

  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    I want to log 10,000 steps a day......and strengthen my core.....and plant my front flower beds:-)
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Renny :smile: Thanks for the laugh:laugh: this morning! I think we should find something to laugh at everyday, it`s good for the soul!

    Sandy OH :smile: Feels good to get things crossed off of the to-do list. I need to update my list, I get a couple crossed off and then add a few more, feels like never ending chores:noway: !

    Yanniejannie :smile: The watermelon salad sounds delish!

    Lila :smile: I had a lot of problems with MFP a few weeks ago, couldn`t comment on my home page:sad: , took forever to log my food:grumble: , it was right after they changed to the new layout. It seems to be working okay now, hope it stays that way! Rollercoasters are not much fun are they:noway: ? I`m ready to get off…

    Michele :smile: Soaking in the hot tub…sounds divine!!!

    Barbara :smile: So nice to see you back:flowerforyou: !!!

    Katla :smile: Having too much fun to stop and call:blushing: ….sounds like you had a really good time:happy: ! Glad DH has forgiven you! I have a hard time buying my son-in-law gifts, he’s 35. I usually give him a Shaper Image catalog and tell him to pick out several things he likes, and then I surprise him with one of those choices:tongue: .

    Joyce :smile: Happy anniversary:flowerforyou: !

    Sylvia:smile: Congrats on your new fur baby:love::flowerforyou: !!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! This is a great group of women!!!

    Hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to continue it the rest of this week:tongue: . Taking some time off to stop and smell the roses so to speak:bigsmile: . It`s supposed to be a beautiful week, I plan on spending a lot of my time outdoors!!! Life is great:bigsmile: !!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Your granddaughter is doing her best to understand what happened to her. You are a terrific grandma to listen, no matter how many times she needs to tell it. I am so glad your family was unhurt.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika from Mumbai: I will be leaving for yoga a little later this morning. I have classes 2 days a week, and love them. They’re helping me get stronger and more flexible. It is a group of women in their forties, fifties, and sixties. I go to the morning classes. There are also evening classes for people who work mornings. I used to attend those and the age range there was similar. Evening yoga messes with my husband’s schedule and the morning classes work better for me, too. I’m glad they’re available.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: My parents always watched the tonight show and I also did for many years. I can’t seem to stay up that late anymore. When I was working I went to bed early due to the long commute, and that is when I got out of the habit. Who will replace Leno? Thanks so much for the gift suggestions!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia in KS: Congratulations on your new puppy. :bigsmile: I hope you have many long and happy years together. I don’t know what we’d do without our dog, and can’t imagine us without one. I’m not a fan of having two, though. It is too much for us. Maybe an older dog and a pup would work for us. Our sweetie would be a good teacher for a pup. Our last dog was brilliant and we adored her, but she also had some very naughty habits we didn’t want passed along.:noway:

    Last night we made tacos, a rare treat these days. DH can’t have extra sodium, so I went on line and found a sodium free taco seasoning recipe. I’d forgotten how good it is. I can’t find my favorite salad dressing in the stores these days, so I spent some time trying to create a dressing recipe that would be as good. Attempts 1 and 2 were total failures. Experiment two was better than one, but both were way too milky. Leaving salt out of the recipe makes it more difficult to arrive at something tasty. I’ll try again soon. We loved Good Seasons Cheese Garlic Salad Dressing mix, and can’t find it to buy. If anyone knows where to buy it, or a good recipe with similar flavor I’d love to hear about it, even if id does have added salt.:smile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello September ! Goodbye Summer!

    It has been a tough summer, too many projects to finish, which are done, done, done!

    I have not read much, and the wifi at the cottage was down last week, so could not even post ....

    good thing, 'cause the daily guests kept bringing food out of my normal eating plans!

    I am hoping that everyone has started Sept with a sense of the fresh beginnings that the old days, -- when you
    opened a brand new school notebook, saw those fresh pages, and wrote your name sooooo carefully on the front --
    are with all of us. Fresh pencils, fresh outlook, fresh promise of change.

    Cheers, BJ, SWOnt
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I do planks as part of my three times a week strength training that I do with the TV on so I have TV to distract me while I do the workout…..I wear ankle weights for my workout so I can’t hold the plank as long as I could without them.

    :flowerforyou: Shoing, welcome, come back every day and become part of our community.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, happy to see you back, sad that you have to miss line dance class.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I goof up a lot not calling home and letting my worrisome hubby know that I’m OK

    :flowerforyou: Genalace, your attention to detail with your lace is inspiring.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life is that I am powerless over my husband and his moods, so now I just let him simmer and go about my business.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, planks and pushups are great challenges---best wishes on them

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, one of the best changes I’ve made in my life was to go to bed earlier and get up earlier…..I used the waste the last hour(s) of the day but I accomplish a lot by getting up earlier.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I am so happy for you and your dog that you got a new puppy…..our two poodles are best friends and it’s a joy to see them together.

    :flowerforyou: Leslie, welcome, those are great goals.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, enjoy your week off from work

    :flowerforyou: BJ, welcome back
    yes, September does feel like a time of sparkly fresh new beginnings.

    :flowerforyou: My yard dried out yesterday after a rainy morning so I had high hopes of doing more digging today, but it started raining hard when I walked the dogs before breakfast and continued to drizzle throughout our after breakfast walk, so working in the yard is out:grumble: ……I guess there is a power greater than me telling me to do some indoor chores so I won’t miss the opportunity…..hubby is off to an appointment and then the gym so I have the house to myself for about two hours---yipppee :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    September Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *be agreeable---say “OK”
    * don’t sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time
    * keep my calcium intake at the level suggested by the doctor
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Went to yoga today. It was lovely to get back to it, though I missed my friend who is on 3 weeks holiday in Scotland.. No one noticed my new workout gear, but I have received loads of compliments in the past about my weight loss. I am still amazed at how much I can do now that was impossible when I started. Can even sit with my legs crossed, though not quite in the lotus position.

    Other than that I have been lazy.. DH is out at cricket so I have the house to myself and no works going on anywhere. Even had a short nap - luxury!

    Michelle - PB is personal best. On the elliptical I set my resistance, (currently at 14) and time myself for the 100 calories. Yesterday was 12.27. I also do 100 calories on the recumbent cycle, but not fast at the moment. I do 200 calories on the rower and recently did beat my PB, but have slipped back on that. I find my timings vary so much from day to day depending on my feelings, sleep etc. I do strength training after all that and have found I'm more and more enjoying that part. I think it's because I really can see results in my shape, especially my arms. I'm still waiting for the lumpy, bumpy fat to go off my middle though. As I'm near to goal I'm hoping it will be the next to go. There is the shadow of abs underneath the lard, but the yellow stuff in someone's profile (Renny?) is sticking on for dear life. I think it was Meg who said her fat had gone all lumpy!:laugh:

    Joyce - I recognize your husband in my old self. I'm sure I used to do that sort of thing to myself. I got it from my mother who got it from her father who was the worst offender of all. But he lost a leg in the trenches in WW1 so he had an excuse! We call it "cutting off your nose to spite your face" :laugh: I am much improved in that department though occasionally feel an impulse to go down that path. I usually resist these days. I do have a friend who gives in to that temptation more often than she should.

    Must now think about dinner. I'm going down the Hairy Bikers' route today with our old favourite Spanish Paprika Chicken. I can get most of it done before I have to collect DH and then finish off the last 20 mins with the red pepper when I get back. Having it with lovely cabbage. For dessert we are currently eating local blackberries stewed with local apples. DH cooks it quite sharp with a mixture of Stevia and a little sugar. Our own Victoria plums are ripening apace and we have had one cook up. I hope to make a few pounds of jam this week with them. DH loves jam.

    I am beginning to think about making the Christmas Pudding and Christmas Cake. We always make the cake together, but it must be 40 years since I made the pudding. We are hoping to have my younger son's family with us for Christmas so think I will attempt it again. DH's aunt has a wonderful recipe which is full of fruit and very light so we are going to ask her to send it to us. Usually we go to DSIL for Christmas where this very pudding appears every year, made by the aunt even though she is not there! We usually leave a long gap of several hours between the turkey course and attempting the pudding as it is very rich and filling. Of course I always provide the brandy butter for this feast!:laugh:

    Wow, Christmas thoughts already! The only present we have bought is the one from DH to DS#1. Chilli covered edible grasshoppers. Delicious!:tongue:

    Bye for now, Heather in quiet Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Welcome,new people,please,keep coming back.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Does anybody know why pictures turn upside down? They look fine on my ipad, and even look fine during the first step of adding them to my profile page, but hen I click the final button they flip over. Not just on this site either. Hmmm.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Never mind. I just read on the help screen that adding photos on the web site is not compatible with some tablets. So, I did it through the app. The picture in my profile now is my new puppy Bruno.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    OMG, Sylvia, your puppy is darling:heart: ........how can you keep from hugging him all day long ?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good day ladies,
    I am motivated and eating healthy and logging food. Go me!

    Sylvia, the puppy is adorable. I remember getting Ritter to fill the hole left by my older dog when she passed. He too is a real lover. I don't envy you the house training and such. I am so glad I am thru all that. Ritter will be 2 this November and he has finally started to settle down a bit. I can't beleive my beloved Bodi boy is already 4 years old. He tends to be more my dog and Ritter is DH's so I get what you mean about being "tolerated".

    Have a great day all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    OMG, Sylvia, your puppy is darling:heart: ........how can you keep from hugging him all day long ?

    Barbie, the bigger question is, how do I keep HIM from hugging ME all day long! I'm not getting much done. I did manage to lock him in the crate for two hours while I went to the gym. When I got home you would think he hadn't seen me in weeks. He's such a sweet puppy. And doing well on his house training so far.

    I had my intro session on he weight machines. Tomorrow starts the real workouts.
    Cardio, then three sets of reps on 8 different machines, then swimming. I hope I live though it.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good day ladies,
    I am motivated and eating healthy and logging food. Go me!

    Sylvia, the puppy is adorable. I remember getting Ritter to fill the hole left by my older dog when she passed. He too is a real lover. I don't envy you the house training and such. I am so glad I am thru all that. Ritter will be 2 this November and he has finally started to settle down a bit. I can't beleive my beloved Bodi boy is already 4 years old. He tends to be more my dog and Ritter is DH's so I get what you mean about being "tolerated".

    Have a great day all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    Robin, our whippet, Molly, is six now, and she is not amused by the little puppy. I have to get onto her for snapping at him a little too harshly sometimes. Hopefully they will work it out.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm enough of a procrastinator that sometimes I have to sit down and write things I have to do the next day in order to do them. So today my list was call my insurance company. I got a letter from them the other day saying I owed them almost $400 for money they say I was undercharged in co-payments in 2011. I'm sorry, I pay my insurance company premiums, not co-payments. So the y give me this explanation about Medicare contracting out to Express scripts which did the audit and asked them to collect it. So I aksed them to send me a summary and if I can't understand it I will take to my local Blue Cross office or agent for help.
    Call the vet about Melodies medication. She is tolerating it very well at half dose and getting a lot of her hair growth back. He was really surprised when I said she had a lot of regrowth of hair, keep it a half dose and call him next week
    Call and get a hair cut although I don't think my hair right now deserves to be called hair it's more of a mop. So I need a mop cut. she needs to call me back but at least I did what I needed to do.

    My sister is still in the hospital. For that I am glad. The ultrasound of her heart report isn't back yet so the on call doctor this weekend wanted to see that before discharge. I hope her own doctor comes in today, she needs him. He is her emotional rock. her heart rate hasn't gotten down to the dangerous level any more and her blood pressure almost normal. I don't think she wants to admit it but she may end up leaving the hospital with a diagnosis of Diabetes 2. her husband is and counts calories only and says a calorie is a calorie. since sister is on Medicare she would qualify for classes like I went to, also some intermittent private sessions each year for progress/problem checks. So her knowledge can help him although he does pretty much all of the cooking because of how sick she can get.

    The podiatrist that took my toe nails off told me that when I was just sitting to take my shoes and socks off and air out my nail beds to help them dry out. All well and good except my feet get cold. So today I took an old pair of socks that the top part was pretty stretched out when my calf was so much bigger that I put them on, got a pair of scissors felt where the two toes were and cut a hole where those two toes were. So now I am following Drs orders and yet keeping my feet warm! My husband thought that was rediculous for ruining a pair of socks but I will wear those only for those short times that I have my shoes off. He is a penny pincher, except when it comes to something going in his stomach.

    Have a good day, Joyce, Indiana
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just have a sec to pop in, I've been busy busy busy with the gardens and canning, now leaving go teach for the afternoon.

    I thought you might get a kick out of this, a friend posted it on Facebook earlier today, saying something like "Oh, Growing Old"


    :smile: jb in sunny Portland
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Jb-thanks for the post,need a laugh.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good afternoon and hope everyone is doing well. I had a bad night lastnight as my sister called and we are planning my mom"s 80 birthday Oct 4. Mom just wants her kids home and nothing fancy. There will be 22 of us. Well we do not want mom to doing anything so I though each family should take one meal, buying , fixing and cleaning up. My sister told me she would cook with only me and she wants my DH to stay away from the kitchen. Then she tell me she doesn't like him and never has. Talk about shock. Her husband doesn't come to many things and when he does he will sit in the corner and watch tv or sleep. So I was really upset and don't want to go. Then DS came over and I told him what happened and he is really upset and tells me he is going to call her. She acts like since she and her husband make more money then us they are better. Well she loves to use credit cards and I told her months ago we gave ours up several years ago and we pay cash for things or not at all. Anyway I am really upset and I love my mom, but her and my sister are really close as they live in the same town, I live 250 miles away. I just don't see how I can go and be around her all weekend and be comfortable. So been stressed about that with an headache that if making my eyes funny. My son thinks she is upset with the weight I have lost. She had the Y surgery twice and lost the weight the first time and gained it all back and they second time she has not lost anything. She did say the other day I weigh less then she does now. I didn't think much of it at the time as when she lost all the weight I was happy for her and made sure I told her. I feel like back in high school and being bullied. This is just the lastest thing she has done. Most the time I just space her off as I don't want to fight and since she lives so far away it is not hard. About 20 years ago my mom and I had a falling out and didn't talk for almost 5 years. But we have worked thur that and afraid it will happen again as DS is her baby. Thanks for letting me vent.

    I did about 50-50 on my goals last month. My goals for September are;
    1. Log every bite
    2. Drink ateast 4 (28oz) mugs of water a day
    3. Walk atleast 20 minutes each day
    4. Look Forward - Not Back
    5. Don't put it off just do it ( borrowed that one)

    Welcome to all the new people. I so enjoy getting to know everyone and sharing the good and the bad.

    Joyce- Happy 41st Anniversary. That is something to be proud of. Dont worry about repeating yourself I do it all the time. DS will just look at me. I also do it on the phone as I have trouble hearing. Glad to hear your sister is doing better. I rule here at our hospital is the doctor has to see the patient within 8 hours of admission. Sometimes those on call doctors are VERY interesting. Thank God your DD and DGC are ok. What a Blessing the 6 year old is. She understands God's love for everyone.

    Sylvia- Thanks for sharing, Hugs to all of you.

    Sandy- So glad your Y is going so well for you and DD.

    pattybay\area- Hope you are doing better. I had the lap band done last nov. It was pretty tough at first, but I have learned that I can not eat like I used to and what I used to. Another girl I work with had it done in Dec and she has gained weight. I tell her it is a tool and not the total answer. I make sure I watch my calories and poteins and keep telling myself this is a life style change for the rest of my life.

    genealace- Glad you got your lace done and in the mail in time for your event. You worked so hard on that.

    Well the good thing this morning was weigh in day. I lost 2.8. So lost what I gained last week plus some. Feel good about that. Also yesterday I dicided to clean out some boxes I was saving things in. I had every card I have gotten of any kind since I was 17 and married the first time. Well that is 39 years of stuff. So I went thur it and saved only speical things, like the last cards my grandparents,dad and sister sent. Things our son that pasted had made. It took me alday and I threw away alot. The trash guys will wonder when they pickup. But gald to have it done. Now just to keep going and get the rest of the room cleaned out. Well have a good evening and remember to be good to yourself.
    Blessed! VickiL GI NE
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia:smile: What a sweet little fur baby:love: !!!! My little fur girl is 8 yrs. old and even if I just go out in the yard and come back in, she acts like I`ve been gone for hours. I do adore her:love: !!!

    Jb:smile::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ....love it!!!

    Vicki:smile: Oh my gosh, I`m so sorry to hear about the drama with your sister, sounds to me like she`s jealous. Probably of your weight loss and your good relationship with your hubby. I wish you luck deciding what you`re going to do. On one hand I want to tell you to go just to see your mom, and ignore your sister, if there is going to be 22 people there surely you could manage not to be alone with her, and I would have hubby right in the kitchen helping me cook, or clean, or just in there to talk to me, let her be uncomfortable. You need to make the decision though that suits you best! Good luck:flowerforyou: !

    I have spent most of the day outside:bigsmile: , it has been fabulous:glasses: ! I`ve walked miles, dug in the flowers a bit and sat under the "fairy" tree. A most perfect day:heart: . Now I must get in the shower and wash the dirt off me before I start dinner!

    Have a wonderful evening!!!

    DeeDee in fabulous NC
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good evening to all!

    Good day at work – productive but not hair-on-fire crazy so pretty enjoyable. Tomorrow, I’ll be in an all-day meeting so that should be tons of fun. Unfortunately, there are more of those than I’d prefer and sometimes I really battle the urge to go get a snack or a pop during the breaks. I’ll be packing a few snacks of my own; hopefully, that will help! I’ve gotten some really good cantaloupe lately so that’s definitely one of the things that I’ll include.

    Renny – as a Texas girl, I have to say that I found that pretty funny!

    Irma – that’s the key, you just have to get back in the groove and not spend a lot of time beating yourself up over things.

    Pat – apple/yogurt salad sounds yummy!

    Coolcatz – welcome back!

    Lila – sorry you are having issues with the site; I’ve not had many but we are probably on at different times. I write all of my responses on a Word document and then just copy and paste into a MFP window. It’s easier for me and I don’t have to worry about it losing a post if there’s a glitch just as I am trying to load it.

    Joyce – I have done the same thing when eating at Olive Garden; I just don’t care for the items on their reduced calorie list so I just pick something and alter it to fit.

    Barbie – I can’t even fathom 23,000 steps. Wow!

    Michele – I think that doing ANYTHING, followed by getting in the hot tub is great! I wish I had one but they’re not all that practical in central Ohio.

    Barbara – “don’t put it off, just do it”….. sounds so simple but I think that really embracing that philosophy can be life-changing. I’m a big procrastinator myself and this is something that I work on all the time so thanks for the reminder!

    Genealace – congratulations on finishing your project; what exactly were you working on?

    Joyce – my grandmother knitted and crocheted and I treasure the things I have of hers. I’ve often thought that I will learn to crochet some day. I’ve tried knitting and it’s just not for me. I’ve love the visual of your grandmother coming to stay – prune juice in the fridge and two of the girls bunking together. It already seems that the world has changed so much since those days.

    Ok, gotta run and fix dinner. Have a good evening everyone!

    Sandy in central Ohio
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Barbara - so nice to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    My August goal reporting:

    Weight sessions: Goal - 10; Actual - 8
    Total weights: Monthly Goal - 166,667 pounds; Actual - 174,560 pounds
    Annual Goal - 2 million pounds, so YTD Goal - 1,333,333 pounds; Actual - 1,505,620 pounds
    Cardio sessions: Goal - 15 times; Actual - 18 times
    Cardio time (hrs): Goal - 10; Actual - 18 hours (that was a surprise -- I think it is the FitBit motivation! :wink: )

    September is the same set of goals, but I've gotten out of the 'push-up-on-the-handicapped-rails-in-the-bathroom-habit' and have re-instituted that and planks.

    Need to get some supper and see what else needs to be done.

    Sweet dreams to all....
    Gail, metro ATL