9/11/01 Where were you?



  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    Reading through this thread was hard. Its like it brought back all of the emotions from that day. I am actually fighting back tears from my eyes.

    I was no where near NYC on that day, but it gets me so emotional to remember it all. I saw the damage from the first plane on a tiny TV in the autoshop while my car was getting worked on. I dropped it off and walked into the waiting area and the gentleman at the desk asked me if I had seen what happened. For some reason it didnt register until I saw the image of the second plane...I realized it wasnt a movie...it wasnt a TV show...it was live TV and actually happening. Still remember that feeling...it gives me the chills even now.

    It is a day I will never forget...every moment...every emotion.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I am in tears as I type Tony.

    I remember my husband asking me to turn on the TV. We were in shock watching the TV. We were both crying and asking why.

    The kids were still in bed. I home-schooled both of them. My morning hugs lasted a bit that day.

    We live in a Navy town and a part of the base houses nuclear subs. Things were chaotic and yet quite organized in our town. There was a lot of tears, hugs and support during that time. There always has been.

    My husband and my father were in the Navy. I have brothers that were in the Air Force and the Army.

    I'm crying again.... Our youngest will be 19 in a few months. He will be joining the Marines. It's bittersweet ya know. We're proud of our boy, really....I'm just a little scared.
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I was teaching my first grade class in upstate NY. It was a surreal moment... heart-wrenching and painful!
  • keef1972
    keef1972 Posts: 411 Member
    Working. Thought it was some kind of joke when I heard a mother and son talking about it.
  • I was sitting in my classroom(fifth grade) our teacher turned on the television and had us watch the news and then told us if we didnt understand we could ask our parent when we got home. Of course being 11 we pretty much understood and it was heart wrenching.
  • misterwah
    misterwah Posts: 61 Member
    I had just woken up here on the west coast of Canada for another day of "the early shift." Any other week I would have seen it in the news later. But I heard something on the radio as I was drifting out of my dream state about a plane hitting the WTC. What the?! I wasn't sure if I was consciously hearing this but I figured if something like that were happening, CNN would be covering it.

    I flipped on the tube about 30 seconds before the 2nd plane hit. I was completely stunned. I watched the towers fall. I was very, very, late to work. But I didn't care. And apparently nobody else did either. We don't live or work in any related industry such as EMS, finance, army, etc., but the human connection kind of jumped back to where it should ALWAYS be, for a day or two. I really don't think it affected any of my friends as much as it did me. But my now-wife is from Wisconsin and, well, it wasn't an easy day for her so maybe that's why. I dunno.

    In any case it sucked. And it sucked even more that Dubya went to war and killed hundreds of times more civilians unapologetically. And it's still going on every single day. It's so sad that this one infamous day has ended up changing our world in so many negative ways. Mostly by the choices of a small few. That's not the way to honour the dead. So, so, sad.

    I watch the memorials as I can. My heart is always tugged and my thoughts always go out to everyone that was directly affected by the events of that day 11 years ago.
  • Sarahs2576
    Sarahs2576 Posts: 418 Member
    Sitting in a 911 center on the west coast...anxious about what might be coming to my area, trying to prepare myself if there is such a thing in anticipation of the unknown....my heart in my throat for those 911 Dispatchers taking all the un-imaginable calls that they were. Praying for a miracle as I watched the towers fall knowing many lives of Civilians, Police, Firefighters, EMS were undoubtedly were going to be lost. Regardless of the varying opinions of the events in the months and years to come after the attacks....this moment....this specific day....should always be honored and remembered.
  • acm123acm
    I was actually in a sporting goods store, buying arrows for deer hunting. I started watching the tv there about 30 seconds before the first tower fell.

    I wound up buying quite a bit of rifle ammo as well :-}