Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • deesfitw
    Today is fess day, but until I'm comfortable with this site I'll lay back a bit and listen and learn. I also want to lose 100lbs by next summer, I surely hope its possible. I'm going to start my workouts with Chalene Johnson's dvd Turbo Jam and the go onto Turbo Fire also by Chalene Johnson. I've gotten great results before, has anyone heard of these dvds by beachbody? I'm not advertising just thought I'd throw one out there because its great for beginners. Hopefully my first workouts will start tomorrow Fri September 6, 2013.
  • lisakgordon
    lisakgordon Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new to MFP and am hoping to get on track. I rediscovered swimming a few years ago and joined an adult swim club and am now a bit obsessive about it (swim 4 times a week and we do dryland training on top of that) but I need to check my eating. Hope that this will help me stay on track and get that into a habit and life style change like I have done with my exercise.
  • sirtxt
    Good Morning All,

    Thanks for all of the suggestions and encouraging words of support for my upcoming travel. I went out and got snacks for the trip and did all of my packing last night. I am ready to go. Honestly, I know I can plan for eating out once in a while. I do it now with my friends. But, I guess deep down, I fear not being able to resist temptation while eating out 3 1/2 days straight. But, I have my snacks, I can look for the smallest portioned meals (kids menu) and I can stay active. I have my MFP app to log everything.

    My Thur Truth would be my self doubt in fighting off/ managing temptation for that long of a period. I am such a creature of habit as I have a touch of OCD tendencies. I fear it will be so easy to fall back into old habits. But, as my Mom told me many years ago,
    “If you stand with one foot in the past and the other foot in the future, all you do is piss on the present.” So, I need to just focus on the NOW - which would be work.

    I wont check in til Monday - hope everyone has a GREAT WEEKEND!!!!


    I am thinking about going on a hot air balloon ride!!!!
  • syk48
    syk48 Posts: 16
    yes I do .I"ve been doing MFP for 35 days and lost 9 lbs. I have asthma n now I have pneumonia so can't do the walking because of humidity but fall is coming my fave time of the year. when pneumonia is better I"ll still have to take slow but it will be a start. I'v e been a couch potato for to long . I need to make the change now before my Dr. wants to put me on meds because he said I'm pre-diabetic . It has to change now.My next appt. is in Oct. and blood tests will be there ,I've got to do it now.
  • Helenavee42
    Thursday truth:I need to be more strict on myself. Most days I just think oh yea I'll just work out and it won't matter what I had for lunch. I need to pre-make my food again so I have no excuses.

    BJ: Awesome that your weight is under what your license says!!

    Robin: I really hope you figure out what is causing the rash.

    Susan: You are lucky you don't have mosquitos. They are way worse this year than they have been. Apparently we had a new batch hatch just a few days ago so they are still working on spraying.

    Skinny: Thanks for letting me know that the clip ons don't work when moving. Spray it is. I found a brand that you can use on dogs so I plan on getting it too.

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Thursday Truth: This is a little harder to do the 2nd time around. I say that because I think I know myself a little better now and I know how lazy I can be and how easy it is to just say f&*( it and eat that or sit back and watch another show with a bag of chips in my lap or take another helping of whatever during supper. Good thing is, I know that baby steps matter and I've working on those. I've logged everyday so far this week and I'm drinking water and less soda(soon to be no soda). Next week I plan to walk at least 2 days. Its still going to be hard but at least now I have a plan. Well I guess I'm off to get some water!


    P.S. @Jeffries: You're definitely on!
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    John - I'm jealous! I so wanna ride in a balloon!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    John - I'm jealous! I so wanna ride in a balloon!

    Then you should come up to Albuquerque next month. We have literally thousands. You could ride to your hearts content. It's nice to look at too.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. Well lets see Thursday truth. I hate tom. It is getting much more nasty with age. Oh well nothing that can be done but pissing and moaning. On to the good things. Today is my 21st wedding anniversary. My husband isnt here but he will be home in a week or so and we will celebrate then. As hard as it has been at times I wouldn't trade the last 21 years for anything. We are having thunderstorms today which in western washington is fairly unusual. I have been listening to the sky rumble all morning. I personally am loving it. I was born and raised in Illinois and miss storms. My little doggy on the other hand does not appreciate it at all. Alright took a little break and gave him some cuddles so he is a little calmer now. oops spoke to soon that was a loud boom.
    I was going to try and do personals but my brain is all foggy and cant remember anything I was going to say. So as always know I am rooting for you and have a great day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ebailey - welcome back - so glad to hear Insanity made such a big difference and now you're working on your core. Good goal.

    Eeyeore - hope you get your wishes for your dad and he gets to go hunting!

    Laurie - praying for your friend's mom. Hope you have a safe time on the treadmill tomorrow!

    kinnurse - so glad your mood is up-beat to accompany this life style change. I love your attitude!

    KJeffries - congrats on 2 lbs lost - WOOT!

    Kah - I hope your Achilles tendon gets better FAST!

    Morgori - congrats on your workout - hope you are not TOO sore - if so, dial it back just a WEE bit.

    BJCamp - congrats on your miracle driver's license weight! :bigsmile:

    deesfitw - welcome - your plans to workout sound good. Beachbody does work for some people - its what you put into it that makes it work. 100 lbs by next summer is pretty ambitious, but it depends on what you define as "summer"

    lisagordon - welcome - swimming is an excellent exercise! Also if your not, try and log all your food. Its something all of us have found to be the best tool of MFP for learning about your eating habits and where to cut down on your food.

    sirtxt - John - I hope you do get to go on a balooon ride - it would be a lot of fun!

    syk - congrats on your 9 lb. loss! Your doing an excellent job and I hope your pneumonia clears up soon so you can get back to exercising. I have asthma too, so I understand about the humidity.

