Pet Peeves at work??



  • carmenluli
    Working my *kitten* off and it is never enough for those who spend so much time watching what I do
    Being treated as the dump it joke of the office person
    Not being respected for what I contribute to the team
    ALWAYS! being the odd man/woman out when things are going on or are being planned for the office (last one to know)
    Being a walking target at my place of employment
  • julesyb1982

    1. Coming to work sick - GROSS! Believe me, nobody wants to hear your sniffling, hacking, coughing, barfing self. I work in HR, I promise, we want you to be at home, not at work.

    I refuse to waste my sick days being home sick. As I told HR at work: "Why would I stay home and make my family miserable, when I can come in here and make you ****ers miserable?"

    Disagree with this totally. You're only going to make everyone else sick.

    People who stay home from work at the slightest sniffle suck.
  • julesyb1982
    People who complain about people who come to work sick. You willing to pay my bills? If yes then I'll be happy to stay home, otherwise I don't get sick pay and it's either protect you from the inconvenience of being exposed to germs or lose so much money that I can't pay my bills. I choose to expose you.

    Call me selfish but you're equally selfish for not financing my sick day. :P

    Well you have a crappy employer that doesn't provide sick days. If you're sick and contagious and actually have sick days available - stay home. That's my thoughts.
  • julesyb1982
    My cubicle neighbor, I SWEAR TO GOD, will NOT eat anything unless it comes in the LOUDEST wrapper on this damn planet. To make it worse, he has to dive his hand into said annoying wrapper for 5 minutes at a time to fish out the perfect piece of junk to stuff into his face.... This continues for about 35 minutes every time a bag of anything is opened. It happens about 5 times a day. And when he chews it's like he has a damn microphone up to his mouth. It's the WORST when he eats popcorn... Dear Baby Jesus- that one lasts for about an hour. That happens at least once a day.
    And sometimes he'll act like he's healthy by eating baby carrots drenched in ranch. It sounds like he's eating f*c&ing cinder blocks. UGHHHHHHHHHHH he's the worst cubicle neighbor I've ever encountered. If he never came back into this office I'm pretty sure I'd throw the whole company a freaking party.

  • julesyb1982
    Working my *kitten* off and it is never enough for those who spend so much time watching what I do
    Being treated as the dump it joke of the office person
    Not being respected for what I contribute to the team
    ALWAYS! being the odd man/woman out when things are going on or are being planned for the office (last one to know)
    Being a walking target at my place of employment

    Girl - you need to find a new place to work. That sounds like a hostile work environment.
  • cstoney2013
    cstoney2013 Posts: 167 Member
    I work in a job that is 24/7 and that means 3 shifts have to use the same computer. I don't like it when people hide thier nail clippings, food crumbs, peeling skin, small papers, and whatever other gross stuff, under the keyboard. It is very disturbing when you move the keyboard and realize what is under it. :explode:
  • julesyb1982
    I work in a job that is 24/7 and that means 3 shifts have to use the same computer. I don't like it when people hide thier nail clippings, food crumbs, peeling skin, small papers, and whatever other gross stuff, under the keyboard. It is very disturbing when you move the keyboard and realize what is under it. :explode:

  • carmenluli
  • carmenluli
    having been moved from my cubicle to give it to a newby
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    2. Clipping your nails at your desk - NO NO NO NO. There is a time and place to clip your nails. It's never at work. Did you just snag a nail at work? Ok clip that little piece and do it quickly and quietly. Preferably in the rest room. Do not sit at your desk and complete your weekly nail trimming. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

    This one is an epidemic at my place of work. I don't get it! Why would anyone think this is OK?
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    The "It's too hot in here, I'm turning on the AC" people.

    Thermostat reads 72 degrees though... that's not very hot at all. Maybe shed some of that excess blubber and tolerate normal temperature like a normal person?
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    The fact that my senior VP is making me interview people for the directorship which I applied for. Extremely pissed right now. It's a rest day too so now way to work out this frustration. FML
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    We have a girl that brushes her teeth while walking around the office.

    So gross.
    She should at least do it with a cat on her head!
  • alrcincy
    I work with people from different cultures and some of them think it is okay to come into your cube and burp in your face while talking to you. Gross.....
  • A_nonymous2
    A_nonymous2 Posts: 366 Member
    I work with people from different cultures and some of them think it is okay to come into your cube and burp in your face while talking to you. Gross.....

    Hahah! I always say, "Excuse me."
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    My work only gives us 3 sick days a year. So we all come in sick. It's horrible, but at an office with so little sick time, I don't blame any of them for it. I do it, too.

    1. Don't give me a giant pile of work to do when I leave in half an hour. I KNOW you had all day to give this to me.

    2. When there's fruit flies, maybe it's time to rethink that old banana on your desk.

    3. Could we PLEASE stop peeing on the toilet seat? I've also found some on the floor.

    4. Don't come talk work stuff to me on my lunch, when I'm eating alone at my desk. I left you alone for yours.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    1) People who send you an e-mail asking you to contact them and then leave their desk immediately after hitting "send".

    2) People who immediately kick paperwork back with the first error they find. Please- go through the whole thing, find all the parts you want fixed, and THEN send it back so I can fix it en-masse.

    3) People who kick paperwork back for an error that it's just as easy for them to fix. You don't need to send it back to the author to put a dash in the boss' phone number on a soft-copy draft.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member

    3. Could we PLEASE stop peeing on the toilet seat? I've also found some on the floor.

    Sorry, I was just trying to mark my territory :(

    But for real... home life drama. I'm not your psychiatrist. I'm your boss. Leave your problems at the door.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    People...people are my pet peeve... :laugh:

  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    3. Could we PLEASE stop peeing on the toilet seat? I've also found some on the floor.

    In a similar toilet-based scenario: I know not all bowel movements move as smoothly as we'd like. But please... if your waste has somehow arrived on a portion of the bowl that is not cleaned by water during the flushing action, CLEAN IT UP, YOURSELF. Nobody wants to have to smell or deal with that mess.