

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning ladies,
    posted on the august thread, so will do so on the september one.
    havent lost,but havent gained so thats good. yucky weather here today.. just thought of something.. maybe I can talk the ol boy into going bowling today we haven't done that in ages...
    hope everyone is enjoying the weekend:wink:
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    I want to send a heartfelt Thank You for all the kind words... support...prayers... that was given to me in the passing of my dear sister..they soothed my heart....Bless you All :heart:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good Sunday Morning! I have had a terrible time with my eating during the last two days. On Friday we went to a Chinese buffet and I went hog wild. I was feeling really shaky and thought it was low blood sugar. I thought could feel better by eating as much as possible. I finally figured it had something to do with allergies. Once I used nasal spray, I finally felt better. We have had so much wet weather and just plain damp my allergies are out of control. Last night we attended a cookout for GD's second birthday and again I overdid it. So, today is a new day and I will try again.

    We are having a very quiet holiday weekend with no special plans which suits me fine. Found some wonderful vintage jewelry at an estate sale on Friday. Paid a wad for it but I should get my money back when I resale.

    Wishing you all a great Sunday.
  • cinrueshershae
    Hello Everyone! I need to do the September Motivation/Support daily this month. I was a drop out and came back to get over a plateau. I did break the plateau by logging in daily. Then lack of time took my logging away for a few days. I am back, and will try to get here every day. I read the posts and there are three goals that I may borrow from others, as they fit my month to a tee! Hope that is ok with the original posters as this is a place to draw support, and that is basically what I would be doing by borrowing a goal or two to add to my own. I made it through August and lost, but not as much as I had hoped since I did not do a regular login. The regular login really keeps me focused and I have put that as my #1 goal.
    My September goals will be:

    1. Log food and exercise daily (Bite it; Write it and Move it; Write it)

    2. Do Abs 3 times a week
    Cardio 3 times a week

    3. Act the way I want to Feel (borrowed and a good one)

    4. Study the clothes in my closet; Get rid of things I am not using
    Plan replacements carefully

    I am praying that I will follow through getting on here every day. I am slow on the computer and dread the time it takes me to find the foods on the data base and get them logged in. I hope it will get faster for me.
    Good luck to everyone.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    My goal for September: to be more successful than I was in July and August (this won't take much, LOL!)


    Log every bite - be honest - be gazelle!

    Continue walking every day that I can. Thursdays are tough for the next month, I leave the house at 7:15 and don't return until after 10 at night. Thursdays may be my rest day.

    Add strength training, upper body one day, lower the next. When I have more time, I have a story about my bat wings.

    Kay, in NEGA
  • bhsishtla
    bhsishtla Posts: 151 Member
    I want to be in this group.I lost nearly 3 lbs each month for two months .But August was horrible....functions , vacation,friends..So no weight loss...thank God , no weight gain either.I want to cut my carbs so may be the weight loss increases. I am a vegetarian,so I should work hard with carbs let us see how September is going to be for me.GOOD LUCK TO ALL.:smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Going out to brunch today with my Dad. We are celebrating DH's birthday that was on 8/15. I plan to share an entree with DH to keep the calories down.

    Bodi and Ritter have been total love pups all week. I think they are so glad to have us home.

    September will be better than August. Vacation got me off track again and I will not let that happen in September. The only thing that my derail me will be when the new granddaughter gets here.


    Olivia is trying to be just like her mommy.

    Have a great day all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Sunny again in the PNW
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Wow! How did September get here so quickly? And, what in the heck happened to me in August?

    August was a wash out. I did not meet my goals. I think I exercised maybe twice all month. It was pretty pathetic. Here's praying for a better September!

    Today is my son's birthday. He is 45! My Goodness, I am old! :laugh: He is an awesome man, and I am very proud of him.

    Welcome to all of the new friends. It is good to have you here.

    Someone gave me a recipe for a chopped apple salad, and I am going to make that for the crop day pot-luck tomorrow. I will keep the yogurt on the side so people can add it as they decide to eat. There usually is no real meal time, so we just eat whenever we need a break from our projects.

    There have been so many stories of illness, sadness, tragic harm to body and soul on this board over the last couple of days. It always reinforces to me that we get through these times with the angels that God provides for us on this temporal plane- our friends and families. For me, because of my family situation, my friends have been vital to my physical, emotional and mental survivial. Women are strong, and our instincts to nourish and care for each other truly are God-given blessings. If I had not had my friends when I lost my oldest son, I know that I would not have survived. I was not strong enough on my own, but with them, I was able to continue. Of course, at that time, my family also pulled together to protect and nurture me and my younger son, so I was doubly blessed. To all of you, in any crisis, reach out and allow others to help, and I would be honored if there was anyway I could be one of the people you reach out to. Maybe all I can do is listen and pray, but I can and will do that for you.

    For September: 1- log every bite honestly
    2- journal
    3- exercise a minimum of 3X per week-
    4- continue to attend OA and Al-Anon meetings

    Time to get ready for church. Then, I have to get to the grocery store, the cupboards are bare! Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone. I will check back in later.

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Robin- I just saw the picture! That is awesome! Beautiful! I am excited about your new granddaughter and the Big Sister is darling!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome to a wonderful group of women. We have people here from several countries and many states, and it is so much fun to know where people are. Please sign using whatever name you choose, and your location.:flowerforyou:

    Yoyonomore: I’m a retired teacher. I started my career with elementary school and finished it with 8th graders at middle school. I ended up loving 8th graders. I wish you a fabulous year ahead, and hope you’re happy at the high school level.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m noise sensitive, but not as much as you seem to be. I’m sorry your peace has been invaded and hope the racket ends soon. :frown: Fall clothes. There is a concept I haven’t thought about in years. Last year this time I weighed almost 60 pounds more than I do now. I was a walking space heater. My fall wardrobe consisted of long slacks and long sleeved tops, and I bought the same or similar things over and over. :tongue: I don’t know if I’ll need to adjust my wardrobe to compensate for less personal fat insulation, but I'd like more variety and some pretty things as well as utilitarian things. It is possible I'll need warmer sweaters. Our weather is rainy and chilly in the winter, but seldom actually cold enough to snow. First anticipated frost will be in mid November, and last will be in mid March. I have excellent rain-wear. :bigsmile: It isn’t attractive, but it functions well. I might think about more attractive rain-wear this year. Is there such a thing?:laugh:

    DeeDee: Roller-coaster rides get old after awhile. I hope you find a way past it. I’ve been stuck since having the plague. :grumble: Time to get my discipline in motion again. Enjoy bossing the boys! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Liz: It is good to see you here this month. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Cinrueshershae: I love “bite it; write it & move it: write it.” I do my logging on my phone app. It is usually not time consuming. I’ll admit that I have a group of usual foods, and they pop right up. Starting out took a bit more time. The good news is that I wasn’t eating while I was looking things up. :wink: I hope to see you again. Welcome to the group.:flowerforyou:

    Kay in NE GA: “My goal for September: to be more successful than I was in July and August (this won't take much, LOL!)” You speak for me, too. :blushing: I need to get back to better habits, especially more exercise and more water.:flowerforyou:

    DH has gone salmon fishing with our neighbor. I hope he catches one. He decided we need a food dehydrator and I’m trying to make “sun” dried tomatoes right now. I have cherry tomatoes, and cut each in half, so they’re on the thick side. They were in for hours yesterday, and still aren’t dry enough. I sampled one, though, and it was very sweet. :bigsmile: It will be fun to have some put by for winter. The tomato plants are amazingly productive this year. I planted Sweet Millions for the first time, and will plant it again. I also have a volunteer Sweet 100. I think it is a pretty good garden for a townhouse with a tiny fringe of dirt. I have tomatoes and herbs. Our little town doesn’t have community gardens available like Portland. I’d consider getting a plot if one was available, but not as extensive as JB has. I am so impressed by her gardens. Unfortunately, I’m lazier than I used to be.:wink:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Thanks Barbie, for this and for the email and for all your kind wisdom.
    More later,

    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
  • kellykat2
    kellykat2 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi my name is Kelly and I am 53

    I am new here to this group. I've been on MFP for years, always going up and down. I was finally at my goal weight and happy, then of course life stress got in the way and I thrwq it out the door. I am back at it again for the hundredth time! Hopefully this will work this time. I am dead serious this time. I am the oldest I have been in my life and the heaviest!

    My goal for September is to

    exercise every day except Sunday. Anything, daily burn, videos, walking, circuit training. I've told myself that I will not throw it all out the window if I miss one of my strength sessions. I will do something each day to get in the habit of working out every morning and evening.

    I will walk with my daughter and dog every day.

    I will make healthy food choices, but will not obsess about any time I might eat something that is not healthy (usually in the past I would quit altogether if I ate a cookie!)

    It's time to get real.

    Do you do anything as a group, like a group goal or anything?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cinrueshershae, welcome back……all my resolutions are acquired from someone else…good ideas are meant t be shared…..one thing that helped me navigate the food database was to simplify my eating and have a lot of the same meals and foods over and over.

    :bigsmile: Pat, bravo to you for your decision to follow through with Al-Anon and OA……they are awesome programs

    :flowerforyou: Kelly, welcome, we don’t have group goals because we are do diverse……but we cheer each other with our personal goal……I am part of a strength training challenge …..here is the link
    I just got back into my strength training routine after several months of not doing it.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Helloooo September. And helloooo to all my Vitamin F buddies. I am so happy that August was a bit of a new beginning for me with new commitment to get healthy. I lost 7.5 lbs. I know that can't keep going like that, but I do aim to lose 1.5 lb/week in September. I am supposed to have abdominal muscle repair surgery later this year, and have to lose another 20 lbs by then. So, am very invested in keeping on track in September. Also, I am walking a 5k next Sunday, and an 8k in October.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia - I read your story on the August thread and our family has a similar story, which involves 4 grandchildren. I guess it makes my joy of being with our youngest grandchildren so much more intense. Our family is very fortunate to have survived the ordeal|(s) and became stronger for it. I wish you well, because it is a very very hard road. Life has taught me that there is not always a happy ending. Those only happen in fairy tales. I sent you a friend request.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - thanks again for keeping this thread going and your words of wisdom.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to any and all newcomers. This is a friendly group. No judgments going on here, just encouragement. Come back and soak up some vitamin F each day, when you can.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, so nice to see you!

    I am home alone today, which I treasure. Doing laundry, calling my mom (I'll do that first, because 9 hrs time difference), work on our family tree, putter around the house and tidy up.

    Have a great Sunday.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • mynyddisamrs
    Me again ...after being AWOL!!! ...again!!!
    I'm just ticking along and taking life as it comes!
    Tennis elbow is a pain!!......Tennis? ...haven't picked up a tennis racquet in years!!!
    Ankle pain .....sloppy shoes have been binned!!

    We had a "Family day" at Warwick Castle yesterday for one of the grandson's birthday celebrations. We met there as it was halfway for both families!
    This "Nana" made the Mike the Knight cake and duly transported it!! The motorway surface left much to be desired but I took runny icing to patch things up in case "Mike" had a mishap!!! we also took an Asda cake ...just in case we had to brake and the real cake ended up totally squashed!!!. And ...as it all looked good I've got to do his brother's 2nd Birthday cake ...this time George Pig seems favourite!!

    Gradually losing a few more pounds. I admit I'm not on MFP much but do have it in mind most days!! Smaller portions and thinking of the next holiday seems to be working. If I can end the week a little lighter...Great!!!

    Roll on the end of September and some Spanish sunshine.
    Then in march there's a Caribbean cruise to look forward to. We're going with my Step mother too as, sadly my Dad died in February, we thought it would be great for her to be able to travel again having nursed him for a long while.

    keep up the good work ladies!!
  • PattyBayArea

    I am new to this site and had wls on 8/6/13. I am really struggling with the excerise requirement. I am on a very calorie limited diet of protein shakes and am slowly incorporating soft foods. I don't feel great and feel tired and sometimes dizzy. I am supposed to be excerising 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I am just having difficulty getting motivated. Any suggestions or advice?
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all:

    August turned out basically OK - no great loss, but no great gain either! I am better now at logging every day (did miss a bunch the latter part of the month).

    PattyBayArea - you might want to talk to your doctor about how you have been feeling - I don't know what is normal after wls and the dizziness sounds questionable to me. In terms of exercise, try breaking it down into smaller increments and doing several during the day, like walking in 10-15 minute increments til you reach the 45 minutes, if you can handle that OK. Ask your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist/trainer who can help you develop a routine. Your surgery was only a couple-three weeks ago, so allow yourself some healing. Hope this is helpful!

    September goals

    Get a pedometer and measure steps (yep you all have motivated me to do this!!) :wink:

    Lose 2-4 pounds

    Increase strength training/cardio workout to 3 days a week

    Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day :drinker:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    Hi Barbie,

    Thanks for this thread. Love the dancing poodles. May I share them with others?

    PattyBay Area: I was sleeved in June. (Are you in SF Bay area too? Good support groups here.) Have you seen the wls groups on MFP? They are also very helpful and supportive. (Just search wls, bariatric, sleeve, etc.) My doctor encourages me to do what I can to exercise, which right now is cardio 3 x's/wk @ 20min/ea & strength in between. Congratulations on a great step.

    Sylvia: Best wishes to you and your son.

    Heather: Thanks you for the wonderful visual of sleepy tents and couples breakfasting in the fields. Felt there with you for a moment. Blissful.

    Congratulations and best wishes to all on your successes and goals.

    Paula from SF Bay Area
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Robin...cute picture of your grand-daughter!

    Terri, from Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.Welcome all you wonderful new people,looking forward to hearing more about you.
    Robin,love the pic.
    Sept goals-ex as much as legs can tolerate-20-30 min a day..get back to gym to do leg machines.Use my pedometer and aim for 10,00 steps a day.

    Watch the night time eating.
    be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life.
    jane:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: