Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I hate when people tell me I'm not fat. I'm not blind and I do have mirrors in my house. I don't want people just walking up and saying "God your fat!" but when I talk about my progress on losing weight its the " why? your not fat!" comments that make me want to snap lol.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    - i'm eating clean
    - i'm eating healthy
    - i stopped eating junk food
    - i avoid sugar
    - i avoid processed foods

    it's not WHAT you eat. it's HOW MUCH and HOW OFTEN.

    it irritates the engineer me when people posit the wrong question, arrive at a flawed answer, and follow a weight loss plan that actually won't ensure sustainable weight loss.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Person 1) my legs/hips hurt so I can't walk this weight off your legs/hips hurt because of your extra weight

    Person 2) I'm not eating bread, meat, sugar etc but I'd like an iced tea with 12 (not exaggerating, yes 12) Splenda! That's so much healthier than 2 teaspoons of real sugar..
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    bump for later
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    "I don't have time" as he sits on the couch watching you tube videos of things being blown up.

    "I wouldn't know how to go about it" Really? Because I've shown you MFP, downloaded the app for you, showed you a gazillion exercises, bought DVD's, offered to work out with you... and yet there you sit.

    Oh and my friend who goes on green smoothie kicks to lose weight. She bought a Vitamix and will "go raw" for short periods of time where she proselytizes to everyone about how we should all do it too. She'll document every pound lost and everyone on Facebook goes nuts about her "success" and they all jump on the bandwagon. Then she'll stop drinking green smoothies and eating only raw fruit and vegetables, gain weight and the cycle continues. (I should note here that I have a Vitamix of my own and love green smoothies.) Maybe I should just hide her from my feed? :tongue:

    "My family won't eat healthy food like yours does!" Mine eat that way because I buy the food and I prepare it so they get what I give them. If they want something else they are more than welcome to go buy it and prepare it but I'm not a short order cook so it is what it is. My extremely picky husband who had only tasted three (THREE!!!) vegetables in his entire life when we met will now eat a variety of different foods, including vegetables. The man hated onions and refused to try peppers and now his favorite meal is fajitas with lots of peppers and onions. I have spent my life warping him. I'm also a little bit vocal about people complaining about something I've made for them to eat and he learned pretty early that it wasn't in his best interest to do so. :)

    Probably the most irritating for me is my MIL's current husband and whatever his latest "lose weight/get rich selling this crap" scheme is. I can always tell when he's signed up for a new one because my inbox is flooded with testimonials and offers to sign me up to sell! His wife, my MIL, has had bariatric surgery and been on every diet known to man before and since the surgery. She was on a "white rice" diet for awhile where she ate only white rice. That's it, nothing else! She walked out her front door, got dizzy, fell off the porch and ended up in the hospital and that was the end of that diet.

    I particularly love hearing her complain that she can't eat sugar because of the surgery and how it makes her feel so awful. This doesn't explain why the woman constantly has a bag of candy with her though that she's always eating. Black licorice is her favorite. One time she came to visit us and brought each of our four children THEIR OWN BAG OF CANDY!! I was about to kill her. My kids all know better and handed their bags to me as soon as she gave them out. I allowed them to have some but a whole darn bag each wasn't happening!

    I had no idea I had so many things to say on this subject until I started typing. :blushing:

    There is no topping this one! You win! WOW!!!:drinker: :noway:
  • loveanddestroyx
    loveanddestroyx Posts: 185 Member
    "Man, the doctor told me I now weight ___lbs... it sucks. *proceeds to eat entire big bag of Doritos before dinner*"
    "I want these pills from this lady who says they'll make me lose weight, but she said I also have to eat less and exercise."

    My recent favorite:
    Me: *talking to boyfriend 'discreetly' about my weight loss*
    Person: How many pounds did you lose?
    Me: 15.
    Person: What's your secret, girl?
    Me: Eat better, eat less, and exercise?
    Person: I don't have time for all that.

    All the same person.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Me: "i've lost 50 lbs"
    My skinny sister "I can't tell"
  • ElikaCousland
    ElikaCousland Posts: 62 Member
    I hate when people tell me I'm not fat. I'm not blind and I do have mirrors in my house. I don't want people just walking up and saying "God your fat!" but when I talk about my progress on losing weight its the " why? your not fat!" comments that make me want to snap lol.
    THISTHISTHIS. Also, "just this once won't kill you".

