

  • vikkij12
    Hi ladies,

    just a question what are indoor Snores!!!!

    And as for vegetables, I love them and so pleased that others do to. I have a vege garden (well when the puppy isn't digging it up!) and find that there is nothing nicer than wandering outside and digging some baby carrots and leeks for dinner. Its starting to get into growing season here so planning the garden now (once my husband has put a fence around it!!!) think tomatoes, lettece, beets, carrots, beans, capsicum and zucheni for starters, might put in some pumpkin and white onions. the garlic has come up nicely this year. I grow potatoes in old tyres which works really well.

    Better go and get some sleep.

  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    I have just read through all the posts and this sounds like my kind of group. May I join you? I joined MFP last month and really love it. I looked at my short term goal when I signed on and it was to have my clothes be too baggy to wear by October when my DH is taking me on a nice cruise. Well, we leave October 12 and I have to go shopping today for some new things. Yea!

    I need some really firm goals for the cruise (2 weeks). I will stay away from the buffets--dining room only. Exercise every day and gain no weight. My month long goal is no eating after dinner.

    BTW how do you type in your goals so that they show up after your ticker.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Becky and welcome.

    Go into your signature - you will find it next to 'my topics' above these postings. Add it to there.

    Good morning ladies.

    It's a much brighter day here in London, chilly though! I'm hoping to get out for a good stomp in Richmond Park later on, after I've been to the nursing home to visit mum-in-law. DH is working today, so I'll be walking solo. Now if I just had a doggy ......

    I had a call from the hospital yesterday and they want me to go back to see the cardiologist next week so that they can arrange some more tests. If they are definitely going to have to do the valve surgery, I would like to know when it is likely to be. If they consider it non-urgent, I'm going to ask that they can do it in the new year as my grandtwins are almost ready to be born and I want to be fit enough to help my daughter when they come along. Realistically I have to be led by the doctor I suppose. Fingers crossed.

    Michele, bumping in a post is to make sure it comes back to the top of the list so it can be easily found. Also, on this site, when you post, it saves that topic into 'my topics'. It just marks your spot really.

    I hope your husband is starting to realise that it may be Sadie's time. Poor little puss, it's so awful to watch a loved animal fade.

    Chiclet, I'm pleased you managed to get some wholesome food! Pasta, whilst filling, always makes me feel lethargic and slightly leaden. I rarely eat it these days, although I do eat couscous.

    Marilyn, it sounds like you are really getting into the swing of exercise! Good for you!

    MacMadame, as always, I am in awe at your achievements!

    Jackie, I'm starting to get envious of your cruises! We missed our summer holiday this year as there was so much going on. I really feel like I could use some sun right now.

    Peggy, I plan on joining a belly dancing class next year. Got to get my swimming classes done and dusted before I start something new though.

    SuzyQ, the 'free wedding' weekend sounds like a lot of fun!

    Robin, I don't think you did too badly during September and I'm sure you will do even better in October.

    Laura, good luck with your maintaining - that's always been the hardest part for me.

    Jeannie, what a good idea, to put an end date for your goals. Fingers crossed for you.

    Viv, hope you are feeling happier.

    Barbie, I love that one of your October goals is to dance more!

    To everyone else, sorry not to mention you individually but the memory is a bit sluggish today.

    Have a great weekend and here's to a good October.

    Amanda x
  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    I love your city. Thanks for your help with ticker and goals. I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers re. your surgery and the birth of the grand twins. Finally your weight loss is astounding. Congratulations!
  • Dzzy
    Dzzy Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys, I'm new here just been using the program for 15 days, and although I feel heaps healthier now, and not bloated, I haven't lost weight yet...but I'm in this for the long haul so not worried.

    So my goals for October are simple - this is mainly because I'm in England at the moment, with family so have less ability to control my intake! However, I leave to return home to Australia in 10 days time, have my bike and gym over there so can get down to the exercise with more gusto!

    So.... just keep entering everything into the diary! That's so important I think, noting everything you eat.

    Learn a bit more about certain things (like what is the affect of sodium? how can I satisfy my chocolate craving without eating chocolate? will one red wine a day be like eating a Mars bar a day?) --- I'm sure some of the answers are on this forum somewhere!

    Find out why I'm not losing weight even though I (think) I am eating correctly....

    Take a walk every day, regardless of the weather.

    Get a temp/part time job once I'm back in Adelaide, if only to stop boredom setting in which starts the eating again! (my situation is that my partner is looking after his elderly mother, 24/7, in Adelaide, and I have to return to England frequently to help with my father - both parents are 91 and very frail. We both retired at 60 last year, and were 'Grey Nomads" for a year, travelling round Australia with our caravan, and this will be our lifestyle some time in the future).

    Smile a lot.

    Let's hope that at the end of October I will have lost 2 kilos!

  • thickfinemama
    hi my name is mary iam new to this need to loose sum weight dont know where to start soif any body could help would appreciate it dont kno what to buy first in food just need to losse weight badly thanks
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies and HAPPY October! I just love fall and we actually have some cooler mornings here now in the Lowcountry. Yea!

    I wrote a nice long post on this new thread but I don't know where it went? Anyway, I did not meet my September goals and it looks like I have a few companions. With our road trip and time in MT, even with all of the long hikes, I managed to gain 4.5 pounds. Yuk. Well, the good news is that I have been home and on track for the past 5 days and managed to lose 1.5 of those extra pounds. DH will be gone for another week, so hope to continue my personal "boot camp" and lose as much as I can before then. Wish me luck! It feels good to "be back".

    Congratulations to all of you who have met your September goals...you inspire me!

    Take care all and have a happy, healthy October ! :heart: Kackie :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome Dee and Mary! I wish you great success on this journey. You've found a wonderful source of support & friendship.
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    hi my name is mary iam new to this need to loose sum weight dont know where to start soif any body could help would appreciate it dont kno what to buy first in food just need to losse weight badly thanks
    start small. first log everything that crosses your lips so you can see what you are actually eating. then start making small changes to include lots of fresh vegies and lean meats. take it one step at a time. then you can start to incorporate exercise. don't too much or you will get overwhelmed. You didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight. this is a life style change so you will be more successful if you incorporate one little change at a time and master it before you tackle another.

    for food ideas look at peoples diaries. mine is public but don't use me as an example this past week but you can look at it for next week after I plan it (tomorrow) many of the ladies on this thread have public diaries and have great ideas on how to eat healthy. and you can get ideas about exercise too.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Becky, Dee and Mary!

    Barbie's opening post is so correct. This group is a life saver to many of us. Robin's advise to newcomers is the best advise ever. All of our journeys start with one thing in common - accurately tracking everything we eat and drink. After we got that piece down many of us branch off into specific diets and/or different exercise programs, but it all gets back to mindful eating and knowing what we are really putting in our mouths.

    Welcome back to all as we find the new thread for October and start off a new month. I know this is going to be a good month for us. I just feel it.

    I had a lucky bump this morning when I weighed in: 143, down from 144.6. I will wait to see if it is a real loss before I move my ticker. Still, I did it twice and put my glasses on to be sure it said 143 and not 148. lol

    Off to soccer and errands just like all my Saturdays,

    Have a great day everyone!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :tongue: Here is October!! omg. September was a whirlwind. And October promises to be the same. I lost 1 lb in September. Had planned for more, but at least it was a loss. Mind you I gained and lost a couple of pounds in between. October will be even more of a challenge because we are going on a cruise in a week. Yay :drinker:

    September was so wet here, that I did not ride my bike even once. However, I have been going to spin classes a couple of times and want to keep doing that 3x a week. I have reduced my goal of strength training to 2x week, because I just have been so busy that I can't get to the gym. So, altogether I want to work out 4x week. That's a reasonable goal for me in the fall. Summer is so much easier to get my exercise in.

    Sticking with the DAILY fruits and veggie plan as much as possible. Being fit and healthy is what it is all about for me. And that some of my smaller size clothes fit again is such a bonus.

    Love you all. Keep going and never give up.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, Vince made an appt with the vet for Mon to have Sadie put to sleep. You know, I feel like I sort-of pushed him into this. But at the same time, Sadie is not a happy cat. He isn't jumping up on our bed any more. Vince picks him up and takes him to the water and the food. I know that he's not going to get any better. Yet, I feel bad in that I feel like I pushed Vince into making this decision. There is a part of me that feels that Vince was keeping Sadie alive for him, not for Sadie. Vince gave Sassy chemo when he had cancer. I wanted him to be home, be happy, and let mother nature take its course. But Vince insisted that we had to give him chemo. The only thing I did was one time I took him to the vet oncologist. I wouldn't force feed him, nothing. In this type of situation Vince is the emotional one and I'm the logical one, which is a vast turn-around.

    Vickie - you know what a smore is, right? Graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. Well, for the indoor smores what you do is you use Gold Grahams, melt chocolate chips and add marshmallows.

    Welcome Becky! Where are you going on your cruise? How long will you be gone? Do you need anyone to carry your bags....lol??????

    Hey Dee!!!!!

    Hi Mary! Robin's advice is exactly what I would have said, so to save you from reading it twice, I'll just agree with her. At first, log EVERYTHING, even a tiny morsel. Eventually, you'll get to the point where you don't have to do this but can "guesstimate", but to begin with, log EVERYTHING.

    According to the scale in our bathroom, Sadie is 8-1/2 pounds. Admitted, for these purposes, that scale isn't the most accurate. But it is showing that he's continuing to lose weight.

    Well, there is a neighborhood picnic tonight. Have a great evening everyone!

  • chicletgirl
    Welcome Mary and Dee:flowerforyou:


    Its hard sometimes being the logical one in this situation, because as you said, you start to feel guilty, but it is equally hard to be the emotional one because you think with your heart and not your brain. Don't feel guilty, you are doing the right thing. No one wants to make their pet suffer unnecessarily, not even your husband, It's just the heart has a difficult time letting go. I think women are capable of thinking with both. That's what makes us the ones to handle things in a crisis. We are nurturing, but can be very strong when necessary. Help your hubby through this. Again, ask your vet on Monday if he thinks it is the wise thing to do when you present her symptoms. This will help hubby when he hears a second opinion.

    I did chemo with one of my dogs. I was like him and was willing to do anything for her. I put her through that for weeks and she was so sick. When it was over, they delclared her in remission. and no signs of cancer. I thought I did the right thing. Then 3 months later, one night she woke up to severe pain. I took her down to the vet and they found out the cancer had come back and this time it was even more agressive. I decided right then to put her to sleep and I will never put an animal through chemo again.

    I think you are doing what is good for Sadie. Be strong, your hubby will need you through this. Don't know if you have any other pets, but sometimes after a couple of weeks of mourning it helps some to get a new kitten or puppy. At first you think it will never replace your loss, but the little ones have a way of wiggling into your sad heart. They help you heal.

    Thinking of you this weekend.:flowerforyou:
  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    Oh my Jeannie, when my scales show a weight loss it doesn't occur to me not to count it!

    Michelle, thank for the welcome and i am so sorry about Sadie. We had the same decision to make with our Cassie several months ago. I'll be thinking about you on Monday. Thanks for asking about the cruise--we're actually going to Hawaii--leaving from L.A. --I'm beginning to get excited but really a bit anxious about the food and weight situation.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, what a day today just working around the house. Got a lot done and am feeling the pains of yesterdays workout, better do one tomorrow or it will be worse.
    October is comming in strong, leaves have been flying off the trees in great bunches. I love watching the cats jump duck and dive at the leaves as they flutter close to the garden doors. Sunlight sleeps until after seven now, I like getting up early and lighting some candles, gives the room a warm glo, and gives the damp air a warm up. Too early to start the furnace, just when it gets to 0 or under 32 degrees F. Buttons is still itching from an allergy, however the pills the doc., gave us are working some. I gave her a bath in oatmeal tonight, she is not itching too much now.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday, I'll chat again.

  • JudyLee57
    Hello, I am new to MFP, and this is my first post. I am in my 50's, and my goals for October are to exercise 4 times a week for thirty minutes and to keep track of my calories. Hope to get to know some of you soon.:smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    chicklet - regarding chemo and Sassy, you have no idea how much it tore me up! To see him trying to throw up and there's nothing to throw up. To see him losing his fur. Vince was the exact same way when he was declared out of remission, oh, he felt he had done the absolute best thing. Then, when the cancer came back. How he felt so bad! It really pained me to see him and Jessica force feeding Sassy. I knew the cancer would return, Vince was convinced that the chemo would take it away, even tho he knew logically that the best we could hope for was remission. You know, tonight I went into the closet where Sadie was. He did get up and come up to me purring (as best he can). This may not be logical, but deep inside I believe he knows that I'm trying to help him. At least that's what I prefer to believe, it makes me feel just a little bit better. Right now we do have two other cats, Lexi who was severly abused when we got her (long story) and Loki who the girls got for me for Christmas even tho I told them that I didn't want a cat. Now I'm in love. When we first got him I was almost afraid to fall in love with him because Lexi was not taking to him at all, and I was so afraid that I'd have to give him up. But everything worked out fine.

    bmcg - Hawaii, how cool! Are you SURE you don't need someone to carry your bags???????????????????????????? lol

    Hello JudyLee! Tell us more about yourself.

    Went to the neighborhood picnic today. I'm sure I went over my calories. Why is it that whenever someone brings a salad, they can't bring just vegetables, if it has any vegetables at all in it, it's in some sort of cream or cheese sauce. I try to be nice and at least try some of what others brought. And the desserts! People seem to cut large pieces of cakes. that is, if they didn't go to a store and buy some cookies (fat city, here we come). Next year I'm going to bring just plain veggies and dip. I don't have to eat the dip, but I can splurge on the veggies.

    I WAS planning to do the hulahoop on the Wii tomorrow, but Vince wants to go bowling so I will probably go.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Checking in from Alberta, Canada. It's still a loooong way home to north Florida.

    Michelle - the Y in our tiny town is closing the gym as it isn't a money maker and keeping the child care and after school program, as it is. At least that is where the situation was when we left on our trip. I emailed a friend last night to see if anything has changed. I will have to go 20 miles one way to a gym now, which stinks but I will do it. I feel so much better when I exercise!

    Off to sleep... (i hope):yawn:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    Welcome Newbies!!

    I have been wrestling with the carb monster again for the past few days. My transgressions of last weekend seem to have come back to haunt me in that regard, but I am back within 2 lb. of my lowest weight in September, so it could be worse.

    Went with my friend Linda to our favorite riverside bar and grill today. Perfect weather, about 70 F, not a cloud in the sky, low humidity, sailboats racing, though the wind was such that "racing" was not really an accurate description--more like a slow motion synchronized float!! :ohwell: Still very pretty to watch.

    We sat on the patio and watched the river, and I had a large salad and a piece of halibut and a light beer. There was a very tame squirrel who came on to the patio and begged french fries from my companion. When they were not forthcoming as quickly as "Mr. Squirrel" thought they should be, he simply jumped on an empty chair next to our table and then ON to our table!!!:noway: When I shooed him away, he "thanked" me by kicking my cell phone off the table!!!!:laugh: :laugh: What a pesky critter!!

    As we were finishing our food, I heard a male voice behind me and turned around and about fell over. There standing before me was a ghost!!! Well, not REALLY, but it seemed that way. This fellow was a close friend of my former husband, and about 8 years ago, he disappeared--disconnected cell phone number, no contact even with his own family. This happened shortly after his ex-wife died. She had a terminal illness, and he actually moved in to her home and cared for her until the end.

    Despite my best detective efforts online, I couldn't locate him, though it appeared he was still in the area. Now here he was, standing in front of me!!! He said he was not sure it was me, but then he heard me talk, and the sound of my voice confirmed for him it was me. He spoke with us for about an hour, and yes, you bet I did get a new phone number!! He said he didn't have my ex's number (unlisted), and assumed, since he had heard we split, that neither of us lived in our old place. I am planning to have him to dinner soon. Before anyone gets any "ideas," about the future, there is NO chance we will become an "item"--he still smokes, and that is a deal-breaker for me.

    Well, I am getting sleepy, so it is time to call it a night. I am trying to go to bed earlier so I can get used to getting up earlier, since I have to rise about 5:45a now due to my new schedule.

    Best wishes to all.
