Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Wow everyone, what a great day some of you had. Congrats to all you running enthusiasts. I applaud all of you in your continued efforts to better your times and go farther distances. I can't tell you how many years at has been since I've been able to run. Its 5 years since I had my knee replacements done and many years of pain and swelling before the replacements. I enjoy walking but speed and distance is not something I think about.

    For those of you who mentioned Glucosamine, I am on it. I take a combination of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM twice a day for my arthritis and it does help a little but I also take daily anti-inflammatory meds as well as long acting pain meds for the arthritis and the neuropathy that has plagued me for years.

    Kaye - I'm with you. When the weather is cold or wet, there's no way you'd get me outside walking or anything. My joints feel the changes in the weather and I'm crippled up when the weather gets bad. Good for you for sending the cake home with the grands. I do the same thing as I've got too big a sweet tooth to keep that kind of thing around and the grand kids love the treat as my daughter is very health conscious and doesn't bake a lot except around the holidays.

    Robin - Good for you for getting out there and doing a mile in support of the others. Way to go.

    Skinny - I keep shaking my head when I read about the amount of time you have to spend grading papers. Do you ever get a day when you don't have to spend time on work? I would go crazy. My shifts are crazy long (12 hours on my feet) but at least I know when my shift is over, I go home and my time is my own. I applaud all of the teachers for the amount of personal time they have to commit to their jobs that are not always personally satisfying.

    Laurie - I agree with you, you are crazy. But, its a good crazy and very motivating for the rest of us who can't do all the stuff you can do. I read your exercise goals and think okay, what can I do..

    Hope everyone is having a great w/e. I'm on my last night of 3 and have a new grad working with me tonight and she's doing most of the work on our assignment and I get to do the health teaching with the patients which I love and then help her with stuff she hasn't done before. Its a nice break from a heavy couple of nights. Looking forward to my days off as my daughter is coming to stay with me over night tomorrow and then I take her to the airport as she's flying out to spend a well deserved week with her brother and his family. He's lived in Alberta for about 7 years and she's never been able to make the trip out there to visit him. My son just moved in to his new home this week and she'll be his first visitor to the new house. He's so excited to have her coming out and spending time with him and his family. My sil's mom is going to go stay with him to help with the kids while my daughter is away. I'm glad because I had originally offered to go stay but then couldn't juggle my days off to help out. Just as well after the week I spent up there after my daughters surgery. If he's as lazy with his mom around as he was when I was there, hopefully she'll kick his butt. Better her than me.
    Good luck with weigh ins this week everyone. I'll weigh in on Tuesday as it'll be my full day off. Hopeing for at least a pound or two loss after maintaining for a week or so. Charlotte
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: Today was a good day. A little house work this AM then Cyrus and I went to the movies, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. Very cute. I then ran some errands - Lane Bryant (had to use up some Real Women $$), Bath & Body Works, pedicure, and Trader Joe's. I wanted to get in some kind of exercise minus the shopping and I had to enjoy our amazing weather. I finished up just as the sun was coming down and the sky was pink. Beautiful. Plus, I think I walked faster than normal for me. I completed 3 1/2 miles in 45 minutes. Woo Hoo!! I then did some cooking (Chicken and Artichokes in Garlic Sauce plus some Chicken with Sun Dried Tomato & Basil - courtesy of Trader Joe's). I'm ready for the week.

    This will be another travel week for me. I leave early Thursday AM thru Sunday. While it's a conference, I'm not complaining one bit. It's being held at the Ritz Carlton Reynolds Plantation in GA. It's a gorgeous resort with a ton of nature paths. I proved I can travel and still exercise and lose weight. I can do it!!!

    @ Laurie: So proud of you! I love your determination and goal setting. To finish the 5K and then to do a bike ride with a friend - good for you!!

    @ Charlotte: I think it's probably better that you couldn't get the time off. You took care of your daughter and let your SIL's mom take care of her lazy son. Also, like Skinny said, I bet you track quite a bit at work. You should wear a HRM or some kind of pedometer. I bet your getting quite a few steps already.

