

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. Another 10 hour clinical today. I didn't get home til almost 11 last night and then couldn't sleep til after 4:30. Floor guys were here early for final coat of varnish; tomorrow the baseboard goes on then in a few days we can move the furniture back in the dining room. It is gorgeous!

    I am exhausted. I spent over an hour last night practically laying on top of a completely agitated guy who was fighting so hard he was going to pull all his tubes out (he's on a ventilator) while the nurses tried every drug they had to sedate him. He was already on four infusions of sedating drugs! They finally used anesthesia and he was still fighting, but seemed to be getting sleepy so we finally could leave 1/2 hour late. he was also restrained but managed to get a death grip on my left breast. OUCH. I was trying to get him to calm down and said "Let go of my boob! Let me give you a hint to help you with the ladies....we don't like to be grabbed." Despite all his craziness, he managed to look at me and mouth the word "sorry" (he can't talk because he's on a ventilator). Kind of melted my heart, poor kid. The other nurses were all yelling at him but I kept getting him to look me in the eyes and talked to him in a very calm way and told him he was safe in the hospital. He seemed to respond to me but it only lasted a few seconds. So there is drama everywhere!

    DD#1 is leaving tonight. She'll be back tomorrow morning because I'll be at work and she has to let the floor guys in. Now she says she's moving in with her boyfriend (never met him and didn't know his name tll last night). There is some elaborate story about why the apartment with the 2 other girls fell through. we finally got an address though. She really did not want us to know where she was going to live. I asked if she thought that was normal and she shrugged. I asked what she would think if her daughter moved out and didn't tell her where she was going and she said "Well I'd freak out" but still didn't want to give it to us. We told her we didn't believe the 3 girl apartment story and wouldn't care if she moved in with her boyfriend if that was the plan all along...she's an adult and can make her own decisions about where to live. I get the idea she has been lying and planning to move in with the bf the entire time.

    She finally did give us the address because I am evil and tricked her....she wants to stay on our insurance so I said I need the address for the insurance company, or no insurance. So she gave in and gave it to us. She also has stopped speaking to her best friend from the entire time she's been here, but we have been texting and the friend (Maddie) is going to check the guy out and drop by and see Tanya at work. miss Maddie Marple on the case! :)

    OK ladies I'm sorry that's all the time I have for today. Time to get ready for work. These evenings are really messing me up. Blood sugar has been out of whack, I forget to take my evening meds, no time to eat. But there are only 4 more shifts after tonight.. Take care everyone. I'm cheering you on and sending healing angels to those who need them. Meg from still too hot Omaha
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    My goodness you are all such an active busy lot, I wonder how we ever managed to put weight on! Thank you for the welcome its a very welcoming supportive thread. To the lady who feels a bit inadequate with her exercise, just do what you can. I don't specifically exercise but I do have a fairly active life. Men can be quite distant at times, I read the book Men from Mars Women are from Venus. Sometimes we just need to let them go into their cave and they will come out when there ready! Hope you all have a happy successful day!
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    yanniejannie - yes, that was taken at Lake Anna. Still trying to figure out how to make it smaller. It cut off the right side of the picture. I'm at work now so can't do a lot of things on this computer. I'll try something when I get home. If you have any ideas how to make them smaller please let me know.

    Tina from MD
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Ooof what a day! Talk about ups and downs.

    Started off well, did 24 press ups. :drinker: Only one more to get to my Sept goal. But it was HARD!:bigsmile:

    Then went to yoga where NSVs took place! I was wearing my new, super tight running jacket and two women walked across the room to ask me how I had lost all the weight! The teacher said I should be their mascot! Then the lady next to me said she thought I had lost enough and shouldn't lose any more.:huh: The other ladies said I looked healthy and much much younger!:smile:
    Wow! Last week I was a bit disappointed that no one had noticed my new jacket,:blushing: , but I am happy to accept the delayed response.
    The funny thing is that when I was younger I thought I was really fat at this weight and took a bigger size in clothes. Shows you how much the exercise does for you.:happy:
    Then I did some weight training and then we went out for a walk to pick blackberries. Managed to get a good few helpings and I tried out a bit of jogging for some of the way between bushes.:laugh: I managed to jog for 1 minute at one point. I havent jogged for 23 years because of my knee and I just wanted to try my knee out since I have been strengthening it. It stood up OK so I might do a bit more. I really envy those of you who can run, but my knee has been a problem forever.

