Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I have a male friend who has joined the gym and has lost weight but has now plateaud. I asked him if he counts calories and got "Im not doing that", but I only have 1 takeaway a week and dont have a chocolate bar everyday anymore. The same guy sent me text message a week ago saying "no calorie counting - lost 2lbs this month, get it up ye" - i text back "calorie counting, lost 3lbs this week, STFU".

    I also plan what I am going to be eating if I know Im out and get called boring if I only have enough calories for 2 alcholic drinks. Yet everyone is impressed with my results.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Omg, JoelleAnn please see another doctor!! o_0

    LOL -- not my Dr. :laugh:
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    "My Dr. told me not to lose too much weight - it would be difficult on my joints to have no padding." :now

    I just want to say... I can understand this. I don't know anything about the person who said this... but if they have join problems already I would highly suggest they keep some of that padding. I am 22 and since losing 140 lbs my hips kill me now. The only thing that has changed is the weight loss... so I can sorta see how a doctor might actually say that!

    Also, in general.. everybody's definition of what a "little" weight to lose is different. When I was 100+ pounds overweight, a "little" was 40 lbs. Now, a "little" would be 2-3.

    What a load of BS!! I have osteo- arthritis in both my hips and in my lower back - my doctor told me to lose weight to take the strain off my joints.

    Obviously the heavier you are the more weight your joints have to bear. To the poster whose hips hurt after losing - see your doc - the pain has nothing to do with losing weight, there is another cause.

    Any doctor who says things like this is not fit to be called Dr!!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Oh I thought this would be funnier, like annoying things that WE find ourselves saying when trying to lose weight, and not just judging other people who are trying/not trying to diet.

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Conversation I had more than once with a guy I used to know who complained about his weight all the time:

    Him: Cracks open a Coke.
    Me: "I thought you were trying to lose weight?"
    Him: "It's just one Coke."|
    Me: "What do you mean, just one? I've seen you drink two others so far today."
    Him: "Those were Gatorade and Snapple."
    Me: "You know they're the same thing in terms of calories, right?"
    Him: "Lay off me!!"

    We weren't friends for long. lol
    you really think it's okay to monitor what other people are eating and actually have the nerve to call them out on it? It's not really your place or your business.... Maybe it's just me, but that seems really rude.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Conversation I had more than once with a guy I used to know who complained about his weight all the time:

    Him: Cracks open a Coke.
    Me: "I thought you were trying to lose weight?"
    Him: "It's just one Coke."
    Me: "What do you mean, just one? I've seen you drink two others so far today."
    Him: "Those were Gatorade and Snapple."
    Me: "You know they're the same thing in terms of calories, right?"
    Him: "Lay off me!!"

    We weren't friends for long. lol
    you really think it's okay to monitor what other people are eating and actually have the nerve to call them out on it? It's not really your place or your business.... Maybe it's just me, but that seems really rude.

    I agree with you for the most part, and I didn't say anything until he opened his third drink. But my reaction was because of his frequent "Woe is me, I'm so miserable being fat, everything would be so much better if I was skinny, it's genetics so I'm doomed, I don't even eat that much" complaints. He's the one that brought up his weight all the time, so I think it's fair to offer advice in return and not just agree that the world is unfair and he's just a victim. He didn't understand, or was is denial about, the caloric impact of the numerous sugary drinks he had every day. He even tried to tell me that Gatorade had no calories, juice only had a few calories, etc. So I was actually trying to help, believe it or not.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    "Why did YOU have to bring THAT into the office?"

    I'm sorry you don't have self-discipline. Do you really expect *everyone* else in your life to accommodate you in your lifestyle change?

    I'm all for taking accountability. You have a choice whether or not to eat whatever is brought into the office. I don't think it's reasonable to expect the rest of the world to accommodate you forever.
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    My last bf thought it was crucial to be miserable and near passing out to get results. He would layer sweats on top of t-shirt and shorts, stoke up the fire, and not breath while working out because "you don't get results unless you are miserable and on the verge of passing out." Then he would tell me I'm not getting results because I make myself too comfortable, hahaha!! Me? I llike to breath during my workouts lol! :laugh:
  • Diggedydog
    At least you listened. Men do have a metabolic advantage and trying to lose weight with a guy pal just led to frustration until we agreed on just general support with no details more than once pwr month. :smile:
  • CoolHandSmouche
    Not strictly on point...but one thing that really annoyed me was hearing my friends (seriously) overweight bf tell her that she looked podgy and needed to loose some weight to be a bit sexier. Needless to say, he didn't appreciate my comment of "Physician, heal thyself!" ;)
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    A co-worker of mine commented on my weight loss yesterday. She asked how I did it. I told her that I eat what I want (within reason) and go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. She just looked at me. Literally gave me the same look as this smiley: :indifferent:

    I asked her if she had a plan to start eating better and exercising. She said that her and another co-worker were going on this clense.

    Their "magic" drink: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, a dash of cayenne pepper and 8 oz of very (they were adament about VERY) cold water. Mix together and drink every time you are hungry. As long as you drink 8 of these a day, you will hit 1200 calories. Their cousin's best friend's orthopedist's step-daughter's teacher's mother lost 12 lbs in the first week.

    :sick: :sick: :huh: :laugh:
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    It's annoying when you decide to eat a certain way that works for you and your lifestyle (example: vegan, Atkins, calories, whatever) and people who are overweight and not active harass you about it. "You need more protein", "You can't live on that few calories" "You're going to go into ketosis" - and what's worse than ALL of it is when two opposing diet people get in arguments over who is doing it right and never wants to hear anyone else's point of view.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    A co-worker of mine commented on my weight loss yesterday. She asked how I did it. I told her that I eat what I want (within reason) and go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. She just looked at me. Literally gave me the same look as this smiley: :indifferent:

    I asked her if she had a plan to start eating better and exercising. She said that her and another co-worker were going on this clense.

    Their "magic" drink: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, a dash of cayenne pepper and 8 oz of very (they were adament about VERY) cold water. Mix together and drink every time you are hungry. As long as you drink 8 of these a day, you will hit 1200 calories. Their cousin's best friend's orthopedist's step-daughter's teacher's mother lost 12 lbs in the first week.

    :sick: :sick: :huh: :laugh:

    Pure effing gold! :smile:

    ETA: If you drank 8 of these a day, you'd be consuming about 832 calories per day. Pure maple syrup has about 52 calories per tablespoon x 16 = 832 calories. Oh, and you'll also be consuming 224 grams of sugar. That's like drinking six 12-ounce cans of regular Pepsi per day. Obviously, the lemon juice and cayenne pepper have few, if any, calories and virtually no nutritional value, so there's really no need to factor those in.

    So, the "magic drink" is 6 cans of Pepsi per day!
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    A co-worker of mine commented on my weight loss yesterday. She asked how I did it. I told her that I eat what I want (within reason) and go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. She just looked at me. Literally gave me the same look as this smiley: :indifferent:

    I asked her if she had a plan to start eating better and exercising. She said that her and another co-worker were going on this clense.

    Their "magic" drink: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, a dash of cayenne pepper and 8 oz of very (they were adament about VERY) cold water. Mix together and drink every time you are hungry. As long as you drink 8 of these a day, you will hit 1200 calories. Their cousin's best friend's orthopedist's step-daughter's teacher's mother lost 12 lbs in the first week.

    :sick: :sick: :huh: :laugh:

    Its called the "Master Cleanse" and has some really good benefits for incredibly ill people. Otherwise, it's a fad diet that Beyonce did a few times. It's SO unpleasant and they will be visiting the bathroom MANY times a day! It's true, though. You CAN lose 12 pounds in a week (if you're overweight) if you don't mind feeling like you're about to drop dead at any moment. Also, coming off of the cleanse you're supposed to spend the first day on only orange juice (or maybe two days) and the next couple of days on soups. If they do the cleanse long enough and don't come off it properly they can end themselves in the hospital. It's so incredibly dangerous for 'fake' results (because you gain back almost immediately (unless you transition to some kind of low calorie diet). By the by, on this cleanse they are not allowed to have any food whatsoever. ONLY the HORRENDOUSLY HORRIBLE TASTING juice.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    A co-worker of mine commented on my weight loss yesterday. She asked how I did it. I told her that I eat what I want (within reason) and go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. She just looked at me. Literally gave me the same look as this smiley: :indifferent:

    I asked her if she had a plan to start eating better and exercising. She said that her and another co-worker were going on this clense.

    Their "magic" drink: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, a dash of cayenne pepper and 8 oz of very (they were adament about VERY) cold water. Mix together and drink every time you are hungry. As long as you drink 8 of these a day, you will hit 1200 calories. Their cousin's best friend's orthopedist's step-daughter's teacher's mother lost 12 lbs in the first week.

    :sick: :sick: :huh: :laugh:

    Its called the "Master Cleanse" and has some really good benefits for incredibly ill people.

    Like what?
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    I recently gained 10 pounds (not bloat or water weight) and ppl tell me I am getting too skinny & will blow away if I lose anymore....:ohwell:
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    A co-worker of mine commented on my weight loss yesterday. She asked how I did it. I told her that I eat what I want (within reason) and go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. She just looked at me. Literally gave me the same look as this smiley: :indifferent:

    I asked her if she had a plan to start eating better and exercising. She said that her and another co-worker were going on this clense.

    Their "magic" drink: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, a dash of cayenne pepper and 8 oz of very (they were adament about VERY) cold water. Mix together and drink every time you are hungry. As long as you drink 8 of these a day, you will hit 1200 calories. Their cousin's best friend's orthopedist's step-daughter's teacher's mother lost 12 lbs in the first week.

    :sick: :sick: :huh: :laugh:

    Its called the "Master Cleanse" and has some really good benefits for incredibly ill people.

    Like what?

    The Master Cleanse pamphlet is apparently free online. I read the book about a year ago (It's probably the most inspiring hell to stick with a diet. I lasted a whole day and a half) but there were some pretty touching stories in there. Some old dude about to die from some horrible disease master cleansed for way long and recovered, some little girl who was told she had x time to live and beat it, you know, the most horrible heart-touching stories you could possibly think of. It could all be a lie, who knows, but I do know a person IRL who was suffering from some pretty bad ailments, master cleansed religiously for 2 months and was cured. Take it with a grain of salt (or rather, cayenne).
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    My co-worker: I had a dream that my arms had big diabetic veins like, so and so.
    Me: Maybe your dream is telling you to eat better.
    My co-worker: I eat fine! ... Except when I eat out and ...

    The first thing I thought was, "that's why you've been gaining a pound a week..."

    But who am I to say, although I've lost weight, I'm still like a 100 lbs heavier than her.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    A co-worker of mine commented on my weight loss yesterday. She asked how I did it. I told her that I eat what I want (within reason) and go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. She just looked at me. Literally gave me the same look as this smiley: :indifferent:

    I asked her if she had a plan to start eating better and exercising. She said that her and another co-worker were going on this clense.

    Their "magic" drink: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, a dash of cayenne pepper and 8 oz of very (they were adament about VERY) cold water. Mix together and drink every time you are hungry. As long as you drink 8 of these a day, you will hit 1200 calories. Their cousin's best friend's orthopedist's step-daughter's teacher's mother lost 12 lbs in the first week.

    :sick: :sick: :huh: :laugh:

    Yeah well I GAINED weight on that "magic" cleanse. I love to know how it turns out for her. :tongue:
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    "It's not realistic for people to eat as healthy as you do all the time and and work out the way you do."

    But, somehow, I've been able to do it for the past two years, and I happily plan to continue eating and working out this way.