    @ Robin - Nice walk today. Plus, I love how you adapted at the pizza place. Very smart. Plus, you got to spend some time with friends and have fun too. I've sat back a couple of times watching what people eat and think how I use to eat like that too. So much food, but you feel so much better afterwards and knowing the right amount you selected. So proud of you.

    @ Karen - I know you didn't eat the best at Oktoberfest, but I hope you had fun. You did the 5K and ate well today so it will all balance out. Thank you for sharing your story with us. This is why this group has been so important. We have people in so many different phases and we can all learn so much. I'm so impressed that you've maintained for the past year. This is huge. I know you are not at goal and want to lose more, but I know you will do it.

    @ Laurie/Karen - Depending on the dates, I may or may not bring Cyrus. Plus, this might be a nice celebration/girls weekend for me. When I take Cyrus, I'll probably plan a week long vacation and really see the city. Also, this would be a really good way to build a long term goal. I would love to be in onederland by then (85 lbs away) plus actually run the full 5K versus walking, which is very doable.

    @ Kaye - It's those compliments that help to keep us motivated that's for sure. How current is your picture? How much more do you want to lose to hit goal?

    @ Naceto - Loved, loved, loved seeing the pictures of Buddy and your son. How sweet. It's so good to see Buddy eating on his own. I have a little pooch too. Our Izzy is only about 12 lbs Bichon/Poodle. I know I would have a very hard time watching her go through anything like this as well.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Kooky: I didn't mean to leave you out, but WELCOME!! I started MFP in August of last year and this is the only thread I've followed. Everyone is very positive with no negativity. We've really got some amazing folks in this group. You've lost it before so you know what you need to do, but as you've also learned it's not just about eating better and exercising more, BUT the mental side is just as important. I gained back 35 lbs so fast and was so mad at myself. I worked so hard and to gain back those pounds made me so mad. The important thing is you're back and stay with this thread. These folks will support you as much as you want supported.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--it would be awesome to have you there with or without Cyrus--but I love the idea of you working toward the goal of running the whole race. That's what got me to start signing up for races--now I've got the "bug" and just love doing them.

    @charlotte--although I could probably do work every single day of the school year, I've learned to schedule days where I'm done when the school day ends. I have to do it or I would lose my sanity. Some weeks are better than others. For example, next weekend will be better b/c my AP students will be working on revisions, so I won't have any papers from them to grade until the following week. I used to have a job that had no HW when I ran a tutoring center, and though sometimes I wistfully recall those grading-free weekends, I wouldn't give up being a classroom teacher. However, there are certainly days when I have to remind myself that I chose my major! :laugh:

    AFM--I managed to finish 5 more papers this evening, so that leaves 12 for tomorrow. Happy birthday to me! :tongue: :laugh:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside) depending on how much grading I get done throughout the school day
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 61/73 AP essays
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I've been keeping up with you all but I'm too tired for personals -- I'll try to catch up tomorrow (today). Although right now it is 12:15 as I type so HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN!! Have a great day!

    Sunday Share: My name is Tracy and I live in Bismarck, ND. My husband works nights and weekends and I am basically a single mother of my two kids -- Jacob, 12 and Emma, 7. While I signed up for MFP last summer, I didn't start getting serious about it until January 7, 2013. So far I have lost 27 pounds, gained 7 back over the summer and am now working at it again. I love to read and travel and just try to keep my head above water. I do quality improvement for a life insurance company based out of Sioux Falls. I work out of my home during regular business hours so love the interaction and support I get through MFP and Facebook with old and new friends alike. I haven't been very faithful about working out, but hoping to change that. My sisters and I are starting the PowerLifts 5X5 program and am excited to have some workout partners that will help keep me accountable.

    My legs still hurt, from lifting on Friday, but I ended up pushing through and had a very full/productive day. Church and then lunch with my mom and my daughter. After that, I watched the Vikings win!! (although can't brag too much, we beat the Steelers who have no wins either). Then I started some laundry and cleaned the kitchen. Took Emma to ice skating. Normally I go down to the rink and help her with her skates, go back up to watch her lesson and then back down to help her take her skates off. Too many steps for these sore legs, so I didn't actually watch her lessons today. :blushing:

    After supper, we wandered into Emma's room and we sorted through all her clothes. We have two bags of clothes for my neice to take home with her when the come to visit. We found a handful of clothes that will fit her this winter (hand me downs from a dear friend) and she decided to give about 20 stuffed animals to kids that don't have any. :heart: We washed her bedding and remade the bed and then headed to my room.

    Got through my closet (OMG huge job!) and it's all nice and organized. Got all my clean clothes put away and all that stuff that I just "had" to save that I never used has been thrown away or put in a donate bag. I even was able to get down on my hands and knees and clean out the corners -- slow to get back up, but....:sad:

    Alright, off to bed. See you tomorrow!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I did pretty good with calories this weekend but also allowed myself a little extra!!! I also got some good exercise in though I didn't get to ride my beloved jetski!!! I am kind of known as a speed demon on those things!!! Anyway, we are home safe and sound!!!
  • meisterkidd
    @Robin- sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been trying to log everything as I eat it but when I'm at work it's really difficult for me. :/ I'm not allowed to have my cell phone out so I have to wait until I get off and by that time logging is far from my mind. Honestly it's made it difficult but diet-wise I've been doing pretty good regardless. At work I stick to salads and the like so there's not a lot of calories going in lol. The only real upside is that I drink a lot of water there too.

    Honestly I guess I just have to knuckle down and at least make a note of everything I ate during the day and add it after my shift.

    Sunday share: Not all that much to tell really. I work at a gas station so I'm on my feet quite a bit. I've been trying to lose weight (and have been pretty successful here recently). I'm trying to get into running and I've been trying to do the couch to 5k program as best I can. It's been beating me up pretty hard though and I think it's because I don't have the right shoes. Honestly stress is probably got a lot to do with it as well though. There's a lot going on in my home that's making it difficult on so many levels, and with work, I can barely walk by the time I get home. I have been trying to stay more active though, regardless. On my days off I go to the park or to the gym (I really love treadmills), I swim a lot and I love doing things like bowling or playing pool (they're very good stress relievers.)

    I've also been considering joining Nutrisystems but I'm not sure how good of an idea that would actually be or even if I could afford it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @meister--I did Nutrisystem several years ago. It was really expensive, plus I still had to buy a lot of my own foods to supplement their pre-packaged meals. Not worth it cost-wise IMHO. I also didn't think it really did anything to help me prepare to eat healthily on my own. Just my 2 cents--you will have to make your own choice about it. :smile:

    @marca--glad you had a fun weekend away!

    @tracy--thanks for the b-day wishes! Gotta love getting those closets cleaned out--isn't it amazing some of the junk we keep? I need to go through all of my summer stuff and get rid of anything I didn't wear or that is too big or just plain worn out.

    AFM--I came in to class to find birthday wishes all over my white-board from my students--very cute! I also got a plate of chocolate chip cookies from one girl. I will allow myself one (it will fit my macros) and share the rest with my colleagues.

    Back to grading--only 9 papers to go!!

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside) depending on how much grading I get done throughout the school day
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 64/73 AP essays
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Well the run went really well... other then having to get there SO early. Run started at 9:30 but had to catch a ferry at 7! which meant I had to leave my house basically at 5:20. When I meet my sister at the train station she yelled at me about making her get up so early...

    Here are some pics

    I did get to see some of my friends from work prerace which was nice... got pretty far up in the pack of runners which is key with 35k runners/walkers

    The run was slow which is harder if you ask me.. 38 minutes was my time for the run.. a bit of walking involved and a lot of weaving in and out of people. My legs were cramping up from the very start of the race and annoyed me the whole time and my ankle even started to hurt a bit. I finished strong though and am looking forward to doing it again next year.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Charlotte- Amy and I do not have any kids, Amy does licensed home daycare so there are 3-6 pre-school kids at my house every day. That picture is from one of the Halloween parties.

