

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Thinking about the people who lost their lives on this date-patriot day
    Scales not budging,but doing the best I can with exercise and food.
    Haven`t seen hubby since sun night.It works easier if I go to son`s overnite .Tomorrow is an extra day here.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I went over my daily sugar allowance, of the recommended daily UK, allowance of 90g, yeasterday.
    No need to panic, I thought. I'll just add the items to the following day, as technically I do still have those great tasting dates, still in my system. Well, it has worked out ok, as I have plenty of carbohydrates and calories left to consume, so I can eat the leftovers of that lovely mexican chilli, I made last night, which, I recorded in my MFP diary down to the last drop of Worchester sauce. No more heavy snacking for me, and I'll just stick to my occasional stuffed olive, and cheese. Maybe, a few dates, once a week, as I did after all buy 1kg of dates. I have heard, they are a good source of fibre, and probably full of other goodness, that doesn't get recorded here. As I am on the topic of dates, I was wondering why the carbohydrates are recorded, as well as sugar. On the box, where the dates live at the moment, it states only carbohydrates. Nothing for sugar, so I am thinking the info in MFP's food bank is wrong. This, is not a first. I have recorded a total of 8 new food/grocery items, into MFP's food bank, since last Thursday. At this rate, I'll re write the whole UK food bank of Morrison, Asda, and Tesco groceries. I can only sympatise, with the weekly grocery shopper, that have to rely on supermarkets, for whatever reason. The fact is that most UK citizens don't shop at local market, and shops, as if local products, are somehow inferior. Do you think the food tastes better, after it has made its way across the pacific, or the indian ocean? After, exploited farmers in far away lands, have worked for pennies, so you can enjoy their produce? Do you know the true value of the food you eat, from abroad, should be three times more than what you pay for it, in a supermarket. That's why FairTrade costs more to buy. If you have to use supermarkets, for whatever reason, buy FairTrade. The Tesco green forest symbol, is not related. That's just tesco wanting you to buy, their sandwich. In other words, the cardboard was made from a tree, whichever, way you look at it.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good morning, Ladies- This is always such a sad day. I can't stand to read the paper or to watch tv because the images are too hard to keep repeating. That doesn't mean that I want to forget what happened, but I don't need to see those replays to remember. Anyway, may God bless and keep us all safe and well.

    Today two friends and I are going shopping. We are going down to an art colony south of here towards the border. The only thing I worry about is the walking because my ankle has been cranky and swollen this week. So, because I really am not stupid, I am going to both wear my ankle brace and take my cane. Ya know, I only have to do something 50 or 60 times the wrong way before I learn my lesson! Such a bright child I am..... :ohwell:

    Linda- Thank you for the complement. I didn't feel very strong when I almost wept throwing the silly roll away. It is frightening how much power food can hold over us. Dang!

    Rita- Welcome back! It is an uphill battle, but the tools are here for you to use, and we are here to support you. You have choices to make, and you are strong enough to make the right ones.

    Sandy- It is so fun to read your posts about all of your activity and fun! Do you remember how you felt on day 1 about exercising? About going out and about? About smiling? You are one awesome lady!:flowerforyou:

    Katiebug- Had it been made w/ tapioca flour or rice flour or anything that wouldn't have made me so sick, there is no way the roll would have hit the trash can!

    Renny- What a great idea to use the dumbbells during The Wheel! Maybe I will have to go and see where I've hidden mine.
    Congratulations on the 20 pound loss! Awesome!

    Sherry- I think there is another member from up in the Phoenix area, too. I only go up that way to shop at scrapbook stores, but I do get there every-so-often. Enjoy being part of the group!
    Going home to eat in the evenings is a very good plan. :flowerforyou: If you can wrap your mind around the attitude that the evening meal is a relaxing treat after a long day of work, it might make it easier to get away from those fast-food stops. Reading before bed is a very relaxing way to end the day (unless you are reading a "rip-and kill everybody book :huh: ")

    MNsailorgal- Do you sail on Lake Superior or down by the Cities? Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Paula- I understand about those nasty stripped beasts- I had a samoyan dog that just would not learn to stay away from both skunks and porcupines. He was a very slow learner!

    Deb in CNY- Poor Hubby! Don't stress over the lawn and the company. Just take care of you and try to keep hubby from breaking himself further!

    I am not going to write out a food plan for today because I have no idea where we will be eating lunch. I do know that I will be with my friend who is also gluten-free and watching her food intake, so I will have support in making good choices.

    Have a good day, everyone. I will check back in tonight.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies -

    I miss posting for a few days and find I have about 10 pages of posts to catch up on. Well someone turned the heat back on, but if is only supposed to last until tomorrow and then cool off again for the weekend. For some reason I have a serious case of the sleepy's this week. I have not managed to get out of bed once this week to get my morning workout in. Have had to squeeze it in when I get home from work. I've been going to beg the same time and getting a good nights sleep, but when the alarm goes off I just hit the snooze button. I'm listening to my body, but miss my morning workouts!!!

    Today is my 24 year anniversary at the place I work. It use to be a happy day, but because of the events of 9-11, it isn't a happy anniversary any longer. :-)

    Be well,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It's a beautiful day here in Kansas, but I wish it would cool off a little. September is hotter than August. That's just odd.

    Last evening, when we were out walking our dogs, one of our neighbors met us at the road and gave me a grocery bag FULL of home grown tomatoes! My husband doesn't like tomatoes at all, so I'm going to have to get busy. So far I have eaten two yellow ones and three he called pink ladies. They were so yummy! I looked up the calories and they are pretty low, but do have a little sodium.

    Yesterday when I went to the gym I left puppy Bruno out of his crate, loose in the great room where he has access to the doggie door. He's done so well in the house training department I was pretty sure I could trust him. I locked all the shoes in the bedroom, lest they be chewed. I picked up electronic gadgets and clickers and put them on a high shelf. Everything that looked remotely attractive was out of reach. Well, not quite. When I got back I found that he had attacked a package of colorful gift wrap that I left on the coffee table. It looked like Walt Disney exploded in my recliner. So, today, I again puppy proofed the room, and went off to the gym. When I got home I found hubby's loaf of fancy bread shredded, again in my recliner. That bread had been on the peninsula, pushed back so far I was sure he couldn't get it. But he did. Hmmm. This little guy is quite crafty. He's so short, and there were no chairs to climb up on. I need a secret camera to record his activities when I'm gone, I guess. There were tons of doggie toys and chewies out for him, but he was craving a little bread, I guess.

    At the gym I decided not to do the weights today. My left arm is really sore from working out with weights on Monday. I may have over done it. So I did the cardio machine and swam my laps instead.

    I got my hair cut yesterday and was happy about how it turned out. I hate to get it cut, as I have had some bad experiences in the stylists chair. But when it gets long enough to be in my eyes, I get depressed and something has to be done. Once it's not looming darkly over my eyes, lightness returns and I feel so much happier. Instant therapy!

    Yesterday I asked hubby if he would still love me if I was thinner but had lots of saggy, baggy skin (which is already starting) and he said "yes, but I can always send you in to have some work done". He was kidding. I think. Has anybody here ever had their arms done? I think that would hurt a lot. Not to mention the expense. My upper arms look worse now than they did 74 pounds ago, because they are sort of empty flaps of skin that hang down. Like soft floppy wings. I'll be glad when I can wear long sleeves and sweaters.

    Well, I'm off to buy hubby more bread. Take care.

  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I am still going on about dates. I have another box, tupperware style, which had dates in it, at some point. It states, that 100g of dates, in this case, with stones. I know, you can't eat the stones. Well, I am reading dates with stones. So, here it goes: Typical values. 100g contains: Energy 298kcal. Protein 2.5g. Carbohydrates 67g. (of which sugars 63.4g) Fat 0.4g. Fibre 8.0g. Sodium trace. Salt trace.
    Now, the problem with most dates, available in UK, is that they are glazed with Glucose Syrup, which gives them the high sugar content. The dates that I bought yeasterday where preserved in palm oil, not Glucose Syrup. I didn't read the label, but if I had known, I wouldn't have bought them. I have mentioned it before, that palm oil, is being extracted illegally, in Asia. The habitat where palm oil, is grown is being chopped down, illegally, and has destroyed the homes to the Orangutang, and other wonderful lifeforms, and fauna.
    I have kept the receit, so I can return the dates to the shop, tomorrow. I am very dissapointed, as I assumed they would be just like, other dates.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Very doable goals

    Welcome back you did it once now do it again my friend.

    Started feeling better in day time but night is a different story.
    Glad to see your up and at it.

    The Marilym Denis show had good tips on sleep. This morning probably can google it.

    Rebel Renny
    My doctor doesn't know me. But my nurse practioner does I used to nurse with her.
    All those arm exercise shouldn't have bingo arms

    You are dedicated a swim before work I think i'd opt for a second coffee instead. lol.

    Good luck with the toes and your weight in.

    Glad you found a safe place to walk.

    Yo yo no more
    Yes the only person that will be bothered is you. And if they don't like the lawn give them all a pair of scissors. Should keep them busy.

    Pretty hard to find me time working 10 hour days.

    Well for now that's all I have time for. Eating is good and of course no exercise but I did go downstairs once today. Getting better.
    Now I must go and work at decorating running shoes for Area Recognition Day for Tops. I dressed one in a skinny dress. For Kops and the other in a pleated dress for Tops and going to put measuring tapes around the waist. I also made a name tag I put the name on a recipe card and put two catalogue pictures of before and after in bathing suits. Hope I win ten bucks tonight. On the back of the name tag is a diet recipe.

    So back to what I was doing.
    See you all lighter
    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I know, I am writing out of context, with this post, and some might call me random. A couple of weeks ago, I thought I would google a bit to see, if there's been any progress on the evolution theory. Well, I was amazed, that an Archeologist, have found human foot steps alongside, that of a Dinosaur. I always knew Flintstones, was based on real life!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good afternoon ladies from much cooler NE. It has been raining off and on since last evening. I love it. The insurance man was out this morning and met with DH and they are going to order the new sidling for the house and garage. Just no idea when they will have it in and get back to put it up. This is turning into a long drawn out mess.

    Sandy-- You are doing such a GREAT job of getting to the Y. Keep up the good work.

    Paula-- Glad you missed the little guy. I remember years ago I hit one and my car smelled so bad. I was young and didn't know what to do so I called the police to see what I should do. He told me to bury the car for acouple months or find a dirt road and drive up and down as fast as I could. But not to admit to anyone he is the one that told me that. The things we do when we are young.

    grandmallie- Men can be so funky. My DH called me this morning at work looking for some insurance papers. I tried explaining where they were on my desk. Now I know the top of the desk is a mess and I need to get it cleaned off. But he just kept saying how bad it is so I told him if he didn't like it he could take over the bills and clean it up. Well that put a put an end to that. I really need to get it done. Maybe this Friday when I am off work. HAHA!!

    Deb- So glad DH was hurt worse. Deep breath and take it one day at a time. I know I get myself so worked up when going to have company. I want everything to be prefect. I remember when I was married the first time my DMIL said it was a good thing I kept a clean house as I was not good for much else. Isn't it funny how something can stick in our mind even when we know it is not true.

    Rita-- Hugs to you, there is good support here.

    Remmu--Congrates on your weight loss.

    Sherry- Good NSV. Sometimes the voices try and talk me into eating things I shouldn't or going to a fast food place because I am tried and don't want to cook. One day at a time and one hour at a time.

    Sylvia- Those little furry babies can be so sneaking. Our Toby gets into things when he is upset with us. He can get to things I would never think of. I talked to my doctor about the extra skin and he tells me to waite two years after I hit goal and then we will talk about it. Everytime I see my arm flapping I want to cry. I have been trying to find some tops with 3\4 sleeves.

    Linda- Your running shoe deccotaions sound cute.

    Well yesterday was weigh in day and I was down .5. Keep telling myself it is OK and One day at a time and one pound at a time. God is teaching me patience even if I do not want to.

    Vicki GI NE
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Bump for later.
  • katshaper
    Well tomorrow I turn 55 and I have had enough of my weight. My husband lost 40 pounds using this site and I must lose 30-40 pounds never weighed this much I am at 180 and never thought this would happen to me. After I hit the 45 year mark it was so tough. I need all the words of wisdom I can get.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Barbiecat - I LOVE the Sweet Potato Queens!! Those books make me laugh out loud.

    Finally figured out the ticker thing - weight loss is from when I started working on it - ended up joining MFP somewhere in the middle.

    It's in the 90's F and incredibly humid today - tomorrow will be somewhat better (only the 80's) and then it goes back to more normal temps. Of course, this is when I am cooking large quantities of BBQ pulled pork and homemade Boston baked beans (my Mom's recipe) for niece #2's going away party before she moves most of the way across the country. The gathering is Sunday. I do have a large crock pot, but will still have to make the pork in batches since I have about 14 lbs of sirloin roast (roughly 6-6 1/2 kgs). Am using 3 lbs of dried navy beans for the baked beans. Fortunately, it will be cooler before the bean pot goes into the oven - good thing since it cooks low and slow overnight.

    I have also been battling the evening/night munches, so have started knitting a hat and some socks to keep me busy and occupied. Also lots and lots of water!

    Hope everyone is having a safe and healthy day.

    Keeping NYC in my thoughts today

    Jill in western MA
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I just don't have time for individual responses. But I will wish you happy Birthday. Seen that much.
    My decorated shoes turned out kind of cute. But i'm going to redo the tops ones face just not fat enough. I want a big round face. I make the heads and arms out of nylon and stuffing. Fun to do.
    My name tag isn't fancy but at least I participated and probably that's more than a lot of the club will do.

    So time to shower and get ready for tops.

    Picked up my vitamin F feel great the back is getting better every day. So that's a plus.

    Thank you all for caring.
    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Everyone seems to be having a good day today. I had a dental appointment for cleaning then met my Friday Golf Girls for lunch. We had such a good time we stayed there almost 2 hours. We don't get to talk much when we're playing golf!
    Hot and humid today so guess I'll do a walking dvd. I'd rather be outside but not gonna happen.
    Katia - hope your fish turns out just like you want. I was trying to figure out how often you will be able to have salmon in order to use it before it gets freezer burned. I bet you can do it!
    If I knew how to post a picture, I'd send you guys one of my tennis shoes sitting in front of the tv. It's like they are saying, no tv with out exercising. LOL
    Not much happening for me. Tomorrow we go to the ranch to meet a guy from the NRC (something about natural conservation) and the new ranch manager. Should be fun if it isn't too hot!
    BBT to see what's happening.
    Sue in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Renny: Congratulations on 20 pounds lost!:bigsmile:

    Sherry from AZ: Do you remember the old cartoons with the good angel and bad angel advising the “hero”? Today you listened to your good angel.WTG! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: My arms are doing okay at the moment. I’ve been doing plenty of exercises and am beginning to get a little muscle. I’ve seen many posts on MFP asserting the opinion that some people get baggy skin and others don’t based on genetics. Surgery would be an option, but I’d try exercise first.:flowerforyou:

    Shapeshifter: I shop with an eye to my core values, too. I avoid all things palm for health reasons as well as political/environmental ones.:ohwell:

    LinC: Bingo arms? What a visual that produced in my head. You have a knack for making me smile.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Vicki GI NE: Congratulations on the half-pound loss! I’ve made it back to my former low, but I’d sure like to actually drop below that. It has been ages. People tell me it looks like I’ve lost more weight so something positive is going on, even if the scale doesn’t show it.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: My neighbor says we can have salmon 2-3 times a week. That is probably more servings of salmon than we’ll actually want.:smile:

    DH is upstairs working on our deck with power tools and I’m sitting here in air-conditioned comfort. It is starting to tug at my conscience. My fish is over at the neighbor’s smoking. I’m not sure how much time it needs but I suspect it will come off of the smoker in the next hour or two. My conscience is telling me to get my rear in gear, so that is all for now.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    evening ladies,
    i took a cat nap around 8 this morning for about 1/2 and that has gotten me through the day. actually not feeling to tired now.. stayed on goal for calories, but I am icing my heel.
    The DH went to the Dr today, and came home and isnt happy,he has been having a hard time walking ,getting stiff when getting up from a chair etc...
    the Dr says that he needs more exercise,more walking and he just tells him he doesnt have the time, gets up at 3 am,goes into work at 5,gets home at 3, feeds the dogs has computer work to do and goes to bed, to get up and do it all over again..
    I told him I would do what I could to walk with him, and he starts barking at me that Im only working part time and I dont understand..
    I just shut up.... If I wasn't working part time, The lawn wouldnt get mowed, his meals wouldnt be fixed, the errands wouldnt be run
    just gonna let it lay.. I dont need a darn fight every night....
    I know if he needed to he could make time,but who am I to argue :huh: :huh:
  • SunnyD0913
    Good Evening Ladies.
    D from Ohio
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    hear you Grandmaille why argue just let them be.

    Katla sounds like you had a busy day.

    Well my decorated shoes went over big at tops. Most forgot their name tags so contest will be put until next week.
    I was tops loser tonight with a 2 lb loss. So got 2 from there and another 2 from a group contest so that was a freeby for me. with some left over.

    So not much accomplished other than tops stuff today.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi my friends. DH's aunt died last night (the one on hospice) so we are leaving tomorrow bright and early for Oklahoma. I'll be thinking of all of you and cheering you on. I'll try to log on each day but dont think I will be able to post much, but I don't want my day count to start over!!! Take care. Hugs to those who need them and high fives for those celebrating! Meg from Omaha
  • YoungGma29
    I swear I don’t know how you ladies keep up with everyone’s posts  :)

    Grandmallie – DH will figure out the exercise when it becomes important to him. I was in his shoes for many years. My alarm goes off at 3:30, leave for work by 5:30, home about 6 or 7 at night. Where do I find time for exercise? Well, when it became important enough to me, I have found the time. You can’t do more than you are already doing for him. 

    Have a good night everyone!