

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings gals! I am feeling kind of blah today. I’m bored with eating right! It’s fairly hot and humid here, but a nice breeze blowing so it could be worse. I have to spend the day working on the books, so no action going here. DH took DD#2 out for school supplies and to pick up all the new pants she had to have hemmed. He also bought a new chigger medicine, this one is a spray. The pharmacist could not believe how much of the other stuff he was using (she thought he was treating an entire family!) until she saw his ankles. I think DH said her response was something like “Dear God”.

    Michele: we always have a hard time corralling cats and other beasts for company when we have a big party. Where do you get all your exercise videos?

    Joyce: out of the women’s section! Woo hoo!

    Jodios: nice to see you again. I can’t wait to hear about your cholesterol numbers. My doc and I negotiated about mine too. I’ll have it done again in 3 months. My LDL is the problem. It’s 134 (normal is <130), but for diabetics it needs to be under 100. We’ll see what happens. I’m adding nuts, oatmeal, barley, more vegs, and psyllium (metamucil….blah). Plus I’ll look for a B complex that has niacin. I don’t want to take plain niacin because it raises blood glucose.

    Terri: sounds like you are staying on plan…good job!

    Heather: thanks for the explanation! As far as a cheeseboard goes, I must be related to the gannets! Cheese is an absolute favorite of mine! Yay for the red yoga bag! The downward facing dog now has rabies… I am not up to a bag yet LOL

    Jo: have a great time at your party tonight

    Grandmallie: have a great time at the picnic and stay strong!

    Melanie: enjoy every minute of your celebrity workout and upcoming vacation!

    Katla: yes, I am all too familiar with the alcoholic barley drink LOL!!! I will check out allrecipes…thanks! Sleeping on your boat sounds delightful!

    Liz: I am so sorry about your sister. I know you are going to miss her dearly. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. She was so lucky to have you there. I hope you can find comfort in many wonderful memories. We will miss you while you are gone and will be here when you come back. Take care

    Well ladies I am off to work on the book again. I think I’m getting bored with it too! Take care everyone, Meg from summery Omaha
  • moharma
    moharma Posts: 9 Member
    Liz- I am so sorry to hear about your sister- but,oh, what a gift you gave her by being there! That is exactly the way I hope to go- surrounded by people who love me
    Someone sent this to me when my sister died- I continue to take it out and read it . I hope you find something in it that resonates with you

    We Remember Them

    At the rising of the sun and its’ going down,
    We remember them.

    At the blowing of the wind and the chill of the winter,
    We remember them.

    At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring,
    We remember them

    At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer,
    We remember them.

    At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn,
    We remember them.

    At the beginning of the year and when it ends,
    We remember them.

    As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us,
    As we remember them.

    When we are weary and in need of strength,
    We remember them.

    When we are lost and sick at heart,
    We remember them.

    When we have joy we crave to share,
    We remember them.

    When we have decisions that are difficult to make
    We remember them.

    When we have achievements that are based on theirs,
    We remember them.

    As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us,
    As we remember them.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your sister. You were so good to her by being with her throughout her illness. I can't imagine how difficult this has been for you, but I am sure you gave her so much comfort by being there. My prayers are with you and your family. Take care of yourself.

    Deb A in CNY
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Liz, I am so sorry for your loss:flowerforyou: ! We are here for you, for whatever you need! Sending hugs and prayers!!!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Liz- sending you love.. It is so sad that your sister had to have such a end to her beautiful life..my prayers are with you and your family while you heal.. though it is an open wound now. you will always have he scar but in time that wound will heal.
    remember the wonderful happy times, think of all the funny things you and your sister did..and know that you were there to the end giving her love and support:heart: Now she is a sweet angel that will be looking down from above and giving you the love and support you will need..
    Blessings to you and your family:heart:
    On a lighter note im back from the picnic, all in all I think I did ok..
    had 1- cheeseburger,no bun with lettuce,tomato,tossed salad with grape tomatoes,no dressing, a couple of carrot sticks and a couple of celery sticks, and 1 taco-- that didnt really taste good after the fact..
    drank a ton of water, and had 3 strawberries and a very small bunch of grapes..
    I still have a few calories left over for a little snack with some tea later
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Nancy OH :smile: Coffee and a book on the deck sounds like a fabulous way to start the morning, or even end an evening:love: . I hope you had a good dinner out last night! What a beautiful poem for Liz:heart: !!! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!!!

