Guess What was on my Kid's School Shopping List



  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I remember getting a list of supplies to bring the school when I was a child.

    Most of the things were for projects that they already had planned for each student and some were for general use in the classroom and those were shared by everyone.

    Yes , there was children who could not afford to bring any but that was part of the learning experience and learning how to share.

    I also remember that when I missed a class ,the parents of those kids were the ones that would make sure to pick up a extra copy of the work and give it to my mom so that I would not get behind on my school work. Or they would drop the notebooks so that I could copy the notes.
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    A lot of kids already don't pay attention in school. The artificial dyes in the candies is just going to make it worse.


    I ate candy all the time when I went to school. I also was in the top 5 percent of my graduating class with a GPA better than a 4.0.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My dentist gave me sealants on my teeth when I was a kid, supposedly it's supposed to prevent cavities. Have you asked yours about that? Prevention's the best medicine, and if your kid's going to be eating a lot of sugary stuff at school (since he's a kid, and he will if they're offered), might not be a bad idea to check into it

    Yes look into the sealants I was 20 before my first cavity after the sealants wore off. Maybe they dont do that for kids anymore?

    Just tell the school your kid has an allergy to red dye #5. I find it a little disconcerting schools are using candy bribes. I just learned that schools here for high school are only opened 6hrs a day! That's nothing how do we expect to compete with the rest of the world?
  • too_much_hmm

    I wonder what the graph looks like if we compared how many supplies parents send to school vs performance. I wonder if candy improves performance or maybe it improves self esteem, something else very important.

    Facts we know:

    Sugar causes cavities. (not poor dental hygiene like many people mistakenly believe)
    Teachers are underpaid (hence the need for parents to provide everything despite the fact that they already pay taxes)
    There are too many students in each class (which is why kids aren't doing as well even though classroom size is at an all time low)

    Any other facts we need be aware of as well informed parents?

    I dont think you understand what a fact is.

    Please explain.
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    School supply lists have gotten way out of hand.

    This year for my 6th grader they wanted:

    48 black Pentel brand only pens
    48 red Pentel brand only pens
    96 mechanical pencils Bic brand only
    8 two inch binders
    6 boxes of Kleenex brand only tissues
    15 packs wide rule paper
    3 packs manila paper
    6 three subject spiral notebooks
    4 packs of pocketed dividers
    12 pack of Crayola only brand colored pencils
    10 glue sticks Elmer's brand only
    2 boxes of Glad brand only 30 gallon trashbags
    3 boxes of Ziploc only brand freezer bags

    It was also mandatory to purchase a school t-shirt ($25)
    2 packs of dry erase markers Expo brand only

    Now on meet and greet night since she changes classes the teachers all had class "fees" ranging from $5 for her math class to $20 for her English class

    Then there was the band fees plus instrument costs. ($2100 total if you are curious)

    Then there was the backpack, and other stuff they wanted like germ-x.

    I also have a high school kid her class fees on open house meet and greet wiped out $150 in less than an hour.
    Then there was her school supplies. Some of the same stuff my 6th grader needed.

    My total back to school costs ran me excluding the band instrument: $800

    The school supply list expectation is getting way out of hand.

    I'm all for good deeds. But damn it, I can not afford to supply other people's kids with their stuff. There are organizations they can get help from. Grow up and take care of your own.

    As for the candy. that's a personal choice. But after what I spent getting supplies, I don't think I would be doing it.

    Because as we all know come Christmas break they are going to hit us with yet another expensive lengthy list of stuff meant not for our kid but for other kids too.

    It's insane.

    That is unusual. I would be very concerned about teachers asking for cash and the school requiring people to buy T-shirts. Is this a public school?

    I have two kids in grade school. Their teachers did not request anything. They only listed the supplies the kids would need. We bought every supply they needed for less than $25. The only other cost was for two back packs. Those were about $15 each.
  • too_much_hmm
    A lot of kids already don't pay attention in school. The artificial dyes in the candies is just going to make it worse.


    I ate candy all the time when I went to school. I also was in the top 5 percent of my graduating class with a GPA better than a 4.0.

    Not to diminish your scholastic achievement but 'better than a 4.0' just means your grades were wildly inflated and means nothing.
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    Here's the thing...I don't care what the reward is - be it candy, stickers or whatever...I'm hung up on the fact that kids are being rewarded for doing what they SHOULD be doing anyways.

    And incentive for being good? I'm pretty sure keeping my name off of the chalkboard was incentive enough for me, cuz I knew if I got any check marks after my name (check marks were issued for each "bad" instance), there would be no recess for me. So what motivated me to behave? Wanting to spare myself from the embarassement of having to stay in at recess, or having my name on the chalkboard for the whole class to see.

    Then blame parents, not teachers. When kids grow up with no limits and no consequences, a teacher cannot magically change his/her behavior and life outlook overnight. Do you actually think teachers WANT to have to bribe kids to get them to behave?

    Kids who are raised with no consequences at home have very little real consequences at school. They are not embarrassed to have their name written on the board - they think it's funny and/or are proud of it. The number one threat for me as a kid was having a teacher call my mom. Nowadays, if you call a parent to report a child's misbehavior, you are almost just as likely to get chewed out by the parent for not being a "good enough" teacher to handle their brat of a child. You're pretty limited as to what you can take away at school. Rewards are a last but necessary resort, unfortunately.

    Oh, I do blame the parents too, don't get me wrong. I was just floored to see that teachers have to resort to a "rewards" program just to get kids to behave. I don't pretend to have all the answers, today's society is royally messed up. I can't believe what kids are allowed to get away with these days. My biggest pet peeve is when you go to a restaurant and see kids running around and being obnoxious and the parents are just oblivious and ignore them. Unless we're sitting at Chuck E. Cheese or McDonald's, get a handle on your kid and make them behave or leave! But I digress...

    For the record, I have a lot of respect for teachers. I know I couldn't do it. I don't for one second think it's an easy job. It's just unfortunate that they have to resort to rewards programs to get kids to learn.

    You are surprised that teachers have to reward kids to get them to work? Do you have a job? If so, do you get a paycheck? Do you get pats on the back and weekends off, vacation time, holiday parties, etc? According to sociologist Max Weber, considered the grandfather of organization theory, people are motivated by many things, and many of those things are rewards.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    I wonder what the graph looks like if we compared how many supplies parents send to school vs performance. I wonder if candy improves performance or maybe it improves self esteem, something else very important.

    Facts we know:

    Sugar causes cavities. (not poor dental hygiene like many people mistakenly believe)
    Teachers are underpaid (hence the need for parents to provide everything despite the fact that they already pay taxes)
    There are too many students in each class (which is why kids aren't doing as well even though classroom size is at an all time low)

    Any other facts we need be aware of as well informed parents?

    I dont think you understand what a fact is.

    Please explain.

    Well, the second two are opinions, not facts. The first one is simply inaccurate. Bacteria consume simple sugars in your mouth and produce an acid that erodes tooth enamel. So sugar indirectly encourages cavities. Also, your dental hygiene plays a large role in tooth decay. For example, using a toothpaste with fluoride causes your enamel to harden, making it less susceptible to decay.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    School supply lists have gotten way out of hand.

    This year for my 6th grader they wanted:

    48 black Pentel brand only pens
    48 red Pentel brand only pens
    96 mechanical pencils Bic brand only
    8 two inch binders
    6 boxes of Kleenex brand only tissues
    15 packs wide rule paper
    3 packs manila paper
    6 three subject spiral notebooks
    4 packs of pocketed dividers
    12 pack of Crayola only brand colored pencils
    10 glue sticks Elmer's brand only
    2 boxes of Glad brand only 30 gallon trashbags
    3 boxes of Ziploc only brand freezer bags

    It was also mandatory to purchase a school t-shirt ($25)
    2 packs of dry erase markers Expo brand only

    Now on meet and greet night since she changes classes the teachers all had class "fees" ranging from $5 for her math class to $20 for her English class

    Then there was the band fees plus instrument costs. ($2100 total if you are curious)

    Then there was the backpack, and other stuff they wanted like germ-x.

    I also have a high school kid her class fees on open house meet and greet wiped out $150 in less than an hour.
    Then there was her school supplies. Some of the same stuff my 6th grader needed.

    My total back to school costs ran me excluding the band instrument: $800

    The school supply list expectation is getting way out of hand.

    I'm all for good deeds. But damn it, I can not afford to supply other people's kids with their stuff. There are organizations they can get help from. Grow up and take care of your own.

    As for the candy. that's a personal choice. But after what I spent getting supplies, I don't think I would be doing it.

    Because as we all know come Christmas break they are going to hit us with yet another expensive lengthy list of stuff meant not for our kid but for other kids too.

    It's insane.

    That is unusual. I would be very concerned about teachers asking for cash and the school requiring people to buy T-shirts. Is this a public school?

    I have two kids in grade school. Their teachers did not request anything. They only listed the supplies the kids would need. We bought every supply they needed for less than $25. The only other cost was for two back packs. Those were about $15 each.

    Yes it is. My state has a budget shortfall this year big time. So I guess we are having to make it up.

    I was told the fees were to cover "printing costs and janitorial supplies, sanitary supplies like soap and toilet paper and also to cover teacher out of pocket expenses"

    What really irked me was the way they got snotty when I asked about the fees. I expected them for band but not for a math class.

    Oh and both kids had to have a TI-84. I have a TI-83 but was not allowed to let my 6th grader use that one. Those run 120 each!!!!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    A lot of kids already don't pay attention in school. The artificial dyes in the candies is just going to make it worse.


    I ate candy all the time when I went to school. I also was in the top 5 percent of my graduating class with a GPA better than a 4.0.

    Not to diminish your scholastic achievement but 'better than a 4.0' just means your grades were wildly inflated and means nothing.

    I believe to get above a 4.0gpa, you have to have Honors/AP courses that are more heavily weighted than their standard counterparts. And not all schools offer that additional bonus GPA, so yeah, doesn't really mean much.
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    A lot of kids already don't pay attention in school. The artificial dyes in the candies is just going to make it worse.


    I ate candy all the time when I went to school. I also was in the top 5 percent of my graduating class with a GPA better than a 4.0.

    Not to diminish your scholastic achievement but 'better than a 4.0' just means your grades were wildly inflated and means nothing.

    I guess ignorance is bliss. Because there's no way in hell that you could know a single damn thing about my education.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    The teacher asked for a bag of candy. Of all things, right?

    My kid's gotten so many cavities since starting school last year, I'm tempted to send the school his dental bills. All the sugary snacks and gooey treats at birthday parties are ridiculous. The candy will be used as incentives for the children, and while I can understand how useful that may be to a teacher, there's got to be a better way.
    My DD's eats all of those too..................and dental hygiene is fine. We ate candy as kids, and probably no different than today's kids.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    that's candy is for the teacher lol
  • too_much_hmm

    I wonder what the graph looks like if we compared how many supplies parents send to school vs performance. I wonder if candy improves performance or maybe it improves self esteem, something else very important.

    Facts we know:

    Sugar causes cavities. (not poor dental hygiene like many people mistakenly believe)
    Teachers are underpaid (hence the need for parents to provide everything despite the fact that they already pay taxes)
    There are too many students in each class (which is why kids aren't doing as well even though classroom size is at an all time low)

    Any other facts we need be aware of as well informed parents?

    I dont think you understand what a fact is.

    Please explain.

    Well, the second two are opinions, not facts. The first one is simply inaccurate. Bacteria consume simple sugars in your mouth and produce an acid that erodes tooth enamel. So sugar indirectly encourages cavities. Also, your dental hygiene plays a large role in tooth decay. For example, using a toothpaste with fluoride causes your enamel to harden, making it less susceptible to decay.

    I got over a 4.0 is school and I've never heard of these bacteria of which you speak. And flouride is poisonous if you consume more than 450 ml in a one week timeframe. No way I'm putting that in my mouth. Also, toothbrushes are just a fad.

    All facts.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm just glad dude finally quit talking about all the pencils he was stealing from the Golf Course...

    Carry on.
  • too_much_hmm
    A lot of kids already don't pay attention in school. The artificial dyes in the candies is just going to make it worse.


    I ate candy all the time when I went to school. I also was in the top 5 percent of my graduating class with a GPA better than a 4.0.

    Not to diminish your scholastic achievement but 'better than a 4.0' just means your grades were wildly inflated and means nothing.

    I guess ignorance is bliss. Because there's no way in hell that you could know a single damn thing about my education.

    No way in hell? I beg to differ, sir. Oh, there's a way. It might be improbable but it exists. I could know you. Maybe I was one of your teachers or an uncle. Never use absolutes, never.
  • sandifield
    sandifield Posts: 22 Member
    Our boy is in what they call An Apple School again this year, No candies, chips, chocolate, pop, and such even when they celebrate a birthday its with healthy foods, Christmas, Halloween, Easter parties are no junk either, If a Child does being junk to school it is taken from them and replaced with fruit... Our kids get incentives with lil stickers, toys, extra recesses, and wotk toward tickets, at end of month they draw for lil gifts, the better.. you get tickets for listening, helping, getting work done, remember in homework and such.. and they get Certificates too .. Never would they bribe a child with candy...
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    School supply lists have gotten way out of hand.

    This year for my 6th grader they wanted:

    48 black Pentel brand only pens
    48 red Pentel brand only pens
    96 mechanical pencils Bic brand only
    8 two inch binders
    6 boxes of Kleenex brand only tissues
    15 packs wide rule paper
    3 packs manila paper
    6 three subject spiral notebooks
    4 packs of pocketed dividers
    12 pack of Crayola only brand colored pencils
    10 glue sticks Elmer's brand only
    2 boxes of Glad brand only 30 gallon trashbags
    3 boxes of Ziploc only brand freezer bags

    It was also mandatory to purchase a school t-shirt ($25)
    2 packs of dry erase markers Expo brand only

    Now on meet and greet night since she changes classes the teachers all had class "fees" ranging from $5 for her math class to $20 for her English class

    Then there was the band fees plus instrument costs. ($2100 total if you are curious)

    Then there was the backpack, and other stuff they wanted like germ-x.

    I also have a high school kid her class fees on open house meet and greet wiped out $150 in less than an hour.
    Then there was her school supplies. Some of the same stuff my 6th grader needed.

    My total back to school costs ran me excluding the band instrument: $800

    The school supply list expectation is getting way out of hand.

    I'm all for good deeds. But damn it, I can not afford to supply other people's kids with their stuff. There are organizations they can get help from. Grow up and take care of your own.

    As for the candy. that's a personal choice. But after what I spent getting supplies, I don't think I would be doing it.

    Because as we all know come Christmas break they are going to hit us with yet another expensive lengthy list of stuff meant not for our kid but for other kids too.

    It's insane.

    That is unusual. I would be very concerned about teachers asking for cash and the school requiring people to buy T-shirts. Is this a public school?

    I have two kids in grade school. Their teachers did not request anything. They only listed the supplies the kids would need. We bought every supply they needed for less than $25. The only other cost was for two back packs. Those were about $15 each.

    Yes it is. My state has a budget shortfall this year big time. So I guess we are having to make it up.

    I was told the fees were to cover "printing costs and janitorial supplies, sanitary supplies like soap and toilet paper and also to cover teacher out of pocket expenses"

    What really irked me was the way they got snotty when I asked about the fees. I expected them for band but not for a math class.

    Oh and both kids had to have a TI-84. I have a TI-83 but was not allowed to let my 6th grader use that one. Those run 120 each!!!!

    Wow. This is the first I've heard of this. i wish you were in our school district. It's very inexpensive.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    It is psychologically damaging to reward children with food, candy, sweets. Find a good reliable report on this and send it to the school- it won't be hard to find, it is very well proven that it causes dysfunctional eating habits that last a lifetime if not intentionally changed (and that can be quite difficult to do).
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    A lot of kids already don't pay attention in school. The artificial dyes in the candies is just going to make it worse.


    I ate candy all the time when I went to school. I also was in the top 5 percent of my graduating class with a GPA better than a 4.0.

    Not to diminish your scholastic achievement but 'better than a 4.0' just means your grades were wildly inflated and means nothing.

    I guess ignorance is bliss. Because there's no way in hell that you could know a single damn thing about my education.

    No way in hell? I beg to differ, sir. Oh, there's a way. It might be improbable but it exists. I could know you. Maybe I was one of your teachers or an uncle. Never use absolutes, never.

    We'll round off the1 in 100 million odds to zero.