    So all good until we got back and started thinking about our winter holiday. Normally we go somewhere hot or at least warm to get out of the cold weather, but we found a lovely villa in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, with a heated pool, but just couldn't find any flights that didnt involve getting up at 3am on a January morning and a long drive. So had to abandon that idea. Then I looked at Malaga, because you can fly locally, but then thought it wouldn't b e warm enough. I really want to go to Sri Lanka with our normal travel company, who we have been all over the world with, but DH is not feeling up to it right now. So a few tears then (him, not me). So frustration all round, mainly from him as he feels he is letting me down. Then I said I could go to Australia on my own to see his brother etc and he got into an even bigger panic. At least he has made an appointment to see his therapist tomorrow. Well done to him!:love: He so hates being like this.

    Then I said it was no big deal and I would be equally happy going up to London for my bff's 60th birthday and staying in a posh hotel for a couple of nights. We could eat at our favourite 2 star restaurant and do a theatre trip and c:bigsmile: catch up on galleries. He perked up no end, so that's my fall back position.:flowerforyou: I've often thought that would be a great thing to do and we could spend the money we would have paid out on flights etc. on a nice central hotel.

    So I will watch this space.

    Heather UK
  • YoungGma29
    Hi! I may have finally found a place where I can feel like I belong - in this group. I have been on mfp off and on for a while now. I have been battling my weight for a long time, but my husband passed away in 2008 and I have managed to gain a lot of weight since then. You know the drill, lose a few and gain even more back. Anyway, I finally purchased a Body Media Fit. It has been 3 weeks now and guess what? I have lost 11lbs! That is the best I have done in many years and 3 weeks of sticking to my fitness plan is the longest. I have turned down goodies at parties without any regrets or longing. That is an accomplishment in itself. I turned 55 on Sat and I feel so good! I feel like I finally started the next chapter of my life. So I finally feel excited about the possibilities in my future.

    Sherry in Buckeye AZ
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    A lot of the material that is written on here, could be used to write a best seller. Food for thought.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Does anybody here do audiobooks during workouts? Or any other time? I like to listen to a book when I'm on the cardio machine. I use my ipad because my MP3 player quit. Our Kansas library system has the OneClickDigital system where we can check out audiobooks for free. I really like it, but lately I can't seem to find books that appeal to me. At the moment I have a Dean Koontz book loaded, and got 25 chapters in before I remembered why I don't like his books. I generally like mysteries. In fact, that's about all I listen to anymore.

    Any suggestions?

    Sylvia in Kansas
    (With a puppy sleeping on my lap)
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! It's Tuesday!!!! I loved the picture of Monday on the shrink's couch, because I just have never been fond of Mondays. I guess I contributed to it's feelings of rejection. :tongue:

    I had the strangest thing happen at the grocery store yesterday. Somehow three items that I did not purchase, that I did not put in my cart, and that I would NOT have even looked at ended up in my bags and in my house! The items were a box of Kashi cereal (wheat), a very large bottle of PowerAid (sugar!) and a deep-fried cinnamon sweet roll(oh, just shoot me now!)!!!! I checked my receipt, I had not been charged for them, yet, there they were. They are now in the trash. It took everything I had to throw that sweet roll away! They must have been at the end of the counter and gotten thrown in with my stuff accidentally. I just can't believe I actually had the strength to throw that roll away! That was my NSV for the day! :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce- Our mirrors and our brain's reality are not always in sync. Somedays I look at myself and feel confident, strong and proud. Other days, in the same clothes, I feel that I look fat, sloppy and like a 'loser' who should just stay in the house so as not to embarrass other people or be pitied. I don't know what triggers our perceptions, but I think it has more to do with our emotional state that particular day than anything else. Now, having laid all that heavy philosophy on you, go and look at yourself in the mirror and see just how darned cute you are in those sweatshirts! :love:

    TracyB- Welcome! I grew up in Duluth, MN and finished teaching up in Orr, Mn. Where is East Bethel? I am glad you found this group, you will be happily surprised by all of the lovely people and the awesome support you will receive!

