October 30 day shred challenge anyone?



  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Day 5...done

    I can't do any of the pushups off my knees, my arms are soooo weak, but thats why I am doing this I guess, to build some strength! At least I can get through the pushups now, could'nt even do them all at first.
    I did an hour of cardio at the gym this morning before doing the shred, need to have a rest now :smile:
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all, finished my day 8 (I took 2 days off). But I haven't given up. I do have to say that I'm disappointed that I haven't lost ANY weight at all this week despite doing the shred?? Any suggestions?? You are all doing amazing!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Level 2, day 2 done! And I am feeling it, wow. Not outrageous pain, just a little sore like the first couple times on level 1.

    RissaE, I haven't weighed myself this week yet. I weigh on Monday morning. I am curious to see if I have lost any weight. I know I've lost inches, because a pair of jeans I put on the other day are looser :) Don't give up!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Day 10 –I love that day 10 is on 10.10.10! I added 5 pounds to the weight bars I was using and that made some of those moves a lot harder. Pretty much exhausted my muscles on the press, bicep curls, and anterior raises. Might downgrade back to just the bars. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to moving on to something new tomorrow with level 2!

    And RissaE - I've noticed that most of my change has been in muscle tone and endurance. As long as you've been pushing through, I"m sure you're making improvements, even if they don't show on the scale. We're behind you, just keep pushing through and I'm sure you'll start noticing the changes!
  • Completed day 10

    Missed day 9 so I will be making that up tomm along with the start of level 2!!
  • cames124
    cames124 Posts: 7 Member
    Day 2 of the shred it challenge. My legs are killing me. Finally took my measurements. I will keep pushing thru it, this thread gives me lots of encouragement.

    CW: 215
    HT: 5'9"
    Arm: 15in
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Completed Day 6. I am looking forward to getting to Level 2 though, getting a bit bored now but its only 4 more days :smile:
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Even though I didn't post this weekend...I did get both my Saturday and my Sunday workouts in :))) That never happens so I'm super proud of myself :)
    Saturday (day 6)...I did a 2 mile run and then L1 of the shred
    Sunday (day 7)...L1 of shred only...I was supposed to run too but I thought I'd give my body a little break since I'd been working at my parents all afternoon!

    Exhausted today but ready to weigh in and do my measurements tonight...I'm not sure there will be much change if any but...at least I'm started and I'm feeling good! Now...to just keep going!!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    OH MAN!!!! I keep forgetting to do the measurment!!!! UGH!
    But the good news is that I just started Week 3 of the Shred with Weights Level 1,,,,and today is the first day I felt like I could really flow throuh the Turkish Get-ups with no problem...and my windmills felt like they were smooth, for once!!!! HOORAY! PROGRESS!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    You guys are so motivating! Keep up the great work!

    Level 2, day 3 done! I feel every second of this level while I am doing it that's for sure! I am hoping that by half way through I don't have to follow Anita and can follow Natalie. But, realistically, I have to stay with Anita and I am ok with that. This level is definitely tougher, but I welcome it :tongue:
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    In my opinion I think Level 2 is the toughest one...Level 3 seemed easier to me when I first went through 30 day shred. For some reason Level 2 always kicked my butt!!! Keep your head up...it's a great workout no matter who you're following!
    You guys are so motivating! Keep up the great work!

    Level 2, day 3 done! I feel every second of this level while I am doing it that's for sure! I am hoping that by half way through I don't have to follow Anita and can follow Natalie. But, realistically, I have to stay with Anita and I am ok with that. This level is definitely tougher, but I welcome it :tongue:
  • About to jump on day 3, we were moving yesterday and my 2.5 month old has a stuffy nose. All he wanted to do was cuddle with momma. Just finished my measurements. Its crazy the difference between my hips and waist.
    Neck 15.0 on 10/11/10
    Waist 26.0 on 10/11/10
    Hips 44.0 on 10/11/10
    pooch 44.0 on 10/11/10
    thighs 26.0 on 10/11/10
    arms 14.5 on 10/11/10
    SW 216
    GW [whatever it is when my arms stop waving when i put my arm down. :P]
  • reading that level 2 is the hardest makes me want to stay on level 1!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I would stick with level 1 through the 10 days...even though by about day 7 you'll want to switch...at least I wanted to! The plus about Level 2 being toughest is that once you get through those 10 days...the last 10 won't seem so bad.
    **Also...that whole Level 2 is the hardest is only my opinion!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks DreeDub! I refuse to give up on it. I just follow Anita and I am ok with that :) Once I finish the 30 days, I plan to start it over.

    And Texangrrl, don't be scared :D It's just a different workout and you just need to get used to it I think. You can do it!
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Well I'm a little late starting but I am up for the shred challenge! I finally got the dvd today and just finished DAY 1 L1! Yay! I feel like jell-o!!! Guess that means its working!

    I have been really on course with my (most recent...lol) weight loss journey for about 4 weeks and have lost 10 lbs...which all came off in the first two weeks and I have come to realize was probably mostly water weight. I have not done any measurements before today so not sure how many, if any, inches I've lost. I have not lost an ounce in 2 weeks and I am getting to where I can't tell a difference in my clothes at all. I decided I would do the 30 day shred to see if I could budge it a little and lose some major inches and build some strength....so here goes!!!

    measurements as of 10/11/10 Day 1 of shred:
    neck: 12.75 in
    waist: 34 in
    hips: 40.5 in
    c section pooch: 39.5 in
    thighs: 23.25 in
    arms: 11.5 in
    chest: 37.5 in
    sw: 148 lb
  • cames124
    cames124 Posts: 7 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done, i hope I can walk tomorrow. I did not realize how out of shape I am, but this workout defin lets me know it. I need to get back in shape my youngest turned one last month so can no longer say it is the baby weight.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done, i hope I can walk tomorrow. I did not realize how out of shape I am, but this workout defin lets me know it. I need to get back in shape my youngest turned one last month so can no longer say it is the baby weight.

    I do Level 1 day 3 tonight! I took yesterday off because my legs were burning... I could barely walk. I'm excited to do it again though... Although, thoughts of a 2nd and 3rd level scare me!
  • Today I weighed in I am actually the same weight as the day started that's okay may be fluid in the muscles I am going to continue on with the journey!!

    Day 11 first day of level 2 hopefully I can do these 10days straight!!
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done, i hope I can walk tomorrow. I did not realize how out of shape I am, but this workout defin lets me know it. I need to get back in shape my youngest turned one last month so can no longer say it is the baby weight.

    My youngest turned one last month too!!! On the 16th! I have been thinking....Oh its baby weight...I just had a baby...uh, not so much anymore. It hit me at his first birthday party that I could no longer use him as an excuse...lol. I started my journey the very next day!
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