Nerds Unite!



  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I dunno if anything I can say sounds as cool as royxzhang's post.

    I'm pretty basic, I am part of the PC master race when it comes to gaming. MMOs rock my planet.

    I do my best to sneak in to SDCC every year. I love crappy sci-fi shows and I really love movies ( good and bad ). Uwe Boll is one of my favorite speakers I've ever seen.

    I'm also left handed and I have a deep, never ending love for Elfquest since I was a little kid and found them at some weird used book shop haha.

    Omg and I'm editing this cause how could I forget to mention that I love Defiance *points to ticker*
  • kdg0189
    kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
    Guess I fit in here. I'm 24 and have been playing games for as long as I can remember. I actually learned to read by playing video games. I have a xbox360, PS3, Vita, 3DS, Wii, Wii U, got the Xbox One preordered. Play pretty much any type of game, with my favorite being RPGs. Some of my favorite series would be Final Fantasy, Tales of, Zelda, Mario, Resident Evil, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, The Sims, Star Ocean, Shin Megami Tensei Persona, Dragon Quest, the list goes on and on. I love anime, I watch the Persona 4 anime, Sword Art Online, Baka and Test, Chobits, again it goes on and on. Also a big art fan. I love to draw. I mostly draw video game and anime characters, it's a big passion of mine besides gaming. I know this is part of the reason I need to lose weight. Sitting and playing games and doing drawings doesn't really burn calories. I spend hours doing one picture. I have started using my stationary bike while I play video games, helps make me forget I am exercising. Although, it doesn't always work well. Sometimes I get really engrossed in the game and don't even realize I stop peddling lol.
  • spiritfire13
    spiritfire13 Posts: 185 Member
    ::waves :: Hey everyone! I'm a geeky guy my self with 5 degrees (yes I have no life) and I could use a weight loss buddy :-). I'm currently going to school for degree number 5 in psychology. Like most of the people on this post am also into video games and comic books. I'm still sad that Ben Affleck was chosen to be batman :-(. Anyways hope to get to know you guys!
  • kevineneal
    kevineneal Posts: 12 Member
    Im a proud nerd as well. I like comics (Invincible, Justice League, and Batman are my favorites), and comic book movies. I havent played video games in a while, but when I do I tend to play sports games, like Madden and NBA 2K
  • <---total nerd.

    Add me!
  • ChrisBrockway12
    ChrisBrockway12 Posts: 32 Member
    Bump. Love the responses. Feel free to add!
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    Nerd. Not an engineer but work closely with them.

    PC Gaming was my life. EQ,EQ2,Steam, Alice, WoW,Tera Online, Lineage 2, Warhammer (BLECH). LOVED IT ALL.. Then I sort of got addicted to PS3 gaming - Call of Duty /Black Ops to be exact. Sigh.

    I rarely get to play these and gym time kind of take priority. Im sure gaming contributed to a lot of my own weight gain over the years.

    Firefly is my love. (Browncoats unite!) So much so , I have "Serenity" tattooed on my back.
    Big Bang rocks my socks.
  • dobfankris
    Wow, epic thread started in July and still going, nice. :)

    I'm also a nerd (geek?) - in addition to being an avid gamer, I love all things science, stargazing, scuba diving, music, movies and drawing. I work with computers/software, but even if I didn't I would still consider myself an enthusiast / tinker.

  • paulh3nry
    paulh3nry Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a computer engineer, so it kind of goes without saying... Nice to see so many nerds proud of their geekiness. Wear it like a badge of honor.
  • alliana07
    alliana07 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a nerd of the Whovian/Browncoat/Potterhead (and more) variety, so I'd love to make friends with anyone interested in those things! :) Add me!
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I'm a nerd of the Whovian/Browncoat/Potterhead (and more) variety, so I'd love to make friends with anyone interested in those things! :) Add me!

    I have a Firefly themed hula hoop?
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I would reply to this fully, only I am too busy finishing a costume for a convention on Sunday :tongue:
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I don't remember if I ever added my nerd/geek credentials:

    Doctor Who
    Comic books (I'm reading Sandman and Before Watchmen currently)
    Sci Fi and fantasy
    BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS OMG ALL THE BOOKS GET ME A BOOK (p.s. I saw a fitting quote on tumblr recently: I like my men how I like my books: well-read and leather bound. Hahaha!)
    Video games: Pokemon, Okami, Katamari Damacy, Mario, Zelda, God of War, Dante's Inferno, Castlevania, Castle Crashers, Minecraft...this list goes on)
    A Song of Ice and Fire
    Harry Potter
    Hunger Games
    Rennaisance Fair (I climbed the rock climbing wall at my local renn. faire WHILE WEARING A CORSET AND SKIRT, and made it to the top on my first try. Thank you, push-ups and planks!)

    I have a nerdy/geeky tumblr blog as well:
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I would reply to this fully, only I am too busy finishing a costume for a convention on Sunday :tongue:

    Which convention? :D
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I love someone made a post like this =D

    I'm a nerd too, so I'm told often =/ Oh well. I haven't been big into playing video games much lately, though... kind of a bad habit for me....but yeah, we won't go there lol!

    I love sci-fi-ish stuff, dorky crappy old horror movies, anyyyything star wars too, and I find math kind of fun.. :drinker:
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    uh...yeah...Sherlock, Firefly, Sci Fi Books (especially my loves Orson Scott Card:heart: and Asimov) and Doctor Who! I also kind of liked Torchwood too...BBC is pretty fantastic...
    SPREADSHEEEEEETTTS!!!! I make them for everything! and so does my everything...think we have spreadsheet-off's sometimes...I have things detailed about my weight-loss and also about my car's fuel efficiency...I made spreadsheets about my crochet projects and how much yarn each one is going to hubby?? the garden, the pool, his car's fuel, the budget, oh it could go on...its pretty sad, I think we're definitely utilizing our home version of excel more than most;)
    No science degree (Gerontology) and I just never got into gaming so I guess you could say I'm a light-weight nerd...:tongue:
  • QueenOSpades
    QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
    Awesome ice breaker here!

    I'm a 25 years old Canadian illustrator who used to be OK with having a sedentary lifestyle (Who doesn't love video games, cartoons, comic books and TV show marathons?!).

    Now that I'm out of school I need to get healthy :(

    If anyone would like to friend me, send me a line :)
  • ChrisBrockway12
    ChrisBrockway12 Posts: 32 Member
    It's been three months. I think it's time for a bump :P
  • myou523
    myou523 Posts: 126
    Hello! My name is Molly, I'm 22, and I'm kind of a nerd (maybe...)

    The only gaming I really do is The Sims, occasionally getting nostalgic with SMB3, and board games (I own about eight different versions of Monopoly, including Star Wars and Doctor Who).

    I love all things Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Wrestling. (We don't have time to talk about all the things I love, then I wouldn't have time for them :tongue:)

    I guess my biggest claim to nerdom is my love of reading, there are days when I can get through three good sized novels, I'm not really particular on genre, if it's there and in English, I'll read it.
  • laquelette
    Yesssss! NERD LYFE 4EVA. I'm making a lightsaber out of plumbing supplies as I type this. I can't wait to be Darth Vader.

    I wish I still had time for gaming, but that has been put on the back burner for now.

    Also, I think mechanical keyboards are sweet and can't wait to add to mine. I dig that ol' "click-clack" sound.

    Just thought I'd let MFP know about my love for them, haha.

    Anybody can add me! I need friends plzzzz