
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    New day. New Week, New month :happy: Perfect time for a new start, don't you think? :drinker:

    Our summer temperatures have finally gone and its getting nippy enough to need long pants and sleeves so today I plan to polish my boots and clean out my closet and take stock of what still fits that will take me into the cooler months ahead. I've already found a gal at church I can give my nicer things to. The rest will go to Goodwill. This time last year I was just beginning to squeeze into 12s so I'm not expecting much to be left in my closet after today. I'm doing my best not to invest in warmer clothes until I can comfortably fit in 8s. Hopefully some of the sweaters and tees will do me for the next 6 weeks or so while I stretch for that long awaited goal weight.

    I carbed it up yesterday, but today I am back on low carb. Once upon a time that meant pigging out on desserts and bread and more than doubling my calories. This time I had my usual Ezekiel bread for breakfast, but had a turkey chili cheese dog with the bun for supper and an Atkins granola bar for a snack. I'm learning! :wink:
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    New day. New Week, New month :happy: Perfect time for a new start, don't you think?

    I can't agree with SuzyQ more! I'm hoping October is going to be way more focused than September - September was totally hit and miss!! Lots of mindless eating...well, time to try again!

    On the run to see my DS between flights as she heads to Peru to do mission work for a month, so really this is to mark my spot and I'll catch up later.
    :happy: Cathy
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Glynda and I am looking for the right group. After reading all the post, I think this would be a great group to join. I am 56 years old, recently retired from working 34 years at a gas utility company. Miss seeing co-workers, who became good friends. I have two adult children and 5 grandchildren. I am married to a wonderful man, Randal, who has three adult children and 6 grandchildren. We consider all the grandchildren OURS.

    Like most of you, I have always struggled with my weight. UP, DOWN, UP DOWN! I found this site on my cell phone and really started using it October 1st when I began my Life Change. I'm not dieting ever again. I love the site. So easy!

    Look forward to new friends!

    Welcome Glynda! I'm with you.......I'm never dieting again!!! I have lost 52 pounds by tracking my food , exercising and drinking lots of water! This website has literally changed my life!
  • :flowerforyou: Just a quick check in to read posts so that I don't get to far behind.

    I am thinking about you today and know you will be strong for Sadie and Vince. Did you need to ask the vets opinion? Hang in there, It's a tough thing you will have to go through and I know you have done this before, but it never gets easier. We are all thinking of you today.
    I noticed you mentioned making brie and peach bites. They sound scrumptious! Are they real fattening?

    I was reading your post and noticed you said you had a problem with your sciatic nerve. My mom has this problem and becasue of that she has fallen a couple of times because her leg gives out on her. I was wondering what you do for it and do you take anything for it? My mom at this time is mostly wheelchair bound but is walking briefly in rehab. I'm hoping she will be able to walk short distances with her walker, but am concerned about the sciatic nerve thing.

    Going to make lunch now.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just caught up with the posts...took some doing:wink:

    Peggy - Belly dancing...I'm impressed:wink:

    Jackie- another cruise, I'm just hoping for one next fall (to Alaska too) but we are in a holding pattern until we see how Mom is doing next year..all our trips this year except for our long weekend to Vegas were to take care of Mom in Oregon and those were NOT vacations!

    Michelle - how productive to already be getting ready for Christmas....and smart too! So sorry about Sadie:cry:

    Welcome:flowerforyou: to all the newbies...Becky, Mary, Judylee, Glynda this is a great place :flowerforyou:

    Kackie- Welcome back...glad to see you jumping back in.

    Jeannie - :drinker: Glad to see that the loss is a "real" loss...I'd love to see "the Glow" maybe one of these days Hubby and I will head south and see it.

    Renny- 1 lb lost last month...hey that's better than nothing and we know that they all add up:smile:

    Barb- fun to hear that you were able to reconnect with a long lost friend (glad he hunted you down):smile:

    SuzyQ- yep it's always good to know that we have a new month to begin fresh:drinker:

    BirdieM- I hear you about reading to catch up...sometimes it's just best to jump in where you can and go from there:bigsmile:

    Last week was a stressful week at work and since my Mom can hear it in my voice I decided not to call her and see if she called me. Saturday AM she called and left me voice mail....she was wondering if it was Sunday:noway: and when I called her back that was all she wanted just to know what day of the week it was....she really didn't want to talk...not sure how I feel about that.

    I got a call from the realtor that I have Mom's house booked with and he just wanted to know if Dad had died in the house (which he did) I know that would bother some people...but I'm just glad to know that the house is getting looked at...to me that's a plus...now if he would just call me to say we have an offer:huh: just hoping.

    Everyone have a good day. Eat plenty of veggies and fruit and be sure an log your food....get some exercise and drink your water:drinker: we are in this battle together and we want to win!


    PS last Friday I went and had pictures taken (see new in my profile) I thought if I got some new ones maybe my husband would update his wallet...he still carries my high school graduation picture around:noway:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Laura, You look fabulous!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WOW! Your husband would be crazy to keep that old picture of you in his wallet! :laugh: Good for you!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Chiclet, as far as the sciatic nerve, I have never been diagnosed with it but all the signs are there. It flares up a little, but doesn't cripple me. When the tighness and discomfort starts in my right upper leg I cool it on the exercising for a day or 2 and I take some asprin. I have never had it so bad that my leg gives out or anything like that.....it's just a real discomfort and tighness. I wish I could give you some advice, :ohwell: I feel bad for your dear mother.:frown:

    I feel so grateful that my mom is in good health after reading about everyone's moms. Hang in there everyone!:heart:

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies ,

    Another day done and too exercises. Feels good to be sore again, my mind feels younger already and I have not done to much. Metabolism is running faster so I will be eating at least 6 times a day with small bits and bites. Hope everyone had a great day, catch you all tomorrow.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    well I am back on track today with eating and exercising. I have walked for 100 minutes very fast, did my weight training and ab routines and will do a 15 minute HIIT video in about and hour. I have done really well on the food today. I feel good.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I've recently stopped tracking my food on days I'm not at work. It's an experiment to see if I can get enough protein and keep my calories in line just by eating intuitively. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

    I also just had a cyst removed. It's been bugging me for about four years now. It got much smaller when I lost the weight but never went away. It took about 5 min. for the doctor to remove but now I can't shower for 24 hours and I can't swim for 7 days. Boo hoo!
  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    I am 56 years old, recently retired from working 34 years at a gas utility company.

    As one newcomer to another let me welcome you and also welcome to retirement. I am now a little over one year retired and it has been a huge adjustment. On the upside I have more time to exercise and i make that a priority. This is now the job that I get up and go to every morning and just like going to work I go even on the days I'd just as soon stay home.

    I have been reading posts and it is going to take a while to get up to speed with the members of this group. Some of the weight losses are so very impressive. I know I'll learn lots.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    The vet's office called this a.m. He was going to lunch at 1 and wouldn't be back until 3, so we could bring Sadie before his lunch or at 3 (our appt originally was for 2). I decided on 12:30. You know, deep in my heart I think he knew that last night was going to be his last night. He tried to jump up on the bed. Didn't make it, but he tried. I felt so sorry for him that I picked him up and put him on the bed. Vince was worried if he should try to jump down at night, but everything was fine. This a.m. he was behind the sofa downstairs. He's NEVER done that. Just the look in his eyes told me that everything was going to be ok. You know, I really couldn't even cry. Oh, I felt bad. But deep inside I felt he was out of pain, knowing that he wouldn't get any better and would just continue to wither away, and his eyes just told me that in a sense he was relieved. OK, call me silly. Whenever I'm under stress, one of my ways of coping is to "stress bake". I made Vince brownies (from scratch), and just now I made some oatmeal/raisin cookies for me (they're low fat)

    Did a hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. Tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love Ripped to the Core DVD. At noontime I have another session with the bowling coach. Basically, this time I want him to critique me, tell me what I'm doing wrong in my delivery. I just don't want to keep practicing the wrong thing.

    Vicki - I don't envy you one bit going for your colonoscopy. I dred when I have to get my next one. When I had my last one, they weighed me right before the colonoscopy. I'd only lost a measly 3 pounds! I felt so bad, and for what, a lousy three pounds? I can't believe people actually do that to lose weight! Not me! I'd rather be heavy and happy. I'll be thinking of you Friday (and being glad it isn't me....lol)

    Barb (auntibk) and chicklet - I just don't know if a new pet right now is a good idea. The loss of PJ is so fresh, now Sadie. Volunteering at the humane society helps, tho.

    Hey there Glynda. Am looking forward to getting to know you better

    chicklet - you know, I don't know if the brie and peach bites are fattening or not. When I got the recipe, it didn't have the nutritionals. I wouldn't think it would be high in fat. I used filo cups (the original recipe called for some sort of mini biscuit. I then took a small piece of brie and put that in. I did find out that what I really should have done was at least partially melted the brie at this point. Anyway, you take a jar of peach jelly (I used the one without sugar, just the fruit), a tsp of lemon juice (only I made a boo-boo and used lime juice by accident) and a tsp of cinnamon. Mix the jelly, juice, and cinnamon; place this on top of the brie and bake it. Honestly, I just put it in the microwave. I think with the phyllo shells you can do this, not with puff pastry, tho.

    Gonna take a shower right now, maybe watch some TV. Have a great evening everyone!

  • Hi I'm new as of today, I am also 61 for another month. I don't seem to see that 62 until I write it down (lol). I've always been on a diet and I'm really hoping this new way of life helps. I'm also a diabetic and finding that dieting is even harder than it ever was. I look forward to keeping in touch.
    I've been sick with a sinus infection for the past 3 weeks and went to the Dr. this evening and now starting antibiotics. I do know that being sick certainly changes how we feel and how eating effects us.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: I have been MIA for a few days while out of town at an event with long meetings and limited time for exercise.....I didn't log food or exercise but tried to stick to healthier eating......I drank more than enough water but the sodium from the Subway sandwiches and the cashews have made my weigh in this morning a bit suspect....I'll wait a few days before changing my ticker if I need to ( this morning I weighed 115 after being at 110 for months)....I could not have possibly eaten enough cashews and Subway tuna sandwiches on flatbread to have gained five pounds in three days....we brought our yoga mats and DVD but didn't have time to do any yoga.......I did manage to walk enough at the breaks to get over 10000 steps each day :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we got home about 5:30 yesterday, unpacked, had a simple supper, and were watching some TV just before bedtime when we got a call from our neighbor (the one who had picked up our mail for us when we were gone and who frequently walks and feeds the pets when we're gone for a long day). she had fallen and needed to go to the emergency room. after waiting while she got a CAT scan and got stitches, we were home just before 2AM and very ready to sleep.

    :bigsmile: we picked up the pets this morning after sleeping extra late and they were thrilled to be home and we were thrilled to see them

    :sad: :sad: Michele, Bernie, Haifa, and I send you hugs and want you to know how sorry we are about Sadie, but that you did the right thing

    :flowerforyou: welcome to all the new members on the thread....start by logging your food and exercise and learning something new everyday and the miracles will happen for you, too.

    :flowerforyou: about my September goals
    I did very well at staying "complaint free" ....a friend gave me the book and I'm enjoying it...it has been a huge uplift to my attitude and outlook on life........I did somewhat well on upper body exercises but there's major room for improvement........I tried to dance more but I can still do better.....eating at home was a challenge since I was out of town thirteen days out of the month

    :flowerforyou: My October goals are posted in my signature so I can see them every day...I want to continue to improve at being complaint free...with the weather changing I want to find good ways to exercise indoors (more than just the exercise bike) and when the weather allows even for a few minutes, I want to work outside every day...and I want to dance more and eat at home....DH has his birthday next weekend so we'll go out but otherwise, I want to eat at home where I have more control over food.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I seem to have been running around, chasing my tail for the last couple of days. My dad has succumbed to a bad cold and has me back and forth to his house every few hours. On top of that, my brother in law decided to go away for a few days so I'm now doing double visits to the nursing home to visit mum in law. I am trying to arrange a meeting with a company that wants me to design and build their website. My sister called me early this morning to say that she has to stay home from work today to look after her 5 year old daughter. Basically she wanted me to offer to go over and baby-sit, but my sister lives 30 miles from me and I really don't have the time. Normally I would have done it like a shot, but I just can't right now. Plus, she is canny and never actually asks, always waits for me to offer. When I didn't, she got quite humpy on the phone and cut the call short.

