
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue In TX: The weather forecast is not at all good, but we hope to have fun anyway. The deck may be in a holding pattern for a long time unless we get more good weather. Luckily it is protected. Thanks for your good thoughts.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I understand why you are upset with your SIL. Her failure to hear your warnings and concerns about her mom is sad, but it will be her problem forever. You’ve done your best, and if God keeps tally scores you should have a LOT of gold stars. My concern is that the situation is upsetting you. Talk it over with DH, and see if you can find a place of comfort in knowing you’ve done what you can.:heart:

    Barbie: I just had my teeth cleaned the other day, too. I am grateful knowing that they’re okay and I’m taking good care of them. I actually think that modern dentistry does more to keep the population healthy into old age than any other medical intervention other than immunizations. Good nutrition pays big health dividends and healthy teeth are a vital part of getting the nutrition we need. I also have choking/gagging issues, but they haven’t been as bad the last few years. My dental hygienist is good at her job.:bigsmile:

    Sylvia: Good for you being a Good Samaritan.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: I’ve never seen silken tofu. Where do you find it?:huh:

    I want to keep working on our deck, but the weather forecast is not promising. It may be a long while before we can finish, and I really don’t want to have the deck rails and glass in my bedroom all winter. I keep praying for just enough sunny weather to finish and put things away. Yesterday afternoon bringing the boat home may be the last of the summer weather for a long while. It was glorious and I am working to be grateful for that pleasure without regretting the missed afternoon to work on the deck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla :flowerforyou: you said talk it over with my husband. I did that yesterday. is answer 'I don't know what to tell you'. I think they were brought up in this emotional void. When my Mom died the scene is still so vivid in my mind. Every in the family had their spouse wrap their arms around them. Me, nothing until my girls saw that they needed to and got out of their husbands arms to wrap their arms around me. I tried to hug my husband but although I know he loves me, I know he shows it to me in acts of service. He can't show it with emotion. His brother called this morning, I think he is coming out of that emotional void and is working real hard on doing what he can for his Mom.

    As far as what is doing to me, yes, my body is just so full of stress right now. Stress not only from his family but my own grief. I'm not sure which is more. I do know that I am carrying 2 more pounds on me than I did on Wednesday.

  • Joyce, I'm so sorry for the pain and grief you have inside. Many, many hugs to you.
  • bergamese
    bergamese Posts: 36 Member
    To pcrosswhite:

    when I was menopausal, I had to keep all of my commonly craved foods out of the house. No ice cream, no salty fried snacks. I also had a list of ways to distract myself; when I got a craving I'd go do a chore, check my e-mail, surf a weight loss support site.

    Hope that helps!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Joyce - you are doing great. Hang on in there. It's absolutely fine to feel sad. Of course you do. We feel what we feel.

    I had a nasty moment this pm. The nephew rang to say the baby had had a bad night and was not well. Then he admitted it was more them worrying about her not settling in a strange place. Her mum is very nervous. I thought they were not coming at all, but he said they would come for the day, but probably not stay over. They did the same thing with the granny (Dh's sister) so I won't take it personally. I don't know if it is their overprotectiveness or just that she is a difficult baby, but they have made very heavy weather of it all. I hope the baby is OK . I have a little worry about it. I just want them to relax and have a good time.
    At least I have a nice clean house now. I do love it clean and tidy!
    Love Heather UK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    YannieJannie – White, GA is about 25 miles from where I live. Not too far – so you need to get on a plane to visit her at the end of October and then both of you can join in the GA get-together! :wink:

    So far today… started laundry, cleaned the kitchen, called the company who stained our fence yesterday to nicely say it was not acceptable (haven’t heard back from them yet), ordered rocks for delivery next Saturday, met with the fellow who will move said rocks and do some gutter/drainpipe work for us, got my haircut and went to the Y (weights and cardio). I walked a mile on the TM and then jogged a mile on the TM – straight through! First time I’ve done that. :happy:

    Now to continue laundry, etc., and figure out something for lunch. Have recently read the book “Salt, Sugar, Fat” and think of it every time I eat… yikes. Even at the Y today -- the local Dairy Queen had some sort of frozen ICEE kind of thing there for free, so the kids were going crazy for it. (This is the last day of local 'fall break' - our schools start back the first week of August.) All I could think is "I wonder how much sugar is in that stuff?" :noway: So I refilled my bottle of water and came on home.

    DH is playing golf and was supposed to be off for the day, but work called because another pharmacy tech had something come up, so he is going to work from 4:30-9p. Guess I get to do whatever I want tonight…which will probably to take another walk.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • New to the site and happy to find fellow 50+ ladies who offer support and encouragement. I love the features--no counting calories myself!:laugh: I am currently fighting a re-occurrence of breast cancer that has spread to my spine and other bones. So when my nutritionist suggested MFP to help me eat better and fight my cancer, I was intrigued. Losing weight is an added bonus but not my main focus. She suggests small, frequent meals which is taking getting used to. Anyone else in a similar situation?
  • Why do I still reach for food if upset???? At least this time it was fruit but I need to break this cycle :frown:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,997 Member
    I was bad, ate up my exercise calories, Oh well, and no gym tomorrow I have to work, I am going to try and take a walk,, wish me and my heel luck.. its been good, but dont want to overdue.. Oh well tomorrow is another day..
    Well I had the shock of my life today at work... My husband actually had flower's delivered to work for our anniversary..
    To say I am in shock is an understatement,when and it is rarely he has bought me flowers he goes to the grocery store and picks up a bouquet, but holy cow, flowers in a vase and everything...
    He can be a good guy sometimes, I almost busted out crying,because he doesn't ever do that..
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Grandmallie - how sweet of your DH and what a nice surprise! That is really something to keep in your heart. Happy anniversary.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Grandmallie - What lovely surprise! Great memory! Happy Anniversary!
  • SandraDee0372
    SandraDee0372 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a newbie. I'm 52 (Oct. 2), and I too am menopausal and can't believe how hard it is to lose weight this time! I have tried and tried for so long! I'm really determined this time to do it!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I made it to the Y and did a full hour of strength training. It felt good but I am still a bit sore. I'm so looking forward to being in the pool tomorrow. Aquafit is at 8:15 so it will be a fairly early morning....ok for me it's really early :laugh:

    I got home from the Y only to find a notice on my door. Apparently the landlord is having smart meters installed in our apartments. This is the first I've heard about it. I've done some reading about it and it doesn't necessarily mean I will end up paying for hydro now. I hope that's true because I pay way too much rent now to add hydro to it as well. If I end up paying hydro you can bet that I will be being a pest about them turning down our heat in the winter. I can't control my own heat and they keep the temp between 80 - 85. My building is full of seniors and they complain when it's too cool. I'm forced to leave my windows open and have fans running even in the middle of winter. I might have to consider moving...ugh I don't want to move yet.

    Yanniejannie – you are so right, kids have definite strange processes. Take care of that hamstring, you don't need a serious injury.

    Pcrosswhite – welcome! Come back often and post as much as you went, we are a chatty bunch

    Jane – I'm with you....TGIF!!

    Suzy – I hope you have a great time at the orchard/garden and you get lots of fruits & veggies.

    Katla – I hope you will post pictures of your deck once it's all done.

    Joyce – I'm so very sorry about your MIL and how it's causing you so much stress. Be gentle with yourself, you have a right to grieve. You are handling a lot right now.

    Heather – is your nephew more worried about having the baby disturb you & yoru DH during the night? Nothing much better then a clean house

    Gail – yay for the mile run on the tm. That's awesome ... doing the happy dance for you. Enjoy your alone time tonight

    marytsullivan – welcome, come back often and post as much as you like

    cws4me – I reach for food for all emotions, happy, sad, bored, upset. I learned to either celebrate with food or smother feelings with food.

