Why do people disregard walking?



  • jenniferbeck560
    Keep it up!! Walking is fantastic cardio, free, and you can do it ANYWHERE!! You will get results. The fact that you are dedicated to it says something about you......you have the commitment and you can do this! I say "walk, walk, walk"!
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    When my colleague at work asked me what exercises I do I said mostly walking. He said his trainer told him that walking is for 90 year olds!

    Whatever. I hate to exercise but I love walking so I do what I love. I'm much more likely to continue walking then I am anything else. And it's free! I up the burn a bit by skipping and doing sideways hops if I feeling spunky :laugh:
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    Everybody walks every day. It's just that the other 7 billion of us don't call it "exercise."

    The MFP debate about what is exercise or is not exercise is old and useless. Walking burns the same number of calories if you call it or exercise, walking, or an afternoon break from work.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I enjoy walking! I walk around our neighborhood a lot. Need to get back to it, actually. It's great exercise and very calming.
  • slimtrim2013
    slimtrim2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing the Leslie walkathome for the past few yrs . I can stay committed to it very much .. I like her walking CDs . I also feel extrememly good after doing even a 2 mile CD . Nice to know someone who is believing in the excercises I do .
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I expected rudeness.....you are the ignorance I speak of.....THANK YOU for proving my point.

    Where was the rudeness? You asked a question and I gave you the answer from my perspective. Surely you did not think everyone would think that Walking DVDs are great?

    As for ignorance, I think you are confused about what that means. I actually think walking (actual walking outside, not a treadmill or DVD) is a great way to get in some cardio, relax, and get to know your neighborhood.

    What difference does it make if you walk outdoors, on a treadmill, or in your living room with a DVD? Have you tried it? You might find you actually burn MORE calories and get a higher heart rate because you are not just leisurely walking along. A walk is a walk, is a walk!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I expected rudeness.....you are the ignorance I speak of.....THANK YOU for proving my point.

    Where was the rudeness? You asked a question and I gave you the answer from my perspective. Surely you did not think everyone would think that Walking DVDs are great?

    As for ignorance, I think you are confused about what that means. I actually think walking (actual walking outside, not a treadmill or DVD) is a great way to get in some cardio, relax, and get to know your neighborhood.

    Sorry if you already covered this but there are too many pages to go back and read. Why do you think that walking on a treadmill or to a DVD is not a great way to get in some cardio?
  • ehimass
    ehimass Posts: 92 Member
    I have lost 99 pounds thanks in large part to walking.

    I do it on a treadmill for 30 minutes per day, 4.0 mph on a 10% incline. My heart rate stays in the 150 bpm range. It burns 75% of the calories that I would burn jogging at 7 mph flat, but the stress on my joints is much much less. I do jog once a week just to change it up, but walking is more sustainable for the long term. My biggest fear is an injury that forces me to discontinue exercising, and the risk of that happening is much greater with jogging.

    Of course I also do about an hour of other types of cario every day, cybex arc trainer and recumbent bike mostly. The Cybex Arc Trainer is what I start off with and is a real fat burner, 30 minutes on that burns 600 calories according to the machine - even if I'm really only getting 450 or so that's still pretty good. My heart rate easily gets into the 160s and 170s on it by the 20 minute mark.

    In summary walking is really the cardio exercise of choice, especially for overweight people and especially if you do it on a significant incline. It will burn a good number of calories. I average about 800 calories per hour as a 6'0 190 pound, 30 year old male.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I love walking and its the best thing for your cardiovascular stystem! Ive done leslies dvds, no joke!! my friends are supportive and know that walking briskly is a great way to exercise...sorry your FL isnt so supportive,,keep walking !
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't underestimate the power of steps. I have a FitBit and walking is a great exercise, especially when you used to park close to stores and go thru drive thrus. Now when I get my coffee I park. As far as I can. I walk to get it. Same goes for shopping. I park far, I do an extra couple laps around the store, walk my dog on the trans canada trail that is at my doorstep, literally... silly things that don't seem like much really add up! I get my 10K steps in and I only recently started more structured exercise. I've had no issue losing nearly 50lbs
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    walking is fantastic exercise, especially when you vary your pace and incorporate hills. running is not for everyone. more "intense" forms of cardio can actually work against you by making you more hungry, making it hard to keep your diet in control. not to mention you are saving your joints!
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    Maybe it's because it's something we all do naturally so it seems like it's a cop-out to say we're doing it for exercise. I was thinking about it the other day, how people give good encouraging comments on my walking but it seems like I'm cheating because it's not something I don't normally do, I just do it further than some. I've lost all my weight walking, and just got into running some a few weeks ago so it definitely works and shouldn't be dismissed as good a weightloss exercise!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I get much more of workout when I walk my dogs compared to running alone. I like both so you do whatever suits you!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I expected rudeness.....you are the ignorance I speak of.....THANK YOU for proving my point.

    Where was the rudeness? You asked a question and I gave you the answer from my perspective. Surely you did not think everyone would think that Walking DVDs are great?

    As for ignorance, I think you are confused about what that means. I actually think walking (actual walking outside, not a treadmill or DVD) is a great way to get in some cardio, relax, and get to know your neighborhood.

    Sorry if you already covered this but there are too many pages to go back and read. Why do you think that walking on a treadmill or to a DVD is not a great way to get in some cardio?

    It is not that you cannot get in cardio in those ways, but rather that you are paying money for something so basic and natural to human function. I can understand specific instances why these two methods would be preferred to actual walking, but outside of those reasons it is a bit of a head scratcher.
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    I expected rudeness.....you are the ignorance I speak of.....THANK YOU for proving my point.

    Where was the rudeness? You asked a question and I gave you the answer from my perspective. Surely you did not think everyone would think that Walking DVDs are great?

    As for ignorance, I think you are confused about what that means. I actually think walking (actual walking outside, not a treadmill or DVD) is a great way to get in some cardio, relax, and get to know your neighborhood.

    Sorry if you already covered this but there are too many pages to go back and read. Why do you think that walking on a treadmill or to a DVD is not a great way to get in some cardio?

    It is not that you cannot get in cardio in those ways, but rather that you are paying money for something so basic and natural to human function. I can understand specific instances why these two methods would be preferred to actual walking, but outside of those reasons it is a bit of a head scratcher.

    I bought a Leslie DVD. It helps me get my walk in when the weather outside isn't the greatest and doesn't require a treadmill purchase. What you also may not realize is that her DVD's have you stepping side to side, front and back, leg lifting and arm movements....you'd look awfully silly walking backwards down the street. These movements are not ones we normally do during a walk outside and they work muscles you don't normally work. I feel like my Leslie walk is way more productive than my walks outside.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I don't know you guys.....buy my support team somewhat sucks when I begin to talk about my cardiovascular choice......WALKING. I do Leslie Sansone EVERYDAY and have seen great results but I hate telling people I WALK....because they never have anything good to say about it......but Leslie is NO JOKE.....I usually have an average HR of 150 and reach highs of 166-168 (94%). So I'm sweating and my heart is getting a workout.

    Leslie is the only workout I can truly do and STAY COMMITTED to. I can't commit to others....but I want to celebrate and be proud of my walking choice.....ughhhhh.....any walkers out there with great things to say about it? I really need to hear some good things right about now. I'm having one of those days.
    First off walking is AWESOME.... I love walking.
    2nd Don't tell people about it...
    3rd If you do tell people about it call it HIKING or POWER WALKING
    4th What are those unsupportive people doing? If they are sitting on the couch you are certainly lapping them
    5th If those people are exercising... Are there results as good as yours? Have they been consistent?
    6th EVEN if those people ARE doing power workouts and getting AMAZING RESULTS WALKING is what you ENJOY doing, the more you enjoy it the more likely you will stick with it
    7th MAYBE walking is just the first step... maybe you're building up and will at some point in the future move onto something even more challenging. or maybe you won't, it's still okay for you to do what you want to do without having to rationalize it to anyone else

    Some people consider it a part of their TDEE
    My ex-bf was unhappy with my weight and always told me I shouldn't count walking (Back then I average about 5 miles a day, walking to/from work... grocery shopping... and daily activities.).

    He laughed at me when I started going out of my way to include more stairs in my routes and when I started keeping track of how many stairs I climbed a day. But keeping tack always inspired me to do more.

    He always said "I play tennis... you gotta get your heart-rate up!*" (Fact was he played tennis maybe once every 2 weeks I was kinda afraid he was going to drop dead of a heart attack, from doing nothing then going full-tilt, we were in our 50s)
    BUT, He lived in suburbia when I lived in NYC, when I pointed out that could never keep up with me when I was walking around town doing errands, he would say that didn't count.

    But anyway walking with my pedometer and tracking my stairsteps led me to want to do more and I'm down 30 lbs. I'm fit and getting fitter...

    I backslide some times, but I get moving again you have to find what you can do right now.

    *turns out I got a pedometer with a HR in it... and my heart rate was exactly where it should be"
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I think if you're counting walking around your house as exercise it's a cop out but if you didn't exercise, and you started going on hour long walks every day and you are walking a lot more that you were in your previous life etc. then why isn't it exercise?!?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I walk. It keeps me active, it's good for my mood to go outside, and I enjoy it more than other types of cardio (I have asthma so I avoid running... for now). It's not much, but it makes the difference between a TDEE of 1700 and a TDEE of 2200 when I walk longer, so I'll take it.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I'm a walker and I'm proud!!! :bigsmile:
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    "It is not that you cannot get in cardio in those ways, but rather that you are paying money for something so basic and natural to human function. I can understand specific instances why these two methods would be preferred to actual walking, but outside of those reasons it is a bit of a head scratcher."

    Um, I live in a semi-unsafe neighborhood. Loose dogs EVERYWHERE, shady people, no sidewalks, cars that drive fifty miles an hour down the road. I'm really uncomfortable walking in my neighborhood. Our city has one nice walking park....all the way across town from me. I cannot drive there everyday, it would waste a fortune in gas. Of course, I love to go to the walking park when I can, but it's not practical for everyday.