9/11/01 Where were you?



  • I was working in the news room for a local AM radio station. I remember when the first plane hit and we thought it was just a terrible accident. I was running from station to station updating them and walked back into the news room when the second plane hit. We knew in that instant that we were under attack. We sat there stunned for a moment and then sprang into action diverting all six of our stations to one to start our coverage. It was a crazy day and emotions didn't hit until I was home that night and could fully process what had happened that day.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I was a senior in high school, and I was just getting up to get ready for school. My mom was glued to the tv, so I asked was what going on. Couldn't believe what was happening.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I was working in my office about 15 miles directly west of the towers. My husband (at the time) called to tell me a plane crashed into the tower. As he was watching the news & telling me about it, the 2nd plane hit. I stood up & looked around & saw nearly everybody on the phone, standing up, at the same time.

    The husband of a fellow supervisor was due for a meeting in one of the towers at 9am. Cell phone circuits were busy & she couldn't get through. She was a wreck for about 2 hours til her phone rang & she heard a word or 2 from him before she lost the call. He had been late for the meeting & wasn't in the tower yet. He walked out of Manhattan that day.

    We closed the office at around noon, told everyone to go home & be with their families. I got on the highway and started my drive home, headed directly toward the smoke rising in front of me & trailing southward. I had to pull over to cry. I wasn't the only one.

    I had a girlfriend who was 5 months pregnant (like me at the time) and she worked with her boyfriend at the financial center next to the towers. It was his birthday so he took the day off, so she slept in a little & took a later ferry from Hoboken to Manhattan. She was on the ferry as the 1st plane hit. She says everyone got off the boat, not sure what to do, walked around looking up. She called in to her office to ask what they wanted her to do as she saw the 2nd plane stroke, and pandemonium hit. A throng of people started running for the ferries. She was almost trampled. She looked around and saw the biggest, meanest-looking biker-type dude near her. She grabbed him and pointed to her pregnant belly. He enveloped her in his arms and got her safely to the ferry. She was never able to find him in the days & weeks that followed to say thank you.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    waiting for the bus, on my way to work. the guy sharing the stop with me brought it up -- i thought he was bsing me. until i got to work, and they were playing the NPR news coverage over the PA system. :cry:
  • Brutmar
    I work for a government agency in fire service and my office is out at our local airport. The airport maintenance supervisor shared an office in my building and came in and told me what was going on. We immediately went over to our training classroom to turn the TV on. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was speechless and tears just filled my eyes. I'll never forget that day.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This thread is to remember the lives lost and to share feelings.

    Her posts are rude and inappropriate given the nature of the subject being discussed.

    If she's not American and doesn't care (although I have plenty of non-American friends who care) then she should be respectful enough and have some tact and not post in the thread.

    Maybe so. Maybe she wasn't touched by it but wanted us as a collective to lighten up some. I finally read her follow on posts, and would say she probably just needs to let it go.

    She has every right to post in this thread, in my opinion as an American who values free speech, even when I disdain what that speech says.

    ... did I really just defend someone on the internet. I think that's a two shot penalty. (I've been in the ****el since 5am.)

    ETA - Seriously, I can't write George D ! ckel the best frickin' bourbon within my hand's reach? Well, slap my *kitten* and make me breakfast. :(
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    On my way to work (#19 on this map) wtc_nytimes.gif
    ... didn't make it closer than 30 block north of WTC,

    The spot where ash covered people stopped running.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    6th grade math class right after lunch. We were getting out our workbooks and our teacher checked her email and found out.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    Tampa Florida....Logistics Manager for a distribution center. Saw it all unfold on the tv in the break room
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mountain Standard time. I was blow drying my hair. My head was upside down, and I turned right side up just as the second plane hit. I freaked. I was working with folks with disabilities at that time, and called my boss and said: we need to get to work to answer questions. There's going to be a lot of confused, scared clients at our door. And there were.
    Then I called my sister and said: turn on the tv. Everything in the world just changed.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Marching band practice. None of us had any idea until we came inside and went to our 2nd period class. Mine happened to be history. When we walked in, the teacher pointed to the TV and said, "We're watching the news today. This is history." Shortly after class started, we watched the second plane hit. :frown:
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    On my way to work, listening to the radio when they interrupted to say "they thought a small plane" had hit One of the towers. I was 1/2 way through DFW airport (AA's Headquarters) on my way to my office with American Airlines. By the time I got to the office, There was a TV set up in the conference room with people standing watching. They had known by this time It was one of our planes. The personnel on the AA 1st response Teams were already getting ready to Head that direction as soon as they could. ( The teams are sent out When planes go down to help anyway they can). They are assigned to families, both employee and passengers. They stay for as long as they are needed. Sometimes weeks. Nothing was ever the same again with all the lives that were touched in one way or another that day. To this day I always remember and have a good cry on 9/11.
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I had just arrived into work in Midtown Manhattan right after the first plane hit. We chatted about it while having our coffee and all thought it was a commuter plane. We soon realized what was going on and it got pretty awful. We were all on the phone trying to reach family of a co-worker who was very upset. My boss was trying to reach some of his friends who worked in the tower. We were also watching it together on TV.

    I left the office with a friend after the second tower fell. We walked out onto the streets and could see the smoke from downtown. The streets were crazy busy which was so strange and eerie. We walked out over the 59th street bridge with fighter jets flying over head. All of the emergency vehicles were speeding towards the city on the other side of the bridge. It really felt to me like I was in a movie. Just not real.

    I'm glad that today is a little humid because it feels a little different. That day was just like this one but just not humid. The perfect day until it happened.

    God bless all the people who died that day and all of the families that were affected.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I live in Windsor, Ontario across from Detroit, Michigan.
    I was walking at my favourite city park that borders the Detroit River.
    It was a gorgeous, sunny, blue sky morning.

    After my walk, I went to Remark Farms for some produce and that's where I found out that the bridge and tunnel to the US had been closed but the cashier wasn't clear as to why.
    When I left, I turned on the radio and that's when I learned of the 1st plane hitting the tower and of the horrific events unfolding.

    I live close to the flight path of Windsor airport and the American planes also fly over at times and it was so eerily quiet for several days afterward.
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    I was in my 7th grade history class.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    At home getting ready for school. I never made it to school that day. My mom and I had to take my tv out of my room and take it
    next door to my moms work. Her boss was military. My dads company went on lock down that day and he wasn't home until the following day. They cancelled school for a week in my area.
  • Bell_Lucci
    Bell_Lucci Posts: 15 Member
    New York, getting ready to go to school.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I was at home actually I was home schooled at that time , I had no idea what the twin towers even where, till after it occurred I was 17 then and well I had no reason to know anything about them till that point.
    I was a tragic day but we have since moved forward we will never forget ..
  • Nireedk
    Nireedk Posts: 36 Member
    I was 9 months pregnant with my third child, living in NJ and visiting my parents in VA. I was taking a bath that morning when my sister called out that the TV news said a plane hit one of the Twin Towers in NY. Being from NJ, I jumped out of the shower, quickly did my best to wrap me and my 9 month big belly in a towel and ran out to the family room to catch the news. I stood there in my towel in front of the TV for the next 2 hours. I was riveted by it. In shock. I was 36 and still couldn't process it.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I was in Nursing school at Reid State in Evergreen, Alabama. I had 2 small children at home when i found out about it I immediately rushed back home about 30 minutes away and as I walked in the door at my moms house she looked at me and said, "They're gone, The WTC, both towers completely gone! Oh my God what is happening!" I spent the rest of the day and all night glued to the television watching everything unfold, hugging my babies tight and praying.