


  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    wow, i totally just read this entire thread. thank you all for the advice. my doctor prescribed phentermine yesterday, so my first day of taking it is today. i read this too late, and took the pill around 10:45am, so i'm nervous about a sleepless night...i guess i'll find out! i'm definitely going to be mindful, however, and make sure i eat enough, and healthily!

    thanks guys! :)

    This will be a little belated but if you take your phentermine late have a goal to drink a gallon of water by 6 pm (so you have time to pee!!) it helps flush out your system and let you sleep
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I took it for a week but it made me feel sick a lot and my heart beat too fast sometimes and then I had what I think was a panic attack (heart started pounding and beating so fast, felt like I couldn't breathe at all). I stopped taking it after that!

    My mom has taken them and lost a lot of weight with no negative side effects...the only bad part is that she didn't keep it off after stopping it.
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    I haven't tried phentermine but I've basically tried everything else known to help you lose weight - prescription for adderall, clenbuterol, and ephedra... obviously none of them worked because I am not using any of those methods anymore. I basically became an anxious, dry-mouth, super talkative NUTCASE.

    There's no quick fix unfortunately - all those just set me back even further.

    Just be careful. Listen to your body.
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
  • I've been on this for a hot second and I love it. I'm on a low carb diet (doc put me on it) and I lift weights every other day. I replace at least one meal a day with a protein shake (3g of carbs or less with at least 10g of protein) and sometimes I'll replace lunch with an Adkins bar, like on days I have class all day. This pill works wonders because either of those things will fill be up and keep me full. I don't finish my plates, which is normally protein and a salad. I do get the dry mouth side effect, but Listerine helps it. Drink lots of water, and I'll add emergen-c to at least one of my water bottles for the day. Multi Vitamins and Fish oil as well. Its a lot of stuff, but it all helps and its not like I'll be on it forever lol. (But I've always taken a multi) If you experience insomnia, you can try taking Meletonin. It comes in 3-5g. Its not a drug, its a vitamin to help the hormone that is already in your body, aka natural sleep aid. It relaxes me and I sleep so well, but its not like a sleep pill that makes me sleep too hard or makes it hard to wake up in the morning.
    Hope this helps!!
  • ...
  • tjariola
    tjariola Posts: 1 Member
    I also am taking Phentermine, and actually starting my second month. There are no doubts that the drug, like any drug can be dangerous, but if you are using under the care of a PCP then you should be fine. Before my Dr prescribed anything to me she made sure I could take the drug and be healthy. She made me take a full blood work test to ensure I didn’t have any issues, checked my breathing as this drug can cause issues if you have respiratory issues, and then made me take a echo cardiogram and other checks to ensure my heart and valves were functioning properly. After all of this she started me off my first month with a very low dose of only 15MGs to ensure I could handle it without getting to freaked out!
    After all of this I am now on 30MGs, once per day, with monthly testosterone boosts and B12 injections. It is really paying off, but I would not have done unless I was sure I was healthy enough and it was a good fit. Also, my Dr is letting me do it for 6 months, no longer.
    Side effects, I am super happy , have tons of energy, and am losing weight… However, sometimes I just sweat for no good reason and am pretty amped out most of the times. So if your spouse and friends can handle someone that talks a lot for a few months, go for it…
  • RhodaDS
    RhodaDS Posts: 1 Member
    I have been taking phentermine for almost a month. I take 37.5 in the morning 30 minutes before I eat anything. I have a cup of coffee and a glass of water with it when I take it. The first week I took it, I realized that I wasn't eating more than 500 calories a day. I just didn't feel the need to eat at all. So I didn research and that wasn't healthy. I decided that I would keep low sugar, low fat and no high fructose corn syrup protein bars around. I allowed myself one of these a day because it had much needed calories, protein etc that I was lacking from not eating. Since then I have had at least three meals a day but it takes some work on my part because I don't feel the need to eat at all.
    I also have PSOS so I have problems losing weight as well. I have tried everything to lose and the doctor said, you know this medicine isn't for everyone and you cannot take it for long periods of time but this has helped a lot of people lose in your situation. As of my three week weigh in I have lost 15 pounds no joke. My portion control is somewhere that I have always wanted it to be. I get junk food cravings sometimes and I just cut the portion in half. For example I like goldfish crackers. The portion is 55 fish, so I cut it in half if I get the craving for them. Same with ice cream. If I eat it, half the recommended portion size so I can do the math. I feel like because I haven't limited myself I can eat healthier.
    I also started eating more fruit since I have been on phentermine. I might eat a pear, apple, orange or a half a cup of fresh cherries for lunch. I noticed I feel much better when I eat some fruit everyday.
    The portions of meat that I eat only once a day for reasons other than dieting is 3-6 oz of meat. I have gout which is a type of arthritis and meat can cause you to have a flare up. So I don't eat a lot of meat in general.
    So those are some of the things that are positive and what I have done to change my eating habits.
    What I haven't told you is the side effects. Before I started taking phentermine I got on the probiotic band wagon and yes it has helped with so many things and I still am taking a probiotic. Now phentermine is a stimulant and therefore it can cause constipation or diarrhea. I have done a lot of research on this and it turns out that the number one side effect of Phentermine is constipation. It's bad!!! I am still struggling with this. I still take probiotics, doesn't help. Milk of Magnesia, didn't help fiber, laxitives nothing helps.. This week I am going to the doctor so to get advice cause this is the most painful problem I have ever had, not to be gross. It's a common side effect so if you are prone to constipation, I don't know if I would take phentermine. That seems to be the only side effect I have had other than having too much energy the first couple of days that I have taken it. I have had a couple of headaches and some restless nights of not sleeping well but none of those side effects matter to me because I can deal with those. I am obese and this is the only thing that has ever helped me. So I am going to tuff it out for three months and hope I keep losing weight. Good luck and I hope this helps.
    PS When I have a restless night I take a melatonin and it does the trick.
  • I lost 60 lbs on it and have kept it off for almost 3 years.
  • shananzaur
    shananzaur Posts: 2 Member
    ilso take phentermine 37.5mg and im losing weight forsure, i lost 20 lbs and its only my first month. but im struggling as far as having a set diet. i honestly have no idea what the ideal diet is on these pills. ANY RECCOMENDATIONS!?
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I'll repeat what I said earlier:

    I was on phentermine about 8 years ago, got to my goal weight (last 10 pounds w/o the pills) and then I quit exercising and quit dieting...gained it ALL back PLUS about 20 pounds.

    I did phentermine again 3 years ago, lost 40 of the 75 pounds in about 3 months (40 pounds got me in the top end of normal BMI). I did good w/ food, but I quit exercising. Gained 10 pounds back over about 12 months. I realized I was backsliding again, so I started my MFP food diary back up and it stopped the weight gain (only through diet PLUS exercise would I lose)

    I think I was only successful the second time because my dr had me do MFP and a 1200 calorie diet and I learned what I SHOULD be eating. The first round, I didn't do either. Now I KNOW what to eat, the pills just made it easier for my body to adjust to the portions.

    It only made me jittery for 3 days, then I didn't notice that I even took it. When I quit taking it, it didn't cause any ill effects either. I think it was great, but you should only take it if you are medically (not necessarily morbidly) obese...not just because you want to lose 10-20 pounds to get to a size 3.

    You shouldn't use it to get to 500 calories a day! You should use it to help you be satisfied at 1200 NET calories a day, then you come off of it after your body has enough time to adjust to that caloric and food amount. You will still lose weight quickly at first just going down to a HEALTHY calorie intake level.

    KEEP IN MIND--if you quit losing and you are dieting/exercising/being honest in your diary, then you may be eating too little. I did it many times and I realized what my low point was. I am serious that when I got to 1000 calories or less, I would actually gain weight and as soon as I got back up to 1300 calories (net), then I would lose again.

    To successfully use phentermine, you must use it to help you change to a healthy isn't a magic pill. You will see many people stating that they gained all their weight back when they quit taking it...that's because they didn't make a lifestyle change and they just thought that this little pill would make all their fat disappear and they could eat whatever they want...FOREVER! :ohwell: It is only meant to be a tool to help you tolerate and build yourself to better eating and exercise habits.

    If you continue you poor eating and lack of exercise, then of course you will gain it all back (and possibly extra due to binging)...that's why it is important to take this time while you are able to be on the pills to learn what your body needs and get your endurance up for exercising after the medications are gone.

    GOOD LUCK!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    ilso take phentermine 37.5mg and im losing weight forsure, i lost 20 lbs and its only my first month. but im struggling as far as having a set diet. i honestly have no idea what the ideal diet is on these pills. ANY RECCOMENDATIONS!?

    While on the pills, my dr had me do just a straight up calorie counting 1200 NET calorie a day diet. I am too picky and don't like fruit/veggies/ yeah, no 'diet' works for me. That's why I HAD to do a lifestyle change.

    I still eat whatever I want, I just count calories and make sure that I am not over eating.
  • I took phentermine before….works awesome to help with self control and extra energy but only for short term looses its effectiveness after a month or two its important to have a good eating plan in place or its pretty much useless i lost about 35 lbs in 3 months with phentermine and weight watchers
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Dayo6 is a spammer for the website (look at their profile, all 6 posts report purchasing from online...and funny that the websites are different for the different posts). Don't buy without a doctors guidance!
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    The only thing pissing me off on this thread is people attributing ALL their successes to this pill and ALL their failures to themselves.

    Wake up people and start taking charge of both your successes and failures.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    The only thing pissing me off on this thread is people attributing ALL their successes to this pill and ALL their failures to themselves.

    Wake up people and start taking charge of both your successes and failures.

    Interesting, but true...the only thing that can cause success or failure is you. The pill is just a way to ASSIST you finding your way to get there, but it is up to YOU to decide how successful you are and if you can't keep that success going! (I am an example of success losing phentermine--finished taking it almost 4 years ago)
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Yes...but YOU succeeded...not the pill.

    I see this type of attribution a lot and not just for this pill. People so love to credit outside sources but denegrate themselves mercilessly. It drives me nuts.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Yes...but YOU succeeded...not the pill.

    I see this type of attribution a lot and not just for this pill. People so love to credit outside sources but denegrate themselves mercilessly. It drives me nuts.

    Um...yeah...that's what I said...the pill just assisted me to get to where I got. I still had to work for it and had to work to keep it off.

    How the hell did I 'denigrate myself mercilessly'? Guess you are talking about someone else, because I didn't criticize myself...
  • icicles818
    icicles818 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow...I read alot of the replies and the supporters and non-supporters are both right. I have taken phentermine in the past and the first time I used it, I loved it!! I remember losing like 7lbs in a week, because I was barely eating, working out, and drinking lots of water. It gave me insomnia, made me more emotional and teary, and gave me dry mouth which had me increase my water intake. I overall lost about 40lbs for the 2 months I took it. over the course of 8 years I have gained that weight back and at my heaviest was 223lbs...and I'm 4'11''. In the past year, I joined MFP and lost 32lbs by tracking my food and working out. At the end of last year I gained 10lbs back, Since this new year, I went back on it. My plan was to take it for 2 months, but I think it will be just 1. I still have the insomnia some nights, dry mouth, and have gotten a little lightheaded. But I am doing much better this time. I track my food, eat on schedule, workout and drink water. It did give me a boost to reign in my eating, but like many people have said use this time to make the adjustments you need. it has been so much easier to adjust, but the key is TO KEEP IT UP!! no matter what method you use (pills, surgery, etc), if you don't make permanent lifestyle changes the weight will come back,. We are all looking for what can assist us with this struggle. no one will have the same experience. We share and support, but your decision is your decision.
  • Personally I think Phentermine is great for some people and not for others simply due to the fact that peoples brains are wired differently... and you probably won't know until you take it. Me and a friend started Phentermine around the same time (she was a week or so ahead of me).. she has constipation, can't sleep at night, and cries a lot.. she did however lose 20 lbs.... I have had no side effects other than dry mouth.. my pulse increased by about 10 points but no increase in BP. It did take me a while to get into the swing of making sure I was eating because for the first two weeks I had no appetite at all.... but I sleep like a rock at night, I am focused and in a good mood. I work hard on getting in the correct amount of calories in my body. My doctor said it is a great tool for ingraining new habits.. it takes a few months to create a habit.. so if you use the phentermine to create an eating pattern that is healthy and sustainable .. you should be able to stick with it...