. This would be an awesome trip plus I would get to see many parts of the country. Major concern- riding the open roads, going over the Rockies Mts. and of course nerve damage from such a long ride. We would be carrying our supplies on the bikes since there are no support cars. It also means riding through all types of weather. It would be the trip of a lifetime. I am just not sure if I am ready to commit to a bike ride like this without a support staff. It will also mean purchasing a new bike that is designed for touring- a little heavier than my hybrid but it is sturdier for the long trip.

    3. I may do a deep water aerobics class on Saturday mornings. This will enable me to hit the pool at least one day a week while working on my core strength. I can always swim laps if I have the strength when I am done.

    4. I still want to do that sprint triathlon in April of 2014.

    So many opportunities are coming up and yet I am doubting my ability to accomplish these tasks. I may just take them one at a time and work out the pros and cons of each one.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Thanks to you all for your kind words....I didnt even realize how much I needed them until I read them......I hated weighing in today.....I gained almost 4 lbs....ugh!....I really didnt want to work out I just wanted to go home and go to bed...but I worked out for an hour ..I slammed balls and made waves with ropes and lifted weight while stretching in between..I also did knee kicks into a ball that I held against the wall and used the rebounder with weighted balls....I was sweating up a hair was soaked! Picked my daughter up from work saw my dad and picked up his dirty clothes.....home for my apple and peanut butter ....log in on this site and then off to try and sleep......oh and I also worked this morning.
    P.s. my husband comes home tomorroe evening sometime.....wonder if we can make it through a evening home together without arguing...I really hope so....good night all you lovely people!
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Monday check-in- Had a pretty good weekend (including today as I work 4 - 10's) and stayed at or just above my calories, this is kinda a big deal for me. I tend to undo a lot of my hard work on weekends. So I call this weekend a success. I have tomorrow off from work also and plan on cleaning a lot and doing anything to keep me off my rear and keep me from getting bored!

    Hope you all are having a terrific week!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--wow, a lot of big decisions for you. I think you should definitely do the Seagull Century--either the miles or metric version. I would think carefully about that cross-country bike trip. Not b/c I don't think you can physically handle it--I'm sure you could do it if you set your mind to it. I would be more concerned about the fact that there is no support--I'm sure your friends have contingency plans in case of an emergency, injury, etc., but I would be hesitant to take such a long trip with no support cars. Also, it's just a really long trip to take with anyone--you will have to think about whether you will be happy spending that much time with your colleague and her bf.

    Glad you made it through the 1st day of school--and only half a muffin? That's awesome--a fellow teacher on here posted that she ate 6 krispy cream donuts at her school today. I'll never understand why educators always bring such unhealthy food to work. :grumble: I can't believe you get 5 afternoons in your classroom to prepare for students--we get 2 hours on Friday; whatever else we need to do will have to get done on our own time. :ohwell:

    @lori--good attitude--we all have those little slips and that mindless eating can be the hardest habit to break. Just keep at it and you will break it eventually. :flowerforyou:

    @katrena--sounds like you have a great exercise plan!

    @helena--I don't know if they have Taco Bell in Houston, but if so, a regular crunchy beef taco is 170 calories and you could probably get 2 for about $3. I know the fresco menu is also pretty healthy, but I'm not sure of the cost of those items b/c I've never eaten them.

    @nicole--I would focus on macros without too much concern right for eating "clean"--focus on getting enough protein and fiber and your carbs and sugars will naturally go down.

    @robin--the dishwasher is a portable, so no installation necessary. Yes, it's working just fine.

    @nvertigo--I find that making lists of all of the things I need to do actually reduces my stress. I also like the feeling of accomplishment when I can check something off the list. In just a week or so, you will start to see my "grading" to-do lists now that school is starting.

    @kelley--I know, but I refuse to let the bump up in calories scare me away from sticking with this change for at least 6 weeks. I tried to up my calories a couple of months ago, but then got scared and went right back down. This time I'm going to stick with it--I just need to keep reminding myself that I'm still eating at a deficit, so there's NO reason to worry.

    AFM--Today the DH and I went to the mall to get him a new pair of cowboy boots. It was a hike to a mall about a half hour away that actually had a western wear shop. DH *hates* the mall--I can't even remember the last time we went to one together, but it was actually a pleasant experience.

    We stopped at the Bass Pro Shop to see if they had any boots and decided to look at the boats. Now mind you, we have zero money and zero intention of actually buying said boat, but we were just looking for fun. We even had a fake "boat fight" about which boat we should get. DH wanted the $30,000 pontoon "party boat" b/c it would fit so many people (which is hilarious if you actually know my husband--he doesn't like too many people :laugh: ). I "argued" that we would never invite *that* many people to come on "our boat" at one time. Instead, I wanted the lovely $50,000 cabin cruiser b/c it had red and silver sparkly trim and it "looked fast." Anyways, it was silly but we had fun. :tongue:

    After we got home, I did some grocery shopping and decided to mow the lawn and do some yard work instead of going to the gym. I have a calorie surplus tonight (almost 500 cal) which is good b/c tomorrow I'm going to see Journey with a group of friends. Though I don't plan to go crazy, it will be nice to have a cushion for a few cocktails and some munchies at the show.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk at festival DONE + dance at festival DONE
    Sun--run outside w/gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but mowed lawn/gardened
    Tues--walk gunner (going to Ravinia to see Journey)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym if time (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (festival so more dancing)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thanks to you all for your kind words....I didnt even realize how much I needed them until I read them......I hated weighing in today.....I gained almost 4 lbs....ugh!....I really didnt want to work out I just wanted to go home and go to bed...but I worked out for an hour ..I slammed balls and made waves with ropes and lifted weight while stretching in between..I also did knee kicks into a ball that I held against the wall and used the rebounder with weighted balls....I was sweating up a hair was soaked! Picked my daughter up from work saw my dad and picked up his dirty clothes.....home for my apple and peanut butter ....log in on this site and then off to try and sleep......oh and I also worked this morning.
    P.s. my husband comes home tomorroe evening sometime.....wonder if we can make it through a evening home together without arguing...I really hope so....good night all you lovely people!

    Sounds like you had a great workout at the gym! It's hard to see the scale go up, but remember that every fluctuation doesn't necessarily mean a "true" gain of actual body fat. In order to truly gain 4 lbs you would need to have eaten 14,000 calories OVER you maintenance amount (not your MFP deficit amount).

    Try weighing daily and you'll get used to the ups and downs on the scale--I do that and only update my ticker when I drop below my previous lowest weight (otherwise, I would be adding and subtracting pounds everyday).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Monday check-in- Had a pretty good weekend (including today as I work 4 - 10's) and stayed at or just above my calories, this is kinda a big deal for me. I tend to undo a lot of my hard work on weekends. So I call this weekend a success. I have tomorrow off from work also and plan on cleaning a lot and doing anything to keep me off my rear and keep me from getting bored!

    Hope you all are having a terrific week!

    That's a great NSV!! I can totally relate--for me overcoming the "boredom eating" was the hardest part of this whole process.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Thanks for the advice! I was feeling down about it and I knew I slipped a little but dang not that much.
    Working on a workout plan at home tomorrow with a new set of kettlebells I bought!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    2. A co-worker and her BF will be biking across America starting in June after school is out. I have been asked if I want to go with them. This will be a wonderful trip that will start in Seattle, WA and end in Annapolis, MD. It will take about 48 days. I still need more details but they will cover about 60-70 miles a day and take every 7th day off. They will be staying at bed and breakfasts at night so that is a plus. This would be an awesome trip plus I would get to see many parts of the country. Major concern- riding the open roads, going over the Rockies Mts. and of course nerve damage from such a long ride. We would be carrying our supplies on the bikes since there are no support cars. It also means riding through all types of weather. It would be the trip of a lifetime. I am just not sure if I am ready to commit to a bike ride like this without a support staff. It will also mean purchasing a new bike that is designed for touring- a little heavier than my hybrid but it is sturdier for the long trip.

