Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been asked what my secret is and when I explain I watch my calorie intake and I exercise daily, I get "But, what's the secret?" in response. No secret, no magic pill. Just get up and move.

    And this is a real winner for me....Recently a friend was telling me about a conversation she had with her wife, they were discussing my weight loss. The wife says "I don't understand why she has self confidence issues and feels like she needs to lose weight!" Never once have I ever mentioned any self confidence issues and I thought I made it clear that this journey is for health reasons. I wasn't quite sure how to take that.

    Exactly. It's not always about weight loss, either. I am at a healthy weight and BMI, but I would love to be more fit and strong. Many people I work with don't understand that and constantly tell me "You don't need to lose weight!" Sigh, that's not the only reason to exercise.
  • flet2
    flet2 Posts: 43 Member
    Things like.... "Ok, i've got a month to lose some weight for this wedding". Followed not too long after is another "Ok, i've got a month to lose some weight for this vacation". Same person (in relation to losing for upcoming wedding) "yea well I just really need to focus on arms, cuz my dress will cover my legs. I just want to tone up my arms and stuff" :huh:
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I had an overweight friend ask me recently how I'm managing to lose weight even though she sees me having a drink or two and treats on the weekends. I told her I cut my calories way back during the week and save room for fun on the weekends. She looked at me and said

    "I'm out!"

    Well geez...why the heck did you even ask?! Maybe she was hoping I'd come across some sort of miracle drug so she wouldn't have to do any form of sacrifice to lose weight? I wish!
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    "It is easier for you to lose weight than it is for me"

    yep.......sure is......everything is easier for me......well, because I'm intelligent.
  • mmsheshe
    mmsheshe Posts: 2 Member
    Love this one, "I can't lose weight, it just runs in the family...that is why we are all overweight". I really wanted to say back, "No, it doesn't run in the family, you all just eat too much!!!"
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    Love this one, "I can't lose weight, it just runs in the family...that is why we are all overweight". I really wanted to say back, "No, it doesn't run in the family, you all just eat too much!!!"
    apparently no one runs in that family
  • Spiritrose
    Spiritrose Posts: 7 Member
    Omg, JoelleAnn please see another doctor!! o_0
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    "My Dr. told me not to lose too much weight - it would be difficult on my joints to have no padding." :noway:

    I snorted out my hot tea at reading this...

    Funniest thing I've heard all day!

    Same here! So Dr Seuss!??:laugh:
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    'If you lose any more weight than 150 you will look like a crackhead because you are big boned."

    Is big boned even a real thing because I have average wrist bones?
    I'm not even sure if I believe the whole big boned thing. Even if there was or is a such thing, that doesn't mean you can't lose enough weight to barely be overweight anymore. Otherwise you could just not make comments about how hard weight loss is if you're not really trying that much, idk just a thought. But it wouldn't bother me, what people say about it. It seems like it bothers other people more.

    Big boned is definitely a thing... But it doesn't mean you can't be skinny... My bff and I both wear a size 4 and can share clothes, but I weigh 25 pounds more than her. I have bigger bones and more muscles. We are just built differently. If I weighed the same as her, I'd look SUPER unhealthy and bony...
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    Love this one, "I can't lose weight, it just runs in the family...that is why we are all overweight". I really wanted to say back, "No, it doesn't run in the family, you all just eat too much!!!"
    apparently no one runs in that family

  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    My Wife & Neighbor got pregnant at the same time (Honest I did NOT knock up my neighbor)
    From the moment the neighbor found out she was preggo! she had "cravings" for ice cream & candy and the couch
    was attached to her butt. My wife ate sensibly (SP?) walked everywhere and we walked every night after dinner and less than 2 weeks after having the baby my wife was in her pre pregnancy skinny jeans and my neighbor said

    wait for it

    Well yea your ASIAN!!!!
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    "I had to quit exercising because it was making my heart race !!! "

    I said............Umm.............I think that's supposed to happen
  • sambernardo
    sambernardo Posts: 43 Member
    The most annoying thing I ever heard someone say was I took a fat burner pill so it's okay if I have this cheeseburger haha
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I've pretty much experienced almost everything everyone has already said, but recently, I am sooooooooooooooooooo irritated at a very close family member who is promoting an appettite-suppressing-energy-boosting-weight loss supplement on Facebook. They've even posted progress pictures that are obviously photoshopped.

    ANYBODY promoting the latest fad urks me to no end.
  • JennWeighZen
    JennWeighZen Posts: 32 Member
    I was sitting at my daughter's softball game and some woman starts telling me that she eats ice chips because that helps you lose weight as opposed to just drinking the water.

    Sigh. :grumble:
  • Luwright321
    Luwright321 Posts: 38 Member
    I've heard this and repeated it myself for a laugh: "bones are for dogs, meat is for men" lol:laugh:
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    never said to me btw, but i sometimes hear this...

    person 1: "its so annoying, your as skinny as a rake, but all i see you eat is junk all the time, you must have a fast metabolism. If only my metabolism was as quick as yours, i'd be skinny aswell ......are you gonna eat the rest of that?.......

    person 2: 'no, im full up, help yourself...'

    person 1: 'thanks....nummm numm slurp numm numm burp nummmm slurp etc.........'
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    My step mother used to be a LARGE woman, probably pushing 350 pounds and very short. I saw her again a year later (she lives overseas) and she was TINY. I couldn't believe it until I realized she had developed some serious bulimia. I tried to talk to her about it, but she told me, and I quote, "Darling, exercise is for people with low self esteem. You don't need to exercise to lose weight."

    Did I mention she told this to me at a plastic surgeon's office? (She gets lipo now regularly.) Yeah, I'm not the one with low self esteem lady.

    Well, technically, you DON'T need exercise to lose weight.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    "I don't have time" as he sits on the couch watching you tube videos of things being blown up.

    "I wouldn't know how to go about it" Really? Because I've shown you MFP, downloaded the app for you, showed you a gazillion exercises, bought DVD's, offered to work out with you... and yet there you sit.

    Oh and my friend who goes on green smoothie kicks to lose weight. She bought a Vitamix and will "go raw" for short periods of time where she proselytizes to everyone about how we should all do it too. She'll document every pound lost and everyone on Facebook goes nuts about her "success" and they all jump on the bandwagon. Then she'll stop drinking green smoothies and eating only raw fruit and vegetables, gain weight and the cycle continues. (I should note here that I have a Vitamix of my own and love green smoothies.) Maybe I should just hide her from my feed? :tongue:

    "My family won't eat healthy food like yours does!" Mine eat that way because I buy the food and I prepare it so they get what I give them. If they want something else they are more than welcome to go buy it and prepare it but I'm not a short order cook so it is what it is. My extremely picky husband who had only tasted three (THREE!!!) vegetables in his entire life when we met will now eat a variety of different foods, including vegetables. The man hated onions and refused to try peppers and now his favorite meal is fajitas with lots of peppers and onions. I have spent my life warping him. I'm also a little bit vocal about people complaining about something I've made for them to eat and he learned pretty early that it wasn't in his best interest to do so. :)

    Probably the most irritating for me is my MIL's current husband and whatever his latest "lose weight/get rich selling this crap" scheme is. I can always tell when he's signed up for a new one because my inbox is flooded with testimonials and offers to sign me up to sell! His wife, my MIL, has had bariatric surgery and been on every diet known to man before and since the surgery. She was on a "white rice" diet for awhile where she ate only white rice. That's it, nothing else! She walked out her front door, got dizzy, fell off the porch and ended up in the hospital and that was the end of that diet.

    I particularly love hearing her complain that she can't eat sugar because of the surgery and how it makes her feel so awful. This doesn't explain why the woman constantly has a bag of candy with her though that she's always eating. Black licorice is her favorite. One time she came to visit us and brought each of our four children THEIR OWN BAG OF CANDY!! I was about to kill her. My kids all know better and handed their bags to me as soon as she gave them out. I allowed them to have some but a whole darn bag each wasn't happening!

    I had no idea I had so many things to say on this subject until I started typing. :blushing:
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I hate when people say they can't. You can. You're just making excuses.