    One good thing, I finally got to go to an ultrasound with DD#1 and saw my grand twins. Such an amazing experience! We could distinctly see which one is the boy and which is the girl. Not too much longer to wait now before we get to meet them for real. DD is 32 weeks and they won't let her go past 38 weeks. However, her blood pressure has gone up quite a bit, so they are taking extra care of her and she has to go back to the hospital twice a week now. She is immense! I've added a picture in my profile of her and a work colleague. They both have the same due date - but can you guess which one is expecting twins! The photo really made me laugh.

    My weight seems to be stuck the last week. Grrr. It's so frustrating to be so close to the 100 pounds off and not quite make it! Fingers crossed that it will be gone soon.

    Yesterday I had another swimming lesson. Well, I am definitely never going to be a mermaid! I seriously think that I've got worse rather than better. Still, at least I can float. I've arranged to go for a practice hour on Thursday (if I can fit it in). It seems to be my legs that I have the biggest problem with. I also noticed that my knee was really playing me up after yesterday's class, but I walked plenty afterwards - I will not be beaten!

    The cardiologist appointment has come through for next week. If they say I have to have the surgery sooner rather than later, then so be it, but I truthfully don't have the time for it at present. Realistically I know that I have to take care of myself before I can take care of others, but life is not always that cut and dried.

    Last night, as I was preparing the evening meal, I found myself snacking - something I haven't done for a very long time. I had a couple of crispbreads with hummus. When it dawned on me that I was falling into a bad trap, I added some veggies and made that my meal, so it worked out ok in the end. DH was coming home late as there was a tube strike yesterday so he had to walk home from work (I offered to drive to collect him, but the traffic would have been horrendous so he decided to walk). It took him about two hours to do the walk (in the pouring rain I may add!) so he was glad to have a hot meal ready and waiting for him (and a cold beer - which is very unusual as he rarely drinks).

    I hope everyone is doing well and is having a good week. My thoughts, prayers and love are with you all.

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Another beautiful, crisp morning here! It is so, so nice to feel fall in the air.

    Jennifer: Welcome and hope that your sinus's feel better soon. I often suffer from them so I feel for you! You have found a wonderful place for support and friendship.

    Amanda: How fun to see your soon-to-be grand babies! And I am so impressed with your handling your snacking situation. I will remember that the next time I find myself doing the same.

    Barbiecat: I like your goal of being complaint-free. It is a worthy goal. I am going to find and post an ancient Nun's prayer that I read often that basically sets that as it's goal too. And I am SURE that your extra pounds are just a quirk. You'll see that gone in no time. Keep us posted.

    I have younger son, his girlfriend, and a group of his old college buddies, some with fiancees or girlfriends, here for the wedding of one of their college buddies. They are staying here so it should be a fun-filled weekend. My upstairs screened porch is now a nice enclosed sleeping porch that is cute and cozy. It will double as a playroom for granddaughter when she is here. Look forward to breaking it in with all the young folks!

    Have a lovely day, dear friends! And I am so happy you are here, Kackie:heart::heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Michelle, thanks for thinking of me during my tests even if you are glad it is not you. LOL. I was kind of thinking of cleansing like that more often, but guess that is not a good idea.
    Barbie, It is so frustrating that we work so hard to lost so much weight and even after we gain for so little. I know people dont believe me when I say I did nothing to gain, but it is the truth. I guess that is our life that to be thin we will just always have to work at it. I hope the extra comes off with no trouble.
    Kackie, your husband sounds like mine. He would think nothing of walking 2 hours to save me the time and trouble.
    Whoever had sinus trouble I feel for you. You are right it affects everything you do, sleep, eat, exercise. Mine is still not back to normal, whatever that is.
    I plan to do good on eating again today. going to gym after bringing rhea to school. will get some sort of workout in. My cravings are under control, but I am so hungry. Need to shrink that stomach.
    hope you all have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    SuzyQ - I am glad to hear you are keeping the dog. What's the difference between moving 2 pets or 3 pets anyway? lol That is one lucky dog.


    The actual moving is not a problem. It is that where they are talking about transferring us to means Sophie will have to become an inside dog because of the difference in winters. At present our old dog is an inside dog and she is a yard dog, with our cat being outdoors most of the day and coming in at dark. She is so smart I have no doubt she will potty train quickly, but she sheds alot more than Muffin does so that means much more work to keep pet hair under control if we do have to move.

    Apparently I put much more into zumba last night than usual because my lower back quite sore this morning. PTL I already had a massage scheduled for this morning! :happy: All that wiggling is whittling down my middle in ways nothing else I've tried has. Learning some of the steps will also come in handy next month when I meet my best friend in Cancun. Maybe this time I won't be embarrassed to participate in salsa lessons.

    Happy Tuesday y'all!
  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    I have enjoyed reading everyone's post. It motivates me to get up and get moving.

    Jennifer, I have also been under the weather with sinus problems and haven't felt like doing anything. But today I plan on doing some walking. Hope you get to feeling better.

    Becky, When I first retired, my plans were to make exercising a new job. My husband and I started out going the the Y three times a week, but I didn't change anything as for as my diet was concerned. We stopped after a few months. Didn't do anything for awhile and last week it hit me. Change you life syle. Eat better and Start moving! October 1 was my first day on my new plan and I won 't weight in until next Friday. I think I am already down 5 lbs.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glynda, when I retired I told my friends that I planned to spend my retirement sitting at my table, watching TV, and knitting. I did that for awhile, then found line dancing, but didn't really change my eating. I ate healthy but had no sense of portion control and so my weight didn't go down. One day my husband and I had side by side moments of clarity and decided to do something about our weight. We took it one day at a time, talked about the meals we would eat, the walks we would take, and the new things we'd learned about healthy eating, calories, nutrition......I found MFP because I was looking for a site to tell me how many calories were in something and I started logging my food that day......that was over a year ago and I've logged food and exercise every day except for some long weekends when we traveled and had no access to the internet......it has made a huge difference. I wish the same success for you

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, after my indulgences, I decided to go back to basics one day at a time for as long as needed......yesterday I kept my sodium as low as possible and ate the way I did when I was successfully losing weight. :flowerforyou: I know you can do that too.

    :flowerforyou: we got back to yoga this morning after about a week of too many distractions.
    :heart: :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Michelle:flowerforyou: {{hugs}} to you over Sophie. I know how hard it is when you have to go through that and I'm with you on waiting about aquiring another pet. I had only waited one month before we got Peanut after Linus died and even though I love Peanut I'm still not sure it was a good move to have made.

    Barbie- I'm sure that #5 is largely water weight and with your discipline you will return to your former weight within this week.:drinker:

    Amanda- fun picture of your daughter and her friend. When my DIL #2 was pregnant with grandson #1 I was able to take a picture like that of her with one of her friends that was due the same week and even though they were each carring only one baby her friend appeared a lot larger than my DIL. I can only imagine the excitement you felt getting to see those grandbabies:flowerforyou: I know that you want to put off your surgery because of how busy you are, but you really do need to take care of yourself so that you will be able to help with those grandbabies in the future:smile:

    To those of you that are retired...I can only hope and pray that I will one day get there too:smile: Until then I'm drowning :sad: in paperwork and I'd best get to it.

    Everyone make today a success in our fight against those unwanted pounds...Drink your water:drinker: Exercise:drinker: and log in your food:drinker: Don't forget to get in plenty of veggies and fruit:flowerforyou:

This discussion has been closed.