

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    im doing a happy dance!!!! goodwill was having a half price sale today, had I known they were open at 7 would have been there,but got there at 9., I went hog wild, bought myself some sweaters, shirts, and a couple of jackets and one pair of pants for 45.00 was very happy, from there I went to the gym, and now, home, will be going to Sams when we got there last night they were about to close..
    will check in later:drinker:
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone and a Happy Labor Day Holiday to those in the US!

    Today we are going on a picnic by the river…it’s been nice having 3 days off from work. :happy:

    Sandy…Congrats on getting to the Y!

    Kate…Have a great road trip!

    Katla...Congrats on the weight loss.

    Hope you all are able to enjoy today and that things improve for those who are having difficult times. :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from sunny southern Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! September so far has been a good month for new members! Welcome. My stress level is down so much today. I have talked to both my daughter and sister and all is well. At my daughter's house they are all finding bruises and aches they didn't have yesterday but they knew to expect that. They are going to go to the police station today to get a copy of the accident report for the insurance to start covering everything for them. My sister had her heart ultrasound today, B/P is also down. So after the report is called to the dr she more than likely will go home. Is this the way I would have liked to have it resolved, no. I still would have liked for her to have a dr that is more than a family practice specialty see her. But she knows my advice and her and her husband has to make any decision about it, not me. if it were my elderly mother I would have more of a right to. And I made myself at peace with that last night and I feel the same today. I did take an Ambien last night and had a really good night's sleep. So today I will focus on my husband and my 41st wedding anniversary today instead!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Happy Labor Day to all.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Joyce - Happy 41st Anniversary!:flowerforyou:
    Good decision to let your sister make her own decisions. We have to know when to let go.:heart:
    Heather UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,876 Member
    Hello to all:

    Joyce - Happy Anniversary!!! Glad to hear things are going better. I am always amazed at how much difference a good night's sleep makes for me.

    Welcome to all the newcomers. This is a great place to be.

    We have two broken windows from the hail the other night but no other apparent damage. Have seen some other windows broken in our neighborhood too. Will have to get those fixed before winter.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Labor Day here in the States and happy Monday to those who are not here.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy 41st anniversary Joyce:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ,enjoy
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :drinker: Joycehappy 41st to you and DH and many more! Glad your family are ok, Sweetest DGD ever!:heart:
    :drinker: grandmallie congrats on the savy shopping trip, sounds like you will go into fall looking pretty cool
    :drinker: Katla congrats on the loss
    :drinker: yanniejannie congrats on reaching your goal, and I am with you never ran in my life either but truly admire those who do!
    Welcome to allwho are new, you will enjoy time spent here

    Happy holiday monday enjoy your day

    Juanita in sudbury
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy anniversary, Joyce!

    :flowerforyou: Happy labour day, everyone. Enjoy resting from your labors today (if possible).

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So I wake up in a good mood, my husband gets out of bed and I feel like escorting him back there and telling him to get out of bed on the OTHER side. He is Oscar the Grouch. I ask him waht's wrong and he said he just has to much on his mind. I guess yesterday when I felt like I had the weight of the world on both shoulders I acted differently, I fretted, talked it out am OK. He just turns inward and doesn't want to say anything to anybody. I try to talk to him and he just tells me to leave it alone, his concern today is our daughters and that's the only thing he can think about. I really think if I said go, he would be on his way down to her house taking over. Oh well, maybe I should go over to my daughters house and play with her dogs. I know I would get lots of kisses there.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Labor day.

    it is still sunny so I am enjoying the outdoors.

    It has been a wonderful long weekend.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    well I swept and washed the floors,and the DH and I went over to Sam's ,bought myself some good stuff, I was about to belt the DH while we were there... I go out of my way to do things for him, and then I get flack because I got a few things, like a beautiful spinach salad, with slivered almonds,chicken,strawberries ,blueberries and blue cheese. looks divine and I will have part of that for dinner tonight, also bought some fresh rasberries and apples..
    stopped at Walmart, and bought myself a raincoat/fall coat, damn I had to buy a 16/18 didnt want to go smaller because of wearing things underneath. did pick up stuff and made Tom a pumpkin pie, and made a bisquick bake with hamburg,mozz cheese, spagetti sauce and parm bisquit's on top.
    well the timer just dinged so off to serve his highness :bigsmile:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I went to the Y this morning, got my walking in and 30 minutes on the bike. It was a bit rough as I was a bit sore from yesterday but determined to do something today.

    Happy anniversary Joyce!

    Grandmallie - slap him :laugh: Congrats on your new clothes, what a deal!!