    I hear this a lot from my friends when they want me to go drinking or out to eat. It's like, I am 200 pounds. Yes, I am thin compared to my previous 293 pounds, but I'm nowhere near a healthy weight. Just because I'm smaller than I was doesn't mean I'm where I should be! And while "one day won't kill me", 3-4 a week totally will. It's extra annoying because they're all trying to lose weight themselves.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    A co-worker told me that his doctor said that being overweight was simply "a disease," one that he would "likely fight his entire life." He made it sound like his doctor was telling him that he was doomed to be overweight, and nothing he could do would ever change that. That's just nonsense, especially coming from a doctor.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've pretty much experienced almost everything everyone has already said, but recently, I am sooooooooooooooooooo irritated at a very close family member who is promoting an appettite-suppressing-energy-boosting-weight loss supplement on Facebook. They've even posted progress pictures that are obviously photoshopped.

    ANYBODY promoting the latest fad urks me to no end.

    This reminds me...
    A lot of my friends, both healthy and unhealthy, are selling and promoting Advocare on Facebook. I am not into it just because of the price, but I was wondering if anybody here had an opinion on it?
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I get more annoyed with comments friends/family say that know I am losing weight, and almost every single one of them has said,

    "Don't get too skinny, and lose your natural curves." (Or, something along those lines.)

    Um.... huh? Granted, I am blessed in the tata and booty section, but I don't have curves. I have sharp, dangerous turns right now. They need to be smoothed out, ASAP. Lolz.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I find it annoying when plus size clothing are named "women's".

    Evidently the rest of us are not "women".
  • loveanddestroyx
    loveanddestroyx Posts: 185 Member
    I hate when people tell me I'm not fat. I'm not blind and I do have mirrors in my house. I don't want people just walking up and saying "God your fat!" but when I talk about my progress on losing weight its the " why? your not fat!" comments that make me want to snap lol.


    Plus people trying to pressure me into eating something I don't want to. Then they say "Oh I forgot you're on a diet"
    Just leave me be, I say :grumble:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    Oh and my friend who goes on green smoothie kicks to lose weight. She bought a Vitamix and will "go raw" for short periods of time where she proselytizes to everyone about how we should all do it too. She'll document every pound lost and everyone on Facebook goes nuts about her "success" and they all jump on the bandwagon. Then she'll stop drinking green smoothies and eating only raw fruit and vegetables, gain weight and the cycle continues. (I should note here that I have a Vitamix of my own and love green smoothies.) Maybe I should just hide her from my feed? :tongue:

    I think I just got chills from you using the word "proselytizes" correctly. ;-)
  • shakey68
    shakey68 Posts: 17 Member
    I like when I'm out for breakfast with some friends and I am very specific and dissect what I am ordering to be low calorie, and someone will say, "you still on that?" I just say, "on what?" If you mean my lifestyle, then ya, I'm still on it.
  • laurenvan143
    The scrutiny the food I eat receives at work. Along with the comments of “Wow, you gonna eat all that?”… All what? You mean this chicken, quinoa and salad….Yup sure am!!! Are you gonna eat all that Taco bell and chips?? Oh and the comments after I walk out when they think no one will say anything like, “ all that food and I still can’t see a difference”…Amazing!! didn’t think I did this for you or for you to even comment! ( Thanks for letting me vent ) :)
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    Some of my overweight friends used to tell me that I've gotten too thin. Of course, this all stopped when I started giving out my Dr.'s phone number, and told them to call him so they can straighten him out.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    "I can't believe you eat like that and weigh what you weigh!"

    I eat "like that" (ribs, cheese and bacon fries) maybe once in 3 weeks. And I work out 5 times a week.
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    "I've been dieting for two weeks, and the first week I lost 8 pounds! This week nothing! How can I break my plateau???!!"
  • Spiritrose
    Spiritrose Posts: 7 Member
    I've been ludicrously active over the summer, and on many occasions said "Yeah, it's incredible, I'm eating 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day and still losing weight!", without thinking how incredibly insensitive it was to petite female colleagues suffering on 1,500 calories a day and battling to lose. A friend had to have a word in the end and tell me to just shut the fudge up.

    You're very sweet to appreciate their feelings once you were made aware of them. And I vote this one tops because you're sharing about your own lesson-learned. We should all take that as an example. :smile: