

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Grandmalie, Pat phoo - :flowerforyou: Thank you so much for your kind compliments.:blushing:
    Yes, I will see if we can book the Brittany trip. Mustn't allow silly wobbles to stop me doing fun things.:wink: Haven't heard back from the painter yet.
    My mum had a great many faults, but she did try to help me believe in myself. I do know I am not my emotions.
    With regard to my eating and fitness regime I am SO lucky in the support I get from DH. I could never do my daily sessions if he wasn't keeping me company - I have always been useless at motivating myself, but good at commitment to others.
    Also I think the fact that I can cook and eat delicious meals helps a lot. I am a real foodie (haven't you guessed):bigsmile: and having something utterly delicious to look forward to every day is a huge part of the battle for me.:smile:
    Plus, grandmalie, I am no longer struggling to go to work. I take my hat off to those of you with demanding jobs. There is nothing more tempting than food at the end of a long day, unless it is alcohol! So well done you workers!:flowerforyou:
    With regard to lovely clothes, I am still looking forward to that!:laugh: The cupboard is bare, except for exercise clothes which I adore.:love::laugh: I have no money at the moment and am still shrinking, so make do with one off, one on and one in the wash! I keep looking in magazines, but I so rarely go anywhere to wear anything smart. Smart casual is about as good as it gets! I hope to have some money coming soon from my ex (my exMIL's small legacy to me which he is being extremely dilatory in sorting out), and should be able to buy something then.
    I used to have plantar fascitis, which was horrible and very depressing, but was lucky that it went away eventually. My main difficulty has always been my knee, since I was 16, and it has flared up from time to time. Last year I was doing yoga on a chair. I did find I could continue to use the rower and take the stationary cycle v slowly. Grandmalie - I know you really don't want to, but maybe it is time to bite the bullet and have the foot operated on. People on other threads have had good results I think. You have been terrific in the way you have struggled on.
    Pat, I hope your mood lifts for you. Before I met DH I had many episodes of depression, some very disabling, and I have had much therapy and group help. For some reason DH seems to give me just the dose of Vit F I need and I also am a help to him. We are both partner people

    I am so grateful that I have survived cancer and have my health. Nothing compares with that. Long may it last!
    I wish I were not so OLD and had more years of health and strength ahead of me. I wish I had known earlier how good healthy and fit feels. I wouldn't have wasted recent years dragging my aching, exhausted, fat body around with me. I have been slim in my life before, I have never been fit.:heart: Today I feel 30 years younger than my actual age. I hope I can keep it up and illness doesn't derail me again.

    Love and hugs to all the strugglers.:love: Bouquets to all the successes:flowerforyou: Keep on trucking!

    Heather in sunny UK, expecting rain on its way.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs:flowerforyou:
    Date day with hubby,gonna get a hair cut.
    Have a good one.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I just got back from the gym and had my banana and cup of milk for breakfast. I'm kind of liking eating that instead of cereal, as it seems to keep me satisfied longer, plus it has less calories and sugar. I used to hate bananas, but if they are slightly green I can choke them down.

    I'm struggling at the gym, trying to do everything I want to do without spending 3 hours there every day. I talked it over with hubby, and we agreed that I was trying to do too much, so he suggested that I alternate days between using the NuStep machine one day and the weight machines the next, but swim every day because I enjoy it so much. So today was NuStep&swim day. All was going well till I got in the pool and another lady came up to talk. I don't know her but I have seen her at the pool a lot. She said that she used to be a lifeguard and could give me some lessons on swimming different strokes. I guess she thought I wasn't doing it right. So, I played along and wasted 45 minutes and did not burn as many calories as I would have doing it my way for 30 minutes. But she was so sweet and wanted to help. I tried to tell her that I do it to burn calories, and that I have been doing pretty well so far, but then she told me how to lose 20 pounds by drinking water with crushed ice. One thing led to another and I had to go. I don't know how to talk to people to get my point across. I don't want to be rude or hurt anybody's feelings. I just want to get my heart rate up.

    I am writing this while sitting in my recliner with a puppy draped over my shoulders, snoring softly in my ear. It's so sweet that I don't want to wake him up and tell him it's not comfortable. He does not make a good pillow.

    Sylvia in Kansas
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Rhonda – I’m with you on the weather these last few days. I love being able to open the windows and let the cool breeze flow through.

    Heather – congratulations on the PB’s, what an accomplishment…doing the happy dance for you. That trip to France sounds wonderful. I’m sure it will be ok. It seems most men can drop weight easily…what’s with that? Lol I’d love to have that problem. I think I need to have you come and cook for me. I too love to cook but don’t seem to have the time. You are doing so amazing, you are such an inspiration to me.

    Barbie – it’s not great that your co-teacher isn’t well but great for you. I know how much you love those classes. They have a line dancing class at the Y I just joined but it’s during the week during the day so I can’t go

    Sue in TX – good luck at the dr today

    Michelle – when you take a dvd to the Y where do you do the workout? I’m still learning all about our Y.

    Joyce – you better take care of that toe, my DD has had a horrible time with her surgeries. Still pieces of nail coming out and it’s been a few years. She’s had the same nail removed (supposedly permanently) 3 times and doesn’t want to go again. I hope you absolutely love your new mop cut 

    Sherry – welcome, I’m hope you find the same encouragement that I have found with this lovely bunch of ladies. You are doing great!

    Grandmallie – yay, you can get that 50lbs lost. I know you can but you have to take care of your foot or you won’t be doing much. Take it easy after your shot. You find the best bargins, I really need to go shopping with you :happy:

    Angiewf – wow 3 August birthdays, that must have been fun when they were growing up. :noway: :laugh:

    BJ – You aren’t too far from me, I’m in Oshawa. I hear you on the arthritis, I have it in both knees as well. I have to be so careful not to twist or yikes! The bump I had last night on my right knee has cause quite a bit of pain. I hope it doesn’t last too long but there is quite a bruise. Good luck with the new students. What do you teach?

    Yannie – I wish I could do facetime with my DS but he works midnights and when he’s getting home from work I’m on my way to work and he doesn’t normally get up until about the time I’m heading to bed. I was able to catch up with him on this past weekend though.

    Pat – sometimes that feeling of loss comes when we least expect it. Be gentle with yourself. You’ve had a few emotional trials in your life. Heather’s quote is the same as the one I love “Fake it until you make it”. It’s helped me a lot over my life. Good for you for having the gf option, I can only imagine how hard that must be. Have fun today!

    Jane – have fun getting your hair cut. I have another 18 lbs to lose before I go for the “works” at the salon. I need it very badly.

    Sylvia – your puppy around your shoulders just made my heart melt. I don’t think I could wake him either.

    So, I'm limping a bit more today after my runin with the stationary bike last night. My poor knee is bruised. On the up side, my migraine is gone and it only lasted 1 day...wooohooo. I am determined to go back to the Y tonight. Here is my problem. I work 8 - 4: 30 then head straight to the Y. I'm have been leaving there at about 6:15 - 6:30 so I don't get home until close to 7. I go to bed at 10ish. How do I fit dinner in there? I made extra last week so I was able to freeze a few meals. If I have to cook a full meal then I won't eat until 8 and it sits in my stomach too much to go to bed at 10. Any suggestions?

    I spoke with my DS this past weekend to make sure he & his DGF send me their Christmas lists. I like to be done my shopping by beginning of November as I hate crowds. I panic so I don't go to the mall. A few years ago I discovered that I could do a lot of my shopping online and I LOVE it. No stores, not crowds. Works for me :laugh:

    Ok, I have to get back to work before the boss comes back from doing some deliveries.

    Have a great day everyone!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    im parked on the couch again with the ice bottle on my foot.. I did break down at the podiatrist and bought there full orthodics that go in the shoe.. will try them out when I work tomorrow.
    I just got in from finishing the lawn, and now all I really have to do it is put the boys dinner together and mine, and figure out something for TOM for lunch, have his snacks out..
    im drinking my ice water,sitting and relaxing, which is very hard for me to do, it is amazing how much once you get moving, that it is hard to just park it:laugh:
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies!

    Welcome to all the new folks! This is a great group, so I hope you will stay.

    Like many of you have mentioned, the weather is wonderful. We have all the windows open and fall is (almost) in the air today. Went to the Y this morning and upped the weights on all the leg machines I use!! That was really exciting for me. I work bottom half on Thursdays, upper half on Tuesdays in our strength training class. Also do cardio on the elliptical. I actually have muscles hiding under the fat in my arms and back now! :tongue:

    Enjoy the day!! :drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I was a very bad girl and even though my toes looked about the same this morning, I didn't call until I got back from my hair cut appointment.:embarassed: So I looked at the toe again when I got home, got the flashlight out and tried to get the toe up so my good vision level as good as I can and got a really good look at it. So I called and the nurse called me back. The redness is a normal reaction to the chemical he puts on to kill out the root. But because of the diabetes they will call an antibiotic in. My routine appointment is next week. It is a little better after Neosporin and warm salt water soaks. She suggested warm soapy soaks. So I will go that route.

    Happy days are here again! The hair is cut. it's the same cut I have had for years but it is so quick and easy and I don't feel absolutley exhausted after taking a shower, blow drying then curling. My husband doens't understand but does accept.

    I'm watching the Jeff Probst show right now and his co-host said something that I though was really important. She said that the greatest gift anyone can give is to support another person. Not everyone can be, or want to be, in the spotlight but in order to be there they need someone behind supporting them. I find that here and it is such a breath of fresh air for me. My husband never learned that as a child, young adult or adult. He may know that there is something I need to change but just tells me that I need to change it. He can't verbalize anything to support me in any of my frustrations. I have gentle pushes here, not critisizm.

    Joyce, dreading to see MIL in a few minutes,
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    my husband supports me to a point, but I have all of you to help me through this journey and it is a blessing isn't it?
    I saw on facebook there is a site- im not losing weight-im getting rid of it ... and we sorta do the same thing.. but saw a recipe for french toast( a weakness) that is doable.. i will use 4 slices of 35 calorie wheat bread, egg whites, cinnamon and cardomom, cook that up drizzle with fat free chocolate syrup and fresh rasberries and the whole thing is about 275 calories:bigsmile:
    still have alot of calories left over tonight ,so might have a fig newton and tea in a bit and then call it a night... 12,000 steps and counting..
    dare I say it, with the orthodic's and the shot , except for soreness where the shot was I am feeling well.. praise the lord:love: we shall see how the predinesone will work. hoping this is the beginning of the end of all the troubles with my heal..
    Michelle- what is the recipe for you low fat oatmeal raisin cookies.. those are the DH favorite...
  • kaptkeetie
    Hi, my name is Barb, and have just started My Fitness Pal. I am 61 and would like some encouragement, meal plans, etc to help me get started. I have seen a lot of people lose a lot of weight on this program. I don't have much willpower and need advice
    I would liek to lose between 10-15 lbs.
    Suggestions, ideas, encouragement??
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Well, you can tell I've been gone for a while. i didn't even know the site was down and/or giving problems!

    I'll just speak to one post that resonated with me. I skimmed the posts and am sure I missed something vastly important, but I did the best I could.

    Vicki, sometimes when dealing with relatives you just have to be the better person, KWIM? My DS is looking for a new-to-him car and my brother doesn't like his choice. DS researched online and the car got great reviews for being reliable, is in his price range, has a clean car-fax, etc. Instead of saying, "DB, with your taste in women, I'm not so sure I trust your taste in cars either." I just said, "Well, that might be the best he can find in his price range." Then my mother said, "your brother thinks that car is a piece of crap. Don't buy it!", I just played the broken record "Well, that might be the best he can find in his price range." It keeps the peace. I would go to my mother's B-day party and avoid my sister as much as possible. I would not create more drama for my mother. Thankfully, you can leave and go back home!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We were so pleasantly surprised with the Mom we saw at the NH today. She has been wheeling herself around her unit, went to the dining room for lunch, we were able to here and understand her. There were some things she said we couldn't get but over all it was really good. I tried to tell DH how I feel about her and not ever being able to express his love for all his life and I doubt it was expressed to him, he just doesn't get it. I was listening to our christian radio station today and Focus on the Family was on and they were talking about when the man isn't present in a home. Or he might be present in person but not in mind. The guest said it so right and it fit my husband perfectly. He is able to show affection, just can't say it. My girls realize it, my older one has learned much from it and able to help me and her sister but her sister hasn't completely moved on, she just accepts that's the way Dad is. She knows he loves her and shows her in ways like making sure her oil in her car is changed, tires look good etc. And that's the way he shows love. Oh well, another journey down memory lane.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Did anybody see the thread about the 321cake? It is an angel food cake mix combined with any other cake mix in a big ziplock bag. You mix three tablespoons of the dry mix with two tablespoons of water and microwave for one minute. Well, it sounded like a good way to get a little taste of cake and not wreck my diet, so I tried it. But I put a few frozen cherries and a tablespoon of brown sugar in the cup and microwaved it for 30 seconds before I put the batter in. It made a pretty good little cherry cobbler. It figured out to be about 218 calories.

    Sylvia in Kansas
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Barbara, I didn't download a walking program to my phone, but I did download a metronome app. I can adjust the beat for the terrain, how I feel, etc. It is relentless, but keeps me at pace. I'm otherwise entertained looking at things and people, so don't feel a need for music, etc.

    Lifted almost 32,000 pounds tonight and have almost 12,00 steps today. When I went to Publix to pick up lunch I treated it as mall-walking, going up and down every aisle and around the edge, which added around 2,000 steps. (And it was air-conditioned! :happy: )

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: We had thunder, lightning, and rain today…..it didn’t deter the dogs, but my planned walk with a friend turned out to be conversation at the dining room table over glasses of water…the power went off briefly in the middle of my weekly phone call to my cousin.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, you’re so generous to take your friend to her surgery…..how far do you have to go? Do you wait for her or come back later?

    :flowerforyou: Cikan_vuz….your post and your profile are inspiring….I hope you will continue to post here so we can cheer you on and you can inspire to never give up

    :flowerforyou: Heather, since I lost weight, we’ve had some financial issues that have kept me from having money to buy the cute clothes I thought I wanted but just putting on jeans and a shirt in the size I wear now makes me feel beautiful.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, you just gave me another good reason to love working out at home instead of the gym, nobody interrupts me to talk here and if the phone rings, I can ignore it…..my strength training routine has parts that use many muscles at once so I can keep the routine under an hour. I walk a lot but it’s walking dogs and I listen to inspirational speakers, favorite music, and I use the time for meditation.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, my line dance classes are in the morning….I’m retired as are a great many people in my community…….i just finished eating oatmeal with raisins…..easy to fix and not too heavy close to bedtime….it would also be good with walnuts or berries or bananas….my hubby has yogurt with frozen berries as his easy “go to” meal

    Sometimes I think that looking for the right kind of support from one’s husband is like going to the hardware store looking to buy underwear……:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, welcome…….we all started just like you…..take it one day at a time……plan your meals for tomorrow, log them and then stick with the plan….then write and tell us how you did.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, walking around a big store is a great way to add extra steps when the weather isn’t great for walking outdoors.

    :heart: Barbie from stormy NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    September Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *be agreeable---say “OK”
    * don’t sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time
    * keep my calcium intake at the level suggested by the doctor
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    @Barbie: "Sometimes I think that looking for the right kind of support from one’s husband is like going to the hardware store looking to buy underwear……"

    How profound. However, no matter my complaining, I do much better when DH is around. Darn, darn, darn. Gotto do without his meals/shopping until Tuesday! :sad:

    With weird and wacky weather today, and perhaps tomorrow too.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Sherry - welcome! That's a very good goal, but don't be too disappointed if you don't make it. That would be a little over 2lbs per week. Sometimes no matter what we do, our bodies just won't cooperate at the moment and need time to "catch up". But stick with us and you'll get there!!!!

    Well, I went to the Y today, tried to log in using their wifi to do a uTube video of body pump, but the wifi kept cutting out on me. Fortunately, I'd brought a Jari Love Slim & Lean video with me just in case. I'm really going to have to look for a DVD that uses the barbell only. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a spinning downloadable workout that I have.

    Since the humidity is low, Vince feels that we should go work outside after we have some lunch. So there goes my going in the pool. Oh well....I'd rather get the work done anyway. Last night he said that we'd go out around 3 or 4, but today he said we'd go earlier. No big deal (I just love my pool)

    I'm going to take some of the cake donuts to the Y tomorrow a.m. (that's less for me to eat)

    After the Y I stopped at one food store and got just a few things. I'll probably stop there again Sat. after yoga. The rotisserie chicken wasn't done yet. Plus, there are a few more things that I need.

    grandmalle - sure hope the poliatrist gives you some relief! You poor gal. That's great that you put your snacks into snack bags after portioning it out. I do that, too, then I keep one of the bags in my pocketbook. Like right now I have a bag of dry roasted edamame in there.

    Heather - it's always so good when you can up your weights, good for you!. Hope you get good news from your painter

    Sylvia - isn't it weird? I love bananas -- especially if they are very ripe. And here you like them slightly green! I hear ya about not wanting to be rude but wanting to get your heartrate up. Sometimes that happens in the deep water class. I can really get my heartrate up, but then there are people who don't necessarily want that and they just chat and chat so I need to slow down, which for me is a bummer.

    terri - I must have done that modelmydiet site a while ago because my original weight was still there (was I REALLY that heavy???)

    yanniejannie - my hairdresser is getting married on Friday the 13th!!!

    Pat - have a safe trip to Tucson

    Sandy - when I take a DVD to the Y, where I usually workout is in their aerobics room. I do have to be sure, tho, that there isn't a class in there while I'm working out. I take my laptop and play it on that. There is usually a plug in the room so I can plug it in. My suggestion about your dinner dilemma is exactly what you did, do all your cooking on the weekend, then just have it all ready to heat up and you'll be eating in 5 to 10 minutes. You can add some frozen veges to that. Oh no, just the thought of Christmas gifts brings tears to my eyes

    Vince and I went outside around 1:30, I used the power mower and then swept the grass clippings from when Vince used the weedwacker, then we uncovered this drain that is there, then Vince put some landscape border around it to direct the flow of water to the drain (hopefully). Then we went into the pool for about 1/2 an hour. I think we're FINALLY being able to enjoy our pool a little. Tomorrow there is an area we want to work on, it's not real big but we have to dig out the dirt that eroded there, then put down the fabric and rocks. First we're going to put down big rocks which I have set aside. I suspect they're going to have to be carried down back individually. I should have gone into the pool before we started working. Oh well.

    Tomorrow Vince is going to a luncheon with some of the guys from Newcomers, he usually gets home around 1-1:30. In the meantime, I expect to be in that pool

    Barb - you've come to a great place for encouragement, etc. My advice? Log EVERYTHING, even those tastes. At first, this is a must. And never, never, never give up. Stop in here regularly, tell us about what's going on

    Gail - how I love Publix. I wish they'd come to our area. They are going to be adding stores, but not very close to me. I love it when we go to FL and I get to go to the Publix there.

    Michele in NC
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Evening, Ladies! I hope everyone had as much fun today as I did!

    We went to a very upscale outdoor mall after we had an awesome lunch at P.F. Chang's. It has a branch of Tiffany's, for heaven's sake! Just watching the people was fun, they just oozed the aura of money. I felt like Little Orphan Annie going into the mansion for the first time! Anyway, I did not buy the bracelet, earrings, necklace nor the $600 purse in the Coach store! I did not buy the set of dishes I found in Williams and Sonoma! I did not buy the gold and white kitten I found in the pet store! And, I did not let them make make-up or facial cleansers calibrated for my personal skin-type and preferences in the "Lush" store! (I had never even heard of that one before!) I did, however, buy a canister of tea from Teavani, and that was a dog-gone difficult process because they all smelled heavenly! I also picked up some gluten free food stuffs from the fancy deli, but, other than those purchases, I really restrained myself. It was a wonderful day. The three friends I went with were just as happy with the day as I was. Lots of laughter, and we all agreed we need to get together and laugh more often! It is so nice, such a blessing, to have friends who like to laugh!

    Shoing- I am retired from teaching in very small rural schools in Mn. Teaching is a wonderful profession! Congratulations on your dedication. I know how hard it is to teach when you are not feeling physically 'top-notch'. I taught for one month in a wheel chair (talk about a mess!) and then again for a stretch on crutches. It is a good thing that the kids were willing to help me so much, or it would have been impossible! Take care of those sore feet; I see absolutely nothing wrong in teaching in slippers if that helps you be comfortable enough to stay focused on all that you need to do.

    Barb- Hello and Welcome! This is a wonderful place for support and suggestions. The women here are warm, caring, and very generous with their support. As for suggestions, take it one day, one meal at a time and log every bite honestly.

    Michelle- I love reading about you and Vince working so well together on your yard. I have met so many people down here that lead lives almost completely seperately from their husbands, it seems so strange to me. Anyway, I am so glad that you are enjoying that beautiful pool. It sounds like the perfect place to spend a hot afternoon!

    We had dessert in the upscale deli at the mall. They didn't have many gluten free desserts in their case today, but they did have a tulip-shaped chocolate cup w/ raspberry & white chocolate mousse inside. Let me tell you, I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I took that first bite! It's a good thing that mall and deli are well over an hour away, or I could be in serious trouble!

    For tonight- I am off to bed. Sweet Dreams, my friends,

    Pat (Az)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,709 Member
    I think I'm really lucky. I met my DH 24 years ago. He's not overly unusual, but if something is important he'll be there. I took it for granted that he would support my sleeve survey and didn't think to ask him until he was driving me to the hospital. oops. :ohwell: But it was as expected - he was happy for me. Three months now and he's been a champ. Good man.

    Pat - So happy for your fun day today. Thank you for sharing.

    Paula in SFBay Area
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    damn damn damn i forgot the prednisone makes you gain weight:grumble: oh well it is only for 2 weeks, and the weight will come off, i'll just keep on keepin on.not given up,Oh Hell No...
    also after almost 2 yrs,had my hysterectomy november of 2011,one little ovary still there and now.. what am I getting? freakin hot flashes and insomnia... Really? I dont need this... will look into natural alternatives..
    got up at 3:30 am with the dog barking at a cat outside...
    so im up having my warm lemon water, then off to the gym, then back to make dinner for the DH and going to work at 10 am, then working tomorrow..