    Back to work tomorrow and then to the Y after work. We'll see how that goes :smile:

    Dinner is ready, roasted chicken. Have a good night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • 0067808
    0067808 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi ....first day using MFP and first day of my weight loss; I'm 50 next month and was blaming my weight gain on hormones/menopause....but the truth is I was just eating too much and moving too little. Crunch came when I was off for a week this summer and found myself sorting all my 'slim' clothes into one wardrobe and all the ones that still fit into another; one wardrobe was crammed full and the other - well, you can guess! I bought a suit for work in a bigger size and it hung on front of the wardrobe for two weeks, with the tags etc still on it. This morning I woke up and decided I don't want to be that size for the rest of my life, drove to the shop and returned it - real turning point. Today I ate healthily, and walked for 60 mins in my lunch break (which I normally spend sitting at my desk). Funny enough, I still got through the same amount of work, which shows me I must've been having an energy 'dip' in the afternoon affecting my output if I don't get up and move. I really like the tip about going to bed earlier; I'm going to try that tonight and get up earlier in the morning; my weakest period is definitely the 'late night munchies' when I feel I deserve a treat. Thanks for all the ideas and things you share on this post - looking forward to learning from you laydees who have been through the big 5-0. Oh by the way, I'm going to use the money I got as a refund from the suit to get my hair restyled, a proper manicure etc - so that I feel good on my journey. Much better than a big frumpy suit that just encourages me to expand further...........

    Wendy, Belfast, N Ireland
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Wendy!

    I was just reading a paper called "Transform your Habits" by James Clear, and found some interesting things he said. "It doesn't matter what you're doing; if you only work when you feel motivated, then you'll never be consistent enough to make significant impact on your life. Don't wait for motivation. Set a schedule, not a deadline." Oftentimes I absolutely don't feel like eating healthy or working out, i.e. I don't feel motivated. It is not that I don't know how (to have good habits), it's a matter of doing it.

    I am talking to myself here.

    (can you tell I have the day off today?)
  • rjarvay
    My name is Rita, 54 and I am from NW Ohio. The beginning of August I celebrated the loss of 100 lbs in 1 year!:love: I just maintained in August and realized things were getting out of control. I haven't gained, but I haven't lost either. So I'm back to MFP to log my food and WATCH MY CALORIES :bigsmile : . That has been VERY eye opening! I was also slacking on my PA (Physical Activity) so I've made it a point to get out and walk, ride my bike, or do something. I still have about 80 lbs to loose. I can't go back where I was. I love shopping for clothes now! It's so much fun!

    This seems like a wonderful place to be. You all seem wonderful, but I don't think I'll be able to keep track of all of you:laugh: .

    My goals for September are:
    1. Watch calories in vs. calories out
    2. Record everything I eat in MFP, not just in my food log.
    3. Go back to the therapeutic pool for exercise, or rejoin Curves, or both.
    4. Loose 5-8 lbs in September.
    5. Get on here to support those I can!:happy:
    6. Plan my food for the day in advance!:frown:

    By the way I am on the HMR weight management program.:love:

    Good luck to all of you. I look forward to being here with all of you!:drinker:
  • cinrueshershae
    Well, my weigh in went well this morning, and I had a healthy protein shake for breakfast with fresh strawberries!
    Worked in garden/nursery 'til 12:30 and came inside for a chocolate protein shake with banana for lunch. I will eat a good veggie and broiled fish dinner later. We got the foliage trimmed back and weeded 6 beds so far (that is about a third of the beds). It has been a profitable day. The bending, reaching and twisting involved are good exercise!
    I only hate the time that I have to sit in front of this computer! First, for documentation of crosses, categorizing of seed, and organizing of seedling photos. The seedlings are being evaluated for registration with AHS so has to be done. More time is spent in front of computer for logging in of food and exercise on MFP. I don't mind reading and responding to community posts so much, but my butt sure gets tired of this chair! I think it interferes with my circulation to my legs and feet.
    Anyways, I have had a great labor day, and have a Pilates/Stretch class at the gym in the morning at 9:00 and a boot camp cardio class 6:30 to 7:30. Plan a trip to the library in between with a friend. Not much time for the garden tomorrow, but back to it on Wed.
    Good luck everyone. We can do this!
    Cinrueshershae, NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    September goals will repeat August, hoping weather cools to make the exercise component easier/more comfortable to achieve!

    Exercise DVD 3x week - NO
    75 miles minimum (Move Your *kitten* Challenge) 64 MILES
    Daily exercise of some kind ALL BUT 3 DAYS (weekly time/calorie goals were achieved)
    Strength training and Standing Abs every other day YES
    Logging every day YES
    At least 8 fruits/veggies daily ALL BUT 1 DAY
    No less than 8 glasses of water each day YES
    At least one meatless day per week 3 OF 4 WEEKS
    Commit random acts of kindness YES
    Daily positive affirmations YES
    Be kind to myself ????????

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The high road has less traffic” – Monique Honaman
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    well I have been hitting at least 10,000 steps daily so thats a good thing, plus getting to the gym regularly ,another bonus, now hoping the scale moves down.. getting frustrated, going to call the foot dr tomorrow and schedule another appt ,get the dreaded cortizone shot, and maybe some pain meds too.
    I so want this pain to go away...:grumble:
    well the DH lunch and dinner are made for tomorrow, I am going in to work early the next few days because the office manager is on vacation until friday..
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Nice day...............made the 2 banana loaves---and already gave most away..........played the Scrabble game........and really popped on to tell everyone that the watermelon salad was super. I had some at one of the picnics last weekend---there are several recipies online---the combo of a reduced balsamic glaze with watermelon is out of this world. I used cherry tomatoes cut in half, feta, kalamata olives, and a tiny bit of dried mint in the glaze.......it was really a mishmash of several recipes........anyway, I think I could live on this stuff; it's a keeper!!!

    Good evening!