    Granmallie – I'm so happy for you, what a wonderful surprise. It just makes it all the more special when he doesn't do things like that. Congratulations!

    Have a great evening everyone!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Hello to all: Grandmallie - How sweet that he surprised you at work with flowers:flowerforyou: . That lets everyone know he loves you not just you.

    I have had a wonderful day today:bigsmile: . I got on my horse for the first time since last April and my shoulder injury. Poor Jule looked just a little surprised when we brought out the saddle. My friend went with me and put on the saddle but I was able to get on and off by myself. That part was worrying me more than a little bit. My PT says to use my left arm while I am grooming her, it is good therapy. So next week my friend and I are going to try a short trail ride at one of our state parks. I also went to water therapy today and was able to do sidestroke on both sides. Still can't do other strokes but can water jog. Yeah:happy: !!! Things are progressing.

    Today is DGD birthday. She is 9 and she and DS are going indoor skydiving to celebrate. Not my cup of tea but I am sure they will have fun.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with successes. Sue in SD
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gail, I started listening to “Salt Sugar Fat” on CD and thought it was an awesome book…….I had to return it to the library because someone else wanted it but I’ll get it back one of these days and listen to the rest. It’s pretty scary, but I have to remember that no one can be taken advantage of without their permission, so all the people who continue to eat all that stuff just encourage the manufacturers….I’m a lot like you----when in doubt, take another walk.

    :bigsmile: Grandmallie, remember those flowers the next time you want to be irritated at your hubby
    remember kindnesses, forget injuries.

    :bigsmile: Sue in SD, congrats on getting back on your horse…happy days are here again.

    :flowerforyou: I’ve had my usual long and busy day filled with dancing, dog walking, and strength training. I can hold a plank long enough now that my toes and elbows hurt before my core so I’m exploring some more challenging variations I love working out at home while watching TV but the down side is that interruptions are more likely and today the zone leader of our neighborhood emergency response team stopped by to talk about a bunch of stuff…..I don’t know if she noticed that I was wearing massive weights on my ankles……I was very pleasant and could hardly wait for her to leave.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 29,000 steps today
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Evening everyone. It is absolutely beautiful here today. In the mid-70s, bright sunshine, nice breeze, mmmmmmmmm. Delightful. I slept in today and instead of water aerobics I walked twice for a total of 2 ½ miles. I worked on a book and cooked a nice beef pasta salad for dinner. I even had enough calories for a glass of wine. Now all of a sudden I am fading fast!

    Michele: I often substitute other things for the oil in boxed mixes, but I have not tried the silken tofu. That’s next on my list!

    Grandmallie: congratulations on your anniversary! Sorry you and Kevrit couldn’t connect. Wow flowers at work! What a nice treat!

    Heather : I find hose and tights uncomfortable too, so I opt for long skirts and knee-high hose! I am waiting for the day I can wear real hose!

    Sandy thanks for the encouraging words about kids! I have really missed my aquacise classes. They just don’t seem to be working for my current schedule.

    Yanniejannie: it is so easy to let time slip away and poof! There goes the exercise plans. You sound busy!

    Suzy have fun at the orchard. We plan to go next week.

    Joyce: I hope you are able to find peace in some way

    Gail: woo hoo on the treadmill!

    Martysullivan: welcome to the group! Have you looked into Dr. Weil’s site? He is a well-respected holistic physician (even respected by “mainstream” docs) who does a lot with nutrition for healing.

    SandraDee: welcome to you too!

    Sue: how wonderful you were able to ride today

    Well this seems to be a quiet group today. I’m beat so after “What not to wear” I’m hitting the hay. Tomorrow is the second diabetes class. Take care everyone meg from glorious Omaha
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    grandmalle - happy anniversary! And flowers, that makes it so nice

    Heather - I like the idea of the miniskirt with the tights

    Did an hour of the walk/jog workout, then came home as Vince wanted me home since we were supposed to get delivery of the storage shed. Only it never came. He finally called the freight place and they said it would be delivered Mon. We added acid to the pool and I laid out by the pool, then went to Aldi's since they have the grapes on sale. I also needed to get gas at Sam's since tonight we're going to see "Spamalot" at the Hickory Community Theater (not the one I volunteer at).

    Tomorrow is yoga and then I'm supposed to help usher and hopefully see "Hairspray".

    Sandy - I'm glad your son came back to you. I don't think Bryan will ever come back to me. How I miss him!

    yanniejannie - what a busy day you had! You can sure say again that kids have strange thought processes

    pcrosswhite - welcome! One thing that curbs my cravings is I make a big salad and put vinegar on it.

    Suzy in DE - is today the first day of fall? Yup, you're right.

    katla - I usually can get the silken tofu in grocery stores. Not every one carries the silken, most carry the firm and extra firm. I can get it at Lowes Foods, if you have those by you. I do hope you get the deck finished and that Mother Nature cooperates.

    Gail - at first I thought you were going to join the ranks of the people who move rocks themselves, but you're not. Oh well.:) Congrats on your treadmill workouts

    martysullivan - so glad to have you here. What an inspiration you are!

    SandraDee - welcome, come in lots so we get to know you better.

    Sandy - I hope you don't have to move. I remember how MIL liked it so warm when I'd go to see her. I'd be dying of the heat in the middle of winter and she'd be complaining how cold it was!

    Sue in SD - how wonderful that you got on your horse! You're making wonderful progress.

    barbie - I'm with you, working out at home you can get a lot more interruptions. That's one reason why I like to work out early in the a.m. The only interruption is usually the phone and I can let that go to voice mail. If it's important, they will leave a message

    Meg - I've substituted applesauce for the oil and also prune puree (but only in chocolate things). I've also substituted pumpkin. But everything else has a bit of a "flavor", no matter how much I try, there is still a hint of the apple or prune or pumpkin that I used. But not the tofu. Tofu takes on the flavor of the foods it's with, so it just intensified the chocolate flavor.

    Gonna take a shower, farmer's market tomorrow. The market is winding down, there won't be too many more times that I'll be going (waaaaaa!)

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Thought you’d enjoy seeing the recently installed master bath faucet, sink and vanity. That’s Mars in my profile picture using the new sink to wash his mitts. He thinks it’s a cool bed. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I’m home for a solid two weeks so catching up on car repair, luggage repair, and my volunteer commitments. Tomorrow is our Wine Women and Shoes fundraiser. I am hopeful it attracts some very eager auction buyers and new supporters.

    My weekly sessions with the personal trainer are awesome. Still the honeymoon stage of this new phase of my fitness regime, but I do like learning new exercises and being held accountable to do the stuff I hate most, like lunges.

    Don’t know who first brought up the topic, but about audio books, I’m a huge fan. Have subscribed to Audible.com for years. My favorites are biographies read by the author. For a real treat, check out Rob Lowe’s “Stories I Only Tell My Friends”. He does surprisingly great impersonations of celebrities, which one would never know by reading the book. I listen during my early morning cardio on machines and on airplanes. I listened to The Art of Racing in the Rain which was recommended on this thread, and enjoyed in greatly. Thank you to whoever recommended it. Renny and Barbie, you have me seriously considering “The Happiness Project.”

    Rhonda: Road Racin’ Queen. Way to go! Proud of you.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Bruno Mars is a great choice for Super Bowl halftime. :love:

    SueinTX and Suzy: I hope your remodel projects go smoothly. :tongue: :tongue:

    Katla: Likewise with your deck work. Way to DIY. :wink:

    SueinSD: Glad to hear the shoulder is getting better and you’re back in the saddle again.:happy:

    Vicki and Meg: Hope you are not anywhere near the swelling rivers and streams. :noway:

    Janemartin: May your DD have an easy ‘labor’ day. :smile:

    Gardengail: I wish I could be at your house party and garden walk. :frown: I get to Atlanta on business about 2x a year, so will check it out next time I’m there.

    Sylvia: I love hearing about the RAOKs. Very inspiring, and I am going to give it a try. :smooched:

    Michele: When you substitute silken tofu for oil in baked goods, is it a 1:1 switch? I don’t know how you cook so much yet consume so little. Yes, I’d say you are a feeder. :wink: I'm going to miss the farmers market, too.

    Grandmallie: Congratulations on your 16 year anniversary. How lovely that your DH sent flowers to your work! :heart: :heart: I hope you get that solo birdwatching time in Florida. Sounds like fun.

    SandyinOntario: So glad that your DS is maturing. Hope his GF changes her mind about joining you for your birthday. Great job sticking to your evening workouts. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your new skinny wardrobe choices sound sensible, but fun. I hope you find some great boots that accommodate your orthotics AND your mini-skirt. :happy:

    Joyce: I’m a lot like your husband. In our home we were seldom hugged or kissed, and to this day displays of affection do not come naturally.:cry: I commend your patience, understanding and kindness towards others during this trying time.

    MaryTSullivan: Welcome to MFP and this very warm, wise and supportive community. Keep checking in, and let us know where you are from. :smile:

    Cws4me: Food is comfort if we don’t train ourselves to find solace in other ways. First, forgive yourself. :embarassed: Second, sit down and make a list of ways to make yourself feel better that doesn’t involve ingesting calories or hurting anyone. My favs: sugarless gum, playing with Mars, and putzing around with my many potted plants.

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    September Goals:
     Cardio with intervals as prescribed by Rose 2x per week
     Body weight strength training routine 3x per week
     Leg stretches every day
     Hit my daily protein and fiber goals 4x per week
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Your husband was lucky to find you, and I suspect his answer was the best he could give. Isn’t it amazing he didn’t grow up to be like his sister? Finding you was undoubtedly his lucky day.:flowerforyou:

    Sue is SD: Congratulations on horse riding time! You are a lucky woman. We need a little green envy icon. :laugh:

    Kalley: I remember staying a couple of days with my grandma when I was a teen. I went home sick because her apartment had been way too warm, probably in the mid 80’s or more. I hope your next place is more comfortable. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’ll look for sliken tofu the next time I ant to bake. Right now I have a cake in the oven to take to our weekend cruise with boating friends. This one is called black bottom cake and has no eggs. It is leavened with vinegar and baking soda. It is moist and yummy. I haven’t let myself make it in a LONG time. If I don’t take it to an event like the one this weekend I’d eat it all myself.:noway:

    Meg: It sounds like your day was wonderful and relaxing rather than your usual busy schedule. I’m glad you had some “me time.”:bigsmile:

    Yesterday we brought our boat back from the boatyard where it was worked on, tied it up and came inside. Today I finished putting it away correctly, which meant I had to hang the dinghy on the back of the sailboat. This is accomplished with pulleys and hand cranked winches. I had to do it twice because I couldn’t get the cover to stay on it properly the first time so I put the dinghy back into the water and took the cover off. Then I had to lift the dinghy back up out of the water. My back hurts! The cover is now wadded up in the garage. :ohwell: I’ll do better for it tomorrow.:smile:

    We put another coat on our deck today and then it rained. Oops.:grumble: We still have two or more coats to go but won’t be able to get to them for a while due to travel plans and this wet weather.

    This evening I made potato salad and chocolate cake for our potluck contributions to the weekend October Cruise. We leave on our outing tomorrow, even though it is likely to rain most of the time. We’ll be snug and cozy in the boat and there is a covered picnic area with a fire pit where we’ll do our group socializing.:bigsmile:

    Have a great evening.


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla my husband and I met during orientation at eh place we both worked. That was in November of '71. We had our first date in Feb '72, engaged in March and married in September of 72! Whirlwind romance!!!!