    Sue in SD :smile: Happy anniversary:flowerforyou: !!!! The play sounds like a lovely way to celebrate! A massage sounds just divine, I think I need to schedule one for me. The shoulders could use a good rub down!

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: I totally understand about carrying through with a promise once it`s uttered from my lips, or even typed on the computer from my fingers….means I have said it, it now must be so! So no you are not weird, or else I`m right there with you:laugh: ! Hope you had fun with the scrapbooking yesterday! Will keep Mel in my prayers!

    Joyce :smile: That`s nice that you invite women to this thread. I`ve read some other threads on this site and I just shake my head at the amount of the rude, inconsiderate people that post here:grumble: . I guess hiding behind a computer screen that feel they can say anything, it really is a shame, sometimes I wonder how old some of these people are:huh: ! Congrats on getting size 14 jeans!!!!

    Suzy :smile: Hope you had a nice time with friends last night, and hope it`s nice today and you made it to the beach, that sounds wonderful! Congrats on losing ½ pound, every bit counts!!

    Debbie in Chicago :smile: I hope you made it through the baby shower treats last night. You can always say you just had dinner, or a snack and you`re not hungy, or else tell them you`re losing weight and really don`t want to eat what`s not on your plan!

    Heather :smile: I absolutely love sea bass:love: ! I`ve never heard of that sauce though, will have to check out the recipe! Congrats on reaching the 50 pounds gone:flowerforyou: !!! I`m so happy for you! The yoga bag sounds beautiful!

    Jane Martin :smile: So glad no one was hurt in the house fire, must have been scary to look out the window and see all the fire trucks and police cars!

    Katla :smile: What kind of pies are you making? How great that you have your boat that you can be guest on when the house is full, that sounds like fun! Enjoy every minute of your family time!!!

    Grandmallie :smile: Pounds to lose jars sound very interesting, a neat way to keep track! Hope you`re enjoying the picnic!!!

    Barbie :smile: I had lunch with a friend yesterday and I chose a portabella mushroom sandwich with red peppers and spinach, he thought that was crazy, why not a burger, I let him have a taste of mine and he couldn`t believe a mushroom could taste so good. The plus it was filling and I saved a bunch of calories:bigsmile: ! I did have a few French fries though:embarassed: .

    Sandy in ON :smile: So glad your migraine is gone!!! I hope today has been a great day for you!!!

    Meg :smile: So glad you can negotiate with your Drs.! I can do the same, my blood pressure went up because of some stress several years ago and she wanted me to go on bp meds. I told her I would do anything to get and keep my bp down other than pills, she only gave me 6 weeks and made me take my bp at home and if it was high 3 times in a row I had to promise to call her. I am happy to say my bp is normal now:bigsmile: . Deep breathes and relaxation and it came right down,. I`m sure losing some weight helped too! Yes, I had pneumonia this past winter:sick: , I don`t want that again:noway: !!! I have a hard time stopping and being still, I just don`t have time to be sick:tongue: !!! Sometimes I get bored with eating right too, then I remember why I`m doing this and get right back on track:blushing: !

    Michele :smile: You have an absolutely gorgeous day for a party:glasses: !!! Hope it`s as beautiful there as it is here. Low humidity and the most beautiful blue skies, and a nice little breeze:love: !!! Sounds like it`s going to be fun! You know I`m only an hour or so away, if you see a strange women crashing the party it might just be me:devil: :tongue: !

    Rhonda :smile: Hope the couple got everything worked out:heart: !!! Enjoy your weekend!!!

    Jodi :smile: So nice to see your post!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that your test will turn out fine!!! I also told my Dr. about MFP, she was quite impressed with it! Enjoy the time with your DS and GF!!!

    Terri :smile: Congrats on making good choices at the BBQ and b`day party!!! It`s so easy to get off track at events out of our control. I`ve come to the conclusion that it`s just not the holidays we have to be concerned with, it`s something going on year round, thus making this a lifestyle change is a must!

    Jo :smile: Have nice to see you again!!! Hope the Asian dinner turned out wonderful!!!

    Genealace :smile: Sounds like you had a busy Friday! Hope you can relax a bit this weekend!

    Melanie :smile: Have a fantastic time today with Shaun T!!! Enjoy your vacation! Deprogramming on the beach sounds just lovely:love: !

    I was going to take an afternoon nap today; I decided to spend it with you beautiful ladies instead. I so enjoy reading about everyone! This is such a great group of women, I feel very blessed that I happened upon this thread and I was very warmly welcomed into the group over a year ago. I`ll just take this time to say once again…Thank you Barbie for keeping this thread going month after month, for keeping the tone of this thread uplifting and motivating. I look at you as our fearless leader, thank you again:flowerforyou: !!!

    I am going to meet friends tonight for an outside chat fest and maybe a little wine:love::tongue: ! It will be so nice sitting outside without the threat of being rained on!!!!

    Have a great evening ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in absolutely beautiful NC
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello to all you beautiful ladies.
    I'm back from vacation and over the daughter leaving blues and ready to get back into it. I'll spend some time reading the posts to catch up tonight....
    I haven't been overeating or eating poorly while on vacation and at one point i was even down 2 pounds, but I didn't log it and I'm back to 135 again. Hopefully, I've broken the basement and can start going below now and get rid of that last 10 pounds this autumn. My goal is to be at 125 and maintaining by New Years.

    I did see a couple of posts and Liz, I would like to send you my condolences as well. You were wonderful to spend that time with her, cherish your memories. Hugs and prayers for peace and acceptance for you.

    More tomorrow.
    in the Kootenays which finally got some much needed rain.....
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Liz :flowerforyou: :heart: :cry: I know that you won't be reading all these notes to you now but I hope they come to you at a time just when you need them. I know when Mom died I would read and them come back months later and re-read comments made to me by my cyber family. I am so sorry for you sister dieing, not only that she died but how she died. No one deserves to have to go through that kind of pain. In my book I am wrting I talk about when my sister died and the tribute we did for her so that her legacy lives on even now close to 50 years later.

    My fur baby is under the weather. She has had this skin problem for awhile and started an allergy medicine yesterday. When I wake up sheis usaually under my feet so much I can't hardly get to the kitchen to put out fresh food. But she wasn't there today. In fact it didn't look like she had even eaten any of her food during the night which is when she eats the most. years ago I bought this little bed for my grand daughters baby doll. The cat I had at the time decided to adopt it for herself and she was aggressive enough anyway I didn't want her to take it out on my poor grand daughter any more than she already did. So it just became hers to go to sleep in. Besides that, she looked so precious in it. After that cat died we jsut left the baby bed in the same place. Very rarely Melody will get in it. But that's where she has spent most of the day today. I tried picking her up and cuddling with her and her meows weren't aggressive, but had the tone of being very unhappy with me. Through out the day as we got closer to the 24 hour time since I gave her the first dose yesterday she has become more alert. When I was doing face time with my 6 year old grand daughter this afternoon, Melody decided to pop her head up and see where that voice was coming from. So I put the ipad close to her and Ellie talked to Melody for a bit and it did seem to stimulate her. She eventually got out of bed and went in the kitchen to look out the back door on the deck. So she is on the couch with me now, she let me cuddle with her for a while. I'm not giving the dose today and see if she gets back to normal and will call the vet on Monday

