September Weight Loss Challenge (Open)



  • I absolutely love this idea!

    Starting weight for September: 165.5 lbs
    Goal for September: 154.3 lbs

    Self-Challenge: To hit the gym 4/5 times a week and start a healthy lifestyle!
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I will do this tomorrow morning when I'm back home. Might as well triple up my challenges to make things more motivating!
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm in! I have a holiday on 29th of September and this year I want to be confident in what I wear.

    Starting Weight - 150 lbs
    Goal - 145 lbs (I wanted to be 140 lbs by my holiday, however I don't want to put too much pressure on myself)
    Self challenge - I want to make sure I do exercise every day without fail. Even if it's a walk. I ALWAYS set myself this challenge, but I am so lazy I always fail. I did the 30day shred today, and I'm planning on incorporating the 6 week 6 pack. Another self challenge is to really cut down on processed carbs and sugars. I want to try and eat meats, vegetables, fruits with fats coming from cheese and nuts.

    I took 'before' pics this morning. I ate so badly this weekend (It's all in my diary, I try and stay honest) I must counteract that this week. I am really looking forward to my holiday, I don't want to look back on the pictures and regret not even trying.

    Feel free to add, note though that I am an avid 5:2er
  • cbroadberry
    cbroadberry Posts: 130 Member
    Did an August challenge last month, which motivated me right until the last week... then it went downhill!!

    Start weight - 174
    Target weight for 31/09/2013 - 164

    Personal in month challanges - stay motivated for ALL the challenge
    - Log every day - even if its a bad one!
    - Do 30DS 3 times a week mininum. ( i want to do it 30 days straight in a few months, but need to build up to it!)
  • Hyacinth86
    Hyacinth86 Posts: 27 Member
    Your starting weight for September : 228.6 lbs
    Your personal goal for September : 220 lbs
    Your personal self-challenge for September : Keep gluten free!

    Anyone want a buddy feel free to friend!
  • elainematto
    elainematto Posts: 28 Member
    Have averaged one pound per week since I started in July, but now each pound is getting harder, will appreciate the extra support and motivation of these weekly sign ins!

    Starting weight: 128

    Goal weight for September: 124

    Personal goal: not to get discouraged and give up if I've hit a plateau
  • SW as of 9/2: 317.2
    Goal for September: 310
    Self-Challenge: Give it my all and see where it takes me!
  • Just joined today. Starting weight 157. Hopefully I can lose the 7 -
    8 lbs. slated by the program. I need the challenge of the buddy system.t
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    My September SW is 217
    My September GW is 207
    My personal challenge is to stay within my calorie range every single day if it kills me. This is my weakest point in losing weight.

    Today is the first day I have weighed in for 2-3 weeks so that is something I am glad I did too.
  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    Bumping for later
  • Hell yeah! I'm so in this. Put me in!!!

    Current weight: 103.3 Kilos (227.7 Lbs)
    Target weight for end of Sept: 85 Kilos (187.3 Lbs) = [40.34452 Lbs lost]
    Self Challenge: Sleep early!
  • vjc101
    vjc101 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
    SW 164
    GW 156
    Challenge- walk or ride a bike every single day!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    SW: 165
    GW: 161
    Self Challenge: Nutrition consistency (calories, intake of carbs/protein/fats)
  • imcam1
    imcam1 Posts: 16 Member
    CW: 137
    Goal: 129

    Exercise at least 3x each week.
  • Bluefishstick
    Bluefishstick Posts: 6 Member
    Also would like to join!

    SW 164.4
    Goals... To add a picture :)
    Track food and exercise daily,
    GW 156 lbs

    Start Turbo Fire and stick with it
  • Cschintz
    Cschintz Posts: 8 Member
    Starting Weight: 157.4
    Goal Weight: 153.0
    Personal Challenge: Restart a workout routine
  • Naina_Bug
    Naina_Bug Posts: 74 Member
    Starting Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 210
    Self Challenge: Cut back on carbs and walk at least 3 miles a day.
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    Your starting weight for September: 214
    Your personal goal for September: 204
    Your personal self-challenge for September: Go to the gym at least 3 times per week.
  • Hello!
    I would like to join the September challenge, and I would like to lose 10 lbs by September 30th.
    I'll weigh in tomorrow morning, and after that, weigh in Friday mornings.
    I'll post again tomorrow after my initial weigh in.
    Goal for September: TBD tomorrow morning (-10lbs from tomorrow morning's weight)
    1) at least 10,000 steps daily (at least 5 days a week, with fitbit),
    2) no food after 8pm on "school nights",
    3) take all the classes at the y (3 different classes, it's not much) whether my friends show up or not.
    4) Drink at least 1 gallon water a day, everyday
    5) Plan weekly meals ahead, and pack all my lunches and snacks for work
    6) On days that I don't take fitness classes, get on the treadmill for at least 30 mins in the morning
    7) Daily Squats
  • I am so down, this will keep me accountable for my goals! Since I'm really bad at self motivating , this will totally help me xD

    Starting weight: 180
    Goal weight: 165

    Challenge: To be persistant! Learn to be stronger mentally and resist temptations. Aim for gym at least 6 days a week.

    PS: Hit me up if you need a buddy on mfp! I sure would love to give support to you all and make new friends while trying to lose weight myself! <3