What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?



  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I also get the "don't lose anymore weight". From my husband of all people!
  • frostbones
    frostbones Posts: 2 Member
    "you're so skinny, I hate you" and "you shouldn't lose anymore weight or you'll look sick!"
  • a lot of comments, mostly asking me for my "secrets" and also asking me if I'm on crack or something. very upsetting:cry:
  • Danimri84
    Danimri84 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm just starting out, but I've been walking tons, and in this tiny town, people notice things like that. I have heard:

    "Walking alone won't help you lose weight" Really? Because that's all I'm doing? Come to my house and watch what I do in a day.
    "You shouldn't walk after dark, your son should be home in bed." I'm sorry but he sleeps in the stroller and when it is 96 degrees out, you better believe I am waiting until the sun goes down.
    "Why are you bothering? You have always been big, you always will be." From my grandpa. Thanks a lot, but I WILL lose the weight and get healthy!
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    Did you get a new tapeworm?
  • emsoquena
    emsoquena Posts: 127 Member
    I'm not skinny. I even think I'm chubby. 4'11 tall and weighing 112 lbs. I used to be at 129lbs though so it was a lot. Anyways, I get comments like:

    "You look better back then,"
    "Don't lose more."

    And the worse...

    "Are you on drugs?"

    WTF. Grr.
  • The most annoying is actually: "OMG, WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?" I hate that cause every single person who know me, know that I'm doing it in a healthy way with healthy food and workout. I'm always giving my 110% and that's how I get results. Some of my friend are sure that I'm taking drugs or some pills to lose weight. The other comment I hate the most is always from skinny people: "You look so great, you should stop losing weight now.". I'm actually sure that they are simply jealous of me being more fabulous and awesome than they actually are.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I always thought it odd years and years ago when my mom lost weight and I had cousins asking if she was sick. Wy do. People assume this?

    I don't really get annoying comments but when I lost my initial weight I kept getting from random people (including a grocery store owner) "so...how much?" Accompanied with a sly grin. The first time or two I replied asking how much what? Valid response at a grocery store. :) Now I just reply with a number and get "you look great". Not really negative like some of these responses just weird.
  • Mini_horse_lover
    Mini_horse_lover Posts: 178 Member
    "Stop starving yourself",
    "You must have an eating disorder",
    "You're a health freak",
    Etc etc.
    It drives me insane.
  • Mini_horse_lover
    Mini_horse_lover Posts: 178 Member
    Generally, I don't like talking about my weight loss at all unless I bring it up. I cannot STAND it when someone runs up to me and says "how much weight have you lost now?" in front of a bunch of people. Its really kind of personal and it really draws attention to the fact that I am fat and am losing weight. Grrr.

    I feel the same way, it is horrible.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am lucky...I have supportive friends and family who never say stuff like this...

    People at work are happy and comment that I have slimmed right down and that I am lookin' good...

    My sister and I are closer due to my journey...I have made new friends and my old one's are pleased for me.

    My husband is great and listens to all my babble...and is supportive...

    Now mind you...I have heard comments about my quite small sister who does exercise and watches carefully and tries to maintain her weight quite strictly....which was from a casual aquaintance of ours which was...

    "It's not fair that she is so skinny....."...this coming from a woman who is quite "chunky"...the reply to this was "you have got to be kidding....she works hard at being slim...psh"...

    The worst that has been said about me was "Is she as small as me now?" which was said by someone after my brother said she's lost a lot and looks great...my sisters response to that...no she isn't, she is smaller....

    Love my family.
  • The most annoying is actually: "OMG, WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?" I hate that cause every single person who know me, know that I'm doing it in a healthy way with healthy food and workout. I'm always giving my 110% and that's how I get results. Some of my friend are sure that I'm taking drugs or some pills to lose weight. The other comment I hate the most is always from skinny people: "You look so great, you should stop losing weight now.". I'm actually sure that they are simply jealous of me being more fabulous and awesome than they actually are.

    AGREED, most annoying!! I should make up some stupid/disgusting "magic pill," just to see how many fall for it.

    Next most annoying is "I can't believe how beautiful you are!" As if I was some beastly creature 80 pounds heavier, or that one can only be considered "beautiful" when one is skinny.

    People should really think BEFORE they open their mouths to speak!
  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    I started a new job this summer as a waitress, and while many people there are trying to eat healthy, lose weight or get in shape some of the older waitresses say it is impossible to do at the restaurant. I wore my HRM one day because I was curious about how many calories I burn in a day there and how my HR is when it is busy and slow. One of the older waitresses say it and asked me about it and told me to "give up" because I would never lose weight working there. Well, I have lost quite weight steadily this summer!

    I also get a lot of people complaining that it "must be nice to lose weight". I make a point not to talk about my workout etc. around these people, but the always have to ask me how much I have lost when they see me (17 lbs and counting)! I am losing it because I am working hard and you are not!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • I post a lot of pictures of the foods I eat onto Facebook to inspire others to make healthier decisions. I get people telling me how awful those foods are for me. Someone told me the baked potato I made was a terrible choice, and another told me that the Skinny Cow treat I bought at a movie theatre was a "chemical **** storm." I know there are better choices to make, but those were good choices for me at that time. I hate when people try to sabotage my progress with comments like that. But I keep telling myself that obviously I'm doing something right if I'm down 41 pounds!
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I've been asked if I'm sick.
    Got told to lay off the salads.
    Someone told me I eat "too healthy." Which is total bull.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    my best friend who has always been really really skinny (like people would tell her to eat a cheeseburger or whatever because she's so bony) saw me running the other day and then started texting me later saying "I ran an extra mile because I saw your skinny *kitten*. You look good but you need some meat on your bones, too skinny! Get some fat on that butt"

    I mean, wtf
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    What kind of pills are you taking?
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I had a few. One customer asked me if I've lost weight by choice or if I was ill :). That was my favourite.

    Take them all as compliments guys it shows were doing something right!!
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    "you look so good! But you lost your boobs though!!"