

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Sylvia- Puppies and kitties can and do levitate.:laugh: It's a well-kept scientific secret, but they have the power to levitate to whatever height they need to reach to allow them to cause mischief. I think puppy is not ready to be trusted outside of the crate when alone, yet.

    Shapefitter- I did not know that about palm oil. Thanks, I will be more careful about reading labels, too. Animals have no one but us humans to protect them, destruction of habitat is such an awful crime against our whole world. OK- off the soap box, now.

    Linda- Congratulations on the -2! Good Work! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce- I am so sorry that the MS makes even the little things so incredibly difficult. Take care, sending thoughts of health and serenity.

    Meg- I am, also, so sorry to hear about DH's aunt. Take care and be safe in your travels.

    About depression: I have been on anit-depressants since the 1970's. Without them, the anxieties become too overwhelming to deal with, the sadness becomes so black that light can not get in, and the hopelessness so deep that it can not even be understood. I have been on many different types of meds for this, and they do need to be changed or 'tweaked' every so often. I can tell (if I pay close attention) that the med is no longer being effective by my anxiety level and my nervous body. Sometimes it feels like my body zings with electricity when I have to think about anything at all. Then, I know I am in trouble. If you, or a significant person in your life, needs meds to get through life, take them! I beg you all to take care of yourselves, this feeling or these lack of feelings sometimes, are dangerous. I am Blessed that I have people in my life who love me enough, know me well enough, and are strong enough to call me on my need for meds adjustments when I do not catch my own need before it starts becoming dangerous. Wow, I guess some of the posts really triggered me today. Thank you, you have all given me lots to think about.

    I know why the depression posts triggered me today. I am very angry and sad right now because last night was a total binge. I found gluten free sweets at one of the stores and bought some. Well, last night the tiger awoke and was unstoppable. I ate anything that didn't move out of my way from the sweets I went to the meat and cheese. Today, along with the emotional hangover, my body is achey and feels bloated. This is compulsive overeating at its worst behavior. It was night, I did not use the tools available, and I am now going to have to deal with the consequences. So, back to square one. I know this is not a straight path to healthy eating and healthy weight and healthy thinking, but sometimes it really is a hill to climb. I am done sniveling.

    Take care, my Friends,
    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    im staggering around here half out of it... I think all these crazy night hours are catching up...
    got my hair cut and feel much better, and bought myself some new bra's !!!!! going to try and nap for a bit and then walk and feed the dogs, the lawn and dump will have to wait..
  • annaclee2003
    August not so good for me... stayed at same weight...determined to make a difference in Sept. Will be participating in Avon walk for Breast Cancer in San Francisco 39 miles in two days. We have been training but I have to step it up a bit and add weights/strength training. Might try out Zumba
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Soooooo excited! My Ds#1, who I haven't seen since March and who rarely gets in touch, is coming to the opening party for the brewery. Not that he has told me, but he has told DS#2. I have no idea where he is staying. Maybe my ex is coming too! Nobody has told me.:tongue:
    Some of you were interested in my son's venture - the opening party has loads of publicity, but he is name checked in this one:

    And a publicity for the party on Saturday

    Well, that's enough boasting!

    I was talking to DDIL on Monday and told her that I had never said I was proud of him. I think it was because both my kids were naurally bright and did well in all their exams without appearing to do any work. I did not think they should be praised and rewarded for something that was "doing what came naturally"!!! However, since they have become men I think they have both become worthy of praise. My eldest has battled depression and now is a triathlete coach with a blog that publicises depression in sport. He also has done really well in his day job. My youngest has worked SO hard, much harder than I ever could, and I really take my hat off to him. So I must have got at least some of it right, though I used to think I was a "not quite good enough mother". I always allowed them as much freedom as I could possibly bear and encouraged their independence, but I know DS#1 used to blame his depression on me. As there is a long history of depression and other mental illness in the family I don't feel too responsible. As we say, I did the best I knew how at the time.
    It will be nice to see DS#1 and his new girlfriend. His history of girlfriends has been a catalogue of woes, so who knows.

