Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I never realized you were that heavy. "WERE YOU BLIND?"
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    My mom, commenting on a nice dress I was wearing:

    "Some day when I am skinny..."

    She has been OBESE since I was born 31 years ago. Been hearing about this "someday when I am skinny" stuff my WHOLE LIFE.
    Personally, I think she is "disappointed" that I have not gotten fat yet despite college/being happily married/pregnancy--the usual "excuses" women like her use to justify their large size.

    Sorry, Mom! Time to tell me something I haven't heard!
  • sliferghost
    This is a bit of a reverse situation but, when I said I was going to start with protein shakes (to go from 80g protein to 120/130g a day) my dad said I was destroying my body...

    After a quick google I learned that with a intense workout I would need atleast 115g protein a day.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My friend asked me how to lose weight.
    I gave her the simple answer of "track your calories, have a deficit." She came back to me the next day and said, "this is too hard, It's 9am and I'm already half way through my calories, I had a steeped tea and a cookie for breakfast."

    I told her to exercise then so she can eat more calories...

    She then looked at me straight in the eyes and was like, "This is too hard, forget it."

    What kind of cookie did she have that it took up half her calories?
  • sliferghost
    Also big boned just means that your skeletal frame is bigger then someone elses. It however does not mean that all those extra layers of fat are visible because of your bones XD.
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    my favorite thing is " I don't want to lift, that just pushes all the fat out farther and you look even bigger the best thing for me is just to walk on the treadmill. " Except that you have to actually WALK ON THE TREADMILL! .....along with the "6 meals a day to rev up my metabolism " schpiel
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Or this one...

    Growing up, my (obese) mom would often make comments about a neighbor I would babysit for, who was very active, healthy, and had a nice figure as the result.

    "Well, she really works at it."

    Well, yeah, you DO have to work at it. :-) But being active CAN be fun!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    'If you lose any more weight than 150 you will look like a crackhead because you are big boned."

    Is big boned even a real thing because I have average wrist bones?

    not there is not such a thing..

    """ However having a large frame in the terms of weight management will not have a huge impact. An adult skeleton only weighs between 2 and 4 kilograms (4-8 lbs)""

    so big boned gives you about 4 extra lbs....
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    Thursday Morning: It has been a rough week, I am getting a donut or six for breakfast. One bad meal won't kill me.
    Thursday Lunch: I am stressed out so I might as well have wings and fries for lunch. Two bad meals won't kill me.
    Thursday Evening: I guess today is ruined might as well eat a whole pizza and hoagie for dinner. One bad day won't kill me.

    Friday/Saturday/Sunday: It is the weekend now and since I blew my diet yesterday I might as well live it up and start fresh on Monday.

    Monday: I have ate way too much the last few days but I never did get a chance to eat ribs so I might as well do that today and start over tomorrow.

    Tuesday: I hate starting over on Tuesday. I will just enjoy this week and start over next Monday. One bad week won't kill me.

    Next Monday: I can't believe I forgot to eat ribs last week. I need to do that this week and start over next week. Two bad weeks won't kill me.

    The Next Monday: I can't lose weight, it is too damn hard. I quit.

    * A vicious cycle I lived more times than I care to share.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    When talking with someone about losing weight (particularly my sister, she's gained a lot of weight since having kids) and describing to someone how I went about doing it - planning meals, making and bringing lunch to work instead of eating out, watching calories in, not specifically cutting any one macro group, no magic pills, no surgery, etc. - and having them roll their eyes and say "Oh...well, that's too much work."

    Really? The couple hours extra I spend in a week getting all this carp together...too much work?
  • expoduck
    My friend asked me how to lose weight.
    I gave her the simple answer of "track your calories, have a deficit." She came back to me the next day and said, "this is too hard, It's 9am and I'm already half way through my calories, I had a steeped tea and a cookie for breakfast."

    What kind of cookie did she have that it took up half her calories?

    An awesome one, I'm guessing. :drinker:
  • juliamcmullen92
    juliamcmullen92 Posts: 28 Member
    This one girl I used to be friends with would complain NONSTOP about her weight and say stuff like "I should take up smoking because I heard that can make you lose weight" or even better "I wish I was pregnant, my friend had a baby and lost all the weight right away" (we were like 19 at the time). And then when I told her those were obviously stupid ideas, "Jeez I'm just kidding" -_-
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    "I have a husband and kids. I can't make different meals for myself!"

    Can't or don't want to? A friend of mine dropped this one on me. Also, she has to have cookies and chips in the house because she has kids. Has to. Mandatory.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I needed to pack my bags, because apparently I got a free guilt-trip:

    "I've been so busy working to help YOU lose weight that there's just nothing left for myself."
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Obese girl that was in crutches because she tripped on the stairs in her flat and the weight of her body broke her foot, said to me about counting calories that she wouldn't do that, she wanted to enjoy her life.

    We were at a gig and she was sat at the bar stool while I was dancing to the band and actually having FUN!!
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I've been ludicrously active over the summer, and on many occasions said "Yeah, it's incredible, I'm eating 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day and still losing weight!", without thinking how incredibly insensitive it was to petite female colleagues suffering on 1,500 calories a day and battling to lose. A friend had to have a word in the end and tell me to just shut the fudge up.
    I've had to do that to my husband. He's in a bulk cycle right now and is allowed more than double my base (pre-workout) calories. He's had lunches that would use up all my base calories. And then there were the days he'd sit down after dinner (at which he got twice as much as I did) and complain, "Oh, I have so many calories left for the day. I just don't think I can eat them all."

    He got smacked a few times for that.

    My mother-in-law gets the idea in her head that she has to cut out a whole nutrient group in order to lose weight. Or that the only way to lose weight is to work out. So when my father-in-law asks me and my husband about how to lose some weight (we've lost about 125 lbs combined in the past year) and we make a simple suggestion like "eat some dinners that aren't fried" or "cut back on the cookies and muffins a little bit", Ma pipes in with "you can't eat any carbs. They're bad." or "you need to join a gym." And Dad just got rid of the treadmill that had been sitting around, which he could have used to get some activity in while watching movies instead of just sitting on his butt.

    But, yeah, everyone in here is right in that the people who ask how you did it are just looking for a magic formula. They don't want to know that it's actual work. Or that it's not instant.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    "I tried everything and nothing works"

    -Me, 10 years ago

    -Me, before last December
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    At every party I went to this summer, there's always someone on their 4th helping and 10th beer saying, "Monday. The diet starts Monday."

    To be fair, they never said WHICH Monday.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Her: you're so lucky!
    Me: nah, I just watch my calorie intake and exercise, it's not anything mysterious
    Her: I wish I had time to lose weight!
    Me: you always have time to eat less.
    Her: *death glare*

    I really just don't understand why people think it's a huge time commitment to lose some weight. Just...don't eat as much. Buy carrot sticks instead of Doritos. And why am I "lucky" because I lost weight? No luck involved, just a little basic arithmetic and willpower.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    This one girl I used to be friends with would complain NONSTOP about her weight and say stuff like "I should take up smoking because I heard that can make you lose weight" or even better "I wish I was pregnant, my friend had a baby and lost all the weight right away" (we were like 19 at the time). And then when I told her those were obviously stupid ideas, "Jeez I'm just kidding" -_-

    There is a little truth behind every just kidding...just sayin'...