
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    :-) :-| :-x :-> B-) %-):-/ :-D :yawn: :noway: :embarassed: :smokin: :sick: :flowerforyou: This is so childish, I know, but I couldn't resist :tongue:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I started strength training tonight so I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow :happy: but honestly it feels good.

    I'm heading to bed early tonight.

    I hope you all have a great night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Early morning run, followed by work, and then watch DS#2 play softball intramurals this afternoon–a pretty good day!
    Michele–virtual hug for you; sorry it’s been a tough day
    Patceoh–enjoy your company
    Sylvia–weight loss is never fair; a couple of years ago I checked how many calories my sons burn each day without considering any exercise (both are ~5'10"). It was very depressing for me, because I don’t burn that many calories unless I run at least five miles!!!! Your puppy sounds adorable
    Linda–good work losing weight, even when you can’t exercise; hope the pain continues to ease
    Shapefitter–I always check 2 or 3 sites and take the average of the calories
    Katla–good luck with the deck & salmon
    KayakKutie–sounds like a great weekend
    Heather–unique NSV
    Vicki–glad you were able to celebrate your 100 lb loss
    Joyce–keep up the good work
    Sue–glad to hear you’re feeling better
    Barbie–good news about Brandy; yea!
    Sandy–you have made some great strides in getting more active; keep up the good work
    Welcome to everyone new!! Take each day as it comes and make that one day successful.
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Following is a link to a computer program that shows the different weights and body shapes as you lose weight...have fun! :laugh:


    Terri from Oregon

    Fun, thanks!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :ohwell: I really wanted to break away from afternoon work today and start on strength training at the gym. How typical that just then my boss came with questions. But then, why didn't I go later? I find way too many reasons not to start. I do believe that once I start, I will get momentum going. I have fallen into bad habits. Once I am at work, I barely take breaks and I just keep going, which of course means that I sit. It is after all very interesting work and I enjoy the sense of accomplishment. I need to somehow transfer that sense of achievement to working out.

    Anyway, I am off tomorrow. Have some appointments, do laundry, etc.

    Vancouver Island. BC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tired, soon for bed. Ladies exercise this am followed by all of us having lunch at the club. Home for the afternoon. Then back to the gym for some time on the eliptical then a really great yoga session; seeing that I am more flexible than some of these 30 and 40 yr. old kids is a cool NSV. Kind of watching the Eagles/Redskins game. Have a breakfast meeting tomorrow; way behind on the paperwork I do for the running club, have to get on that tomorrow too. Rode my bike 8.4 miles last evening.

    Barbie.......glad your doggy is OK; our last basenji had no toes on one of her front paws, a birth defect which never slowed her down but sure got her a ton of sympathy from strangers!

    G'nite all
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    This is just a crazy, busy time. I don't even think I had a weekend. But today is a new venture. The wellness committee at work organized a biggest loser contest, and I joined up! It cost $25 dollars and runs until Dec. 18. You win points for lbs lost, drinking your water every day, minutes of exercise, turning in your log sheets each week, weighing in each month, participating in events like 5ks, and using the school facilities like the track and the weight room. Winner takes all the money, and we have 22 participants.

    I think I might actually have a shot at it, mainly because I do exercise a good hour every day. Drinking the water won't be an issue. I already have the 4 events picked out that I'm going to do (4 is the max we can get points for). One is part of a conference I'm going to anyway so will be free and the other three are fundraisers for charities I would donate to anyway. The only person who has more weight to lose that is participating is the principal. He may lose more weight, but he won't have as much time to exercise as I do. Even if I don't win, it will be worth it if I drop 20 or 25 lbs. l need something to jump start me again, and I think this ma b it.

    I want to speak on the adult children issue. I have a son who tends to get in financial trouble and needs to move back home for a while to save money. I am not a tough love mama. I agree with the poster who said her home was a safe haven for her children. We made the rule that th children are always welcome, but their stuff has to stay in storage. The last time, we wouldn't even give DS the guest room since we use it as an escape from spouse snoring. He slept on the futon in the study where we still went in and out to us the family computer. He had place to store his clothes (for current season) and his guitars. That was it. We didn't have house rules per se other than he needed to tell us when he would be home and when he wouldn't so that we didn't worry. His friends did not come here, he always went there. The relationship was pleasant; we all got along, but this time he moved out much faster. Hopefully, he is out for good now, although he still likes to show up at supper time.

    It took me a long time to get over my disappointment that he is not going to go to college and get a job making the big bucks. I still hold out hope that he will find a nice girl, get married and give me grandchildren. But if it doesn't happen, I'm ok too. He's working on self-sufficient so m good with that.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Getting ready to sign off for the day. It's been a good Monday yet I still found this Monday graphic too cute not to share. That's usually my sentiment about Mondays!


    TracyB, finding the willpower is a struggle we all need help with so you are in the right place. I need to look up the Thin Guidelines that Barbie mentioned; perhaps I'll find some inspiration as well.

    DrKatieBug, dealing with adult children does have its stresses but we just can't help from loving them unconditionally. We moms always want the best for our little boys; I know I do - they have to want it too.

    Night all!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    grandmalle - congrats on the loss!

    Sylvia - I agree, it's so frustrating guys can lose weight so easily and women can't. They can eat lots and still lose. We eat just a tiny bit off schedule, and what happens? Your puppy sounds so adorable!

    Well, as expected, the Wii showed a gain from yesterday. Well, I was down in the dumps, and used comfort foods. But I also found that I don't need as much comfort food as I previously would have needed, so that's a good sign.

    Did 20 min of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 20sec, and then went some food shopping (just for the items on sale) and then to the extremepump class. Came home and went in the pool for about an hour while Vince had his lunch then we worked outside. Got in the landscape border for most of the area going from the pool into the house. We'll probably finish tomorrow. It took longer than we expected, the ground was so so hard. Vince reinforced my sifter for the rocks so I'm thinking that he feels I need to start sifting.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do incine intervals at the Y then go to Aldi's, probably stop at PetSmart to get treats for the cats (I really get just a small bag of cat food).

    Off to mahjongg now.

    amika - Bryan doesn't have any kids right now, but I know when he does he won't be bringing them to me to see them. That just makes me so sad. Really, the one who is hurt the most will be the child.

    kayak_kutie - loved your definition of an optimist. That's really the way I would see it, and Vince calls me "the eternal optimist"

    Linda - glad the xray showed that there's nothing serious, but still feel bad that you're in pain.

    Sandy - good for you joining the Y

    moss - we'd love to have ya join us. Come in regularly

    Vicki - so sorry about your friend. Wonderful way to celebrate your loss!

    Joyce - Wow and congrats!!! Use whatever music you like, it's certainly working for you

    Tracy - welcome! You've come to a great place for motivation. Pop in regularly for a special dose of it.

    Leslie - one of the things I love about NC is the fact that we don't have anywhere near the humidity that we had when we lived in PA. Without the humidity, I can take the heat.

    shapefitter - welcome! Your post is very thought provoking,. Please keep posting

    drkatiebug - congrats on joining the venture! You'll do real well.

    barbie - glad it's isn't anything real serious

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Renny, I’d love to be able to see you when we come to Victoria, but I don’t think this trip will be the time. We’re going with another couple and they already have a plan for the day….yes, we’re coming on the Coho to the Inner Harbor….we’ll park our car in Port Angeles and walk onto the ferry and walk around Victoria….it should be a day of lots of steps for me because I’ll walk while we’re on the ferry as well as in Victoria. We gave up our plan to come to Victoria for our anniversary in January. Jake doesn’t do too well walking in cold weather because of his heart…..instead we’re going to Everett, Washington for the weekend to see the Silvertips play hockey.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, you are so right about having a before picture. I didn’t plan one but Jake is always taking pictures so I had two that I share regularly.

    :flowerforyou: Shapefitter, very thought-provoking post…….one of the best lessons I learned was to stop saying “I’ll be happy when_________” and be happy with what I have now. I write in a gratitude journal every morning to keep my attention on all the things that are right with my life.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congrats on starting your strength training.

    :flowerforyou: Kay, you’ve got the focus and discipline to win the contest at work……I’ll be cheering for you

    :laugh: Texasgal, great cartoon…..although now that I’m retired, Monday is a great day for me.

    :bigsmile: Michele, congrats on your success with the plank.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    The chapter I am working on right now in my book is called 'Me and my fight with the yo-yo'. As you guess it, it's all about the ever present yo-yo diet we all seem to go through in many of our lives. Of course while I write, it takes a lot of soul searching and self confessions in writing. One of the tings I discovered while writing this is that I have had to discover that eating shouldn't be just about eating for enjoyment. It has to be eating for proper nutrition. And if we can combine the two then we have hit a home run! I'm still learning.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    LinC: I’m glad you had the x-ray so you know what you’re dealing with, and that it isn’t serious. Pain is serious even when it isn’t “serious” because you could end up getting too tired to heal well. My dad had back trouble and sometimes ended up sleeping in his recliner. I hope you get good rest.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: Sorry you’ve had bad dreams. DH has been having some weird ones. I almost never remember dreaming. I hope yours stop bothering you.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: My own DGD is also two-- two years 5½ months. My daughter tells me she has passed into “the terrible twos.” She throws lots of tantrums these days. It sounds like your little guy hasn’t hit that point yet. Lucky you. :heart: You are now in the lead for “most unpleasant non-scale victory.” But it is so nice to be able to DO things on your own. I’d say you’re definitely victorious. :bigsmile: Good luck to your DH getting his nighttime woes dealt with. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: I’m so happy you were able to have a massage and it helped. I want one, too.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m so glad to hear there is nothing seriously wrong with Brandy. Too bad that she’s developed arthritis. I guess she may now be eligible to join our group based on dog years. :wink:

    Terri from sunny southern Oregon: Yay for “me” time! I’m happy you get to enjoy yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia I ignored the advice to take pictures and measurements, too. I’m not regretting it now because I have plenty of chubby pictures available for “before” but I’ll need to take some soon so I have some “afters.” I’m not at my goal yet, but I’ve made a lot of progress. I’ve noticed that a lot of people on MFP get real boosts in their self-esteem when they see how far they’ve come. It really helps folks keep from getting discouraged. This weight loss process is reliable if you follow the plan, but it isn’t fast.:ohwell:

    Renny: You sound frustrated. Sending virtual hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: We will be your cheering section for the Biggest Loser competition at your school. I bet you’ll win.:bigsmile: Thoughts on kids coming and going in early adulthood: Our daughter spent as little time as possible living with us after high school. She talked incessantly about moving out as soon as she graduated for at least two years before she actually graduated. We found our current home, a townhouse on the river bank MILES from where the kids grew up, and we moved right after she graduated. We put together a bedroom for her, but she didn’t spend much time in it. She was mad that we moved. Our son had been gone for several years by that time. They both love our place now, and come to stay when they can. They know there is a place here for them if they need it. Those first few years after high school are really challenging for kids and for parents.:ohwell:

    Michele: Things seem bad now, but life causes people to change. Brian may become one of those who realize that home isn’t such a bad place after all. Our daughter moved to several different states and now lives in Colorado. There has been a change. The difference is that now she wants to move back here. She’s in her thirties now. It has taken a while for her to want to be near us. Unfortunately, the job outlook here isn’t very good for someone in her field. Give it a few years time. Sending virtual hugs.:flowerforyou:

    I got out onto the deck this morning and started pulling up loose deck covering. It was something like peeling a sunburn if skin was made of rubber and covered a really big area. I ended up pulling up a lot of it, fairly easily. I feel a bit like Tom Sawyer painting the fence. DH saw what I was doing and he is now taking the lead. He realized that there are no contractors available, and no easy way to solve the problem. So we’re doing the work ourselves and it will be right when we’re done. On another topic, tomorrow I brine my salmon first thing in the morning, and we smoke it the next day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Good morning all!:flowerforyou: Lovely sunny morning.:love:

    I forgot to say yesterday that while I was waiting for DGS to wake up from his nap I did a plank and managed 2.30!!!:drinker: That is a pb and my September goal.:happy:

    DH was awake this morning from 3, but was in a much better state this morning. He read his Kindle in bed. I think I have convinced him to be proud of the way he dealt with yesterday. He got through the day really well.:love:
    On the train on the way up I revised my Italian in preparation for the trip to Rome in less than three weeks now. I have a book lurking by my bed about Italian corruption, which I have not got round to reading, but will read next. Then I like to do my homework on sites to see and background. I am a real culture vulture!:laugh: When we were in Egypt the guide said "I like people like you who are interested in things and not just here to have fun." I said, "FUN! FUN! This is the most fun I could possibly have! I'm having so much fun!" :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: I also like to study maps etc so I know where I am. DH just follows me!!! I have had plenty of warnings about pickpockets, bag snatchers etc so will be careful. My ex was mugged in Florence 20 years ago. A child bit him and the mother whipped his wallet. Yikes!

    Yoga this morning.:love: My new friend is still in Scotland so won't be seeing her. Missing her.:frown: The plumber will be coming to fix the lavatory while I am out. PHEW,!:huh: :bigsmile: I hope he admires my handywork with the gaffer tape.:laugh:

    My favourite programme on tonight while DH is watching soccer (England vs Ukraine World Cup Qualifier). The Great British Bake Off. It's much less fattening watching other people cooking delicious cakes than cooking and eating them myself. It's what got me started on my huge weight climb last time. DH and I practised all the Technical Challenges from the show. The results were amazing and we had such fun doing it, but the effect on me wasn't so good. I was already overweight from the chemo, but the baking was the last straw. Now I do not bake so often and if I do it all goes straight in the freezer for DH and guests to eat. I still love the show though, especially the disasters!

    Must get ready for yoga.

    Love Heather, enjoying the brilliant autumn sunshine in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning ladies..
    ive been up since 2:30,dont know if my internal clock is off or what, its not bad, I was at the gym at 4, bot only stayed 40 minutes.. wasn't much into it this morning..but did what I needed to do.. came home and made the DH dinner and lunch and got most of mine together...
    It is going to be hot and muggy for the next couple of days, it is hell for allergies, my throat is scratchy...
    and even eating what I did yesterday and using some of my exercise calories, I didn't gain.. havent lost, but havent gained :wink:
    I dont know if I was had at 4:45 in the morning.. but I hope I did the right thing..
    I was driving up to a light on main st in the next town where the gym is and this woman waves me down.so I open the window.. she shows me her ID and says that she came up from a town about 40 minutes from there last night with a man for dinner and he punched her in the eye and chucked her out of the car.. her eye was swollen,and she just needed bus fare back to New London, she said she just wanted to go home.. I gave her the $11.00 for the bus fare, I am just hoping that that is what she is using it for and not drugs.. I have a blessed life and am a softy, but very gulible too. So again I hope I made the right decision:embarassed:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Grandmallie - I wouldn't worry about the validity of the lady in need. We are only accountable for our own actions, not those of others, and your's were noble and good. I go with my gut on who to help... but I don't tend to carry cash so have sometimes felt I let down my end of the deal.

    Was at work all day yesterday, went to the Y to do weights for 3/4 of an hour, and then had to go back to work for a bit. I ended up getting home around 9:15 or so. The boss was going out of town this morning and the day / night before tend to be crazy.

    Need to get some breakfast together... BBL

    Gail, metro ATL
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good advice to Grandmalle, Gail.

    I can't believe the energy I've had last night and this morning. You guys who keep up with folks (thank you, you're the heart and soul of this thread) know that I have been whining about feeling blah. The only difference is the water I have been drinking for the contest. I had gotten real slack about the water, drinking way too many diet Dr. P's. I honestly believe the water is the difference. So, why do I ever get out of the habit?

    Thanks for the well wishes on the contest. I probably won't win. There are folks who bike for hous on the weekend entering. It is called the biggest loser, and you do get mega points for each pound lost, but the other components do add up. It is fun, though, and a bonding experience with some of the younger teachers on campus hat I didn't hav much contact with before.

    Edited to add one more thing. Someone posted a recipe for apple salad with cranberries, pecans and yogurt dressing and somebody else took it to a potluck. I made it for my church's homecoming. It wasn't much of a hit there. There was a bowl of that grape salad with cream cheese and sugar right next to it on the table, so I brought a lot home. To use some of it up, I've been stirring bunches in my morning oatmeal. OMG, it is heavenly!
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    didn't work. Back to the drawing board.

  • salvatore7
    salvatore7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Debbie, originally from the UK, now living in Malta (4 years). I am 52 next month and so far I have lost 11kg but it has been fairly slow progress as I started at the beginning of the year.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues all.
    Started day early as Violet got up.
    i see a nap while she is in school
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    Back from breakfast. Plans for a good night's sleep went bye bye as I was still staring at the clock at 1:30 so got up and puttered around till 4:30 then slept on the couch (again!!) until 7:00............so, I'll take a nap this afternoon because I have a meeting at 6:30 for the police group..........and the cycle will start again..........so frustrating.

    Drkatie.......Best of luck; we know you are going to be a strong contender!!!!

    Heather..........Congrats on your very impressive plank time!!.

    Granmallie.........Athough I can't blame my sleeplessness on steriods now, when I was on Pred., I found myself up scrubbing the kitchen floor at 2:30am (at a time when I wasn't having difficulty sleeping)..........also became nervous, edgy, almost in panic attack state......never again do I want those side effects. I think you did the right thing to give the woman money; esp. since her eye was puffy as if it may have been hit......if her story was true, you did a very good deed and if it wasn't, all you are guilty of is kindness.

    Kyak_kutie.............gorgeous picture.........was that from Lake Anna?

    Welcome newbies; while we can't provide your actual motivation (someone was having trouble finding theirs)---that's really intrinsic and everyone is different; we are always here to encourage and cheer you on! Come back often!!!

    best to all,
    mid-Atlantic..........very warm and sunny