Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I've been doing a turbo kick class, and I love it. I don't have that gym membership anymore though, so I've been thinking about buying turbo fire. Is it pricy? Worth it though??

    Turbo Fire is a little pricey but I think it was worth it. I kinda plateaued with my previous workout. When I got TF it totally broke that and I started losing some lbs again. It's an intense cardio workout. I, personally, love the TF workouts. I think if you like the turbo kick class, you should like turbo fire just as much. Hope that helps. :)
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I just mapped out my run last night and calculated my pace: I'M UNDER A 12-MINUTE-MILE!! :bigsmile: I ran the first half at 11:21mm, the second half at 11:42mm, and averaged 11:31mm overall! Hooray! :drinker:
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Did 1.7mi today...cried a little when it was over cuz my shins hurt so bad, but I'll survive.

    Ooooh, I know how that is. I get the worst shin splints EVER. They make me want to cry too.
    Read this it might help you too :flowerforyou:

    Thanks! That was interesting. I think over-pronation is part of my problem. I noticed that when I walk, I set my foot down correctly but then I roll my weight inwards. Hmmm. I might have to retrain myself to walk correctly.

    I sometimes get shin splints too. One thing that has helps is the "ABCs stretch." While sitting in a chair, point your toes and draw each letter of the alphabet in the air. Repeat with the other leg. I try to do this three times a day and it has definitely helped me. Give it a shot.

    On another note, I'm siiiick this week :sick: and I haven't been able to get much exercise at all. I've been feeling nauseous, dizzy, feverish and had stomach cramps for the last few days, and I just can't seem to get rid of it. I'm going to try to drink TONS of water this afternoon, eat a mountain of vegetables stir-fried in Thai peanut sauce (one of my all-time healthy FAVES!) and go to bed early.....maybe all that healthiness will kick this nasty little virus's bum!
  • Did 1.7mi today...cried a little when it was over cuz my shins hurt so bad, but I'll survive.

    Rach - be careful you're not giving yourself shin splints (I hope I can give some helpful advice here as I'm a trained physiotherapist) - if you up your mileage too quickly then the muscles in the front of your shin can't keep up and they will give you HELL for it. If it's not too bad it's just a bit painful but worst case scenario you can actually give yourself stress fractures in your legs.
    Make sure you're not doing too much too quickly - allow your legs time to rest. And if it continues you might wanna get your foot position when you run checked out. If your feet aren't properly supported when you run then the problems that causes can travel all the way up your legs.

    Hope that's helpful, and not meant to be a rant at all - I'll take my physio hat off now! Congrats on getting in to the running though and it looks like you're making great progress!!


    Since you're a pysiotherapist, I have a question--I have those Reebok walking shoes, do you think they are okay for walking? Sometimes my feet go numb. It doesn't stop me from walking, but I feel like that shouldn't happen. Also, is it bad to jog in them? If so, what kind of shoes do you recommend for running in?

    And good job Rach! That's a nice run :)
  • Horrible week so far... havent done a single minute of working out and have ate like crap! Have had a really bad kidney infection since monday. All i want to do is sleep and eat bad food... im scared to even look at the scale... kidneys are feeling better today but i think the meds they put me on are causing me to get really bad headaches... so that sucks... I really need to get back on track next week!!!
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    I'm so glad to be part of this group. Having to weigh in weekly has made for great motivation. Everyone keep up the great work!!!!
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Good work everyone!! Weighed myself this morning and yay i'm into the 170s! will wait until mon though to post my weight, hopefully it'll go down a bit more. xx
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Morning Pin-Ups!

    Today is a "lounging in my pj's" sort of day! I woke up to another pound lost - down to 158!

    I have a 5k in the morning. My cousins and her kids were supposed to be running in it, BUT I found out lastnight they bowed out and won't be. So, I will be running it by myself! I am used to having someone with me. Hopefully, being by myself will be an advantage and I will be able to run faster without the distraction of somebody else.

    Have a great day lovely ladies!!

  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Dani good luck with your 5k tomorrow. I've always wanted to run a full 5k. It's one of my goals for myself.

