

  • HelenTheZ
    HelenTheZ Posts: 42 Member
    Exhausted and bumping.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Bump for later x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    im up , been up since 4 and have a load of laundry in the dryer, I tried some some new exercises at the gym yesterday and I am feeling it today, which I guess is a good thing.. but i am going to lay low at least for the morning,going to the podiatrist at 8:15 and then home to rest the foot for awhile, then mow the lawn,going to stop at walmart once the dryer stops.
    im back down to 154, so that im 3 lbs away from the 50 lb mark... would like to be down into the 140's by the time I leave for florida next month:happy:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi there from another sunny morning in Hampshire UK!:bigsmile:
    DH off to watch cricket again as we are expecting rain tomorrow. I am hoping for it as the garden really needs it.

    Had a silly fit of nerves last night.:blushing: Our house painter has a small house in Brittany, France that he lets out. I got all excited as I love France and his price is reasonable. Also the overnight boat goes from near here and deposits us at St Malo, which is only 45 mins drive from the house. I suddenly had the urge to go over this autumn/winter and emailed him about booking the first week in December. I thought the towns might have Christmas markets and we could just enjoy being there without the tourists.
    Anyway, I started worrying about it after that and kept myself awake!! Of course I am not committed to anything at all, but I worried about the ferry crossing, the money, the cold and dark at that time of year, (the house is modern with central heating), snow and just about everything. I changed beds to the spare room, read for a while and eventually managed to sleep. :frown: In the morning I shamefacedly came back to DH and explained my worries. He said don't make any decision just after a sleepless night. Give it a bit more time. So now, after my exercise, I feel much better and think it might be a bit of fun again. The boats are like liners so I don't think the crossing will be too bad, even if it's rough. So now I'm waiting to hear back from the painter!

    My sleepless night put paid to my intention to go 'jalking' round the lanes with DH. I just didn't feel up to it. I did get on the gymming machines and equalled my press up pb. Also pb for weighted squats.
    Barbie - I reckon I'm going to have to change up my weights as they say if you can do more than eight repetitions they are too light. I can do 10 bicep curls now.
    DH got so thin in January when he wasn't eating or sleeping that he lost a lot of lean body mass. I have been force feeding him since:laugh: and he has been having a go at my dumbbells. It has made a huge difference and he has got his muscles back. He feels and looks so much better. He is nearly 68 and has a great body!:bigsmile: :blushing: Also super fit. But I do have to make sure he eats enough as the food we eat together is based on my needs. I reckon he needs at least 1000 cals on top of mine as he does extra exercise (200 cals more), often does extra walking, is a man and doesn't need to lose weight. Extra carbs, fat, cakes, beer goes down him (not all together :laugh: ), but he can drop weight really easily. Wouldn't you love to have that problem? ! ! !:sad: :sad:

    Today I am going to make a Summer Pudding as a dessert for our next lot of visitors later in the month. I am using our own blackcurrants, plums, and blackberries from the lane. Bought raspberries and redcurrants.
    Tonight sea bass with sorrel sauce. Our own sorrel. Will make double sauce and freeze half for the winter when the sorrel is dormant.
    The wife of DH's nephew, who is coming to stay with their baby, loves pasta so I am thinking it is a wonderful excuse to drag out my pasta machine and make ravioli again. Will have fun with DH this weekend as it really is a two handed job! Then will eat a little bit and freeze the rest for when they come.
    On Monday I have offered to babysit DGS up in London so DDIL can get on with some projects she needs to finish before the baby comes on the 23rd. She is writing a series of four books of popular psychology, based on CBT principles. We all hope they take off and make loads of money for them!:laugh: Can't wait to see DGS again. DH will catch the train with me so can have lunch with his younger daughter. He can join me later and come home with me.

    Well, things to do!

    Love Heather.
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    Managed to make it thru' August with a loss despite the fact that I've been unable to exercise due to a bad back AND all 3 of my sons have August birthdays (14th,23rd & 24th ). Luckily they decided to get together for a joint celebration BBQ rather than have individual 'parties', so I was only faced with food temptation once! Looking forward to September, is very hot in London today but temperature supposed to drop 10 degrees C by tomorrow as cold front/rain coming in off Atlantic. I love the Autumn. Have a good month, everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    good morning from across the pond~
    Heather I am so proud of you, your slim and trim and wearing clothes that you never thought you would wear.. I on the other hand, dont have the stamina and time to do all you do,
    I would sooooooo love to have my heel all healed and get back to life like its supposed to be..its hard to think that one little thing such as my heel can make such a mess of things....
    we are supposed to have chilly temps tonight in the 30's:noway: and only 68 here today...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Rori :smile: Home only 17 days and you did well on your August goals, congrats!!!!

    Suzy :smile: Sweet that DH got you a salad, sorry it was swimming in dressing though. 21,000 steps, I think that`s awesome!

    Joyce :smile: Funny story about answering the phone:laugh: . Take care of those toes, and do call the Dr.

    Ann :smile: Hi! I like your goal of closing the kitchen at 8pm, unfortunately that`s about the my dinner time. I would like to move it up a bit. Hope you don`t mind if I borrow that goal!

    Luckyinlove :smile: Congrats on being voted most changed for the better:flowerforyou: !

    Paula :smile: Cute email. Wonderful way to get people calling in. Hope Annie found a wonderful home!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Sometimes those private lessons are more fun, you get all the attention:bigsmile: !!

    Bj :smile: Yay, you`re back!!!

    Katla :smile: Fresh blueberries from your own bush….yum!!! I hope the cuttings take root!!!

    Sandy ON :smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!! Ouch on the knee!!!

    Rhonda :smile: We`ve been having fabulous weather too, after a rainy summer, this is quite blissful!

    Barbie :smile: I can just see you doing the happy dance at getting to teach the entire class!

    Sue in TX :smile: Good to see you again!!!

    Michele :smile: You are busy busy!!! The doughnuts sound delish:love: !!! Wonderful perfect weather we`re having right now, great weather to float in the pool:glasses: !

    Sherry MD :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat!!

    Genealace :smile: Wow, for $96.00 I would want to be able to track my package!

    Barbara :smile: I need to do some ironing too, usually I like to iron, however now that the weather is so nice here, I don`t want to spend any time in the house. It rained most of the summer, the ground stayed soggy and several of my plants drowned:angry: . Hope your weather improves soon!

    Grandmallie :smile: Hope the shot helps with the heel pain:flowerforyou: !!!

    Amanda :smile: Nice to see you!!!

    Heather :smile: France in Dec. sounds wonderful!!! Yes, it would be great if we had the problem your DH has on losing weight….I can only dream!

    Angiewf :smile: Congrats on the loss for Aug.!!!! I love autumn too, looking forward to the leaves changing beautiful colors:love: !

    It has been a perfect week:love: ! Nice weather:glasses: , no stress:bigsmile: ! I have done nothing in my house, I`m enjoying the beautiful outdoors every minute I can. Noel likes the lower humidity too; our lunchtime walk is much more pleasant. I have been craving salt the last few days:grumble: …yuck…the dreaded scale is showing it too:sad: . Hopefully my salt fest is over! I made carrot soup last night, which I absolutely love, however I roasted my carrots a little longer than I should have:blushing: , i.e. they were burnt:noway: , soup was awful, burnt carrots are not very tasty:tongue: . Means I have to find something else for lunch today.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in absolutely beautiful NC :glasses:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Thursday Morning Everyone,
    and welcome Sherry, you will like it here, although it is hard to keep up!

    Dee, thanks for your welcome back, I have missed hearing all the MFP voices of help and reason, and encouragement.

    I noticed a number of us commented on the drop of humidity and the refreshing coolness at night, me too!
    It reached well into the 90's here on the very last week of August at the lake. And the lake is north of where we live!

    I am impressed with those who make it to the gym, even with migraines! I need to see the doc about my knee, I know that both have arthritis, but I twisted one some weeks ago, and getting in and out of chairs and thrones is next to impossible!
    Yeah, we have free health care, no worries there, just need to take the time...it really changes my day!

    Finishing off some prep work for classes that start on Monday! Oh my, another crop of uni students who all think my course is a bird course, or are required to take it...still, they all become very dear to me in the process of taking them through weeks of challenging tasks!

    Hopefully, I can get through my own challenges. Physical and teaching and eating.......

    Have a wonderful day! BJ.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Following is a link to a computer program that shows the different weights and body shapes as you lose weight...have fun! :laugh:


    Terri from Oregon

    Terri, that was fun. Also, I put in my highest weight and my current weight to get an idea of the difference that I dont see in the mirror. It was very helpful. Thanks for posting his link.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Working hard long days and loving it. Not much going on here. My daughter is due the 23rd but her sister thinks she will have Andelane early so I am anxiously awaitng granddaughter number 2. I am eating well but not doing so well on the water because I am so focused on my work I forget to drink it. I am getting at leaast a litre at work and at least a litre at home but I like to do 2 litres at work. oh well I will just keep on keepin' on.

    Have a great day all

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Very menancing rainy threatening PNW
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, everyone,

    I have the new milage device on the bike so plan on trying that out. Finally got together with dd on Facetime last night and pulled what I could find with her help to ship to her; will get at least some of the pile out today. I'm really liking this Facetime iPad.

    Got an email appeal to make food for a charity event, so must plan for that also. An old friend, someone I used to work with (my old boss, in fact), called to ask if I'll transport her for cataract surg. on the 13th; said yes.........after I asked her if she was sure that Friday the 13 was really the date she wants it done........lol.

    Hello to all and best wishes for great days for everyone!
    mid-Atlantic........where it was very foggy this am!!!
  • Cikan_Vuz
    Cikan_Vuz Posts: 32 Member
    I I removed my duplicate post, so just scroll down =])
  • Cikan_Vuz
    Cikan_Vuz Posts: 32 Member
    I am 54 and have am legally disabled due to non-corrected internal derangements in both knees, a shattered leg (now healed but not set correctly) Causgalia, a head and neck injury, and migraines.

    I used to weigh 125 before my injuries. as of 8/5/13, I weighed 224, which due to muscle memory ( I am an ex body-builder) my weight crept up to 335 before it began to lower)

    I row/erg on a Conceot 2 rower from 5 to 7 days a week, following the guidelines of Concept 2 and D.P. Ordway's ook "Row Daily, Breathe deeper, Live Better, A Guide to Moderate Exercise.

    Last month I rowed over 400k.

    This month I plan to row at least 300k and I also performed my first marathon row of 42194 meters on 9/2/13. I plan to row at least 2 hours a day, improving my times and getting to where I can consistently row 10k under 60 minutes. ( which is hard due to my leg injuriess)
  • Cikan_Vuz
    Cikan_Vuz Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I just joined and need your help....I want to lose 40 lbs by Memorial Day....Tomorrow is Labor Day. Any advice out there?? Thanks everybody:)

    I recommend rowing /ERGing on a Concept 2 rower if you have a local gym with some.

    Concept 2 also has a an online logbook, where you can enter what you did every day.

    Rowing is an excellent all-over workout and way to burn calories while toning your entire body in one action.


    Reading this page (http://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/training/rowing-for-specific-goals/weight-loss) will help you a lot, it did me. It has links to techniques and videos too.

    I myself have gone down two sizes since I began rowing and I only started back up 8/5/13.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Katla, mystery goals: "matwork" involves getting down on the floor and doing stretches and exercises from chiropractor and physical therapist mostly to keep knees from going out, partly to loosen up shoulders and neck; "SWSY" is lifting weights following the "Strong Women Stay young" program, that I re-started Tuesday for the first time this year; "HRM" is to finally figure out how to use the Heart Rate Monitor that has been gathering dust for YEARS. Likewise "smartphonewalk" is to figure out how to download a walking program to it and USE it.,

    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    September: Log, matwork, EVERY day. Sweat and SWSY twice weekly. Just for now: trust,let go of anger, be at peace.
    Bonus goals: HRM, Smartphonewalk, scan posts


    I have several smart phone "walking" programs that I was not happy with. The one that works for me is a simple timer. I use the stopwatch feature to time my walks. I know my pace, because I really am walking the dog.

    Good luck.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Following is a link to a computer program that shows the different weights and body shapes as you lose weight...have fun! :laugh:


    Terri from Oregon

    Terri, that was fun. Also, I put in my highest weight and my current weight to get an idea of the difference that I dont see in the mirror. It was very helpful. Thanks for posting his link.


    I used this too, and bookmarked it. What fun! This is very motivating, and at the same time it gives some perspective. From where I started to now is great. From now to my personal goal is eye opening. I won't notice much difference as I drop below the goal MFP has set for me. Hmm. Thanks so much!

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, Ladies- I decided to get up early and catch up on the posts before I take off for Tucson again today. It has been a while since I have been able to force myself to sit down and put my unhealthy behaviors in black and white.

    I am not sure why, but the negative spirits just continue to pull at me. There is this feeling of loss that makes me want to just hide and eat and not take part in life at all. When this has happened before, it has been triggered by a great emotional loss, but that has not happened, so I am having a hard time figuring this one out. So, I am taking it one step at a time, and I am trying to be gentle with my self-talk because I can be as brutal on myself as the world is, at times. Enough about this crap- This Too Shall Pass!

    Heather- You are such an inspiration for me. I love that quote, "Act the way you want to feel", thank you for reposting it; it really does apply to me today. Today I am going to 'act' like I am a healthy, mindful person. I think the holiday in France sounds delightful. Put the worries aside and enjoy yourself!

    B.J.- Since my Dr told me that I am really gluten intolerant and just had to accept the fact and get on with life, I understand your statement. It is difficult to follow a gf life-style but it truly makes a difference in how my digestive system works, how my knees and ankles feel, and how foggy I can be at times. I really do feel much better off gluten. Good Luck and Be Well!

    Joyce- Please, don't take any chances with those poor, sore toes!

    Sandy- I am sorry about the migraine and the knee. Geez, tomorrow has got to be better!

    Sherry- Welcome!

    Yesterday I went up to Tucson, met my Bff Suzie and went to the movie "Heat". It was good to spend a couple of hours laughing and just having fun. Her husband then met us at Joe's Crab Shack. I really wanted to try the fried lobster, but, of course, it had breading on it, so (poor, pitiful, deep sigh) I had to settle for one of the gluten free steam pots. Have half of it left it the fridge because they give you so much!
    Today three of us are going back up to Tucson to hit the gluten free shops and have lunch at P.F. Chang's. I am going to do better than the last gf shopping trip, and Not start the trip w/ a gf mini-pie! We are also going to hit a couple of clothing stores, so I will see if I can find something I like in a smaller size.

    For today: stick to the 3 meals and 2 snacks
    Breakfast: yogurt and fruit
    lunch: beef and broccoli
    supper: left overs

    Have a great day, Ladiesl I will check back in later.

  • shoing
    shoing Posts: 114 Member
    Sorry forgot to add that I live in Mississippi. :wink: We live on a farm 2 miles from our closest neighbor. :smooched: I love it. I'm a high school study hall teacher so unfortunately spend a lot of time behind a desk on the computer. :huh: I try to get up and walk around every few minutes to keep everything moving. I'm having a lot of trouble with my feet right now and they hurt so bad to walk much. :ohwell: We had started walking at the being of school and had to stop due to the pain. Well enough of complaining. I'm feeling so good about myself losing weight this time. Love reading about all you lovely ladies. It's so nice to share. :flowerforyou: Anybody live in MS? :happy:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well, I am back home,icing my foot,sitting with the puppies, and will go out and do the lawn later..
    well I got the shot, and a higher dose of prednisone:grumble: have to take that for 2 weeks,I will deal with it if it takes care of the heel...
    I got another nice pair of jeans in a size 14 petite,and I tried them on except for a bit in the belly they fit:bigsmile: and for 5 bucks....
    I did buy some kind bars- the are a treat for me every once in awhile.. and also some S'more goldfish cookie/crackers, I sat here and made little snack bags with the correct amount in them and marked with the calories :laugh: hey at least I can have a little something but log it correctly too
    hoping everyone is enjoyng there day..will check in later:heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's 10:30 AM, have been up for 45 minutes:yawn: You ladies put me to shame. My body rythm puts me to bed late, or early how ever you want to call it, I'm used to getting up at noonish. But I have a hair cut appointment at 11:45 and had to do all my computer stuff that seems to run my life before I went.
