30 Day Shred motivation!



  • ashleyjayne89
    Ugh help I have fallen off the wagon! My planned rest day on Saturday has merged into a few rest days. My other half who usually works away has been home since then and I have literally just forgotten to do it. So disappointed in myself as that's not the mindset I was in last week.

    Feeling crap bodywise and just feeling like this isn't going to work.

    Need to get back at it before the end of the day. Maybe even right now
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    Ugh help I have fallen off the wagon! My planned rest day on Saturday has merged into a few rest days. My other half who usually works away has been home since then and I have literally just forgotten to do it. So disappointed in myself as that's not the mindset I was in last week.

    Feeling crap bodywise and just feeling like this isn't going to work.

    Need to get back at it before the end of the day. Maybe even right now

    Me too, unfortunately, I'm going to pick up were I left off tonight after work. I was super busy this weekend......On the bright side my fitbit told me I was burning lots of calories so I don't feel AS guilty. :ohwell:
  • benniesmother
    benniesmother Posts: 269 Member
    I have just finished Day 4 of Level 2. I hate level 2! I thought that I was extremely disappointed by level 2, but after thinking it over I realized I was disappointing myself for not pushing myself harder. Don't get me wrong, I was sweating and panting by the end! but I didn't push as hard as I could have. Good thing I'm going to continue tomorrow :) (as of current, I've lost 3 inches around my abdominal area since I started. I've lost 1.75 inches off my arms, and nothing anywhere else. I have had a terrible week of eating, so my weight is up, but from what I've read, most people lose lots of inches but minimal weight with this program)
  • suse71
    suse71 Posts: 17 Member
    Keep going! It is worth it and you have done so many days already - I have 8 days left and I can't wait, level 3 is a challenge and really gets me hot and shouting some obscenities at Jillian!!
    Ugh help I have fallen off the wagon! My planned rest day on Saturday has merged into a few rest days. My other half who usually works away has been home since then and I have literally just forgotten to do it. So disappointed in myself as that's not the mindset I was in last week.

    Feeling crap bodywise and just feeling like this isn't going to work.

    Need to get back at it before the end of the day. Maybe even right now

    Me too, unfortunately, I'm going to pick up were I left off tonight after work. I was super busy this weekend......On the bright side my fitbit told me I was burning lots of calories so I don't feel AS guilty. :ohwell:
  • HollyRobertz
    HollyRobertz Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! I only lost 2 lbs after the first level but all of my measurements went down, including an inch off of my waist! :)
  • suse71
    suse71 Posts: 17 Member
    Anybody still out there doing the Shred? Am on Day 26/30 and seeing the difference - stick at it! 3.5 inches off waist, 3 off hips, inch off each thigh, 2.5 off bust and not a pound lost (apart from the £5 the dvd cost me!!)
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    Anybody still out there doing the Shred? Am on Day 26/30 and seeing the difference - stick at it! 3.5 inches off waist, 3 off hips, inch off each thigh, 2.5 off bust and not a pound lost (apart from the £5 the dvd cost me!!)

    I wasn't able to pick back up. :embarassed:

    After my out of town company leaves I will give it another go...Pretty disappointed in myself. ugh.

    Super proud of you though!!!:smile:
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    That's what I started with!!! :) It's a great start and you may find you'll like it. I did!!! I've just moved on to heavy lifting, but I love JM!
  • k1o2r3i4
    k1o2r3i4 Posts: 33 Member
    On day 6 of level 2. Have taken 2 break days since I started. I started at 247lbs and have lost 7 lbs so far. All I am doing is the shred, walking my dogs as usual and calorie counting to keep it around 1400. It is very challenging but Im enjoying it. Level 2 plank exercises just about kill me, but after the first few days you can feel yourself getting stronger and it does get easier. I read that a lot of people notice more inches lost, which I can see because I can feel an see that my tummy and legs are noticibly slimmer. I've also ordered her ripped in 30 dvd and will be starting the C25K running program soon. My only advice is to watch your knees, your form is so important and if you arent paying attention to how you are holding your positions, you could hurt yourself. I modify a few exercises if I feel it is to high impact for my one bad knee from an old soccer injury.
  • suse71
    suse71 Posts: 17 Member

    Don't worry, give it another go when you feel ready! Make sure you have a good goal - I had a holiday goal which has kept me motivated. Don't feel bad, just use that to drive you on!
    Anybody still out there doing the Shred? Am on Day 26/30 and seeing the difference - stick at it! 3.5 inches off waist, 3 off hips, inch off each thigh, 2.5 off bust and not a pound lost (apart from the £5 the dvd cost me!!)

    I wasn't able to pick back up. :embarassed:

    After my out of town company leaves I will give it another go...Pretty disappointed in myself. ugh.

    Super proud of you though!!!:smile:
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member

    Don't worry, give it another go when you feel ready! Make sure you have a good goal - I had a holiday goal which has kept me motivated. Don't feel bad, just use that to drive you on!
    Anybody still out there doing the Shred? Am on Day 26/30 and seeing the difference - stick at it! 3.5 inches off waist, 3 off hips, inch off each thigh, 2.5 off bust and not a pound lost (apart from the £5 the dvd cost me!!)

    I wasn't able to pick back up. :embarassed:

    After my out of town company leaves I will give it another go...Pretty disappointed in myself. ugh.

    Super proud of you though!!!:smile:

    Thank you! :wink:
  • ashleyjayne89
    After a lousy week I will be picking up where I left off and starting level 2 today.

    My partner who works away had a week off so we were spending time together, coupled with my job requiring me to leave the house at 5.45am last week and having a new puppy to take care of alone when I get home, walkies etc has meant some days I have even forgotten I was taking part in the shred!

    Really not happy that I haven't got the results I wanted to see so far so I NEED to keep this up!
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    After a lousy week I will be picking up where I left off and starting level 2 today.

    My partner who works away had a week off so we were spending time together, coupled with my job requiring me to leave the house at 5.45am last week and having a new puppy to take care of alone when I get home, walkies etc has meant some days I have even forgotten I was taking part in the shred!

    Really not happy that I haven't got the results I wanted to see so far so I NEED to keep this up!

    You've got this! :smile: