Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Sorry I've also been MIA for the past few days. It was back to work on Friday, then out with friends to a festival. Had a lot of fun but woke feeling awful on Saturday. At first I thought maybe it was a hangover, but I really didn't drink that much considering it was over the course of 8 hours. I had a horrible headache--like a spend the whole day on the couch sleeping headache. I finally got up around 6 pm to try to eat something more substantial than the sandwich thin with cheese that I had eaten earlier in the day. I managed to eat a pork chop and some cottage cheese before heading back to bed. Woke up around 10 feeling even worse--still had a headache, body aches, and now was very nauseous. After tossing my cookies, I managed to get back to sleep and woke this morning feeling much better.

    I just finished reading all of your posts, but no time for personals considering I got nothing done yesterday. My poor dog hasn't had a walk since Thursday.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, the scale finally moved, 1.6#, to a new low. I'm so glad that August won't be a complete wash! I will soon be to my one year anniversary here. We can always wish that we would make faster progress, but I'm really pleased with the progress that I have made.
    MowMow-good luck with your mother's visit. I hope that it goes well. My MIL was always very critical of weight and how we ate. It can be hard to deal with.
    Vicki-good luck with your job search.
    Karen-Hope you get to feeling much better. Its not fun to start the school year sick.
    Susan-all those goodies sound too good resist. Good job!
    Nicole-Good luck with the new job.
    Is anyone in touch with Allison? I'm missing her posts.
    You are all inspiring to me. Hope you have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - that headache sounds suspiciously like a migraine - being that severe and all. Hope you are over the worst by now.

    Kaye - glad the scale moved for you finally!

    I ran errands today in 100 degree heat, and I have NO IDEA why I styled my hair before I left the house. Just a ridiculous gesture, folks! I sweat on the top of my head like a fountain! I should just wear a towel on days like today :laugh: because I looked like a wet rat. I went to Sears to buy one 10 lb. dumbell, and boy did I get my exercise after that, just carrying it through the store, and to my car. Then from the car, through my parking lot, up the stairs down the hall and through my home into the spare room. What a workout !!!!:noway: I got it because I'm moving up my goblet squats from 7.5 lbs to 10 lbs now. WOOT!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--Yes, I'm fairly certain it was a migraine. I used to get them pretty regularly and haven't had one in years. I hope this is an isolated incident--would hate to have to deal with them on a monthly basis again. Great job increasing the weight for your squats! Oh, and I feel the same way about our weather here in chicago. It's been beautiful through the temperature is going way up this week.

    @kaye--I'm so happy you've had an August loss! Yes, you've made wonderful progress for only one year on MFP. :drinker: I've also wondered where alison has been, but I'm not friends with her on MFP and haven't heard from her.

    @tammy--we all have days like that sometimes where the hunger just takes over. Honestly, I believe it can actually be helpful to shake up the metabolism provided those binges are few and far between.

    @kris--sorry about your mom's narrow view of healthy. I have the opposite problem with my mother--she has very little concept of what's healthy. She thinks just b/c a dish is vegetarian or organic, for example, that it must be low-calorie. It's not really a problem for me, but I feel she's a terrible influence on my younger sister and bil. Mom brings them meals to help out when they're busy with the baby, but she either makes something unhealthy, or even worse, brings them take-away. :ohwell:

    @tom--glad your weights are on the way so you can start that workout routine.

    @kelley--glad you got good results from your metabolic assessment! awesome NSV!! :drinker: Have you looked online for the frames? I bet you could buy them and bring them to someone who accepts your insurance to make the lenses.

    @susan--glad you fit in the exercise and healthy choices while traveling. Have fun in san diego. I went there years age with garetie--we stayed on coronado island, but made it into the city to visit the zoo and a few other places.

    @marca--great job on c25k!!

    @pie--I'm also rooting for you to get to onederland!! :flowerforyou:

    @nicole--enjoy your first day of work tomorrow!! :drinker:

    @laurie--I hope you are feeling more energetic before the new work week begins. I'm like you--I would have a hard time giving up any of the exercise I do--I really like the variety. :happy:

    @eeyeore--no worries--I didn't really know the term "macros" before joining MFP. That's why we're here! :smile:

    @caligirl--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @nvirgo--I also just got over a bad migraine--glad you are feeling better.

    Sunday Share:
    Well, I'm feeling much better this afternoon. I managed to cook some fish and quinoa salad for lunch for the week though I didn't make it to the grocery store as I had hoped to. I should be fine until I can get there tomorrow or Tuesday.

    Walked gunner, but it's extremely hot out and I'm still feeling weak, so I cut it shorter than usual. He seemed fine with that decision. :wink:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--rest day (sick)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan- Great choices on your business trip and sticking to the small bite size samples.

    Robin- Yeah that you are moving the weight up on the goblet squats.

    Karen- I hope you feel better soon. I know there has been a fast acting flu going around that is lasting about 24 hours.

    Kris- I hope your Mom's visit goes well and she can learn from you.

    Kaye- You are doing a great job with the walking and weight loss.

    Plans for the week:
    Sunday- Rest day
    Monday- Trainer long run 2.5 miles I think
    Tuesday-Gym weight
    Wednesday- Rest day
    Thursday- Gym- cardio and drills
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- bike I hope
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you for all of your well wishes about the job. I am very excited!

    I typed out a lengthy post in response to a few things, and sorry, but my browser ate it. :(

    On the yoga and my arms anyway.... Here is the youtube I am using for my yoga. I can't quite do the downward facing dog as long as I would like to (yet), and for the triangle pose, I don't go all of the way down... but it is still helping a ton! This one is only 30 minutes, but he has longer videos that I will try soon!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Susan and live in Henderson, NV, which is a suburb of Las Vegas. I'm a single mom to a wonderful 11-year old son Cyrus. I work for a restaurant chain, Capriotti's Sandwich Shop and surrounded by food all the time. It's a constant battle, but one I can overcome. No excuses. I've battled my weight for a long time and I'm slowly trying to change, but some times I wish I could take leaps and bounds versus baby steps when it comes to weight loss. I'm hoping my slow and steady will win the race for the long run.

    @ Kaye - Congrats on the scale moving! I know you've been waiting patiently. Good for you!!

    @ Laurie & Karen - Good luck as school is about to start. Your students are so fortunate to have such GREAT teachers! Have an awesome school year ahead. Hope you both start feeling back to normal especially with the busy week ahead.

    @ Tom - Do you have a set plan once your weights arrive? I've been doing a lot of resistance training using my own body weight and that's a work out for sure.

    @ Kris - Why is it our loved ones, i.e. family and friends, can be some of our biggest challenges? I think you have a great plan and can show your mom that healthy eating can have so much flavor. I love the "Eat This Not That" books to really show you can eat good, healthy food by making some simple swaps. I'm always in awe when I eat something with so much flavor and to learn how good it is for me. If there's someone who can show her, I know it Chez Kris!!!

    @ Pie - I'm so glad you found us. You're another inspiration for many of us still finding our way. I can't wait to continue to follow your journey.

    @ TOPS - Nice job on the C25K! I've been thinking about it for some time, but keep thinking I need to wait until I lose a few more pounds or perhaps I should just push through. Good for you!!

    @ Nicole - Hope you have a great first day at the new job. We can't wait to hear all about it.

    @ Robin - Nice increasing your weights. When I started with the trainer (4 sessions in so far), she started me on weights, but immediately realized I'm much stronger than she realized and me too. I do 4 different intervals at 90 seconds then take a break and do the set again. I sweat like crazy. Good for you!!!

    @ Eeyeore - I'm not a stickler for the macros.m, but do try to make sure my calories stay under. I try to stay within the limits for the most part, but if I'm over I'm over. It will balance out over time.

    @ Nvirgo - I'm glad you're feeling better. It sounds like many of us have battled migraines. Luckily, I've never had to take medication or was hospitalized, but they can be brutal. I wonder if mine are more sinus related since it's always eye pain/pressure for me. Hang in there!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Quick Sunday Share!!! My name is Marca. Married 27 years and the mother of 5 mostly grown children, a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law and one grand son and a new grand baby on the way .... Loving life but SO not looking forward to the empty nest!!! We live in the heart of the Ozarks (read drive to the end of the world and then turn left!) with an assortment of animals, our latest being meat rabbits!!! I am working on good health because 5 years ago after FINALLY reaching "Onederland" I had a stroke to her inner ear that left me with unrelenting, totally debilitating vertigo. I regained all the weight plus 25 friends of course!!! I spent the first few years in a recliner surviving but slowly improved over the years. This year I am finally at a place to finally be able to work on my health AND survive!!! And thanks to pushing through I can not only WALK without falling (not possible for a long time) but am 1/2 through C25K!!!! So, I am the resident Dizzy Chick!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody.

    Susan this is the workout I'm supposed to do today. I should have my dumb bells on the 28th so I'll have to work around not having them until then.

    I have to get ready for work now it takes me a little longer to get to the other building now:grumble:

    Quote of the day:- “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm back. The end of summer was a killer for my new life style and I've definitely learned that by not being on MFP, you lose sight of what you are eating (too much apparently) and how you are exercising (not enough). But I'm back from vacations and the kids are back in school and I'm ready to get back at this.

    I got on the scale this morning and am 10 pounds up since a month ago. Based on my legs, I can tell that is quite a bit of water retention, so hopefully it'll go back down quickly, but it was definitely discouraging. I've got my water bottle ready to go!!

    The end of July was wonderfully busy. Back to school shopping, checking some summer bucket items off the list. We spent 12 days in Connecticut and had a wonderful time -- lots of beach, touristy things and just hanging out with family. Also lots of fish and chips, lobster, calamari, grinders etc. I did think that walking and activity would have balanced out more, but at this point -- lesson learned - I've got to stick with MFP to achieve my goals. We got back at 6AM on August 20th and the kids caught the bus at 7:00 and 8:00 respectively. Hard to believe I have a 7th and 2nd grader now. This past weekend, my four siblings and I (and our families) surprised my mother with a trip to Medora. We walked into her condo at 8:00 and said "Who wants to go to Medora???" Great to see her so shocked and we had a good time. However, the weather was 94 and 96 degrees on the two days we were there and it is an outdoorsy place to visit. We took in the Musical and saw lots of animals (bison, elk, wild horses, prairie dogs). We drank lots of water but I was so dehydrated last night when I got home.

    Plan for this week:

    Monday - Water Aerobics
    Tuesday - Cardio and Weights
    Wednesday - OFF
    Thursday - Zumba
    Friday - Zumba

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The weekend was a bit rough. I could have done better! However, I always try to look at my choices and realize how much better they are than they would have been a year ago. DH and I spent the day out of town so eating out was on the agenda. We ate at a Chinese Buffet and really enjoyed it. I made mostly good choices, but there was no way to know exactly how many calories were involved. Yesterday DD made cupcakes in honor of her oldest brothers 47th birthday (yikes!). She bakes from scratch and they were so good, and I ate 2 of them. Well, I definitely ate my exercise calories yesterday!
    Today Keith starts kindergarten. His mom is getting some time off to take him in for orientation. His first full day will be Wed. Last week he was wanting to sing "Rock a Bye, Baby" to his sister. When his mom helped with the words, he was quite alarmed that at the end the cradle fell. She would get hurt, so he changed the words. At the end of his song after the cradle falls, it says "and Papa will catch you." He loves his sister.
    I hope that this is the beginning of a great week for everyone. The beginning of school is a good time to refocus. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, lets hope 2nd times a charm - lost my post! :grumble:

    @Robin~Cute pic!

    @Tom~That looks like a great workout. You could use soup cans temporarily until your DBs arrive, its good to start out with lighter weights anyway. :wink:

    @tlh0407~Welcome back, sounds like you had a great vacation & what a nice surprise for your mom.

    @Kaye~How cute that your grandson changed the words of the song. :love:

    AFM~Today is my last day of my mini vacation. :frown: And what do I have planned? A workout with my trainer at noon, he texted last night to see if I wanted to train today - why not. Otherwise, I'm laying low today. Yesterday was a busy day - found some new glasses, they are Guess instead of Coach. I wanted some more expensive lenses and a special treatment on them, so needed to go with a less expensive frame so I wouldn't have too much out of pocket. Geez! Buying my contacts is so much easier! :laugh: I should have them in a couple of weeks. Then I got the wood floors washed - always a chore since I move all the furniture.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, Treadmill
    Saturday~Gym, Elliptical

    Have a great day!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi all. Cannot go back for shout outs today. Limited time. Finally think I have my head on straight and am going to approach this as a lifestyle change. Kids went back to school today (both milestone years..high school & middle school). I am looking at this as the start of my new year! Goodbye to being trapped in this fat suit.
    After dropping my DD off at HS, I forced myself to do C25K W1D2 OUTSIDE. Off to shower then hit Trader Joes.
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    I have been so slack about posting and didn't even log my food yesterday. I weighed this morning and just as I suspected, I did gain one pound last week. I figured when I lost the 7 the week before, that it would be more than that, so I'm not really disappointed. This weekend is kind of a blur. Friday was a BAD day all together. Saturday we went to the Bristol Nascar race. It was a LONG day, but we had a lot of fun. We drove back home yesterday. Today I'm not feeling so well :( Just hoping to start feeling better and make it through this work day. Hope you all had a good weekend and a great upcoming week :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karen and Laurie - have a great day in your classrooms today - hope the kids go easy on you today!

    Naceto - thanks for the yoga link - I've saved it for future reference - now I just have to do it. :wink: When I did yoga a long-long time ago, I never had enough balance for the triangle pose, so congrats on your efforts!

    Susan - your "slow and steady" WILL win the race, for sure! Don't even worry about it. Shoot for 1/2 to 1 lb. loss a week, and try to get that by reducing calories if you can. I'm so proud of you for working in the food industry and taking bites and spitting them out. I baked this week and made sweets and not sampling them was so darn hard it made me think of you every time I thought of eating one little semi-tidbit, and I said, "No, if Susan can do it, so can I"
    I'm so glad your working with a trainer now. Great things will start to happen!

    Marca - I love the Ozarks - I think it is beautiful country - I would find it fun raising rabbits too - my step=mom raised rabbits and we often had them for dinner - yumm is all I can say!
    I'm so impressed with your walking despite the vertigo and making it through C25K as far as you have.

    Morgori - Tom that is quite a fitness plan - do you do all three - strength, cardio and flexibility in one day? That is quite a lot? Do you have a rest day after that? Hope you get used to the walk to your new building - and find a replacement for the stairs you used to walk.

    tih - welcome back and glad you had an amazing summer. Isn't it astonishing how easily 10 pounds comes back on? I always have to caution people on this thread before Christmas and the holiday season about those quick 10 pounds at that time becuase its so darn easy to gain! Just a few weeks of slacking off and they are back on our hips and thighs! :grumble:
    Well, don't despair, just get back on the wagon. As you said, some of it is probably water weight and will be gone soon. As for the rest, just be patient, start logging your foods again, and just look back on your happy memories!

    Kaye - Keith sounds adorable. I just want to pick him up and hug him! Like you say the beginning of the school year is a good time to refocus! Sorry you had some temptations this weekend but overall you did well. Like your slogan, onward and downward!

    Kah - last day of mini-vacation - hope you enjoy it - good job getting time in with your trainer.

    Allie - good attitude - this really is a lifestyle change from morning til night. What an accomplishment to do your C25K in this heat - good for you - and stay cool today!

    BJ - don't feel bad about the 1 lb gain = as you said with a 7 lb loss the week before it had to even out a little. Wow what a day - a whole day at the NASCAR races - I can imagine how fun that must have been. But I do hope you are feeling better - I wonder if the heat got to you ? Take it easy! :flowerforyou:

    Oh my - the morning has just gotten away from me! I have a Drs. appt at 2 pm and have to shower still and eat breakfast - gotta run!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin, you don't want to pick Keith up to give him a hug. He is in the top 90% for height and weight. He weighs close to 80#. He doesn't look it, but he's solid as a rock. He is a sweetheart! Thanks. Good luck with the dr. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have a busy busy day today. My daughter painted all the walls in the living room and hallway for me but I have to tape off and cut in by the ceiling. Then it is washing and polishing all the pictures and knick knacks so I can finally see some real results. I am also going to attempt to clean the great gaping pit my bedroom has turned into. I just threw some chicken in the crockpot with a new recipie so dinners covered and I can focus on getting my tushie in gear. I hope you all have a great day. I will try to get back on later and do some personals. Everyone have a fantabulous day:bigsmile: :heart: :heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marca~I've been to the Ozarks many times, I have family in MO and own some land there as well, so it was kind of hard to avoid. :wink:

    @Robin~Good luck with the doc this afternoon.

    @Karen & Laurie~Hope you are both having a good first day with the kiddos. Schools started here this morning too.

    Back from the gym, did some different things with trainer since we did weights yesterday - today was a lot of agility stuff, including tons of lunges! Also did some heavy lifting on muscles we didn't target yesterday. I have a feeling I'll feel that later. :laugh: Afterwards stopped at Chick-fil-a for some lunch and then the pet store - sweet Zoe needed some new toys, found the cutest tiny pink teddy bear that she has really taken to. She's just carrying it all over the house. I need to buy another one as a back up, I replaced "pinky" this morning who has gone missing, luckily they had a replacement. I swear its like having a 2yo around! :laugh:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Morgori - Tom that is quite a fitness plan - do you do all three - strength, cardio and flexibility in one day? That is quite a lot? Do you have a rest day after that? Hope you get used to the walk to your new building - and find a replacement for the stairs you used to walk.

    This is what week one looks like:
    Weekly Workout Calendar

    25 August 2013

    26 August 2013CardioStrengthFlexibilityCardio

    27 August 2013Cardio

    28 August 2013CardioStrengthFlexibility

    29 August 2013

    30 August 2013Cardio

    31 August 2013CardioStrengthFlexibility