    Helena - yep I have to pre-plan my meals or I'm in terrible trouble. I always keep canned tuna around for those emergencies!

    Doug - I never eat chips out of the bag. I ALWAYS put a serving into a small bowl and eat only one chip at a time and go slow. I find I eat a whole lot less that way and am more self conscious about getting seconds ...... maybe you could try that?
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    John - I'm jealous! I so wanna ride in a balloon!

    Then you should come up to Albuquerque next month. We have literally thousands. You could ride to your hearts content. It's nice to look at too.

    That's on my bucket list!!!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Thursday truth. I feel I am doing the best I can. Did lose 2 lbs this week but not feeling well yet.

    Goal for today: Either workout in pool or walk as far as I can. Not going to set limits



    KAH68: I like the way you show your training goals and then mark when they are done. I think I will try that as it might give me more accountability. Watch that Achilles tendon. I injured (tore it) mine once and had to spend 2 months in bed.
    Tom: Thanks so much for the quotes you give each day. They are so inspirational. I really enjoyed the truth of today's quote

    BJ CAMP: Congrats on getting below the license weight. Since you fudged on the license weight could that be "self fulfilling prophecy" NAH, just hard work on your part. You Rock!!

    DEESFITW: THANKS FOR SUGGESTIONS ON BEGINNER TAPES. You can lose the weight if you make it a priority in your life

    Lisakgordon: Welcome to the group. What helps me most with food, is logging in daily and reminding myself constantly that I need to lose weight. Not that I am an expert mind you

    John: I hope you have a wonderful trip. It sounds like you have a plan. Just relax and enjoy yourself. I have always wanted to do a hot air ride and hope you get to do this. The last time I was in Arizona, I ,missed it because you have to go up before or at sunrise and we were an hour's ride away. It's on my bucket list, though

    syk48: You have accomplished a lot. My heart goes out to you. I am having respiratory symptoms but they are not calling it asthma, but I sometimes hear some wheezing. I think it is allergies and it has kept me from exercising, but I am going to try walking today. I have lost weight though because my appetite has been stunted and I don't feel like eating much
    Hope you get well soon

    Helena, Sounds like you have a plan. You know what they say "Fail to plan and plan to fail" Planning is difficult but it is the key to success

    Dobarber: You're on. We can do this
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Kelley & Karen- I know that my new employer offers tuition assistance, but it isn't much- and definitely won't cover what I need... I think the website says they will pay up to $5k per year?!? That is like 4 classes a year... I will have my 2 year degree in what... 5 or 6 more years? (I got a D- in Algebra... so don't even bother checking the Math haha).

    M0w- What an adorable kitteh! Do you take your cat with you often? I think my cat would likely pee on me in my sleep if I tried to put her in any type of carrier :wink: she is very disagreeable unless the discussion is food... or sleeping on my forehead- she tends to kiss up after I wake with her on my forehead.:noway:

    Thursday truth- There was a food truck near work today... the good news is that I had to walk the nature trails (about 10 or 15 min each way)... we saw a blue heron and a beaver! Then, I filled out a wellness profile with our insurer, and got a $75 reward toward a gift card of my choice... Have I mentioned I love my new job? :bigsmile: Oh- bad news- falafel sandwhich. Very tasty but also filled with fried stuff... mostly vegetables, but fried, just the same.
  • dona000
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    K Jefferies- Hope you feel better soon.

    I survived the treadmill today and it wasn't too bad. We just eased into it so walked until I reached a speed where I could jog. I will do it again to track my pace.

    Today was a good day food.

    Week of 9/1
    Sunday-Bike Ride DONE
    Monday-Rest DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer session (long run or drills) DONE Cardio
    Wednesday- rest DONE
    Thursday-Trainer session (treadmill and weight training) DONE
    Friday- Rock climbing
  • dona000
    New here. Been reading sounds like a great group and very helpful. Question I don't understand eating back calories. Can I ask about it here?

    Thursday truth.....I've ate too many baked potatoes in the last week. Going to work on that.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi Everyone! Thursday's been a week since I posted on here. Time seems to be flying by now that school is back in and we're getting into our busy routine.

    I think my daughter is bringing my scale back to me tonight, so I'm hoping tomorrow I have a loss to report. Fingers crossed!

    I'm off for a walk tonight while this weather is so terrific. Looking forward to the weekend!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Katrena~Unfortunately, I'm all too familiar with Achilles tendon injuries - I've injured both. I tore my left about 10-years ago and was in a boot for 8 months, that took forever to heal! It would have healed faster if I had ruptured it. I injured my right earlier this year, sidelined me from a lot of activities for a while - although it didn't complete bench me (very little does). :wink:

    @Dona~Welcome! Eating back calories comes from exercise. You'll notice when you track your exercise that MFP gives you those calories back, some choose to eat them and others do not. I don't, if I do I gain weight - no bueno.

    @Laurie~Hooray for easing it on the treadmill and working your way into a jog, great job.

    @Nicole~LOL at your cat, yep I know that feeling too well! Zoe loves sitting on my head and I've woken up far too many times wearing her as a scarf! :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm not very proud of my food log today. I've kept within the calorie count, but ate too many cookies. I ended up eating cookies for lunch instead of proper food.
    A friend of mine lost her husband last night very unexpectedly. It is very sad. I made cookies to take to them, and fell victim to them myself. I need to go now to deliver them.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    I just caught up on posts but don't have time for personals tonight b/c I want to get more journals graded. Will check back tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/14 F451 stories DONE
    2. 38/73 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner