Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    "X food is fattening."
    "Y food is not fattening."
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    Today- co worker said "Ugh I wanna eat something healthy for lunch but I don't want to get out of my car..."

  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    "I only have to look at food to put on weight."

    Really? I'm sure that just looking at it isn't the problem.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    "I'm trying to lose weight, so I'm eating all organic and gluten free."
  • staplebug
    I like it when people say they need to workout and get healthy so they can be there for their kids when they get older, and then turn and say that they can't workout because they don't have the time because of work.

    Or they don't have time because of those darn kids (that they are trying to live long lives for) keep them too busy, lol.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    The women who think they are curvy when seriously overweight... "No, darling, you're just fat." :noway:
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    'I have no will power. I don't even try to resist as I know I can't ' spoken by my overweight MIL who is pre diabetic, has life threatening high cholesterol, high BP, and had her gastric band removed as it ddn't stop her eating chocolate.
  • estelamdo
    "X food is fattening."
    "Y food is not fattening."

    THIS SO MUCH! To them it's either fattening or not. It's not like ice cream alone is going to make you gain 5lbs, or that eating (the smallest ever) a side of lettuce will burn all of their fat and suddenly they'll be fit.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Scene set-up: At work, when a co-worker who is on the "fat boy" program comes in after the mandatory pt they have to do 3 times a week. ("Fat Boy" program is just the nickname when you fail weigh ins in the military)

    Me: What did you all do today?
    Them: We did the PT test.
    Me: Wow, how did you do?
    Them: Okay. I am going to get off of it tomorrow though.
    Me: Oh? You making weigh ins?
    Them: Going to tape out, have 5 pounds of epsom salt to use in the bath tub when I get home tonight.

    BTW: How cool would it be to train a dragon! I mean, really! How cool would that be!

    tape out? and am i missing something with the epsom salts?? *sooo lost* LOL
  • rakufire
    rakufire Posts: 21 Member
    I can't remember the actual words of the conversation (loooong time ago) but it was interesting trying to explain to my cowo her error on thinking that the more slim-fasts she consumed, the faster she would lose weight. Ruh roh...
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    People at work are asking me what I am doing to lose weight. I tell them I am watching my calories and trying to eat healthier. They than say, "No, really, what are you doing? Did you have bariatric surgery?" Ummmmm, I work here, don't you think you would know if I had?! lol.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I get it the other way. If I try to give someone advice (because they are looking for it), I get the whole "what do you know about weight loss? You're fat" attitude. Yeah, I know I'm fat. Thanks for that. But I have dropped 50 pounds. And I know HOW to do it, even if I don't look like I do.

    I have been asked by co-workers what I did to drop weight because I lost a lot of weight, and currently have 55 lbs of it off and aside from the BCPs which helped balance my PCOS hormones, which I mention, I tell them: I lowered my carbs, increased my protein and 'I work out!' (in the LMFAO song voice)

    Answer: 'Oh . . . well that's good.'

    Auto-tuned out! Nothing I said just mattered because I didn't say anything magical and amazing. What do I know anyway, I'm still fat.

  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    " I want to keep my curves."
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    People on some fad diet and are instantly the expert of it in two days and then quit after a week.
  • Sarahs2576
    Sarahs2576 Posts: 418 Member
    When someone makes a big announcement they are eating healthy but then everyday ends up being a "cheat day". I'm by no means perfect and have my own food issues but don't ask to be helped to stay on track then get mad at the person you asked to play that role when they hold you accountable.
  • divacowgirl
    The stupidest thing I have ever heard about weight loss came from my mother-in-law. She is obese and has been for 38 years.
    She said everyone compared her to Elizabeth Taylor, and it really was a good thing she gained weight or she might have had extramarital affairs... good grief!
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    "You can cheat this one time"
    Uh really?!?! Cheating "this one time" is what got my @$$ so big to start with!!!!

    THIS!!!! I made that excuse for two years. I would "try" but then Id have a day where I would eat whatever and call it a cheat day. I walked, but I wasnt trying or doing enough. Found this site and it really put everything into perspective. I love it! Anyways its the reason why I do not have "cheat" days" I eat what I feel like everyday within my calorie budget. Why give up foods I love if I have to do this forever? Moderation and exercise are the answer. So far have only made little changes like subing light sour cream for butter, unsweetened almond milk instead of 1% , and a few sugar free items, oh and I almost never drink my calories. My diet hasnt changed really, other than Im more aware of how many calories are in foods and pay attention to how much. The main thing is add exercise! But most ppl I tell that to, dont want to hear it, even if they ask.

    I think I said the last part wrong lol! I use light sour cream instead of butter, unsweetened almond milk instead of milk, I keep some sugar free items and sweetener, and I rarely drink my calories*** sorry its getting late for me. Lol
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    'If you lose any more weight than 150 you will look like a crackhead because you are big boned."

    Is big boned even a real thing because I have average wrist bones?

    lol Well, yeah...I am definitely a big-boned girl. I'm about 5'9" which isn't super tall, but up there. But when I was younger, had a really, really physical job, did mandatory "physical training" every day, was very strong and not fat at all, I was still around 170. If I could crack 200 and stay there, I would be fantastically pleased. I'm almost a third of the way there. :)

    However, I'm pretty sure if this applied to you, you would know. And I doubt that that losing a healthy amount of weight will make you look like a crackhead. Crackheads don't look like they are healthy and fit....they look like, well, crackheads. :laugh:
    I'm not even sure if I believe the whole big boned thing. Even if there was or is a such thing, that doesn't mean you can't lose enough weight to barely be overweight anymore. Otherwise you could just not make comments about how hard weight loss is if you're not really trying that much, idk just a thought. But it wouldn't bother me, what people say about it. It seems like it bothers other people more.

    I would love to blame my bones for my level of body fat. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't believe me.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    "My Dr. told me not to lose too much weight - it would be difficult on my joints to have no padding." :noway:

    I just want to say... I can understand this. I don't know anything about the person who said this... but if they have join problems already I would highly suggest they keep some of that padding. I am 22 and since losing 140 lbs my hips kill me now. The only thing that has changed is the weight loss... so I can sorta see how a doctor might actually say that!

    Also, in general.. everybody's definition of what a "little" weight to lose is different. When I was 100+ pounds overweight, a "little" was 40 lbs. Now, a "little" would be 2-3.

    Hmmm...I would suggest you speak to your doc about this. Your hips are not cushioned by fat, but by a ridge of fibrous cartilage. It's possible that something you've done or are doing doing workouts is the cause, or possibly a deficiency or some kind, arthritis, etc. Maybe you can do something to help it, especially if it's resulting in further damage. You're very young - you don't want to be in pain the rest of your life.

    It's true, "a little" or "a lot" is all relative. I have lost 45 pounds and I'm not quite a third of the way to goal. My daughter has lost 20 and she is 5-7 pounds from where she wants to be.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    5 years ago:
    My mum "oh I'm too old to lose weight and exercise, just destined to be fat."
    Now 2 years later and she gyms 3 times a week and looks a lot skinnier now she committed to it herself.

    My nan "Your just big boned, we all are."
    Lost alot of weight 2 years ago and looks down at me now. Preaching to the wrong choir!

    My "aunty" "Nah its too late for me, you just get to the point when you just dont bother."
    She really just doesnt care.

    People who have induldged me in being a fat fool:
    Random girl from high school seeing me eating two hot dogs, "shes a growing girl"
    Others: "She's not fat," "your not fat your curvy."
    (I didnt notice i was fat or putting on weight.)

    People who have shown me through bullying:
    "shim the big fat dim sim"- the guy was fat.
    "Are you pregnant?"- skinny bully
    "your knees hurt because of the weight you carry!" skinny twig "uncle" (his knees are shot wtf is his excuse! Size doesn't count!)

    Unintentional insult:
    "When are you due?" chunky jewelry sales lady
    "your the fat one and I'm the skinny one"- chunky friend- this one started my journey.

    It's like the world is full of stupid uneducated people, people who give you advice and opinion on your life and they are either in denial of their own life or just feel better insulting you.

    I dont bother informing anyone of my journey anymore, because people just don't want to hear your doing good or the changes you make.....