

  • Dzzy
    Dzzy Posts: 5 Member
    I just love you guys! Such an interesting and varied group of people....

    so let me tell you about my day yesterday. My son had a day off (he's a freelance celebrity/fashion photographer so he can do that any time) and I'm staying with him in London until tomorrow. Well, I really wanted to go to a couple of photographic exhibitions in London BUT there was a tube (subway) strike so no trains and clogged up roads (gridlock in some places). Plus it was a dull overcast day which looked like rain. Now that son of mine is a keen cyclist - goes off and cycles 100 miles on a Saturday just for fun! So he said right lets cycle it! I responded with words unprintable.... but still said ok! We managed to get a train into London, then found a bike hire stand with a few bikes left in it (let me explain, in London they have this system where you get a sort of 'key' which you put into a slot (much like when you get a trolley at the supermarket), and out pops your bike...it's free for the first half-hour and he wouldn't tell me how much it cost after that. So off we go to the National Gallery first, slot the bikes back into another bike hire stand - go to a couple of exhibitions, have a noodle soup, and back on the road again! I must have cycled for well over an hour in total. I conquered my fear of cycling in London, (although I had a couple of 'moments' but it was with pedestrians running in front of me - the roads were totally clogged with non-moving traffic).... plus we managed to do what we wanted without paying a thing.... and it didn't rain! How about that! A great day out with my soon-to-be-forty son!
    (PS I wore a helmet!)
    Unfortunately I sort of spoilt the day cos we had a delicious Indian meal in the evening... at a top restaurant - and I had to guess the calorific content but I didn't have naan bread and only a little rice, = who knows what was in the yummy meat dishes though :(
    Today I've been good and walked for a couple of hours and we have home-cooked meal so that's ok.
    I'll be sitting in a plane for nearly 26 hours next week so need to build up some 'credit' so to speak!

    Good luck to everyone and lovely to meet you all.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just popping in to say I probably won't post again until next week. I have to work a conference the rest of the week and this is also homecoming weekend for the kids. We are hosting a homecoming dinner for the boys soccer team too. Nothing like being extra, extra busy.

    I wish all of us the best over the next few days and good luck on our eating and exercising.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick hello!:happy:

    This is random, but when I joined MFP I found this link which explained in detail why you have to eat a certain amount of calories in order to lose. If anyone wants to read it (it's long) I think it's worth it.
    We need to re-educate ourselves about how eating less does not always equal.... losing weight.


    Have a great day!!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies and new ladies too:drinker: .

    Just a quickie, got things to do and it is getting past the bed time. Did my exercises today and also had a better day of eating, took a few raw vegetables with seasoning with me today, sure made the tummy feel fuller. Looks like it is going to rain tomorrow says my sis anyway. Okay with me, time to get caught up on some desk work.

    Catch all of you tormorrow.

  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    Eat better and Start moving! October 1 was my first day on my new plan and I won 't weight in until next Friday. I think I am already down 5 lbs.

    Way go!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: my friend with a vegetable garden came over today and brought zucchini and yellow squash so I cut it up with store bought tomatoes and bell peppers and roasted them and served them with chicken spinach sausage...a bit high on sodium but not too bad.

    :flowerforyou: we had a beautiful chilly day here today.....took the dogs to the dog park and ran them until they were tired then came home and worked in the yard a bit before supper...I still haven't completely recovered from my exhausting weekend but it's getting better.........two nights of "Dancing With the Stars" gives me a good reason to sit and watch TV (actually I ride the exercise bike a bit)

    :flowerforyou: I sent Mimi a personal message but haven't heard back from her......does anyone remember he saying she was going on a trip or something?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcome Jennifer! You'll find lots of support and good ideas here. Glad to have ya with us!

    We went to the detention center for the Citizen's Academy tonight. It was quite interesting. I honestly didn't realize that the inmates are charged for their meds and for seeing the MD. I could NEVER work at a prison. I'm way way too trusting. One of the inmates was talking to the sheriff who was leading our group and he said something to me. Here I was, ready to start up a conversation with him! In all, it was very informative. There were some things that the prisioners did that I would never in my wildest dreams have thought of.

    Did one hr of a Jari Love Get Ripped to the Core DVD today. I like her DVD's, they're challenging to me. Tomorrow I'll take a deep water class.

    Also took a bowling lesson. He said that I should work on my follow thru.

    Before I go to the Y for the water class, I'm going to go to Kohl's. Their Halloween ceramics will be on sale 50% off, plus I have a coupon (last day for it) for an add'l 20% off, plus I have two $10 Kohls cash vouchers. Then I'll go to the Y, then maybe bowling, then do some food shopping.

    Just found out that the yoga for tomorrow night is cancelled. Well, that'll give me more time to clean more. I'm having some people here Fri night for pizza & garlic bread, then we'll play some games.

    Everyone, have a great evening

  • Purplelover
    Hello ladies,
    I am 57 years old, in my last year of teaching prior to retiring, overweight, and trying to build a homebased business. I guess I have decided it is time for me to take charge of my body in a more positive way...I admit I have been in charge all along, just headed in a different direction. I want to find and maintain balance in my life: food, exercise, work ,family, pleasure...I have always wanted to get a fortune cookie that says "run wild and be free" but, that would not be balanced.
    I do not want my life to be lived in constant conflict with food. But, such is the case. I know that exercise will help me to not feel deprived because it will give me more calorie options. I want to lose weight and be more healthy but there is also a child-like voice inside me that wants to dig her heals in and fight against what I know is best for me. As long as the voice is not too loud...

    Oct. goals:

    Stay within my suggested calorie intake the majority of days.
    Increase my water intake.
    Exercise at least three days a week.
    Increase fresh fruits and veggies in my diet.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome PurpleL, and anyone else who recently has joined us that I haven't specifically acknowledged.

    I think you are starting in the right directions. Your goals for October are a good start and will enable you to successfully take the first steps toward a healthier lifestye and weight loss in the process.

    Good luck!!

    Had a very long day. Had a friend with a serious financial emergency and I managed to do some "creative financing" to solve the immediate problem, but I am tired.

    Greetings to all.

    Regarding Mimi..I am not sure what might be going on. Looks like she hasn't posted or commented to anyone since 9/21. Hope everything is alright.

    I am tired, so, BFN

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    New day. New Week, New month :happy: Perfect time for a new start, don't you think? :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Well Said !!! Hi everyone and welcome all the newbies.

    :smile: I'm feeling a bit more like my old self and thought it's time I got back on the waggon. I had a terrible September, but it is gone now and time for me to start again (again:bigsmile: )

    :frown: The mornings here now are getting darker, so our dog walk is a little later than in summer, which is another reason why I haven't posted lately. I have found it hard to motivate myself on these dark rainy mornings.

    :cry: Michelle I feel your pain, losing Sadie, but as everyone has said it was the right thing to do, but it doesn't make your sadness any less knowing this. I have been thinking a lot about our old dog Milo who was put to sleep a couple of years ago - I really miss him. :cry:

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat I've sent Mimi a pm too but not heard from her either :frown: Hope she's ok.

    :flowerforyou: Laura you look fab. You are an inspiration!

    :huh: Well it's time for me to get my boots on and get the doggies walked before too many people are about. oh to have a normal dog!! Our clocks go back an hour at the end of October and we will be back to GMT this will make it lighter on a morning, but soon I will be coming home from work in the dark oh joy.

    :flowerforyou: Take care everyone

    Viv :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, All!

    Purple: Welcome. We have all been where you are and can relate. You have found a great support group here and you are starting the journey the right way...baby steps, baby steps. You'll get there! Look forward to hearing from you!

    You are kind to have helped someone in financial trouble. There are so many in that boat now and I wish that they all could get the help they need.

    Viv: Hope October is a better month for us both! The important thing is that we are here and moving ahead, right?
    Barbie & Viv: I sent a PM to Mimi too and haven't heard anything. yes, I am worried too. Hope we will hear from her soon.

    Michele: Take care...thinking of you

    Yesterday was a busy day that didn't give me much time for designated exercise. I did not get my walk/run in but plan to today. I have lost all but 2 pounds of my Aug-Sept gain though, and really hope to have that gone in the next week. That will be a challenge with all the "kids" here this long weekend, but I am going to PLAN better than I have in the past as far as what I will eat, so hopefully that will help. At least I seem to have gotten my cravings back in check for now and that is a much better feeling and I want to keep that good feeling!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Take care:heart::heart: Kackie:heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good Morning ladies,
    Welcome to new ladies. You will love this site and the wonderful ladies on it. I am having another good day. I am eating right again. Got a good workout in yesterday. Will try again today. I really need to become a self motivator but I am not one and really have to push myself. I really think a lot of you ladies that are so creative in your workouts. Still have sinus cough so cant get too overheated. I start my clear liquids in the morning and then my colonoscopy on Friday. That should cure those cravings for sure. Have been taking my cider vinegar and have really curbed cravings but am kind of hungry. I read the entire article that Birdie posted about not eating enough. She and I had discussed this issue a week or so ago. I fit that sometimes but not always. It may be part of my problem though. It is really hard for me to eat when not hungry since I am normally trying to watch what I eat. I am trying to eat my 1200 and when I get a lot of exercise then add a few hundred. I will find the right formula for me to make this a lasting thing. I really want to just find something that will work for me that I can do forever and ever. sorry to go on for so long just needed to get that out. Hope you all have a great day.
    Vicki M
  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    Good Morning to everyone.

    I babysat my 19 month old grandson yesterday, so I wasn't able to get out and walk. However, I got motivated to clean out the refrigerator, the pantry and my cabinet full of mismatched bowls and lids. That was about four hours of non-stop cleaning.
    And I did stay in my calorie limit and had 9 glasses of water!

    Well I'm off for my Mammogram this morning and I plan to shop for me one new pair of jeans for the fall. Yes, I will be buying them a size smaller than I am wearing at this time. My plan is if the jeans are too tight, it will motivate me faster.

    Good luck to all of us.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my friends.

    After all the rain we've had over the last couple of days, it's nice to see a bit of blue sky here in London.

    I've decided to have two days of extra calories to try to give my body a bit of a boost. I'm not going to go mad and I'm still eating highly nutritious foods, but I've noticed that it's been quite difficult recently for me to reach my calorific goals each day. Rather than eating larger portions, I am eating several small meals and making sure that I get plenty of water in between (I don't drink with my meals). It may be the winter weather coming on, but my skin is feeling very dry, so I want to give it a boost too.

    On top of all my rushing around yesterday, I managed too get a flat tyre and couldn't remove the wheel nuts as they had been machined on. The car managed to limp to the garage where they robbed me blind for a new tyre! Grr!

    Last night I managed to get 90% of my Christmas shopping done (yes, I know it's early - but with everything going on, I wanted to make sure that I didn't have to do anything at the last minute). I also bought loads of things for the grand twins as it is DD#1's baby shower on Sunday. To prevent 'favouritism' I've got a huge pile of stuff in pink with a corresponding pile of stuff in blue. There is a further pile of 'neutral colours' that they can both wear. For my daughter I got a pair of pink and a pair of blue cashmere bedsocks. She wears bedsocks in the house when she's padding around so I thought the cashmere ones would be a little bit of luxury for her when she's had the babies.

    DD#2 and I are going to go and do some more shopping on Saturday for the food etc for the shower and my sister is making lots of cupcakes and muffins. We are making party bags for everyone and I was putting them together yesterday. I bought brown paper bags (like take away bags) and I've been decorating them. So far I've managed to decorate about 25 of them and I need 40 in total.

    A quick question - we don't really have baby showers in England but I know that they are popular in the States etc. Is it normal to serve alcohol? My daughters, sister and I don't drink, but should we provide some for those people who do?

    Tomorrow I am having an extra swimming class, which I am really looking forward to. I also want to try to do at least a five mile walk tomorrow if I can fit it in between parental visits etc.

    Time for me to hang some more laundry on the washing line whilst it's not raining.

    Love and hugs to you all.

    Amanda x
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Oct. goals:

    Stay within my suggested calorie intake the majority of days.
    Increase my water intake.
    Exercise at least three days a week.
    Increase fresh fruits and veggies in my diet.

    Purplelover: Welcome!:flowerforyou: I agree with Barb that your October goals are healthy and resonable. Good Luck!!!!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    So excited for the fall weather to arrive, but still haven't broken out the blue jeans. Guess I'll have to do that this weekend! I'm a little worried because I won't be able to attend my weight watcher's meeting for five weeks (I'm Lifetime) because I'm taking my puppy to "Puppy School". You guys and this site are gonna keep me in check! For some reason I like some kind of accountability to help me keep my goals.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I ahve been reading diligently and all of you are in my thoughts but I just haven't been up to serious posting.

    My heart aches for the loss of Sadie but it was for the best I am sure.

    I cringe each time I read about the colonoscopy because I still have gone and done that. I am so bad.

    I PM'd Mimi last week and again this week with no answer. I lost her phone number or I would call her. I sure hope she is just too busy.

    I am doing well this week. even with my treadmill limiting me to 20 minute walks at a time. Its frustrating but I push thru. I am walking about 100 minutes a day instead of the 130 I usually do. I am working the strength DVD's and Turbo Fire DVD's hard core and I am sticking to really healthy eating. I hope the scale shows improvement soon.

    I hope you all are well and doing great.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just time to say Hi to all and welcome the newbies.

    BirdieM- I just read that post (and yes it is long) it was worth it.:flowerforyou: For those just starting out realizing it's more than just counting calories, it's eating the right kind of foods that will bring the weight off is very important.

    Amanda- The baby shower sounds like it's coming along. Alcohol or not? Depends on where the shower is being held, I've been to ones at church - where of course there was NO alcohol just fruit punch and then those in private homes where there was.

    Your almost done with your Christmas shopping:noway: you are one motivated woman!

    Gotta get back to working...everyone have a great day...eat the RIGHT foods, exercise and get in plenty of water:drinker:

  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Kids, sorry I haven't been on... I will try to get on more but for a while my attention may be consumed by job search and apartment search...

    I did weigh in at the Doctor's (I only weigh in every 1-2 months) and I lost 11 more pounds for a total of 22 (for some reason my ticker shows 23, so I might be wrong, it might be 23 or it might be in reality something like 22.5 but that's a quibble)... the big point is I am going slow and steady in the right direction and I am happy with that.

    This weekend I also have dance workshops, mostly Dance Theraputics and that will be mostly yoga and stretching for dancers. My hobby is Belly Dancing plus I started taking Bollywood. I am however a rank beginner even after 2 years because I am doing dancing so late in life, but I credit it with a lot of help on the weight loss trail plus many physical advancements such as better balance and toning... just being able to get off the floor without help is a big change from 2 years ago!

    And another good thing is that the weather is cooling. I live in the Arizona desert area so being able to get out and walk will now start and I love walks and hiking. Last month I did my first "rated moderate" hike... I had been sticking to easy hikes, so this fall and winter I plan on trying to get in more moderate hikes as well. Hooray!

    Slow and steady wins the race!

    If anyone wants to friend me, I won't mind. I will be trying to get on more here, but my real vow will be more in December after the dust settles from my career changes and house changes....

    However, I did miss the group, so I thought I'd at least poke my head in and say hi, and hope to do so more often as I go along... don't forget me entirely! LOL.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Michelle, Forgot to say I am thinking of you as you go through the loss of your precious Sadie. Sometimes being a "mom" is very hard, as it means showing your love by letting go. I hope you are doing ok and that Vince can understand what was best.

    Amanda, What a dynamo!! Christmas shopping already!!:noway: :noway: As for question about the shower. I haven't been to that many, but I don't ever recall alcohol being served. When you think about it, the mother to be certainly shouldn't drink, and since the party is all about her and the baby, regardless of where it is held, I don't think one has to serve alcohol. It is a baby shower, not a cocktail party. If you were having it at a restaurant and guests wanted to order something on their own, so be it, but I don't think you should feel compelled to provide it. That is just my opinion.

    Have to go for now.