    I think any of these activities sound amazing, but I would encourage the cross country adventure. The reason is the life experiences you will capture along the way are priceless. I've been following the journey of a young man, Alex. I actually lived with their family when Alex was only 6 months old. He's now a 23-year old man and is doing this exact journey right now. He started in Seattle and his goal is to land in Ocean City, MD for his family's annual Labor Day outing. I cannot tell you how excited I've been to follow his journey. It's been amazing!!!! Now Alex is in amazing shape I will have to say and this is a solo ride, which had his parents scared to death. He's been taking pictures, posting on FB and an app for tracking your ride. He's met some remarkable angels along the way who have helped him on his journey when spokes were broken or weather was bad that he was stuck. Elderly couples, Vietnam Vet, young people, etc. . .have all come to his aide along the journey. He has stayed in tents, bike volunteers barns, and hotels. It's truly been a lifetime experience that he will never ever forget. Since you've got company, I say GO FOR IT!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check In: For the most part, I'm very pleased so far. It's been 2 weeks since I've been back on track. While I haven't lost anything in the past week, I know it will eventually come off. I stayed under my calories and got back into an exercise routine. Working with the trainer is going to be really good for me (thanks Kelley and Laurie) for the tips. So far so good!!

    @ Robin - I think I missed saying CONGRATS on your 3 years. I'm so thankful you started this thread and you've been so dedicated. You should be so proud because of all the wonderful people you've been able to keep together. It's awesome!!! Plus, I've been so proud of your focus lately on strength training. It's such a good workout and you're doing great!

    @ Katrena - I'm so proud of you!! It sounds like you're really taking the bull by the horns and trying to stay focused. Good for you!! Keep it up! Also, did you say you were from Atlanta? I don't know if I remembered that. Where in ATL? I just moved from there last year after living in Atlanta for 18 years. I lived in the Lilburn near Mountain Park. I miss some things, but not the crazy traffic that's for sure.

    @ Skinny - Have a blast a Journey!!! When I was at the restaurant show in Chicago a few years ago, Journey performed a concert at the House of Blues. We had a blast and sang to every song. It was awesome!!! Enjoy your night out. Drinks allowed!!!!!

    @ nvertigo - Everyone handles organization activities a little differently and you definitely need to go at your own pace. I've read somewhere they say to pick one area and focus on that for 30 minutes then stop. You do what you can and then stop. This way you're not so overwhelmed with everything on your plate and it will get down eventually just a bit slower pace. I'm notorious for making list too, but you have to do what works best for you. Hang in there!!!

    @ Lori - Good job passing on the ice cream. So proud of you!!!

    @ nicole - I had to do the same thing and pace myself. With work, Cyrus, me time and trying to squeeze in FB, MFP and a few others I was getting a bit overwhelmed. I decided to stay on MFP the most since I need this support.

    @ Kelley - I'm so glad you had a good weekend with your grams and the family. How nice!! Plus, I battle curly hair too. There are definitely some hair dressers who work better with longer and shorter hair, but finding them is the key.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member

    Tops - Thanks for the advice. My neighbor told me that also, so I will definitely watch that. My hubby even said it might have been the pita bread that triggered it last night. Do you eat gluten at all?

    I avoid gluten most of the time... I have gotten to the point (after totally avoiding for about 6months) that I can have SOME with few effects. This weekend though I ate gluten 2 days in a row and have paid dearly for it!!! My first bout of reflux/heartburn since January!!! I do thank God I am not actually allergic to gluten.... I have seen people struggle with serious food allergies and it is awful!!!
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning from the Uk

    Bumping for a darn good read later.

    The promise I've made, to myself, is listen, learn and participate.

    Nicola :smile:
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    NSV: I am wearing a shirt that I haven't been able to wear in over a year. And it fits just great!!
  • JadieCakes88
    Hey guys, iv tried numerous times at weight loss, I succeed Nd then it all comes back.. Well most of it! I lost 5 stone and put 3 back on then lost 2.5 stone and put 1.12 back on! I ultimately want to loose another 3 stone and would find it very helpful if some of you guys could as me as friends for the support and just don't can see other people doing great on my news feed would really inspire me. Thanks :) Jadie x
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Nice surprise on the main feed this morning, today marks one-year of logging in a row – that was nice to see! :happy:

    Zoe is one determined kitty, this morning when I woke up she had dragged her bed upstairs. This was quite an undertaking for her - this bed usually sits behind a recliner in my living room, she sleeps there when I sit in that recliner with my laptop to work. So she dragged it out from behind that chair, up the stairs and into my bedroom. I laughed so hard when I saw it sitting there this morning! :laugh:

    @Katrena~I’m a night owl too, kind of bad considering I leave for work before the sun comes up so I have to force myself to go to bed at a decent hour.

    @NVirgo~Try not to think about the big picture, it can be daunting. Like others suggested, try making a list of things to be done. Just concentrate on checking one or two items off your list each evening, before you know it you’ll have checked everything off. I try to devote 30-minutes each night to a room in the house, get it organized and cleaned up, etc., that way I won’t have to spend my weekends cleaning. It’s just me so there aren’t a lot of messes to pick up, also I can’t stand clutter so try to keep things picked up as I go along.

    @Kaye~That pedaler should do wonders for your knee. When I had my meniscusectomy last year that is the first thing my doc started me on after surgery, it really help to strengthen my knee.

    @Laurie~So many opportunities coming your way, how exciting. I think the trek next summer sounds like so much fun, but like Karen it would concern me not to have any support on a trip like that. I am confident you could do it, but if there was an injury or something and didn’t have any support cars that would worry me a little. Definitely do the Seagull Century though, it will be a really good starting point for riding longer miles. Glad you had a good first day back at school and with just a half a muffin – fantastic! :flowerforyou:

    @Karen~Sounds like you and the hubs had a fun afternoon, even dragging him to the mall. :laugh: Enjoy Journey tonight, I saw them with Foreigner a few years ago – it was like stepping back into 1980. LOL

    @luster~Great NSV!

    AFM~Took a rest day from the gym yesterday and tackled some things around the house – namely getting all the folded clothes in the laundry room put away, then moved around the master bedroom furniture to get rid of dust bunnies (and find cat toys along the way). My goal this week is for my anaerobic threshold (AT) to have dropped when I have my active metabolic assessment (AMA) test, its been a year and I’m being retested on Friday morning. Sure would be nice if I didn't have to work out as hard to hit that. :wink: Its going to be interesting to see how the metabolic coach has me do it this time, I may have to run some of it.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE! :tongue:
    Tuesday~Ellip or Arc Trainer
    Thursday~AMA Friday morning so easy workout, probably long walk on TM
    Friday~AMA in morning, then a day of errands/shopping (maybe hair appt) in afternoon
    Saturday~HIIT on Ellip + row

    Have a great day!
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Good morning everyone! My goal for August was to not weigh myself. I'm succeeding because I took my scale to my daughters, so this has not been much of a struggle...gotta do what ya gotta do, right? lol

    The September 1 scale goal is to be anything under my previous July 5th weight of 199.8. I saw Onederland for a day and it bounced back up...typical for me.

    And today's goal is to get my house clean!

    18 year old DD is going to be home for dinner tonight, first time in a while. I'm making her favorites - Pulled BBQ pork, scalloped potatoes, steamed broccoli and strawberries for dessert. Looking forward to that!
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Good Morning,

    Well, I tried the battle rope workout last night. I couldnt believe how hard it was. Not so much from the point of endurance or strength but coordination. I swear the rope was fighting me the whole time. I did the beginning workout of 10 min and by the end I was glad it was over with no heart attack - just kidding. But it was intense. It is such a different type of exercise that I am curiously attracted to it. So, I will try it again tonight as long as it is cool enough. On a side note, If you are trying to kill your grass, then do the battle rope workout. The 25 foot strip where the ropes where hitting the grass was bare by the end of the workout!!!!

    I got another good night sleep last night!!!! So, I am feeling rested and still on an emotional high from my success this weekend.

    My goal for this week is to do the battle rope workout at least 3 times and continue my daily walking.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I'm not going to do personals b/c I'm pressed for time.

    Tuesday Goal:
    To finish laundry and get the house picked up and presentable before my friends get here this afternoon. They will be here around 2:30 so we can head to the concert. It doesn't start until 7, but the venue opens at 4 and we want to get there early to find a good spot on the lawn--it's a picnic-like area for those with lawn tickets, so people really spread out and it can get crowded really quickly.

    My list for today:
    1. finish laundry
    2. clean bathroom
    3. pick up living room
    4. sweep up dog fur
    5. put away shoes
    6. clear dining table
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member

    MELISSA. It's tempting, especially when you know you are doing good, but a watched pot
    never boils.

    @ KJefferies- So true and thank you!

    @Lauriek- Thank you for the welcome :smile: