What do women really want in a guy?



  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm asexual so what I want from a guy is for him to leave me alone :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I'm asexual so what I want from a guy is for him to leave me alone :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fat_forever
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    jaded much?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    jaded much?

    Lol! I think hkystar was on the nose with that one!

    If everyone was identical and the only variable was money than yes that would probably be the case, but not one person has the same characteristics or life events that would shape them. Some women want the security of money, some want to convert the bad or damaged boy, some want a best friend, and some have a daddy complex. Everyone wants something different based on they're own character and backround.

    *To an earlier post* Please note too that just because a woman says she wants a nice guy, doesnt mean she wants a pushover! So many guys get upset at seeing a girl with a guy that they think isnt nicer than them, and cant understand why she doesnt go for himself. Here's the answer, nice guys have many other qualities! Most guys will be nice to the girl they're interested in, so girls need to look at many other features!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    All things being equal? Except for the $200 million!! Great analogy.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Definitely agree with everyone else. My man makes enough to barely cover his bills and take me out to dinner and rent a movie every weekend or so... I make less but have less bills so end up having more to "spend" and that's okay with me because he's providing the roof over my head! I don't plan on being a stay at home mom because I go crazy just sitting at home. Once my kids are school age, you bet I'll be working a full time job... and honestly with the way things are going and what my boyfriend wants to do, I'll probably make more money and we're both fine with that. We just want to be comfortable enough to not have to budget every tiny thing and wonder if we can afford a $5 Marble Slam cone! lol

    Every guy I've ever dated has made less money than me, except the guy I'm with now - but I started off making more than he did, until he got a promotion. So no, I'm not in it for the money.
  • stringcheeze
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.
    Sadly, you're right, but it's been warped from the hunter-gatherer position of "is he able to reliably bring home the bacon to feed the offspring". Now it's "does he bring home the useless bling to make me look better/richer than my bobble-headed girlfriends."

    Edit: Which isn't to say there aren't women on the other end of the spectrum and go by the thought that "as long as he loves me and doesn't stray, I'm perfectly happy, even if we're not rolling in wads of cash," but there are certainly those who think money is the be all, end all.

    To the OP, if you were to take anything from that website as a "lesson for the day", go with Fact 11's page. I'd also listen to the poster who said it changes depending on the point in the woman's life (and keep in mind, everyone has a different maturity rate). We like the stable, funny, committed guy, but we also like the "bad boys" and the "tough guys". Its the same reason why guys like the girl next door, but wouldn't mind something dressed a little skimpier at times -- we are designed from millions of years of evolution, yet we still have bits of the lizard brain in us that goes by more primal instincts.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    My wife says I am not qualified to answer this question...
  • Snook111381
    This is a very broad question because sometimes women (me) are unsure of what they really want. I could say money but then what if he has to work extra hard and spends a lot of time away to make it then I'd ask for more time but then what if I feel smothered. I think you just have to find the right guy for you and learn how to accept and expect some flaws.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member

    Buy her a flower, open the door for her, pay for dinner, take her to a chick flick movie instead of a action movie.

    Tell her you love here. :heart:

    Men don't romance anymore, once they get into a relationship the romance goes away and it's sad.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Anthropologically speaking women want a man that will take care of them...now don't get your panties in a bunch...it also relates to the fact that women are nesters...women want a man that can provide for their needs, whether it be emotionally (romance), financially, reproduction, etc...the man must be able to maintain the nest by bringing home food and maintaining a roof over the heads, so the woman can raise the babies. if you're an independant, self-sufficient woman such as my self, who can pay their own bills and put food on the table, than you need a man for different reasons...companionship is a major one. Women want men that can provide for them...provide what ever it is that's lacking in their life.
  • fat_forever
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    jaded much?

    No, truthful.
  • fat_forever
    Like gillianpinder said, women want a man that will take care of their needs. To take care of their needs means he has to have money.

    Sure, all women want romance and all of that other garbage, but what it all comes down to is money. You say you are happy if he just holds the door for you, remembers your birthday, takes you out for no special reason, etc. That is all bull. Sure, it's nice if the guy does that for you, and for those women who have a guy who does that and say they are happy with him......wouldn't you be happier if he had millions of dollars? Would you be happier with this guy as he is or would you be happier if this guy had boatloads of money? I think we all know the answer to that...
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Want a man that makes me laugh and loves me for my quirks. He must be a good person at his core but have a streak to be bad (not really bad, just fun bad :wink: ) He must be able to take care of himself like a grownup. I have been able to take care of myself for a long time so all I need is emotional support. That is truly what I have always looked for. I'm also lucky enough to have found him. He doesn't share his money with me. I make my own.

    Guys, no one will argue that money is awesome. Wouldn't you rather meet a woman with millions of dollars? Duh.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yep, i don't need a man working at wal-mart for minimum wage, that's not going to feed my babies...but then again, i wouldn't take maternity leave, i'd get him to do it...man i'm glad i'm not having babies!
  • jbass6672
    jbass6672 Posts: 1
    I really have no idea what women want. I am in good shape, healthy, I have a decent job for where I live, a normal home and I have had no luck at all period. I kinda just gave up. :)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Breathing but thats not mandatory
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I can't imagine a girl would want someone who would ask this on the internet.

    Just speculation.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Well after reading a rather pathetic post about money, I can only speak for myself, money does not make a man, and truth be told to the person who posted it, I had a choice between a doctor and a mechanic, I married the mechanic. Do not speak for the rest of us, speak only for yourself.