    Today I'm trying to decide where to go for lunch that I can get something healthy. I brought a sald but it's not sounding so great anymore so maybe I'll hit up Subway. We'll see.

    I'm hoping this weekend I can still get in the exercise I need, we have a friends birthday party on Saturday and then my daughter's birthday party on Sunday. I'm going to be making dinner for everyone but I'm still at a loss of what to make. I"m thinking Chicken Enchilidas and Mexican Rice with Fresh Tomatoes. We'll see.

    Have a great Friday Pin-Ups!!

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Good luck, Dani!

    I've had a horrible week both with food and working out. I'm hoping to get back on track this weekend. Surprisingly, my weight is down, so at least I haven't derailed myself.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • im new to this group...? can someone explain..what you all do?
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-ups!

    JessikaJ - sorry to hear about the kidney infection, take care of yourself and get better and then you can get back on track.

    mahs - good for you seeing the scale go down.

    laughingdani - wishing you winged feet and wind at your back tomorrow, you will be awesome tomorrow in your 5 km - have fun!

    Jenn - your dinner sounds delicious

    ericaroo - I've had a rough week with food and working out too! Today is a new day and I'm planning a healthy active weekend. We can do it! I'm going to try to get in some extra water and maybe some extra workouts over the weekend.

    robinia - Welcome, we weigh in every Monday and we just support and encourage one another on our lifestyle journey.

    Have a great day ladies and a wonderful weekend. Stay active and make healthy choices.

  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    im new to this group...? can someone explain..what you all do?

    If you message Rach who started the thread she can add you to the group. We weigh in once a week on Mondays so you message her your starting weight and then on Monday Wi and message her your weigh then. Hope that helps
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Having a bit of a rough day. Just one of those, where nothing seems to be going right. Blah. My shins are still a bit sore, but I'm going to attempt to do my whole 2mi route tonight. I need a good sweat.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Having a bit of a rough day. Just one of those, where nothing seems to be going right. Blah. My shins are still a bit sore, but I'm going to attempt to do my whole 2mi route tonight. I need a good sweat.

    I hope your day gets better Rach!!!! Go for that run and blow off some steam!

    Thanks for all the good luck wishes guys! I will let you know how I do in the 5k tomorrow!

  • alyz
    alyz Posts: 41
    Having a bit of a rough day. Just one of those, where nothing seems to be going right. Blah. My shins are still a bit sore, but I'm going to attempt to do my whole 2mi route tonight. I need a good sweat.

    As I was doing the couch to 5K a month or so ago, my shins got to the point where they were even hurting when I was doing nothing. I went to a specialty shoe store. They actually WATCH you walk and find shoes that will remedy your problems. My problem turned out to be that my running shoes were too small. (Apparently you are supposed to go a size larger in running shoes??) Anyway, something to think about. I know how horribly painful it can be!

    On another note, I have been weighing myself every morning (just got a new scale, so it's fun). This week has not been a very active week for me, as it is my TOTM (too much info, sorry). but every morning I have weighed, I've been down a pound! This AM i was down 4 lbs from Monday. Hopefully I can be good over the weekend and report a 4+lb loss on Monday! Woo hoo!!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Good Luck on your 5K Dani!!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Off work today, going for a hike this afternoon. I went ahead and logged half an hour (we'll see how much it turns out to be) and that burns over 200 calories! :noway: And yet I packed lowfat yogurt mixed with some fresh cut-up peaches as our hiking snack! :smile: Sugarloaf, here I come!

    Hope everyone else has as good a day as mine's turning out to be! :flowerforyou:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Pin-Ups there is another Skinny Saturday challenge posted here if anyone is interested. It's worth a try to keep us in check over the weekend or we could start our own here in our thread? Anyone interested? I think I will give it a try, nothing to lose except maybe a few extra calories.

    Pixie - enjoy your hike, it sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day off. BTW - I love your ticker pin-up.

    Have a great weekend ladies!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm in one of those argumentative moods today. I don't know why, but I have this urge to pick fights, ya know? I think a run tonight will help me blow off some steam. At least I'm aware of it, even though I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I told my bf that I'm feeling a bit off, so if he wants to distance himself a bit and do his own thing today, that won't hurt my feelings.
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