    Leslie- I love that picture! It is easy to see that he is a really 'terrifying' dog! :laugh: Having been raised in MN with lakes and humidity, I do remember that plopping sound. Kind of makes you queasy when you hear it, doesn't it!?

    BarbieCat- Glad Brandy is back home and being treated for her arthritis. Taking animals to vets is never pleasant because they do truly get anxious just like we do, and it is so bloody expensive!

    Lin- You are right, it hurts to be overweight. I know you can do this journey- slowly, maybe- just like I did- but you can do this. Proud of you for going into town by yourself to get your meds, even little victories count as victories! Take care, my Friend.

    Sandy- You are doing such great things for yourself! Congratulations on the Y membership and the strength training. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie- $11.00 probably couldn't buy much in the way of drugs, so I think you did a kind deed for that woman. If her eye was swollen, then something had happened, even if it wasn't exactly as she said, she still had been injured somehow. You are a very kind person, and I applaud your actions!

    Katiebug- I don't know why that salad wasn't a hit, I love it! I am glad you enjoy it, I've never thought of it for breakfast, but I may have to try it!

    Kayak_kutie- That is a beautiful picture!

    Meg- Your night at work does not sound like much fun. Here is a little story for you to share w/ the other nurses and nurses-in- training. Last summer when my brother was in the ICU for nearly six weeks, he, of course, had tubes coming out of and into every orifice in his body. When they brought him back up out of the induced come, they started putting him into a chair for a little bit each day. He was still heavily sedated so that he wouldn't pull anything out, and he barely had enough strength to sit up. One day one of the trainees was stepping over all of the tubes as DB sat in the chair and he tripped over the urine output tube. Needless to say, sedated or not, it took two of us to restrain DB to keep him from trying to kill the poor guy. My, he woke up quickly! :explode:

    Sherry- Welcome! Where is Buckeye, Az? I am just south of Tucson in Green Valley! 11 pounds! Awesome! Keep up the good work!

    Ok- time to go out and do something wonderful. Really, I am going to go and pull a few weeds, than I will head out for a noon meeting. I will check back in later. Have a grand and glorious Tuesday!

    For today: Breakfast: 1 egg; 2 slices of toast; pumpking butter
    lunch: 2 lite cheese sticks and 2 rice cakes
    supper: personal sized gluten free pizza w/ pepperoni
    snacks: sugar snap peas and cucumbers ; watermelon

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Doing something different today. My laptop, which resides in the living room, is sick:sick: I am going to have to run some virus scans and everythig today. I have them on routinely but I have to do some extra checks today. So I the meantime I had to go back t my office to get on my PC. I am not on my PC except at bedtime, it's quiet, have soft music, preparing for bed.:yawn: So being back here triggers that response inme:yawn: :yawn: So now I am done with everything, lunch eaten and time to got to the Y. Will deal with the laptop when I get back

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Sylvia in Kansas,
    I always listen to BBC Radio 4 when I am 'gymming'. A lot of the programmes are available world wide as 'podcasts'. I have listened to them on holiday. There are some really interesting programmes. I love "Desert Island Discs" . Some fascinating guests dating back years. :heart:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Terrific Tuesday to you all!
    I would say ain't it great that the cool nights have hit for better sleeping, but last night the temp climbed ...still going up today to 111 Degrees F; (we use C ). ... in the middle of September? Yes Suzie, climate change exists! It is one thing for it to reach 80, another when it is hotter in fall than it has been all summer!

    So my new class flowed down the back stairs into the unfinished building with the new classrooms without Air or even fan....to melt in their seats. Not a great way to start the new academic year!

    Two first classes intro'd and on to the curriculum, and then, gulp, the marking. But I am determined to make a success of it all.

    My great start got off to a rocky afternoon when I found out my social call would be taking place at a specialty chocolate lounge, complete with fondue ( already ordered). I ate a lot of plain fruit, but I did dip a few things, and had no appetite for dinner.
    Today's social event was in my safe restaurant with my safe meal. Whew! I find restaurant meals too unpredictable.

    Thanks for the book recommendations, Barbie made one, and I looked it up, looks interesting; and I found the body shape change database too, thanks that is a great visualizer! All good motivation!

    Next, tackle my long walks again....ok not in 111 degrees, but it will cool off by the weekend! I hope!

    Cheers, BJ
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I called the PC doctor, AKA AVG for me, and the guy talked me through how to find out what is wrong and I think it's fixed. I'm crossing my fingers. I did 3 miles today. I have been able to increase by .5 miles each day but it'san effort. This guy in front of me was on a treadmill going at a pretty good pace. Between the sound of his feet hitting the treadmill and my Pandora station I was able to just kind of mesmerize myself into getting that last 1 mile in. I can see why some of you like to work out with a metrinome.

  • sukigraves
    I just started here and began again with a wellness coach. We check in every three weeks. This three week period I have only one goal formally set with her and that is:

    track food and exercise using MFP

    Awareness is the theme.

    I've given up white sugar, bread and cereal - or at least that's where I'm trending. Sometimes I juice or make smoothies. If I eat sugars like honey or fruit I really notice the effect on my energy levels.

    I'm heavily into yoga having found a class within walking distance that is the right pace for me and only 6$ per class- available 4 mornings a week. The past 14 days I attended 7 classes. I'm also very active in the garden now and walking in the neighborhood is increasing.
    I have chronic migraine disease so all of these things are miraculous- for months I've been afraid to go outside in the sunshine or to move around.

    Last night i had a bit of a bump- eating all night long i made myself quite ill- staying up all night from the sugar. This self-abuse was very clearly due to some high anxiety. I tried to alleviate the anxiety by oveating.

    I am learning to use yoga instead as it can be very effective for calming the nervous system .:heart:

    My other challenge is the cravings that come before a migraine attack. I'm just observing and tracking for now.

    Be well.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. It is cooler today (88) haha. I am counting the days till Fall. Last evening DH took me to a Cosmopolitan membership supper. They had steaks the size of the plates and very large baked potatoes. I ate part of the baked potato but passed on the steak and cakes. It was an interesting meeting. They do alot for diabetes screenings and help with diabetic meds for those who can't afford it. DH is interested as his sister has been diabetic since she was 9. She has lots of health issues now because of it. Also I have been diabetic for about 5 years and do pretty good with it. So he joined and guess now we are going to help with the fund raisers they have. Then today at work my doctor's nurse calls me and says they got a letter from my insurance company saying I have not had a eye exam in acouple years and I need to have the diabetic one. So called and got that set up for next month. I am not sure I like this insurance company that keeps such close tabs on me.. They send me letters all the time saying I should talk to my doctor about a test or some med they think I should be on.

    drkatiebug-- Good luck on the contest. It sounds like a good deal.

    Katla-- Sounds like have the deck under control. The success you'll feel when it is done will be even better knowing you did it yourself.

    grandmallie-- what you did for that lady was very nice. One time I was listening to a speaker at our CMA ralley and he said that they were driving down the interstate in the snow. There was a guy in the middle with a sign. Well Roger told his wife to get out $20 and give to the guy. She said why he is only going touse it for beer or drugs. Roger said the Lord told him to give it and he wanted to listen to God and what the guy does with it is between him and God. Thats a good way to think of it. My DH is always stopping to help people.

    meg-- Boy! I remember nights like that when I worked the floor in the cancer skilled unit. I remember one time we'd just gotten a guy settled down and comfortable. He thanked us for being patient with him and for being so kind. Makes you feel good to know you made a differnce to someone.

    Heather-- GREAT NSV!! Sorry DH is having such a hard time. He is very lucky to have you in his life.

    Welcome Sherry- come back often and get to know us as we get to know you.

    Pat- GREAT NSV!! I would of had a hard time throwing out the sweet roll. That is one of my worst weekness.

    Well hope everyone has a good evening and a Happy Wednesday.
    Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    evening ladies~
    all was well till I got home and the DH is a storm cloud.. I dont know if I said something, did something.. but he wont say 2 words to me..
    Oh well he will get over it.. will just ignore him until he decided to talk...
    had a NSV-today a patient that I havent seen for awhile was in to get her teeth cleaned and was talking to the office manager and I was doing something with charts, she looked over my way after talking but went with the hygenist.. I was up at the desk when she came back up and had to look twice, she said Alison is that you? I was looking for you and didnt even recognize you..she was astounded by the change... so that made me feel good...
    I am trying to get off Omeprazole(previcid) for GERD and I guess it takes some getting used to,it can cause some pain for awhile.. I just dont want any interactions with my BP meds, have been on Omeprazole for 4 yrs,and im going to try and take a more holistic approach...
    hope everyone else is enjoying the day...
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I had a great day today pain was next to none. Compared to what it was the last two weeks. I managed to cook lunch and supper. Hubby wasn't jealous at all at me taking back my duties lol.

    Sounds like you enjoyed your day yesterday. Have fun with the puppy.

    Shape fitter
    Well said You must love yourself before you can love others. So big hug first thing every morning. There's nothing wrong in saying I love me.

    Your sculping yourself into a beautiful lady

    Your burning calories typing at the putter. Anything we do we burn calories.

    Rebel Renee
    You will get back with it. Because that's what you want.

    Makes you feel good when you can accomplish more than the younger generation.

    I have a 38 year old son comes around for supper a lot. He's bachelor so that's fine with me. But lately only a couple times a week. He has his own home. A nice log cabin by a lake.
    You will win that contest hands down. Work at it.

    Texas gal
    They will always be our little boys. Even when there 50 lol.
    Now you need to find a graphic for Friday.

    You are so dedicated to your exercise and have such a busy life how did a lb find you.

    You walk and dance probably going to have the folks on the ferry dancing. LOL

    That's page 15 might have a look at sixteen going to read the posts at least.

    See you all lighter

    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Bump for later x
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi.. I'm Kathy and I am 56...
    My goal for September is to:
    - track every Bite - Lick and Taste
    - Stay away from the scales
    - Don't knock myself down if I have something extra
    - Try to walk either every day, or ever other...

    Kathy - New Brunswick, Canada
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Can I relate to your yo yoing been 35 years or more for me. You can enjoy good meals.

    Getting the salmon ready hope it turns out to your liking.

    City Jane
    Sounds like your hubby has a fear of travelling. Hope the therapy helps him.

    Gym at 4 in the morning now that's dedication. Sounds like she was a lady in need. So glad you could help her.
    Don't change your B/P meds without talking to your doctor first there not to fussy on herbal medicine.
    Probably made your day when your client didn't recognize you.

    Garden Gail
    Great of you to find time in your busy day for gym.

    Water does wonders. Good way to bound with fellow teachers.

    No idea what 11 kg adds up to in lbs. But a loss is a loss keep with it.

    Jane Martin
    Hi hope you had a great day

    I thought you were teaching nursing. Didn't realize you still did floor work as well. Don't you feel sorry for those poor lost souls. So young and ruining there life. Hope things straighten up with your daughter. You might be surprised and that the boy friend is a nice fellow.

    Welcome to the site. And wowser 11 lbs in 3 weeks how's that.

    What a strong person you are to throw that roll in the garbage. Those items were probably put aside because someone bought more than she had money for. Your daily menu looks very nice.

    No controlled air in school. That's hot for anybody.

    Well that's page 16 and i'm keeping 17 for tomorrow. Enough for today. But I got a good fill of vitamin F.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    I am back and with a new goal. I have put on all the weight I lost, found out I now have neuropathy in my feet and must lose weight, and quit drinking. so back to the grind. My first goal for September is not log my food. I am going on a trip to CT for an interview next week and am excited about that. I just have to control my emotional eating to get back in the swing of things. That and stopping alcohol are the two toughest things I have to beat. Time to get serious. My health is going downhill because of my bad habits. Time to nip it in the bud!