"Don't lose any more weight!"



  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    i think they are jealous of you,, some people want u to lose weight even if u are skinny to look ugly and unhealthy,, and some people even if u are fat or overweight and want u to gain weight,, to look ugly and unhealthy,,

    just listen to the right and positive people and ask some advice to the professional nurse,doctor,personal instructor or nutritionist.

    hope this helps,,

    and also they hate u because of that lol
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I am at the top of my healthy weight range and have never heard this comment.

    Not everyone is jealous that is not the answer to all of life's problems. I think they are just used to seeing you at a certain weight and now it is just a change. They don't know the number on your scale they are just going by what they see with your clothes on. To them you look fine and don't need to lose more. To you with your shirt off staring in the mirror you can lose another 10 lbs.
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    I've heard this and its close relative "Wow, you dropped a ton!" I've never fluctuated more than 20 pounds at a time, so I don't consider that a "ton". Makes me wonder if I really looked huge before and never realized it.

    Exactly. I think that's what makes it awkward. I'm like, was I really that big before?
  • Lanise_10
    Lanise_10 Posts: 432 Member
    I get that all the time now too ...but I know they're only trying to be complimentary....so I just let it go.
  • ny2298pdsgt
    ny2298pdsgt Posts: 62 Member
    while I never heard those exact type of words from my mother, when I was going thru old clothes left at my parnets house when I returned from deployment and had moved into my own home some years ago, she did make the comment to me of "maybe you should throw/give away all your bigger clothes, you may need them again". Way to go with the "support" mom.
  • Galloping4God
    Galloping4God Posts: 46 Member
    "You're losing weight too fast" (one pound a week average)
    "You've lost too much weight" (at 32 lbs overweight and 30% bodyfat)
    "You look gaunt" (see above)
    "PLEASE stop losing weight!" (at 25 lbs overweight and 28% bodyfat)
    "You're eating too much meat" (Building muscle mass requires it)
    "Protein powder is dangerous" (see the contradiction?)

    I nod and tell my wife "Okay" and keep doing what I'm doing, because I've done the research and my blood work tells a different story than her "momscience."

    Yes!!! I have friends who tell me almost the same thing. Thank you, but it's working for me and I've researched it for myself. Stop telling me how to lose/gain... whatever. Deal with your body and let me deal with mine, thank you.
  • onehurt
    onehurt Posts: 143 Member
    I think a lot of like another poster said it is perspectives. People have seen you when you are overweight for a long time and if you drop a fair amount you do look different. They aren't used to seeing the you their used to! At least they care enough to notice! I think people are being a bit too sensitive, people say things, and they always don't mean the worst. My Mom thought I was starving myself too. I think that is a Mom just being a Mom :smile: Much better then telling you " Son you are getting too fat, you need to do something"
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I get this all the time. It started 20 lbs. ago. I just tell them I have a weight in mind and I'm not stopping until I reach it. Some of them even call me skinny. What do you think. I'm 5'1 130 lbs. My measurements are 36-31-36.
  • zedgt87
    zedgt87 Posts: 379 Member
    I hear this alllllll the time
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    It's funny, I started on here in March at 114lbs (I'm just shy of 5'1"). My goal was 102/103, but I am down to 98. Very few people have noticed or said anything. On Thursday, someone at work asked me a question (in the stairwell) and at the end, said..."You really look great". That was it...then, the next day, I met with her one on one (I work in HR and she had a question about her benefits). Again, she said, "You really look great. What have you been doing?" I said "I started making time to work out again." She's tall and trim and works out regularly. I just took it as a compliment.

    The only person who has told me not to lose anymore weight is my boyfriend....who told me that I had started to look gaunt. I eat...I'm just trying to find that sweet spot for maintenance as I also add a more varied work out schedule.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    People say this to me all the time and I can honestly say it has never been out of concern. I've decided on a few reasons why....

    1. This is their way of complementing you. They are actually really impressed with your weight loss and want you to know that you look fantastic just the way you are.

    2. You're a lot smaller/skinner than you think. At 5'7 and 155 pounds, I still could lose a few pounds. However, when I looked at a photo of myself the other day I was so tall and skinny, it startled me. So I could understand why telling someone I want to lose an additional 10 pounds would be like..."whyyyyy?"

    3. It's their way of acknowledging your weight loss. Believe it or not, talking about weight is very awkward for people. They want to give you praise for it, but sometimes just don't know how.

    4. I usually get this compliment when I tell people how much I lost. Which makes me believe they don't understand how much 1 pound of fat looks like. When I say 101 pounds, some people could imagine a 101 pound child. That's a lot of weight and I understand when people say "you don't need to lose anymore." It's hard to comprehend. lol

    I think you're reading too much into it. I usually smile and appreciate the fact that someone notices my hard work.

    You said what I thought, only probably better than I would have done.

    I actaully like hearing that people think I'm slim. It makes me feel better and helps keep me motivated to stay that way!
  • I fear you all won't want me jumping into this thread, but my first thought when I saw the thread was...wow, what would that be like for someone to say that to me? Of course, I have 44 lbs to go before I am at my goal, so I am having a hard time believing that I would ever hear that.

    Personally, I have never said that to anyone, as I would never say the reverse to anyone; however, I am very aware that I "think" some people who have lost quite a bit of weight don't realize that they "looked" better, healthier, when their faces had a little more weight on them. Some people look very gaunt and even kind of unwell when their faces change so drastically. There have been a couple of celebs who lost big amounts of weight over hiatus and when they came back I thought they had suffered an illness--Al Roeker (sp?) and Alton Brown on the Food Network to name two I remember having that thought about.

    I don't know what motivates people to say things that are truly none of their business. I guess I also have some thought that we weight losing people have a hard time knowing what we really look like. When we are close to our goals and people have an opinion, maybe we are a little bit defensive given our own struggle with weight.

    Compassion for them and for ourselves seems like a good answer.
  • Ditto!!! Well said.:smile:
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    The latest one is two people at work confirming that I have lost weight, and that it's deliberate and not because of illness. :grumble:

    Even presuming it's because of illness, if I haven't told you, there's a reason! :huh:
  • Oh thank goodness it's not just me that gets told this!
    I think, in my case, its because I have been overweight since I was 10 years old, and have always been 'the fat girl'. I am now realising that being the fat girl actually defined my place in several friendships (of various descriptions) since then.
    One girl I have known since I was a teenager, shes about 4 years younger than me, now refuses to hug me, and when her husband (who I have no intention of stealing!!) complimented me on my weight loss, well, if looks could kill! She has avoided me since this, and acts like I have lost my weight to hack her off personally.
    My Mum is keeping what she refers to as a 'weather eye' on me, and I am trying to sit at 12st. I put two pounds on on holiday - and it was an active working holiday so I blame the puddings! - and have worked hard to lose those two pounds though it took 3 weeks. I know me, and ignoring two pounds here and a pound there is going to see me heading back to the 16 stone I was this time last year if I don't watch myself.
    Anyway, most people are kind and say encouraging things, especially if they haven't seen me for a while - though I am scaring the heck out of others who don't recognise me!
    I do get asked what plan I followed, and when I say I have done it myself, some tell me I couldn't possibly, it must be with Weight Watchers or Slimming World or Lighter Life, none of which were options for me as a weekly public weigh in would put me off completely and I can't afford the latter.
    For the record, I would like to lose another 7lbs, to get me to 11.7st, and at 5' 11" I think that would look okay, but its tummy fat I need to shift and thats a buggar! Any tips?!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    My mum lost a lot of weight, years ago, she actually did go too far. I didnt see her for a few weeks and i was shocked, i told her to stop. Eventually enough people said it, and she listened. As long as you all know what your safe numbers are, all good. Im a few pounds to go, hopefully I will know when to stop, but I do see some very slim looking people on here, who are saying they have a several pounds still go. I watched a friends sister go from chubby to anorexic in under 3 months, its not pretty, she is my anti-role model!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I solved this problem by primarily hanging out with people who are skinnier than I am. They never say "don't lose weight" to me.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    People have always thought me skinny, even when I wasn't. The benefit of having a small waist in proportion to ample hips, I guess.

    Unless someone's complimenting me, I ignore them :tongue:
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Oh yes, definitely got that comment in the past. My best friend said it numerous times during my weight loss even before I was at my goal. I started in the low 180s and my goal initially was 140. When I was at 155 or so she said I should stop. Thing is, someone I've known for 11+ years and they've only seen me overweight would say something like that. I can totally relate to her and other peoples' opinion if they've known a person for many years being heavy and suddenly they're losing and they look quite different. I got down to 125 at my lowest but I think it was due to eating very little and not really having the muscle bulk I needed. I'm now sitting at 135-ish, wanting to go back to 130 if possible but no biggie if I can't--I earned this and feel great and am looking to maintain it.

    In the end just do what's right and healthy for you and don't let others influence you. I can say, I would have been unhappy had I listened to my friend and stayed in the 150s. I knew I would have done a "half *kitten*" job had I stopped there. If it's close friends and family saying "you're too skinny" chances are it's mostly because they aren't used to seeing you smaller than you were originally.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I'm actually 5'4" and 160 lbs and have gotten that comment. weird
  • I get a lot of those as well. Specially from people who are used to seeing me on the chubby side. Others thought that I got ill, others thought I went into a drug regimen. But at the end of the day, all of them does not know how good it feels deep inside if you have reached you goal!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Possibly, the people who say "don't lose any more weight" honestly think that you look perfect. You can still lose more weight if that is your goal.
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    I've gotten that as well from a few people lately. One of them, of course, is my mother. I find it annoying, but also can understand that there may be a small amount of underlying jealousy. I've decided to just nod and smile, but ultimately, like another poster said -- "my body, my rules." I do have a goal weight and I hope to get there in the next couple of months. And frankly, it's nobody's business but my own.
  • fitandgeeky
    fitandgeeky Posts: 232 Member
    I think people say things like this when someone becomes smaller than average. Keeping in mind the average American woman is size 12/14 I believe? So when you're larger than what's average and you're losing weight that resonates with people as "good" and they'll encourage you. But when you become smaller than what people are typically seeing then you seem "too small" to them and they'll say things like "ack you're tiny!" not b/c you're smaller than what's healthy for you but b/c you're now outside the "norm." I get remarks on occasion like "you're so small!" at a healthy size 6 only b/c frankly in our society it's just not seen much especially in someone middle aged like me. Just a fact of our society and sadly many others.

    ETA: not intended to hate on size 12/14s in any way...been there much of my life!!

    I agree with this. Of my core group of friends, two of them have started hounding me about my weight. Granted 8 months ago, I was no different than they were, a good size 12. Considering, I'm not quite 5'4", that was heavy for me. They all encouraged me when I lost the first 10 lbs, but that has changed drastically since I'm down about 30 lbs now. I'm 115 lbs, still within healthy range for my height. Despite that, my friends are constantly telling me I'm "too skinny" "you're going to blow away" "don't lose anymore weight, you're too thin as it is" "you need to eat". One of them even told me she was going to hold me down and force feed me.

    Of course they were all shocked when I told them I eat 2000 calories a day including bagels and Poptarts. Then I got the comment about how I must have a fast metabolism, like they've all forgotten that I was exactly where they are 8 months ago.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    "Of course they were all shocked when I told them I eat 2000 calories a day including bagels and Poptarts. Then I got the comment about how I must have a fast metabolism, like they've all forgotten that I was exactly where they are 8 months ago."

    Very good observation! I've delt with the criticism of losing too much weight as well. The truth is, people have forgotten what slim and fit looks like in this day and age of the obesity epidemic. I too have been accused of being anorexic, and it was very hurtful, because I actually wondered if I was. TWISTED! :noway:
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I had the same problem at first but people eventually get used to how you look. I used to get the "Are you alright?" making sure I was not losing weight because of illness. I still have a problem with people commenting on the food I eat when I indulge or just commenting on some of my healthier choices. It :smile does get better. :smile:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Why do people think its okay to say this? People would never have turned and said to me "please don't gain any more weight" but the number of friends, family members and patients that say "please dont lose any more weight" to me is astonishing! I'm not even skinny!! I'm a nice healthy 142-145 at 5'4 and at the top end of a 'healthy BMI'. I dunno.....it just annoys me! Anybody else encountering this or criticisms for losing?!

    Yep! I have 19 pounds to hit my goal and I'm getting this. Some people have even said it to me with a worried look LOL!!!! I am NO WHERE near skinny or frail looking, oh my word. It's ridiculous. I don't even get upset, I just laugh because it is SO RIDICULOUS. I'm currently fluctuating between 149-151 and my goal weight is 130. I'm pretty thick and solid, and I still will be nice and solid at my goal weight. 130 in right in the middle of the BMI for my height (5'6) so I actually could go even lower and be ok.
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I've heard it from a few people now, and it started when I had lost 15 lbs. Um.... Yeah, about that... I'm going to do what makes me happy, not what makes other people happy.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    I was called a "beanpole" the other day and was told I'm too skinny.

    Made me smile and didn't offend me at all.
    I like how I look now and know what it took to get here, and never in my life have I been called a benapole!

    Hopefully I'll never again be referred to as the "big girl".

    Guess I'm a glass half full person...
  • i have had a few comments like that myself when i went to WW, i found it best to ignore otherwise id could be either upset or really *****y depending on my mood...

    my instagram: shredthespread