Female Endomorphs - Before and After Pics (And Tips?)



  • NaturalMe28
    NaturalMe28 Posts: 6 Member
    I just found out that my body type is Endomorph!!! I have been been reading up on some tips and meal!!! I do alot of cardio! I lost 68lbs about two years ago, but quickly gained 20lbs back!! I am a mother of four and a college student I try to do my workout hopefully extra to help!!!!!
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    for us not so educated folk... what is endomorph?:huh:

    I had to google it.
    The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft. Endomorphs gain fat very easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Muscles are strong, especially the upper legs. Endomorphs find they are naturally strong in leg exercises like the squat.

    Typical traits of an Endomorph:

    •Soft and round body
    •Gains muscle and fat very easily
    •Is generally short
    •"Stocky" build
    •Round physique
    •Finds it hard to lose fat
    •Slow metabolism
    •Muscles not so well defined
    When it comes to training endomorphs find it very easy to gain weight. Unfortunately, a large portion of this weight is fat not muscle. To keep fat gain to a minimum, endomorphs must always train cardio as well as weights. Usually supplements may not be needed as long as the person has a high protein intake in their diet.

    Me me but a little mesomorph to ,thanks for the description by the way :)
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
  • busymnmom
    busymnmom Posts: 133
  • cocopratt
    cocopratt Posts: 1
    I've primarily been using myfitnesspal over the past 2 years. I also have some great before pics & midway through because obviously I haven't reached my goal or I wouldn't be replying. I have battled the bulge for several years and finally understand that it is a lifetime commitment. I am 5'6 179. My heaviest was 225 after my son and 209 on 9/23/11 when I started my journey for a lifetime change. It took me 5 months to reach 171. Then between July 2012 and September I added 10lbs. Lost them by December 2013 and put them back on plus 4 pounds.... So now I hit a plateau at 179 after working out consistently and eating what I thought was a good diet. My plan now is to stick with finding things that work with my endomorph bodytye. Yet I am having a difficult time converting the diets for endomorph men into the correct calorie and macronutrient percentages for women. Heelppppp!!
    FYI I'd really like to shred the fat and build muscle I am considering getting a trainer and nutritionist by the end of the summer if I cannot make anymore progress on my own.

    So nice to have some support on my journey!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    This is my update post.. as of today, I am 20lbs lighter and have hit my goal of 20lbs. Best advice = start out small!

    Started Jan 1, Day 171 is today

    JANUARY 2013 ME:
    181.5LBS / 32% BF / SIZE 13 US/CAN
    33" Waist
    39" Hips
    39" Navel
    23.5" Thighs
    121.8 lbs of Lean Mass
    59.2 lbs of Fat

    CURRENT ME (6/20/2013):
    161LBS / 19.7% BF / SIZE 6 US/CAN
    28" Waist
    34" Hips
    32.5" Navel
    21" Thighs
    129.3 lbs of Lean Mass
    31.7 lbs of Fat

  • heatherpg47
    heatherpg47 Posts: 211 Member
    Great Work!!
    This is not an impossible thing for anyone, no matter what your body type. I'd agree with the ladies above me- Weight training (serious weight training, no barbie weights) HIIT for cardio and maybe some martial arts inspired cardio (really killer full body workout!)


    (I'm actively flexing here, about 8 months after the first pic)

    (not actively flexing, about 10 months after first pic)

    Jonesie said it best. The muscle you need to flex is patience. It's not fast, and it doesn't happen on our schedules. Don't get discouraged.
  • Hi!! I've just joined MFP, as I did a google search for Endomorph body types and came across this cracker of a thread!
    I've just learned I'm an Endomorph (all about the belly, bum and thighs!! And minuscular boobs... oh fate..!) but so great to see a group of women who are actively wanting to get fit, despite having such a difficult body type.
    I was thinking too, once we reach our goals, we'll have worked so hard and it will feel like so much more of a reward, right?!
    So I rarely eat white grains, cos my belly goes all bloated and weird (I sometimes think I should take a pregnancy test..!!!) but I'm usually alright with a small amount of oats, brown rice, brown bread... And I rarely eat fizzy drinks, but gummy sweets are my achilles heel!! Could eat a whole bag of Haribo cherries in 10 minutes ha! So I have to be strict with myself on that one..
    I'm quite active, walk around town a lot, take a ballet class once a week, go to the gym when I'm at Uni (bit difficult back home, no membership and too much good food.. eek!)
    Anyhoo, would love to get some pals on board, to share tips and support!! So please do add me!
    Apple x
  • dyevine
    dyevine Posts: 26 Member
    I lost abunch of weight last year and then put half of it back on- I think for me, the easiest way to lose was to cut calories- as for exercise, I sort of forgot about that part. Recently I saw a picture of myself and couldn't believe that my booty was so... BIIIIG!

    As for choices- I don't do gluten at least 2 days a week, and I try to eat more than the recommended amount of fruits and veggies!

    I also dance as my workout now- I'm really out of shape so even 25 minutes is kicking my butt, but I hope to up it to 45 minute workouts by the end of next week!

    Good luck!
  • snoopycool
    snoopycool Posts: 37
    I'm between endomorph and mesomorph (according to this quiz: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.htm ). I know I feel better and tend to lose more weight when I lay-off non-veg and non-fruit carbs and sweets (my weakness!). I hope to have something more to lend to this discussion in the upcoming months!
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170

    Excellent article, very encouraging re: endomorphs... just jumping back in to MFP :glasses:
  • http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af358/nymphetamine-x-girl/63827_1582669880778_1056654295_1670282_1674387_n.jpg
    this is me at my heaviest- 210 at 5'5, with compression shorts on to hide he fat
    and this is me at 143, my lowest-
    I'm back up to 161 right now, bt I'm down 8 lbs since my recent gain
  • Hi,
    I'm new to this forum and only recently found out about these kind of body types - and YES I'm definitely an Endomorph! I have lost 7 stone so far by reducing my calorie intake monday - friday to around 1000-1200 and exercising like mad. I then had what ever I liked at the weekend which I think shocked my system enough so that I still lost weight. I lost this weight over about 1.5 years. I then put 2 stone back on and lost it again. I have recently put around 10 lb on and I'm stuck at this point again!

    I still want to lose a good 2 stone plus the 10lbs I have put on recently.

    Before the 10 lbs I put on recently - that was the lightest I've ever been as an adult.

    I have problems with my knees (2 x ops so far) and have been told that all of the exercises I used to do, I now can't :-( I'm really struggling to lose weight without the exercise. I can't do anything high impact and nothing that involves repetitive squats/ lunges :-( I have been told that no matter what exercise I do my knee will still swell up and cause me pain however its a case of managing it with pain killers and rest inbetween. I even have problems with my knee swelling when I go swimming due to me doing breast stroke.

    I have just started walking around 3 miles a day, and trying to fit in some longer walks at the weekend (I did a 3.5 hour hike last weekend and I'm doing a 10 mile walk on Saturday) however this doesn't seem to be doing anything to help my weight loss. I am going to see a physio PT tomorrrow night after work however so fingers crossed he can help.

    My partner has recently purchased the Metabolic Cooking plan. Has anyone used this before/ had any results yet? I'm starting it next week and I'm hoping its going to solve all my problems as its designed specifically for the three body types including Endo.

    I'll let you know how I get on but it seems perfect so far!!!

  • That'll be right, I just found out that I am an endomorph body type. What gave it away , lets see, the facts of gain fat -easy lose fat -difficult. Now I know I am fighting an up hill battle to get the sofia vegara body! Aarrggghhh
  • healthyandfitgirl14
    healthyandfitgirl14 Posts: 413 Member
    This is my update post.. as of today, I am 20lbs lighter and have hit my goal of 20lbs. Best advice = start out small!

    Started Jan 1, Day 171 is today

    JANUARY 2013 ME:
    181.5LBS / 32% BF / SIZE 13 US/CAN
    33" Waist
    39" Hips
    39" Navel
    23.5" Thighs
    121.8 lbs of Lean Mass
    59.2 lbs of Fat

    CURRENT ME (6/20/2013):
    161LBS / 19.7% BF / SIZE 6 US/CAN
    28" Waist
    34" Hips
    32.5" Navel
    21" Thighs
    129.3 lbs of Lean Mass
    31.7 lbs of Fat


    Wow! Amazing job! :heart: Just curious, how tall are you? :)
  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    Out of curiosity, would the idea that people are distinctly predisposed to muscle gain, fat gain or leanness challenge MFP's general principle of calorie restriction being the tool to control weight? If some people just have it harder than others, wouldn't they need some form of customized plan? Or is calorie restriction something that really works for everyone?

    Also, is there any scientific research backing up these kinds of categories, or is it basically the sort of thing that is just descriptively useful (such as Myers-Briggs personalities)?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    This is my update post.. as of today, I am 20lbs lighter and have hit my goal of 20lbs. Best advice = start out small!

    Started Jan 1, Day 171 is today

    JANUARY 2013 ME:
    181.5LBS / 32% BF / SIZE 13 US/CAN
    33" Waist
    39" Hips
    39" Navel
    23.5" Thighs
    121.8 lbs of Lean Mass
    59.2 lbs of Fat

    CURRENT ME (6/20/2013):
    161LBS / 19.7% BF / SIZE 6 US/CAN
    28" Waist
    34" Hips
    32.5" Navel
    21" Thighs
    129.3 lbs of Lean Mass
    31.7 lbs of Fat


    Wow! Amazing job! :heart: Just curious, how tall are you? :)

    Thanks so much!

    I'm 5' 6"
  • Hi! Same as you I ran across the thread. I'm glad I found you amazing women. Since you just started would you mind sharing any changes from the time you found the site?:smile:
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Don't count on your thyroid being fine if all they gave you is the TSH test. You need more testing than that.

    It's taken me over 2 years to lose 20 lbs and in couple of weeks i gained it all back because i gave up it really is hopeless. I went to the docter and they tested my thyroids everythings fine there so they didn't get it either very frustrating but im trying again!!! Lets hope this time it will work!!!!
  • KMiYong
    KMiYong Posts: 130 Member
    hey hey hey! fellow endomorph here! I was just about to write a thread looking for people with this body type :D
    oh my, so much good advice! thanks alot everyone! :D
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