What was your "last straw"???



  • Couldn't fit into my fat clothes anymore...that's sad. I avoided mirrors and scales...that doesn't change the number or how I felt. It was time to do something about it.
  • I am pretty tall for a woman, 5 ft 11 inches, so I would talk to people about losing weight and they would always say, Yes but you're tall, so when does it become too much weight. Well last year or so I have gained and at my heaviest, 210 lbs. I should be at around 160 - 170 for looking good and healthiest weight. I used to wear a size 10 pants back in my early 20's, but then wore size 12 for many years which for me looks good. But, then I started wearing a 14 for several years, recently last 2 years I have increased to size 16 pants and some XL shirts are not fitting me anymore and my size 16 pants are still fitting but starting to get snug. OOPS. Now that I am turning 50 end of 2014, I need to take off the pounds now before any health problems and pants don't fit anymore!!!! I am in good health, don't have diabetes or anything, don't smoke or drink. So weight is my only problem right now.

    I used to drum in a rock band for many years and that was my main excercise. Well that has slowed down alot and I slowly started putting on the pounds since last 4 years. So now I found this app and it is great!! I really see what I have been eating.

    I also need to excercise and keep putting it off to join health club to walk and bike on the machines to get started. So I need motivation to exercise which I don't like the boringness and drudgery but it has to be done in order to achieve my goal of going back to at least size 14 if not size 12 pants!!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    The point when I realized that I was about to need a larger belt - having started using that belt at the 3rd notch.
  • PDubbya
    PDubbya Posts: 15
    A combination of things: Seeing photos of me from my last vacation, Looking at my backside in the mirror, Hitting a weight I had never hit before, Realizing I won't be able to fit into my fall wardrobe, etc. But the real last straw came when my husband said I was fat. Talk about a "slap in the face":(
  • weberk
    weberk Posts: 34 Member
    Watching the biggest loser and knowing that I was the same size or bigger then some of the contestants.

    And watching the scale go up every doctor appointment while pregnant, really makes you very aware of how big you are. Before pregnancy I had no idea how much I weighted.

    Pre -pregnancy (first baby) - 195lbs

    Highest pregnant weight - 242lbs

    Post Pregnancy (final baby) - 215lbs

    Current: 153lbs
  • Adriam88
    Adriam88 Posts: 78 Member
    For me it was not being able to fit some clothes anymore & then my 'comfy' pants gave me a muffin top. I got on the scale and realised I was only 15-20 lbs off from when I was 9 months pregnant...YIKES! Then and there I said to myself "Self, enough is enough, no excuses, time to get healthy & fit. And you will never ever let things slip like this again!"
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Combination of 3 things. A size of jeans that used to require a belt to keep them up were actually too tight for me to wear, well when I first kinda started paying attention they weren't quite too tight but they were getting close, I guess I was in denial because I thought to myself "I can still fasten them so they must be ok" wrong! this depressed me big time, and the overall physical feeling oh and I had started refusing to wear shoes I had to tie because it was painful. I think honestly that is the big one that made it click and made me realize I had to do something and soon!
  • justinchobo
    justinchobo Posts: 6 Member
    It was a combination of not fitting on a ride and then having to get off. So embarrassing because everyone knows why you are getting off. So when I finally weighed myself I was over 300 pounds. That was it. I had it. Andddddd that leads to where I am today. Though I didnt start MFP 20 pounds into my journey, then I got a smart phone.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Two years ago. I was 43 years old and smoking a pack a day. I was also waking up at night to pee (usually around 4am), was a little bit incontinent if I coughed or strained, my right foot had a brown patch of skin that I knew was related to chronic venous insufficiency and my snoring was loud enough to wake the neighbours (in between periods of apnoea).

    I can't remember what was actually my last straw moment, but it was probably a combination of all the above discomforts and a hundred others that made me finally snap. I work in health care so am well aware of the risks associated with obesity - but the thing that scares me most isn't sudden death from a heart attack or whatever, it's the slow, painful decline over 20 years or so that freaks me out. Sudden death is preferable to that, in my opinion.

    Anyhoo, nowadays I haven't had a cigarette in over a year, I've lost around half of what I want to lose, am able to run 5k (slowly!), I haven't snored or woken up to pee since a month after I started. My weight loss has been slow and frustrating at times but I've been living my life and eating as I want to for the rest of the time allowed me.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    A photo. I knew what I weighed, and I knew I was fat.. but I was kidding myself that I was carrying it well.
  • desand32
    desand32 Posts: 9 Member
    When I found out I had diabetes
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I was sitting at the doctors office, ( foot doctor) and I was looking around at all the people with toes missing, with half thier foot gone, with half thier leggs gone, not from war, but from diabeties, and I looked at my feet, getting numb as they were, and I knew my kidney scores were getting worse, ( spilling into my urine) and I was sitting around at 380 pounds, my knees hurt, I had fallen down and broken my Humorous bone mid shaft, and I was having thoughts of just going over the cliff so to speak, and something clicked, I am 50 years old, I FLIPPED THE SWICH inside my head, the fight was on, now I am down 71 pounds and going strong, no more visits to the doc for feet, completely off diabeties meds, and wow, what a differsance so far,, I lost 6 pounds this week alone!

    This is what did it for me. Being in the hospital and seeing people with parts missing because of diabetes.
  • LoveandCookies9
    LoveandCookies9 Posts: 3 Member
    You would've thought the fact all my clothes don't fit and I had to go buy some new stuff would've done it....nope
    It was seeing pictures of myself at a BBQ with friends....everyone's like ..oh you look beautiful...?...I do?
    My dimples connected around my face joined by my new friend double chin...it was scary and a wake up call hard core
    I saw my girlfriend doing amazing on here and thought ok I'll try it...26 days 7.6 lbs down and I'm slowly starting to go back to running....I love it here!
  • Going to an annual checkup at the doctors and facing the reality of the scale. No excuses this time!!
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    When I stood on the scale and the display read Err...I was so fat that the scale couldn't measure me. I went on Amazon, bought a scale that went up higher and have been pushing my number lower since.
  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member
    None of my pants fit and I found that I needed to purchase new ones with another 4 inches in the waistband!
  • tihi18
    tihi18 Posts: 102 Member
    There were a few things;

    I couldn't fit any of my clothes, I was 20 pounds over my "won't let myself get bigger than that" weight but the biggest thing was pictures. I hate looking at myself in photos and I got to the point that I couldn't recognize myself in pictures.
  • ButterflyDame
    ButterflyDame Posts: 111 Member
    seeing myself on video riding the motorbike, ewwwww.
    embarrassed and turned off
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    My last straw was on a camping trip with my boys. I had just finished my second year of law school, and after my last final, I packed up the car and loaded the kids. I got sore setting up the tent. I knew I needed to lose weight, and that I was in the overweight/obese BMI range, but getting sore after setting up a tent just really pushed me over the edge. I talked to a friend who had recently lost about 50 lbs, and asked him how he did it. He pointed me to MFP, and I haven't looked back. With two more lost pounds, I'll be in the normal BMI range.
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Used every excuse in the book to get out of going for a swim at the cabin this summer... all because I did not want to wear a bathing suit in public. Making those excuses made me realize that not only was I lying to myself about my weight gain, but now to others as well. And that is just wrong. Also, I'm only 45 years old, and that is just way to young to give up swimming at the lake!
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