Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    I'm caught up once again :) I had a great day with food and exercise (for me) yesterday. My wish is that I could stick to this without backsliding. It's HARD! Been craving a lot of sweets lately :( I was doing so well with that. I've gained the last two weeks for a total of 2.5 lbs. I've been very frustrated, but I'm getting back on track. I know I can do this - I've been doing this.

    You are all such an encouragement...thanks!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning. I am not sure what happened to my brain yesterday but I obviously went insane in the evening and ate pretty much everything not nailed down.:grumble: True to my recomittment I logged it all and that was really painful. It cost me an extra 1700 calories over my daily allowance:mad: . Hopefully by being "honest" and not just skipping the logging it will help me not do it again. I have to run some errands this morning and then depending on the weather it is either walk the doggie or some leslie sansone this afternoon. I hope you all have a great day. I have to run and finish getting ready for mine. :heart: :heart:
  • anabs72
    anabs72 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I'm a noob :)

    Wednesday Wishes: This is just day 4 of my journey/effort. Hoping that I can stick with it and do this on my own. So far, I'm discovering exactly why I've put the weight on, and really hope that this discovery will lead me to make better decisions to get it off.
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning. I started C25k last night. I ran 5 of the 8 times which is better than my previous attempt. I ran the first 4 times then had to walk numbers 5 and 6 but i ran number 7 and had to walk 8. I think I did pretty good. Deputy kept up with me too. He enjoyed it a lot. I find it funny that he won't run with my sister but loves to run with me.

    Wednesday wish: I wish that the freaking moquitos weren't so bad. They were swarming poor Deputy last night. I was more worried about him than me. I plan on getting some spray or those off clip on things before our walk tonight if it doesn't rain.

    Have a good day,
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Morning all! Been keeping an eye on everyone, just not posting much with Mom here. It seems like all I do is cook and clean.....
    We DID stop this morning for some fun at the Morning Farmer's Market. We have been taking MowMow with us and that makes the 1 hour market trip into at least 2 hours since everyone wants to see him/pet him.

    Anyway, here's a pic!
    IMG_2339 by KrisMowBook, on Flickr
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @John -- I think it's definitely worth planning in rewards as you go -- though honestly I found that the biggest reward was just looking and feeling better. And remember 'you're not a dog -- you don't need to reward yourself with food'. Sometimes I think that the thing most worthy of reward is getting focused again after a slip. I do buy clothes -- aiming for eBay and other cheapies really as I'm still a 'work in progress'.
    @Lin -- hey, thanks for checking in.
    @Lori -- I know what you mean about families causing stress! My in-laws aren't really a source of stress but my goodness my stepmother-in-law cooks us large meals! And it's hard to say 'this is delicious but I only want 40% of it...' And I love my mum to bits, but, well, there's a pile of stress there...
    @Charlotte -- sounds like you did really well with that buffet.
    @Tom -- I sleep a lot whenever I do strength work, oh yes.
    @Doug -- There's a tip to brush your teeth immediately after dinner -- and then your brain will go 'oh, hey, can't eat anything more now, I've brushed my teeth...'
    @Tammy -- it's only one day! Log it and forget it.
    @Helena -- well done with C25k

    Wednesday wishes -- I need to get my finger out and get back on track on exercise. I'm doing a bit more now, but I really need to squeeze runs and swims and so on into my life. Tomorrow should be sunny -- maybe I'll go for a swim.

    Still waiting for my little girl to get home from her new school. She looked *so smart* this morning, all dressed up in her 'grey suit of conservative cut', her 'tidy, well-groomed hair' and her 'subtle make-up'. Very beautiful and grownup.

    Little NSV -- one of the nicest things about Walthamstow is our market, which is piled high with super cheap, beautiful, fresh fruit and veg. So yesterday I wandered down there and we now have apples, bananas, pink grapefruit, little plums, nectarines, melon, avocados, cucumbers... if I think 'oh, I want a snack', I know there's loads of luscious healthy goodies waiting for me in the kitchen.

    Hope you're all having a fantastic day!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Mow - what an adorable photo of your kitty - he looks SO regal like he is soaking in the sunshine right then - no wonder you had to stop so often.

    Some days I just do not have it. I have slept in the recliner the past 2 nites - and I am paying for it - just fell asleep and didn't go to bed properly so I have aches from being in the recliner so long. This puts me off my stride and makes me more fatigued.
    Also seem to be allergic to one of my medications - one of my many medications that I take in the am. I get a facial rash 1/2 hour after I take my meds and I've been on all of them for a long time so I am going to start eliminating them one at a time to determine which one is causing the rash. .....

    Tonight its early to bed for me. Might just skip the squats..........
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Patience.

    @ Lin - Glad to see you checking in. Come back when you can!!

    @ Charlotte - I think so many of us can relate to Chinese in general. One of my favorites along with Thai, hibachi, pho, etc. . .love all of them!! I really have to be smart though because I can go overboard sooo easily.

    @ John - I'm excited to hear about your trip and how you do. Being your first time really focusing will be interesting. I even make it a game when it goes to eating out. Prove to yourself you can do this!!

    @ Tom - Sleep sounds so good right about now. I'm still struggling with my stupid apnea machine. I can't find the stupid little hose for anything. I've ordered twice on Amazon thinking I had it right, but nooo!!! I'm going to keep searching because I know it will help me once I start using it again.

    @ Doug - You've hit the nail on the head for me. I guess after working all day, trying to be a parent and finally get quiet time to yourself it feels like my time. This time always seemed to be around comforting myself with food. Those pesky little snacks add up though and fast!! It's been one of the hardest mental challenges I'm having to overcome. It's easy to say redirect, eat fruit, exercise, etc. . . but it's different for everyone and we have to figure out how to overcome. Baby steps.

    @ Alison - I'm slowly getting my exercise together. It's tough after being away and getting back, but I'm slowly getting picking up my pace again. You will too!! I love farmer's markets. We have a store called Sprouts and they always have some good produce we stock up on. Not too many fresh growers in the desert I'm afraid. LOL!!

    @ Helena - Good job!! I'm going to try C25K in the very near future. I think I want to be down about 25 more lbs though. I'm doing a lot of strength training right now and building my stamina with intervals. Some day soon though. Luckily, that's one thing we don't have in Vegas are mosquitos. Great for us, but definitely the pets too!

    @ MowMow - Love him!! The carrier always cracks me up. What a prince!!

    @ Tammy -- Admitting and logging is half the battle. Lord knows I've missed some bites and licks along the way. Baby steps.

    @ Anabs72 - Welcome!! You've found a nice hidden gem. This is the only thread for me and I love our group!! Try to log in daily for the support, but the thread moves quite a bit too. It can be a little hard to keep up, but we're here for you!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    So glad to see some of my favorite people still here. I am back. I didn't fall off the wagon, but I took a hiatus. I kind of rejected MFP for a while while doing Insanity, because I felt MFP had me set too low for calories. I am back, because I am in a clean eating challenge and want to be sure I'm eating enough now haha.

    To catch everyone up:
    -I FINISHED INSANITY. I sprained my ankle halfway through, and I was battling some sickness a few times, but I finished. I had to take a month off for my ankle, but old me would have given up long before the end. I earned my free t-shirt, my body is stronger, has more stamina, and craves working out and eating well.
    -I got a full time job teaching preschool in a toddler classroom. That keeps me very active.
    -I have since moved on to Hip Hop Abs to get my core in shape. I feel it will help my back trouble to have a stronger core. So far, I like it, but it is not the intensity I am used to and learned to crave from Insanity.
    -Insanity truly changed my life.
    -I ran my first 5K in July, right after my second wedding anniversary. I ran almost half of it. Thanks, Insanity.

    There is not much else on the life front to discuss, but I hope all of you are well. I plan to be posting as regularly as I can. I am still not used to working full time haha.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--congrats on your anniversary!!! :flowerforyou:

    @erienne--so good to see you back!! Congrats on finishing Insanity. I started 30DS earlier in the summer, but I'm a cheapo and couldn't find level 3 online, so I only completed levels 1 and 2. :laugh:

    @robin--do you think the change in your prednisone dose could be the cause of that rash? Since that's the most recent med change, maybe start with that?

    @alison--we have farmer's markets throughout the summer, but I've had good and bad experiences. The produce is often priced the same but fresher, so usually tastier. However, I've had a couple of bad purchases like grape tomatoes that were bitter. I should really make an effort to visit them a few more times before they are gone for the winter.

    @kris--mow's stroller is just too adorable! I've never actually seen one in person, but I would be one of those stopping you--except of course if I had gunner with me. He's not quite sure what to make of cats--are they for playing? are they for eating? We won't risk finding out. :tongue:

    @helena--congrats on starting c25k! :drinker: FYI--those clip-ons don't work while you're walking or moving around too much--they are better for sitting on the patio.

    @anabs--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--you did the right thing logging. Not only will seeing it make it more "real" but if another binge occurs, you can look to see if there's any pattern to when it's happening (could be hormonal) and also what kinds of food you are craving (carbs vs. fats vs sugar, etc.). I've also found that one huge spike in calories can actually have a positive affect on my weight loss. When I still had lots to lose, a 3000 calorie day was often the only way to push past a plateau.

    @bj--can you satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit like some watermelon? It doesn't always work for me, but it's worth a try if it will keep you away from higher calorie sweets. I also will just eat one delicious square of dark chocolate (my sweet of choice) if I'm really craving sweets.

    @doug--use those strategies that worked last time--the silver lining to doing this again, is that you know what you're doing this time.

    @tlh--I know! My one regret about getting him so early in the school year is that he'll be gone before my juniors write either of their bigger research papers. :grumble:

    @tom--it's good to be flexible with the workout schedule--sometimes your body just needs a rest.

    @garetie & blturner--good to see you both poking your heads in. :wink:

    @nicole--I hope the school thing works out. Does your new job offer any type of tuition assistance? I know in this economy that benefit is rarer and rarer, but it's worth looking into. Even with some reimbursement, my grad classes cost a lot--I didn't realize how much of a toll they took on my budget until I got to stop paying for them.

    Wednesday Wish:
    That I get my AP journals done by the end of the day Friday. I neglected those stories last night, so I had to grade them during my morning classes (kids were writing essays). That means I didn't get started on the journals until this afternoon. I stayed after school to at least put a decent dent in them, but I didn't count how many I finished--so the 20 below is just a guess. I brought home 10 more, but I haven't touched them yet. :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/14 F451 stories DONE
    2. 20/73 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
  • Eeyeore
    My wed wish...that my dear dad gets well enough to enjoy some of hunting season....he would lovecthat and has been through so much lately. Dad comes home from rehab next week and then we gotta get a special heart surgeon to agree to perform surgery.
    Too tired to say much more now...wish everone sweet dreams and a blessed thursday!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan have you tried looking up your machine on the net and finding the right hose from there so you can order that model number from Amazon. It might be worth a try.

    Bailey- Welcome back. Teaching toddlers is a handful and will keep you busy.

    Robin-You are right some days we just don't have it in us. That was me most of last week and now I am starting to regain my desire to exercise. Some days we just need a break from it all.

    Allison- So many things to squeeze in- that sounds so familiar as I was saying that last night to my trainer. I want to do it all-swim, climb, weigh training etc and I am wondering how do I manage it all. To bad my job gets in the way--oh wait-- I need the job so I can do all of it. :bigsmile:

    Gel nails- 4 days and no chips.

    Wed wish-- that my friends mom gets better. She had a stroke yesterday. She was a little confused and scared so hopefully it was only a minor stroke. She had surgery last week to remove her breast due to cancer-this is the same person who had the lumpectomy and they go back in so they good the rest of it.

    Tomorrow is a holiday for me so I get to workout with my trainer but it will 50% cardio (this means running on a treadmill) and the 50% weight training. I like the weight training but the treadmill running worries me since I have this fear of falling off the thing and/or hurting my knees due the extra pounding. The other issue I have deals with moving things under my feet- I just don't like it. Escalators are a prime example since I have a very difficult time stepping on one to go down and going up is not easy either. So the fact that the floor will be moving under my feet does not help. I will see how this goes tomorrow that could be a very long workout.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    @BJ CAMP - Try having healthy alternatives readily available to grab when that sweet tooth hits. Since I'm just starting back after a long period away, I'm having the same problem. So, I have some sugar free jello snacks in the fridge. Its not the same as a chocolate bar but it hits that sweet tooth and only 5-10 calories. Also, a large glass of water before any snack will sometimes fill you up enough that even if you grab something you shouldn't, you can grab a smaller amount. Its a struggle we all face, just keep trying.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Wednesday wish for me is just to continue doing what I'm doing. I'm so happy to have come back and not had any major problems in my first week back that I can't imagine wanting anything more right now. I honestly haven't felt this happy in quite a while. I was pretty down after all the health problems the last year and gaining all my weight back didn't help. Now that I've made the decision to start over and have gotten started, its really improved my sense of well being.
    I'm sorry I can't do all of the personal responses , I just don't have the time but if something jumps out at me, I will add in a personal response. Hope everyone is having a great week. Don't forget your water. Drink up.:drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I am the same way about stepping on and off of escalators. In fact, when I was little my dad or mom would have to physically lift me on and off of them b/c I was too afraid. :blushing: I still have a slight apprehension about them. However, that doesn't really translate to the treadmill for me. I have actually fallen running on mine at home (a very long time ago), but thankfully never at the gym. I know a lot of runner's hate the "dreadmill," but I find it's a LOT easier on my knees than running outside and I like that it forces me to maintain a certain pace. Good luck with it tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA, Still having respiratory problems. Dr said breathing was fine but I feel a weight on my throat and chest when I lie down. He gave me an inhaler of steroids.

    Lost 2 lbs ths week. Appetite stunted. Went to a cookout Sunday and then back over for leftovers Monday and I have had severe Reflux ever since, even though I ate small portions and ate slowly. Think it was the pork and baked beans. two nights in a row. Today, I only ate 2 eggs, 1 strip turkey bacon and a small tomato and for supper a sandwich and one small bag of chips and I have been burping like crazy.

    I need to get back on my exercise program although at times, I am free of Reflux even if I don't exercise. But I need to do that for my own sake.

    I tried to catch up on all the posts. Some of old but I will try to do better tomorrow


    TOPSMARCA: WHEW!! I'm tired just reading about all your activity. Though its a lot of work it does sound like so much fun. Running for 20 minutes. That's grat

    Sirtxt : John, Are there any foods you could take along with you and eat while they have fast food. My daughter snacks a lot on our trips, so I take my own low calorie snacks. It cuts down on the temptation. I went to Florida with her a few weeks ago and she really eats constantly. I just made up my mind in advance and made the best choices I could. I also tried to stay as active as I could. I feel confident thyat you can suceed at this.
    I think rewards are great. I reward myself by taking quiet time and resting to read a book or sit in my garden, or taking a nice hot bath. Find something that renews your spirit or makes you happy and reward yourself often

    kah: Hope that thumbs heals quickly

    Tom: What a comitment to working out. No wonder you have lost so much and set such a good example for the rest of us
    Robin: I wanted to see The Butler but had my niece over for her birthday and let her pick a movie "The Getaway" mindless but action packed. Enjoyed the morphing video.
    doBarber: I have been MIA myself. Let's make a pact to check in daily for rest of week. Are you in?

    Helena: You never know what the future holds. You can still keep your options open

    Susan. Glad you enjoyed San Diego. I spent a week there once and really enjoyed the sights, plus I took a trip to La Jolla. I love the San Diego zoo. Best one I have ever seen.

    JICOLE: Welcome

    Kaye - Happy Anniversary

    MyMowMow - Love the picture. I can see whose boss in your home
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~We all have days like that, I kind of had a day like that yesterday too. My energy felt so low during a session with my trainer. I hope you figure out the medication that is causing the issues soon.

    @Laurie~Treadmills always felt weird to me at first too, hopefully your trainer will understand and have you start out slow so you can work your way up. The sessions with my trainer almost always include some cardio – usually less than 10 minutes though, we do it to keep my heart rate up. I’m with you on escalators or moving walk-ways, but they don’t seem to make me as nervous as elevators – I am seriously claustrophobic so can’t be in an elevator with more than 2-3 people, I’ve been known to get off if too many people get on. I opt for the stairs most of the time as a result.

    @BJ~Something I’ve discovered is that the only time I crave sweets is when I haven’t had enough protein or enough sleep. If you are having cravings often check your macros and see if you are eating enough protein. Also, as Charlotte suggested try and keep some lower calorie/fat options around the house for those cravings – that way you can still treat yourself without overdoing it. I don’t eat a lot of sweets but keep a couple of things around – sugar free fudgesicles, I get the mini’s and one is just 40 calories. The other thing I keep around are Kashi cookies – the chocolate almond butter cookies, they kind of remind me of a no-bake cookie. They are a little higher in calories but pack a wallop for that chocolate craving and are full of healthy stuff, they are in the organic food section.

    Thursday Truth~Nothing to confess this week. Although, I seemed to have aggravated my Achilles from the drills I did with my trainer on Monday. :grumble: It was really hurting yesterday, feels a little better today. Trainer has me doing an ice bath for it so hope after more of that tonight and a rest day today that it will be better tomorrow – he mentioned outside running drills in the afternoon, in lieu of our usual Sunday session (he is overbooked). I made the mistake of telling him I wanted to run a half – I think he figures no time like the present to start training for it. :huh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Training DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Training (Possibly)
    Saturday~Ellip/Running Drills

    Have a great day!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    I did my cardio, strength, and flexibility last night and now I am really sore. Those squats are brutal.
    I only have to do cardio tonight to make up for not doing it Wednesday! Tomorrow is cardio and strength. RobinsEgg I now have a new respect for squats.:grumble:

    Susan- You may want to call
    Apria Branch
    (702) 736-4466 1951 Ramrod Ave, Suite 100
    Henderson, NV 89014-2314
    To see if they have the CPAP piece you need. I know they have a lot of Resptronics stuff. I have never been to the one in Henderson. I used to go to one off Valley View west of Tropicana.
    American Home Patient Inc
    4020 W Ali Baba Ln
    Las Vegas, NV

    Welcome to the newbies and the returnies!:flowerforyou:

    Quote of the day: - “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” ~Sir Edmund Hillary

  • syk48
    syk48 Posts: 16
    good for you Kaye !!
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    You guys are awesome! Thanks so much! I noticed yesterday that I actually weigh 1 1/2 pounds less than my driver's license says. That's a miracle considering I've been lying on it for over 10 years! lol