    Susan- I still do not have my CPAP machine day 20 without it. If I fall asleep driving or have a heart attack I’m going to … well be dead, but Amy will be mad.:mad:

    Tracy & Karen- I thought I was almost going to have to get divorced because Amy threw out a Formula 1 t-shirt I bought at the race in Phoenix. I have only been to 2 races and now I only have one shirt.:brokenheart:

    Kelley- Even without syncing your last few days you are still ahead of me in steps, good for you, bad for me. I had a very restful weekend that involved a lot of sitting around watching football and eating right number of calories but wrong kinds of food. Even though there is football on tonight I will walk the dreadmill. Even if my foot still hurts. There is a little white hard spot on the bottom of my foot that hurts. My little sister has a fitbit and she just friended me. She gets more steps than me most days so hopefully that will help me try harder.:blushing:

    Gorilla-Way to go on the Tunnel to Towers 5K!:drinker:

    Karen – Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou:

    Quote of the day: - “Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic.” ~Anonymous

    Let’s all have a healthy day!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Gorilla - Glad you and your sister (nice pic BTW) had a good race. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I think your run time is great - esp. with a bad calf. Sounds like your going to have a lot of company next year.

    Skinny - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:heart::heart: Its nice to have a special day! Are you doing anything tonight or was this past weekend all your celebrating? Anyway, glad you got so much of your grading done.

    Meister - nice to see you finally! You're right - jot your food down on a notepad and log it in at night - its a must do! I concur with Skinny - trying a fad diet will only help you a wee bit and the cost is so much - you really need to learn how to control your appetite by concentrating on eating more protein in the morning - like switching from non-protein cereals to a protein based breakfast, which will help you stay fuller longer. Also, you need to include some healthy fats in your foods, such as olive oil and other healthy oils -used in cooking fish and such. There is a LOT to learn about eating healthy!

    Charlotte - I wish you had a new grad helping you every night. I do think you should wear a pedometer sometime and I'll bet you'd be amazed at the number of steps you walk each night!

    Laurie - congrats on your fantastic run AND your bike ride! :bigsmile: You amaze me constantly in that you keep pushing yourself to see how much more you can get out of your body! I bow down to you!

    Kaye - the memories you invoked in me when you mentioned Texas Sheet Cake were deep and wonderful. My step mom used to make it for us. Mmmm good! What a great treat that was. Glad you sent the leftovers away! I used to nibble on that cake and consume so much ..... oh my.... it was my downfall!

    tlh - good for you for cleaning out your closets. I have done the same and have 2 big bags to donate to charity. I'm doing that today as well as finish my list of errands.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Birthday, Karen. I hope that you have a great day.
    It was still raining this morning, but the sun is coming out now. I'm hopeful that I will get to walk this afternoon.
    DD is going to have to get Keith an umbrella and some boots. It is 3 blocks to the school, and it takes me longer to load him and drive him down there, fighting all of the traffic from other kids getting delivered than it does to walk down there with him.
    Congratulations on the good runs and successes of the weekend. Whenever I have a rough day, I just remind myself how much worse it used to be! Even on a bad day, I still like I am in control.
    My 2 cents worth on Nutrisystem. I haven't tried it because I quite frankly can't afford it. I do have an opinion though on using any kind of artificial diet aide. I know the food is real, but it isn't a natural way to eat, and can't last forever. Sooner or later we have to learn to deal with the real world and everyday events. At some point in time we have to face our food issues and learn to handle them.
    Have a great day. I'm sure I'll be checking in several times during the day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~Wishing you the happiest of birthday's today, I hope you have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:

    @Kaye~Texas Sheet Cake brings back some really fond memories of my granny - she was an amazing cook and every time we visited we could always count on her having Texas Sheet Cake around. I'm really sensitive to the cold, so can relate to not wanting to walk outdoors when its rainy and cold - I would much rather be outside when its 100+ than in the 50s! :wink:

    @Tom~Oh dear, I hope they get that CPAP to you soon - going 20 days is NOT good!

    @Meister~I'm not a huge advocate for Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem type programs. It is expensive but more than that is that most of their foods are really carby and full of preservatives. More often than not people gain back most if not all of their weight after they stop eating their foods. Its convenient, but its just best to cook for yourself. Everyone needs to find what works for them, though.

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Monday~Gym, Ellip/Row
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, Arc trainer/weights
    Saturday~Gym, running drills or run/walk outside
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom in the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi - October is upon us. Anyone have suggestions for an October challenge????

    Of course I am going to put LOSE 4 LBS as the first challenge!!! Thats just one pound a week folks!

    Any other suggestions? Any Halloween themed ideas?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    LOL! I can and have consumed most of a Texas Sheet Cake by myself on many occassions. It is so good and it is way to easy to "sliver it to death" without even realizing how much you have eaten. That's why it went home with the grands.
    Boy, Robin, it sure seems like that roll over came up fast! Kaye
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    Hello! Happy to see this thread - I am aiming for 150 lbs down sometime next year. I had never seen the show "Extreme Weight Loss" but I heard someone else mention it on another thread. Saw it while channel surfing yesterday so decided to watch. It was inspiring - twins (a brother and sister) who needed to lose A LOT of weight. I believe the sister was at 398 when they did the initial weight in. She lost 150 lbs in the first 6 months, which was AMAZING -- I found her story quite intriguing; until they highlighted how she works out for 4 hours per day. REALLY? Like who has time to do THAT?? I certainly don't! Oh, well...

    I agree with a previous poster - my struggle has always been with portion control. Really, you can eat whatever the heck you want as long as you watch your calories and portion control - and I've never been very good at either! Hoping MFP can help me - and I'm already seeing that it has. :-D

    Working out is a whole 'nother story...I have a heart murmur, so I need to be very careful when doing anything aerobic. Really, my exercise of choice is walking and/or an elliptical. I tried to teach my self how to hula hoop yesterday and was incredibly unsuccessful (it just dropped to the floor after a couple revolutions - and I'm trying!!!), but I did break out in a sweat trying to master it over and over and over again!

    I also have carpal (wrists) and cubital (elbows) tunnel syndromes in BOTH arms, so lifting anything more than 10 lbs is a problem. I use resistance bands instead of weights; I'm hoping that when I drop some more weight maybe my wrists and elbows will be able to handle more because I know weights are an integral process of tightening things up along the way.

    Thanks for sharing on this thread - I find reading everyone's story, tips, and helpful words incredibly motivating.
  • mercuriocs
    Hello Everyone! While I'm not new to MFP, I'm new to this thread. I've found I just really can't go this alone. I need someone besides my family to cheerlead for me and to pick me up when I've tripped. Someone who "gets it". I have to say that weightloss is probably the most difficult thing I've ever had to do in my life. It's not something I can just do and forget about. I constantly have to work at it and well.. sometimes.. most times.. it gets the better of me. Anyway, enough of that. I'm sure you have all been there and i'm certain you all know how I feel. I do have over 100lbs to lose and well, yeah, I need to get on with it.

    I've seen some pretty impressive numbers here! Yay!!! That is so exciting to see! Afterall - who better to get advice from than someone who is obviously making the right choices. I know there are many different plans out there and not one works for everyone, so what I've decided for myself is to lower my carb intake and stay around 1400-1600 calories. Oh and add exercise and start drinking water. Anyone else out here doing a lower carb plan that wouldn't mind being friends so I can check out your menu and get some ideas?

    I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!


    Oh and a little about me. 47 year old married female from NY. I have 2 girls. One is 6 years old and the other is 19 years old. Not exactly sure what I was thinking there... LOLOL! :) I work full time and my husband has been disabled for the last 20 months due to a work related injury. Because he can't get around very well we tend to just watch tv most nights. Time for a change!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FrauHaas - welcome to our group. We can help you along on your weight loss journey. Do plan on giving yourself more than six months to lose the weight - that show is TV NOT REAL LIFE! No one can work out for 4 hours per day and have a personal trainer stand over them! As you mentioned, Portion control is so important. I also believe that adequate protein is important. Don't forget to start the day with some.
    I think your activities are fine - there are a lot of people here with physical limitations so you're in good company - you'll be able to stimulate your metabolism by moving throughout the day.

    mercuriocs - welcome to you as well! Glad you found us! Cindy - it seems like you've got a pretty sound plan there with lowering your carb intake and increasing your exercise. Is the number of calories something that MFP has guided you on? If it works for you that is excellent. We will be glad to be your cheerleaders. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :drinker:
  • mercuriocs
    Thanks Robin - My Dr actually suggested 1400 calories because of my activity level or should I say, "lack of activity level"? LOL! I give myself a little bit of room. If I remember correctly, MFP actually gives me more than 1600.