    Thanks for all your depression and anxiety stories. I have been feeding DH little titbits. It makes him feel better. It's a shame that men don't often feel able to share like we do. My DS#1 is an honorable exception.
    It's quite funny, but I was the one having anxiety at the doctors as they were playing music in the waiting room, one of my pet neuroses and triggers. I breathed in and talked to myself with my mantras, but then gave in and put my ear plugs in. All was fine then!:laugh:

    Katla - how do you get a goal from MFP? I can't find one.
    I have lymphodema from having my lymph glands removed under my arm when I had the breast cancer op. My arm swells. I used to go to a clinic where they give you elastic sleeves to wear. My arm kept swelling and they began to get worried. When it gets to 20% bigger than the other arm you have to go into hospital. Mine was nearly that. The health authority was applied to by the clinic and they funded 20 lymphatic drainage massages by a specialist therapist. This is not automatic funding so I was lucky. I had to be bandaged up like a mummy! I had the 20 and now I go every so often for maintenance. I really like her and I advise her on her dating adventures!!!

    Love Heather U K
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    well I feel much better, took a bit of a nap , it is very hot here today and we are supposed to get some bad storms coming through tonight and cooling everything down.. thank goodness..I still have almost a week of prednisone to go:grumble: but will deal with it..
    heel feeling 85-90 % better, dont want to mess it up, so wear the brace every night and ice it when I start feeling something..
    dinner is all set have to warm it up for the DH and got garbage together to take to work.. did little things today.. almost at 10,000 steps...
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I just found this group when I started here, and posted for the first time on the 8th, and oh, my! I LOVE how active this group is! I have had a busy few days, but now it's chilled out.
    I appreciate how you all share and support each other, it is so uplifting! Glad I found this sweet group of ladies!
    I read an inspiring quote this morning, I thought I would share. It was not credited.
    "Habits are like cork or lead- they tend to keep you up or hold you down".
    To me, that is inspiring. If i think of this before I do something, like exercise (UP!):smile: , or grab the wrong food (down:frown: ),
    I think it will help!
    Enjoy the day! :flowerforyou:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Quick trip out to the ranch this morning to meet the Natural Conservation Resource guy and the new ranch manager. Those guys spoke a different language! Looking forward to beginning the process.
    I haven't been able to find where MFP sets a weight goal either. Be glad to get that information.
    Meg - so sorry for DH's aunts passing. Drive safe. Are the girls going with you?
    Watching the news of all the rain in Colorado. Hope all our Colorado girls are safe. We could sure use some of that water down here.
    I'll BBL to see what's happening.
    Sue in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So Heather, do you lose weight when they do that drainage? Sounds interesting.

    I guess yesterdays problems is still taking a toll on my muscles. I went to the Y and forced myself to do 2 miles. I told my husband that I felt like such a failure. He said I couldn't be a failure as long as I try. There's hope for that man yet! Maybe he is listening to me that I need encouragement, not instructoin.

    Joyce, indiana
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Today, is a week, since I joined. Have given up on following the numbers MFP has given me, as they are downright silly. I look forward to the point of day, when all the total, shows red. He he. No, seriously, I know what my daily allowance is for an adult female, living in UK.
    I never knew nutrition, and dieting was a cultural thing, a week ago. I mean, we hear about things in the news, and I can now see how joining MFP is a life saver for some.
    I forgot what I was going to say next...well, uhm, I have recorded over 30 different food items, in my first week, and I thought I had a boring diet. My diary is not open to the public, as it would really confuse everyone. I snack on seaweed, and sunflower seeds. My lunch, today, was half a cucumber, and 4 dates, and for dinner, I had Humous, and two brown Pitta bread. First time, this week, I haven't cooked a warm meal. Warm food, is better than cold. I don't know why, but it has something to do with absorbing nutrition. Before, humans discovered fire, we ate all our food cold, and it is believed that we ate constantly, all our waking hours, to get the nutrition we needed from food. Well, as you can imagine, our bellies would've looked like baloons. We didn't eat meat, because raw meat is yuk, and needs special teeth, like that of a tiger. The most challenging foodsource was the coconut, and I have often wondered, who managed to crack it first.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Keep forgetting to add the Smurfs
    :ohwell: :flowerforyou:.
    :drinker: :tongue: :sick:
    :noway: :smooched: :smokin: :frown: Smurfs are generally blue :huh: I know, and smileys are generally :happy: aren't they?
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, ladies,

    Missed a day and feeling overwhelmed with all the posts. You all are amazing!!!

    LinChap.........so nice to see you back posting

    Kevrit...........same for you

    Meg.........my condolences and hope that your family has a safe trip

    Heather........glad you are going to get to see both your sons; I think we all feel we could have done things a bit different or better when we look back on childraising

    I baked and cooked most yesterday......deviled eggs, bean salad, and a carrot cake. Delivered it to the farm today. I know a woman who has devoted her entire adult life to helping disabled children through equine therapy and because of my dd's love of horses, we got involved with her program as a side-walkers then a horse leaders when she was located very near where I live. My friend who's dd has Down's has taken lessons with this woman for years and years. She has major education in the area and is probably the best in our state. Well, about 5-6yrs. ago, she placed a man who is a builder on her board, raised money like mad and together built a beautiful new facility..........it was barely up and running when he and a crony on the board (a former CEO of a local company) swayed the board to ask her to step down from her position; she didn't fit their leadership "image" as an upper 50---something woman.........they basically stole her lifes' work from her. She's no fighter, very religious, so she just walked away with her head held high, rented space in a new place and started all over again.......got new 501 approval, etc. It's been rough; tomorrow is a volunteer day for workers down there, so I'll help feed them. A few of us still do what we can here and there and speak for her in the community. It's been a strugle, but she's doing OK, on a shoestring, but OK.

    On the subject of depression, it has popped up several places in both my family and dh's. When I was in my early 30's, just out of the blue, I started having panic attacks---a feeling of uneasiness and dread, which mounts like a wave, until it crashes over you, pounding heart--very fast, feeling like you just know you are going to die in the next seconds or do something to harm yourself or lose control...........happened about 4 times over the course of maybe a month......most awful period of my life, terrifying, really....I always wondered if someone put something in something I drank or ate. I read all I could about panic attacks and it was pretty classic; they went away and I've been fine since.....but I always do wonder where it's going when I get a little nervous to this day.

    Take care ladies; best to everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    evening ladies,
    I feel a little bit refreshed after my cat nap this afternoon:drinker:
    and I got a burst of energy.. so went through my closet again, and ho-ed out more stuff.. I was going through some pictures with some of the clothes I have, and I looked so bloated and fat.. there are some sweatshirts with my beloved birds on them and a sweater with hand painted birds on it that I love love love, but you know what? I put them in a bag for my SIL she is a big girl- 6 ft and my old size, so I know she will get some use out of some of the stuff..
    got my shoes organized and even hung up my extra handbags and swept the bedroom floor, the DH said he wanted a picture:laugh:
    I am hoping I can get back into some sort of normal sleep pattern tonight God willing:bigsmile: and I will be up and out to the gym in the morning.. I try and do at least a 1/2 hr of cardio then strength training daily...I think my weight is to a point where it is going to be stubborn coming off..will try and change up the routine a bit.. and hopefully by the time we go to florida I can go for walks...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla - how do you get a goal from MFP? I can't find one.
    I have lymphodema from having my lymph glands removed under my arm when I had the breast cancer op. My arm swells. I used to go to a clinic where they give you elastic sleeves to wear. My arm kept swelling and they began to get worried. When it gets to 20% bigger than the other arm you have to go into hospital. Mine was nearly that. The health authority was applied to by the clinic and they funded 20 lymphatic drainage massages by a specialist therapist. This is not automatic funding so I was lucky. I had to be bandaged up like a mummy! I had the 20 and now I go every so often for maintenance. I really like her and I advise her on her dating adventures!!!

    Love Heather U K

    It is hard to say exactly how the goal was delivered. I set up my whole system on my iphone app. The app asked questions and I answered. Then I was given a goal weight and calories that gradually lowered over time. Weeks later I found the web site and decided to use a ticker. I attribute the goal weight to the app process but I don't remember exact details. It is undoubtedly the result of some answer to a question.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Confession time. I have been having a tough couple days and eating out of control. Not even sure why. I am going to log every bite I ate today. I did yesterday and was over big time,, Know it will be worse today. But going to do it. I am taking some deep breaths and praying and back on track tomorrow. Thanks for listening. Hope you are having a good evening.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies,

    I made it to the Y tonight after work. I did a mile on the track and 45 min on the bike. Shower & home to have dinner. Makes for a long day but I'm adjusting. This week has been easier then last week.

    Vicki, don't beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow is a bright new day. You can get back on track, I have faith in you.

    Grandmallie - wanna come and do my closet? :bigsmile:

    It has been good for me to read about others that have issues with depression and panic attacks. I have suffered since I was a teen. Some times worse then others. I think it definitely contributed to my overeating. I started putting on the weight when I was in my late teens and have been overweight my entire adult life. I use it to hide from the world because no one sees you when you are obese. I really don't like being the centre of attention.

    I'm going to head to bed, I hope everyone has a wonderful night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got my walk in and did some strength training tonight. I'm feeling proud of myself. Tomorrow going to play golf with DH as he has an early tee time. That's always good exercise because I hit the ball a lot! We've been fighting feral hogs since July and they are driving us crazy! Our back yard looks like it's ready to plant a garden it's so dug up. Some nights we try to stay up and see them so dh can shoot them but they don't come when we sit up. If we don't sit up, they come. How do they know! DH has already gone to bed as he is so tired.
    Sue in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies,

    It has been good for me to read about others that have issues with depression and panic attacks. I have suffered since I was a teen. Some times worse then others. I think it definitely contributed to my overeating. I started putting on the weight when I was in my late teens and have been overweight my entire adult life. I use it to hide from the world because no one sees you when you are obese. I really don't like being the centre of attention.

    :heart: Sandy from ON

    Sandy. It's funny that you talk about using weight to hide. When I was very young, people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. My answer was that when I grew up I wanted to be invisible. I tried to do it through anorexia when i was a teen, but it didnt work. When I got fat when I was older, I felt like I had finally achieved it. Nobody talks to you or makes eye contact. It's like you're not there. I'm still fat enough to be invisible, but hopefully not for long. Thanks for saying its not just me that feels that way.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening ladies. I was able to skim a number of posts but no time to respond individually.

    I do love this thread...everyone is so encouraging and supportive. I truly believe that this site and specifically this thread were the key to my weight loss success. I've been doing a good job maintaining and feeling healthier and stronger day by day.

    So my advice to those asking for some here: stick with MFP and stick with this thread. Believe you can succeed and you will. You have all the tools you need right here - accountability, advice and support. Don't be too hard on yourself if you back slide into unhealthy habits (we are only human after all), just resolve to get back on track - the sooner the better. The scale is not always nice but keep perspective - you are getting healthier even if the number on the scale doesn't always reflect that.

    So here is wishing everyone a great day tomorrow.

    Jodios in thank goodness it's cooling off N. Il.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Joyce - you are truly amazing. Nothing gets you down, you push on. I'm so proud of you. You are such a good mother

    Sandy - the slow cooker is a WONDERFUL invention.

    Jessica should be here tomorrow. That reminds me, time for Lance's insulin.

    grandmalle - I was trying to figure out who was the spender in our household. I'm the one who bases my week's meals on what's on sale. If there's something that I REALLY REALLY want, I will buy it. Vince has a CPA degree. But I'm also very careful about what I buy, do I really need it? Vince will look for coupons on the internet, look for bargains, yet when we were installing the pool, it would have cost a lot less if they'd put the spa jets in the pool yet Vince just said to me "let's get the spa and waterfall. Yes, it costs more money. But I also know that if we don't get it, every time you get in the pool you'll be wishing we'd gotten it". I didn't feel the slide was really necessary (at least not right now) but Vince felt that if we're going to do it, we may as well do it right. So who's the saver and who's the spender? He's the one who looks at investments and those financial sort of things. I can't figure out which of us is which. I make most of our dinners at home, we go out to eat maybe once a month. Not so much because we can't afford it, but mostly because we just aren't that interested. You know, we've lived in NC for 5 years now. Not once have I been to a Bojangles or Sonic or Checkers. Went to a Steak and Shake shortly before we moved down here and haven't been back. Bryan talked so much about Cook Out. I didn't think it all that wonderful, haven't been back for about 6 years. I'm the one who uses coupons all the time.

    Did 45 minutes of "I Want that Body" by Tammy Lee Webb DVD. Tomorrow I'll go to the Humane Society and drop off my aluminum then go to the deep water class, then I volunteer at the Green Room.

    After doing the DVD this morning, I went food shopping because I realized that I wouldn't have any other time, totally forgot that I had the Green Room tomorrow. Anyway, at one food store I met a lady who also volunteers at the Green Room but she lives in my development. Well, seems she's ushering for their first show, "Hairspray" and she is going to let me usher with her so that I can see the show for free. Vince wants to go see "And Then There Were None" and there are two others that I'd like to see. Got the tickets for the Hickory Community Theater today. The shows we want to see are Spamalot and LesMiserable. So we got a season pass for 4 tickets. I made some cookies for Jess and Kris when they come down, made some pork chops for us, a lasagna for Vince . Picked up more insulin for Lance. At the price of the Lantus, now I know why Jessica wanted me to buy it. It does last a long time, he doesn't get that much. But it's still a lot of money. Then we changed the filters in the pool. Ever since we had the pool installed, we had these el-cheapo filters. The pool installer said to get them, that the pool would get filthy. And it did. I guess they've been cleaned 3 or 4 times, so they were in need of getting changed to the better ones. Plus, now that we have most of the riverrock down, there is less chance that dirt will get in the pool and thus in the filter. Cut up a ham for Vince (I'm not much of a ham eater, so I'll have something else). Roasted two spaghetti squashes. They're always so "watery", not sure what I can do to prevent that. Any ideas anyone? After changing the filters, I went in the pool for about 1/2 a hour. It started to rain and I didn't want to get wet, so I got out....:)

    grandmalle - Vince was always the person who would sleep until 9, but lately he's getting up earlier and earlier. Even he noticed this.

    faithsimmons - welcome! Love your pic. What a great post

    DeeDee - happy birthday to you gd. Cake for dinner...sounds good to me! You now what Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake". We thought that the rain we had today might usher in the cooler weather, but it is so humid, even for NC. In a way I wish it had been cooler earlier in the week when we were working outside and hotter over the weekend when Jessica and Kris are here so they can enjoy the pool. Well...we can always turn on the heater.

    Heather - I'm in awe at how loving you are towards you dh, he's certainly one lucky guy!

    Pat - Jessica has a severe allergy to coconut. One time she asked me to buy her vitamins so I did. Not in a million years would I have dreamed that vitamins contain coconut oil. She took one and gave the rest away. You really do have to read ingredient labels. I swear that I'm addicted to fats and sweets. I try not to have them, but whenever I bake something (like a cake or brownies or fudge or cookies or muffins) I have to have some of the batter. One of the things that I've found that helps me to curb this is if I have a salad with vinegar on it. Actually, someone on this forum mentioned apple cider vinegar, but for me any kind of vinegar works. Honestly, I don't deprive myself, but I do have enough sense to know when I've had enough. If it were left totally to me, I would probably have more than enough, but when that urge strikes, I have something with vinegar on it and that seems to squelch the desire for more batter.

    annaclee - good for you taking part in that walk! Best of luck to you

    Heather - that's wonderful about your son! You know, there was a time when I was so so proud of Bryan. It does cross my mind that maybe I never told him just how proud I was of him. I was going to ask Katla how she got MFP's goal, too. I'm curious.

    Nancy - one of the things that I love about this thread is the fact that no one here judges you or acts immature.

    Joyce - "you're not a failure as long as you try". Words of wisdom.

    yanniejannie - your friend sounds like such an amazing woman.

    Vicki - good for you logging everything, no matter how bad you may think it is

    jodios - great post to all

    Michele in NC
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    exermom Michele,
    Wow, you really covered it all! Loved reading your post!:love:
    I also love the advice on the vinegar, while baking, to stop eating batter! I can brush my teeth at times, and that helps. Also if I have a healthy sweet, like a protein shake, and sip it while I bake, that usually works.

    I am doing well right now, on this new site and my own program. But I know I will have my weak moments, we are only human.:cry:
    I like how you can share it here, and feel okay. There's always a sunrise in the morning, and with it: a brand new day!:flowerforyou: