Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    Add me to the group please. It would be cool to break down this group into mini groups and weekly/biweekly/or monthly challenges.

    I'm in have 146lbs to lose.

    I entered a challenge a few days ago to give up something for the month of October. I gave up my much loved potatoes (all types).

    I am going to challenge all of you to give up something for October also.
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Tuesday Temptation? Kentucky Fried Chicken. <sigh> Grabbing a plum instead! lol

    LOVE THIS! Good job!
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Hi sgp :happy:

    I see you did a name change!!! Care to share why? :glasses: lol

    Wonderful to see you out and posting. Can I ask what are zumba classes?

    This has more flow. :laugh:

    Zumba is a dance/exercise class that combines Latin with hip hop dancing. Oodles of fun! Our class generally has 200+ sweaty women and sometimes 2-3 guys. We laugh and just have a blast!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Everyone add me as a friend....I got to be in this group. I have 115lbs to lose OMG:noway: can look at that number. If I set my ticker to show that I will just die so I should lost 4lbs cuz that is the only thing that movtivates me....knowing slowly but surly it is coming off. Hello size 9 jeans I haven't seen since Highschool.:love:

    Welcome to the group medicinewoman

    You go girl. SIze 9. :tongue: Work hard you can do it.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Temptations...for the last two weeks, I am tempted daily by my laptop to just sit and read postings and snoop into everyone's public food diary on mfp. I have not yet overcome that temptation but need to soon as my house is becoming a shambles :smile:

    Hi messyhare

    heeheehee :blushing: I am also guilty of being on mfp way too much.

    P.S. Thank you for sharing your TUESDAY TEMPTATION:devil: and for sure try and check in here every Monday for MONDAYS CHECK IN. Just started yesterday and will be a good way for everyone to support one another.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    For the first time I actually feel that I really CAN lose over 100lbs where as before that number was so daunting that I was just as certain I could NEVER lose it all! I like this feeling much, much better! I keep thinking to next summer when I will have lost half of myself - there will be quite a celebration!!

    Congrats messyhare :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: one pound loss is great :drinker: :drinker: and lets not forget you loss in inches you mentioned you lost 2" in your waist, 1" in bust, 2" in tummy and 1.5" in your thights. WTG Girl. Keep it up!!!!!

    I wanted to leave your quote above because I couldn't have said it better myself. I so agree with you I felt the same way (and I am thinking many of our members also do/did)that to lose 100lbs..never. But I feel like I can really do it this time. Awesome post messyhare. Thanks.
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Tuesday's temptation: to go home after work and not go to zumba. Work was so BORING that it made me sleepy. However, I was motivated by a friend to drag my lazy tail to class so that is where I am. I would have felt so bad for skipping so I am glad to be here. Tuesday put up a good fight, but I win!!!!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi spg

    Thanks for answering my question about what is Zumba. I am jealous it sounds like fun. I would give it a try if I could find a class around here. Just think 300lbs of latin hip hop dancing with bigmama. Has a ring to it? lol

    WTG on beating your TUESDAY TEMPTATION.... have fun. Fun and exercise ya gotta love it!!!:noway:

    Take Care
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi supernovadark

    Welcome to the group. Everyone is welcome just come on in and post away. I am fairly new myself it will be a week tomorrow I joined this site.

    Dang it so sorry you gain a pount this week. :grumble: Than sucks. Don't you dare give up. Work on your food choices and get some exercise in. You can do this!!!!

    On a happier note...I had to giggle at your picture. I love love love it. Makes me smile everytime I look at it. Very creative.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Tuesday Temptation? Tempation? Tempation? :grumble: :grumble: Well its empty remains are at the bottom of the waste basket I'm ashamed to say....Toffee cashews. Bought the little buggers for a friend. 12 oz. down my personal selfish gut. Ohhh...I feel sick. Calories???? about 820....:huh: :frown: :grumble:
    Well I'm the poster girl for gluttony, and a sick, miserable stomach ache is the result.
    What did I learn. .......that I can't even bring something tempting into the house. That I can't trust myself. That I can't have something rich and high caloric in the house unless its only one portion. That I have to "pay it forward" and deduct all those calories from my future meals until its evened out over the next week because I dont want to gain wait.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member

    Tuesday Temptation? Kentucky Fried Chicken. <sigh> Grabbing a plum instead! lol

    Always remember: WE CAN DO THIS!!

    Hi damage

    Had to giggle at that one. In Ontario we have toonie tuesdays.....and yes I use to eat KFC every tuesday. But not any more.:noway:

    Were is Doordie? She hiding? She came in here gave us slogan and ran away. lol
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    SLEEP is my greatest temptation. I have a hard time going to when I'm actually asleep...I don't want to wake up. Its like ..... stay in bed & Snooze some more.....or go walk a mile....let me think about that... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Its horrible....

    Hey Virgo

    How is it going? Thanks for posting your TUESDAY TEMPTATION. :drinker:

    :laugh: sleep vs walk a mile :laugh: omg
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Add me to the group please. It would be cool to break down this group into mini groups and weekly/biweekly/or monthly challenges.

    I'm in have 146lbs to lose.

    I entered a challenge a few days ago to give up something for the month of October. I gave up my much loved potatoes (all types).

    I am going to challenge all of you to give up something for October also.

    Hi aschavel

    Welcome to the group. :flowerforyou:

    Ok members who is gonna take this challenge. Give something up for the month of OCTOBER. 31 days. That is a long time. Are you strong enough. Do you dare take this challenge!!! Be strong we can do this. Put on your thinking caps and post what you will give up. Don't forget I am here and gonna bug ya to make sure you are not cheating on your challenge :devil:

    Keeping list >OCTOBER CHALLENGE> aschavel - no potatoes (all types)
  • Damage483
    Hang in there supernova, we all will have days like that where it seems the scale is our most hated enemy.

    Virgo (me too!), I just love sleep too. I'm like you in that I don't wanna wake up when i finally get there. So i set my alarm so loud i scare myself awake. Then it's hard for me to get back to sleep after my heart calms down. lol My sleep is all whacked out though being on night shift. Plus I have folks that insist on calling or texting me despite the fact i've told them i'm sleeping when they're at work and awake. Perhaps i'll call them at 3am so they'll get the idea? lol

    Aschavel, potatoes are my bane. Especially fried potatoes. Like sodas, i've been weening myself off of them. When i do eat them, they're the red new potatoes and a small serving.

    Thanks for the encouragement Spg, It's a good thing the plum was pretty tasty!

    Robin and bigmama, thanks for keeping the thread going and your encouragement is so helpful to us.

    October challenge.... i'm thinking about what food to give up. I've got two days and, being the proscrastinator I am, it'll take me to the wire to decide. Hehe.

    Back to work tonight after being off for 12 days. Ugh. Have a great night and a great day tomorrow everyone.

    ~~~~~~~~~ WE CAN DO THIS!! ~~~~~~~~ <
    Courtesy of Doordie
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Tuesday Temptation? Tempation? Tempation? :grumble: :grumble: Well its empty remains are at the bottom of the waste basket I'm ashamed to say....Toffee cashews. Bought the little buggers for a friend. 12 oz. down my personal selfish gut. Ohhh...I feel sick. Calories???? about 820....:huh: :frown: :grumble:
    Well I'm the poster girl for gluttony, and a sick, miserable stomach ache is the result.
    What did I learn. .......that I can't even bring something tempting into the house. That I can't trust myself. That I can't have something rich and high caloric in the house unless its only one portion. That I have to "pay it forward" and deduct all those calories from my future meals until its evened out over the next week because I dont want to gain wait.

    Awe hugs Robin :devil: Dang temptation * Toffee cashews - omg never heard of them before but they sound delish....I am NOT even going to try one of those ever in my life. LOL :laugh: I know chips is my downfall and I am not ready to have them in my house yet. Nope nadda not right now.:grumble: Those horrible things packed much of my fat that i have on my body right now.

    Great idea to only have one portion of something that temps you in the house. That way you can only eat that one. Work hard on getting those calories burned off this week. You can do it.
  • angelbearfoe
    I would like to join. I have about 180 to loose.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Angel

    Welcome to the group. The more the merrier I say. I just join the group about a week ago and I love it here. We are all here for the same reason to lose weight and alot of weight. Feel free to post anytime good or bad we can support one another.

    Take Care
  • cassieinor
    Now a 3lb loss AND desert..... now that's the way (weigh) to go Stephanie. Great job!
  • cassieinor
    TUESDAY TEMPTATIONS. My husband bought a bag of Fritos before we got on the road one day.....and I LOVE Fritos. I was soooo tempted!!! BUT, I told him that I had issues with him opening that bag of Fritos and that I 'm working real hard with this. Then I told him IF he opens that bag that he needs to keep it way over to his left side....out of my reach...AND he had to open his window so I didn't have to smell those Fritos. He apologised, said he would be more considerate next time. I did let him open those Fritos and I had NONE. YAAAY for me!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Hope everyone had a successful Monday. Thank you members for posting on MONDAY CHECK INS and letting us know how you are doing. Good or bad we want to support.

    Being Tuesday today, I was thinking lets do a TUESDAY TEMPTATION POSTING.

    Sooooooooo members lets spills the jelly beans. Please post one of your greatest temptation. Could be food related, could be not wanting to do a certain exercise, could be the neighbor next door. :noway:

    I am sure it doesn't matter where you are on your journey, everyone still gets tempted. So please members let us hear what it is and how you are winning or not winning that temptation.

    Temptation---going somewhere that had an all you can eat dessert bar!! But only choosing one item from the dessert! And it was hard!!!

    THanks Steph for sharing.:wink:

    HAHAHAHA ......OMG that brings back last years Las Vegas Trip memories. I was so not watching what I ate back then. I don't even want that sort of temptation right now.

    Did you just have that temptation....if you did ..I have to know what did you choose?

    Ahhh yes, had that tempation last week. I chose apple crisp with a little ice cream on top. Oh goodness there was sooooo much to chose and a lot of my favorites!!!