  • NewMeNomi
    Hi all....hope there's room for one more 50+ year old woman trying to get healthy here! I'm Nomi In Colorado, live just North of Denver and love my home state and the Rocky Mountains! I'm new here to MFP and could use all the friends and support I can get! I lost 20 pounds earlier this year by doing the Metabolic Research Center weight loss program, but decided that it was too pricey for me to continue. Since then, I have gained 4 pounds back, and am trying to get back on a healthy path. I now use the Isagenix shakes and products for the nutritional value, and recently had a long overdue physical and blood work done. Found out that my thyroid is too low again, so my dr is doubling my dose. I also have been on bio-identical hormones for menopause the past 2 years, and the doctor is having to tweak a few of those meds as well. So, hopefully, in a few weeks the new doses will start kicking in! Duh, no wonder I have been feeling so sluggish and blah all summer! Been working a lot of overtime since May, too. Anyway, I'm tired of being tired and lazy! I am wanting to get back to walking 5ks....want to be able to JOG most of a 5k by next summer!
    I'm here to get AND give encouragement and support in this journey to get healthy! ~Nomi~
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Liz - so sorry for the loss of your sister. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts. Be gentle with yourself :heart:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Liz, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome Nomi :flowerforyou: :heart: , there is always room for one more

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :brokenheart: :heart: LIz, I am so sorry about your sister.....you were so wonderful to her doing these last weeks....she was blessed to have you in her life.

    :heart: Barbie
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Liz, so sorry for your loss; we are all here for you. My hope is that you receive all the love and support you need and have the strength you need at this sad time......

    With love,
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I had a wonderful day with my DS and his GF. We went to our favorite Japanese place for lunch and they were so nice accommodating his GF who is Gluten intolerant and has many allergies so that she could eat without worry. The food was yummy (DS loves sushi and got his fix). We then left my DH home and headed to the mall to get both of them some much needed fall/winter clothing...it was nice to spoil them a bit. Then we dragged our tired bodies back home and I grilled up some salmon, roasted veggies and had some quinoa with pistachios and apricots. A great and healthy meal.

    Heather - congrats on the weight loss and glad to hear you are healing up

    Grandmallie - sounds like you made some good choices today

    Dee Dee - have fun tonight

    Nomi - welcome...you've found a great group

    Joyce - hope your fur baby is feeling more herself soon

    Time to get back to the family - have a great evening

  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Dear Liz - In the past year I lost my mother-in-law, my father, my best friend/sister and other immediate relatives. It is such a difficult time to bear. I pray God will grant you and your family comfort.

    I am sending you this poem, that I love and hopefully will touch your heart and provide you some comfort:

    Going Home
    By William Arms Fisher and Ken Bible
    Going home, going home,
    I'm just going home.
    Quiet-like, slip away-
    I'll be going home.
    It's not far, just close by;
    Jesus is the Door;
    Work all done, laid aside,
    Fear and grief no more.
    Friends are there, waiting now.
    He is waiting, too.
    See His smile! See His hand!
    He will lead me through.
    Morning Star lights the way;
    Restless dream all done;
    Shadows gone, break of day,
    Life has just begun.
    Every tear wiped away,
    Pain and sickness gone;
    Wide awake there with Him!
    Peace goes on and on!
    Going home, going home,
    I'll be going home.
    See the Light! See the Sun!
    I'm just going home.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Saturday check-in

    Was the marker for one game of lawn bowls this morning (2 hours in the sun) and then came home to change and go off to a wedding shower.

    Didn't know what to take for a gift and DBF very helpfully said "If it is a shower, then you should take soap". In the end, I decided to take a photo frame and I printed off a photo from the wedding invitation to put in the frame.

    This evening I got on with my lace and have turned the 2nd corner - I'm about half-way done.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello, ladies, I'm Jeanne. I will be 58 years old next week. I'm retired from teaching elementary school, and my diabetes is to blame.
    On July 8, I started my quest to be at a normal weight for the rest of my life. I want to control my diabetes without medication, and reverse any damages I've started in my eyes, heart, and kidneys, as well as the neuropathy (numbness) in my feet.
    My highest recorded weight was 315, but my latest scale reading was 295, fully clothed, with shoes. ( I HATE getting weighed with my shoes on!)
    My first goal is 260 lbs, which is a loss of 55 pounds. I hope to reach this number around New Year's Eve, 2015. My ultimate goal, for the present, is 155, the top of 'normal' for my height, 5'6".
    When I started this journey, I remembered reading somewhere, "One CRAVES the foods to which one is allergic." I was a glutton for anything made from wheat, corn, dairy, beans, legumes, and sugar. So nowadays, I don't eat foods from those groups. I follow the Paleo Plan, which is Low Carb/Medium Protein/High Fat. I can allow myself to eat bacon again, and slather butter on my vegetables without guilt! Now, I have 'satiety' when I've finished my meals, I don't rummage through my house looking for more food, as I once did.
    Exercise? I have arthritic knees and lower back pain. At present, I can walk/stand, without my cane, for only 5 minutes. Therefore, I'm using some 1 Kg dumbbells and a cycling device--pedals I can put in front of a chair. I'm also doing exercises to strengthen my lower back. On a different forum, I read about "Crazy Dancing", which I'm going to do several times a day, to my songs on iTunes.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome Jeanne. You are doing pretty good from the way it sounds. We'll keep each other going. I am also a diabetic 2, was taking 2 Metformin a day and am now down to just 1. I hope to soon be off that also but then I know the whole task is totally on me! When I first set up long and short term goals I set my short term at 20 pounds increments. I soon found out that 20 pounds was to much. I needed to see more frequent victories and reset it to 10 pounds. Much happier! I have never heard of 'Crazy dancing' but it sounds much what I do when I am stuck in traffic and need to do some cardio. I put my Pandora onto my 80's cardio and go to town on what ever limbs I can move while sitting in the passenger seat!!! It's surprising how much you can move while you're just sitting. Please excuse any typos you ever see in my writing!!!! I have MS and sometimes get my words all mixed up, don't spell right and can't remember what they should be. I was an RN so I know it used to be in that brain of mine.

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies

    :flowerforyou:Genealace great going

    :flowerforyou: melfitnesspal super weight loss and yay for workingout with ShaunT, hope u have a wonderful holiday and continue this journey as well as you planned.
    Sorry to read about all the loss you went through, what a beautiful poem, going home indeed

    :flowerforyou: Katla love your guestroom, in the boat and the way you deal with snoring LOL nice to have the children home I'm sure. Congrats on the way you have lost your pant sizes

    :brokenheart: Liz sorry to hear about your sister. Praying for you,she must be at peace without pain now.

    :smile: terrimag hi! I dont make lace, genelace does. Actually I teach English in high school. I love my job and interacting with young minds. I like to expose them to eating well and being healthy in body, mind and soul.

    :smile: jodios528 nice to meet you

    :smile: nancy what a lovely poem, along with Liz, am sure all are going to feel comforted

    :flowerforyou: Joyce great news on your jeans and your cat seems to be getting better

    :smile: dee dee thats a smart burger. love the fact you beat your bp. " no time to be ill" LOL

    :smile: jeanne 855 Welcome! you will find lots of friends and support here as I did! The journey of a 1000 steps with the first one, which you have taken

    :flowerforyou: megblair catch the downward dog, rabies n all, it does wonders for women as its an inverted position. What book are you working on? Maybe u need a break from that, which is spreading to other areas of life. Maybe you can go out of the house so u can come back to your healthy eating and book writing recharged. I drink barley water, because it takes care of my water retention. I boil 2 tb sps of barley seeds in a litre of water, then drink the water through the morning. the barley seeds I add to my oats for breakfast.
    Warmwater with lemon wedges or juice kickstarts the metabolism. It also makes the gut alkaline which aids better absorption of nutrition and removal of toxins from the system.

    :flowerforyou: Heather from sunny hampshire wonderful news about the weight loss...50 is something to celebrate, Cheers! Glad to know you r better
    Thumbs up to the Red bag

    melfitnesspal super weight loss and yay for workingout with ShaunT, hope u have a wonderful holiday and continue this journey as well as you planned.
    Sorry to read about all the loss you went through, what a beautiful poem, going home indeed

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I'm teaching in a school, so on weekends I like to go for a run on the road close to my house which is clear of traffic, unlike the latter part of the day. Caught the running bug last year and though have only been able to do one half marathon this year, its been a personal dream. After joining mfp got to see so many people going for their dreams and goals, finally got the courage. wish I could follow a proper training regime, but weekends are better than nothing. You of course remain my hero, the example I give to many, who give up on being fit or having good health.

    I started my day with warm water and lemon, followed by an hour of yoga.
    will take it easy today, lots of buttermilk, green tea and fruits..... kind of detox
    Have a good day all