

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    17 years ago today,we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.Happy Birthday Jessie:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Violet is doing better from her ear infection.
    Welcome new ladies,keep coming back.:flowerforyou:
    Our tradition for birthdays,is the birthday person picks the place of dinner,so if I`m over,it`s only for today.
    Have a great day!!
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    well back from running around this morning did take a slight nap early on... got what I needed to do done, and have pecan pie bars for my dad's birthday tomorrow cooling and have an impossible coconut pie in the oven for the DH, did I say he is spoiled? me I just had rice cakes with laughing cow wedge and a cup of tea...
    then I will take the boys off for a walk, then come home and cook dinner.. it is beautiful here today 75 and partly sunny. Ill take it..
  • eviejoy
    eviejoy Posts: 6 Member
    Well, this is my 3rd day back on this site. I regret that I did not continue my journey on here a year ago, I would have probably have 100 pounds off by now. Anyway, I can't cry over spilled milk, as they say, I will pick myself up and go on from here. This is a wonderful site and I love the people on here. I have tried other weightloss sites and this is the best. I do not know why I ever left.

    I am now on my way for success, I have a lot to do being 59 years young. YEAH, ME!!!!!!
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome back Eviejoy! Like your attitude. :happy:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I love the idea about the hope chest. What a wonderful legacy to give to your grandchild when they use those items. The lesson they will remember will go on and on. I have been wondering what to do for reward when I get to different milestones. I guess I had better think of making rewards for the milestones I have already met. Shoot, I don't even have a hope chest to put anything in!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mom2cba
    mom2cba Posts: 7 Member
    I just found this board - how neat to see all the encouraging words going around!

    I will start with my October goals -
    lose 6 pounds,
    log my food, water and exercise daily
    I am part of a TOPS support group and we have been challenged to work at least a mile each day of October.

    September accomplishments
    lost 6.6 pounds
    I signed up and completed a boot camp at the Y. (we met once a week for the month of September) The trainer told me I did a grood job - I had never done anything like that before and I was able to hold my own with those younger and more experienced with boot camp.

    My typical work out is 45 - 60 minutes 5 days a week on an eliptical. I have done strength training recently and need to work that back into my workout routine as well.
  • katbirdinpa
    I wont have even one bite because after that it's over, it's the bag! I think I will stand in the bathroom naked in front of the mirror when the cravings come LOL
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! Not much time to write, but wanted to get my Oct Goals in place.

    1. Lose 4 lbs before leaving on vacation Oct 23.
    2. No gain on vacation
    3. Eat more veggies.
    4. Up my water intake.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good evening, all

    Heather - Happy belated birthday. Love the boots. You look great!

    CritterSue - So sorry to hear about your loss. I'm currently dealing with my old guy (soon to be 15) losing strength in his back legs. Can't go up the stairs without help. I always walk up behind him and support him when his legs give out. We block the stairs during the day so he only goes up at night when we go to bed.

    I've been off work this week as I work for the government. I know a lot of people are finding this to be stressful but for me it couldn't have happened at a better time. We are leaving for vacation next week and I was able to use this week to get the house cleaned and in order, all the clothes washed, shopping done and still able to take a couple of days and spend time at the park with some of the dogs. I usually have to take off a couple of days before we go out of town to get things done. We have a pet sitter stay at the house so I feel I have to have everything just so before we go. DH cooked up several meals and froze them so we won't have to eat out often. The place we have in West Virginia has a full kitchen so we're trying to avoid all of the sodium and sugar the put in food you get when eating out.

    Also, had to do a little clothes shopping as all of my pants are baggy and hanging down off my hips. I feel like the young kids that have their pants hanging off. I don't know how they wear them like that as I found it very uncomfortable to have to keep holding them up with one hand while walking. :noway:

    Welcome to all of the newbies.

    Not sure how much I will be able to post/read next week as internet service will be very limited.

    Time to get the animals ready for bed.
    Tina in Maryland
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hi again,

    Something happened and missed some of the post.

    Pat - I have terrible allergies and most of the time it affects my eyes. I have prescription allergy drops but they only give some relief. I found if I put them in before heading outside it is better than trying to use them once they start itching. At night I put a little petroleum jelly around the corners. Usually time spent inside is the only thing that really helps clear them up.

    Jenn - Hope you have a great time on your cruise. DH and I love to cruise and took our first one on our honeymoon to Alaska. We were hooked. Been on several others and think we will make the cruise to the Bahamas in February a tradition. His birthday is the 10th, Valentine's Day is the 14th and mine is the 18th so we celebrate them all with a cruise.

    Ok, signing off now and getting ready for bed.

    Tina from Maryland
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good Evening lovely ladies. Today was gardening and I did 6 hours outside! Got about 75% of my beds weeded. I had to trim and divide my iris plants and that took quite awhile. One of my golfing buddies wanted some of them so I got them ready for her.
    We're expecting a "cold" front to come through here tomorrow night. I can't wait as it's been hot way too long.
    My October goal is to get back in the routine of logging my food. Somehow it has just slipped away from me. I do think about what I'm eating but haven't gotten everything logged in for about 5 weeks.
    Tomorrow is golf day so I have to get some rest.
    Take care of yourselves.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    barbie - have fun on your weekend getaway!

    Joyce - when I buy Halloween candy ahead of time, I try to store it someplace where it's more of a pain to get at than it's worth. Like I just bought some candy (on sale, with my coupon) and I think I'll store it downstairs in one of the storage rooms. Hope the popcorn works for you!

    grandmalle - prayers and good thoughts going out to you. Yes, mental stress can take its toll on the body

    Gail - have a wonderful trip. It feels so good when you have all your own food.

    cws4me - when are you leaving? Have fun! It'll all be worth it

    Kathy - your doing random acts of kindness inspired me. The other day I was in Lowes Hardware and the guy checking out in front of me had this card. I asked what it was and was told that it was a discount card that veterans get. His bill was something like $20.06 so I just gave him the 6 cents. Yes, even tho it was only 6 cents, it did feel good to do. So sorry to hear about your personal life.

    lila - tell me about how hard it is to keep up with the 20 year olds! Makes me feel so old, but I'm also careful because I know the damage that can happen. We're wiser than a 20 year old, that's for sure. It's just a bit frustrating when I see them doing something that I know will have an effect on their life as they get older (like listening to very loud music)

    TAMayorga - welcome! We don't care if you're one year shy of 50. Welcome! I've just accepted the healthy body attitude. You have a lovely face. It's hard to relearn our thinking, especially after so many years of thinking "fat", but know that your face is beautiful.

    Linda - I can't respond to everyone, either. Congrats on the loss! This thread can get time consuming, what I do is check in a couple of times during the day, make notes in a Wordpad document, then cut & paste it at the end of the day

    Heather - I've so loved reading about your adventures in Rome. I'll certainly miss them. Get home safely

    Pat - how wonderful that the house will be saved! Have fun at your retreat

    Karen - welcome. What is JUDDDing?

    Sylvia - there have been times when I've gotten the "down for maintenance" message. but I've found that if I hit "refresh" its no longer "down". What a wonderful hubby you have there.

    jane - happy birthday to your daughter. We have the same tradition, the birthday person picks what they'd like to have for dinner. Vince usually wants me to make something but many times Jessica wants to go out to eat

    eviejoy - welcome back! We're so glad to have you back.

    mom2cba - welcome. Awesome weight loss, I know you can lose another 6 in October. And we'll be here to cheer you on

    katbirdinpa - fantastic stats!

    Did about 50 minutes of the LaLo Fit DVD. Tomorrow I'll do some HIIT. Then I went to the lady who fixed my dress. She made a hat for me to wear out of the scraps from the sleeves and she had a piece of black material that she lined it with. I do have a black and a white feather, just trying to figure a way to get them on the hat. I took some homemade dog biscuits for her dogs. The biggest problem with them is that they don't have any preservatives in them so they don't keep forever and ever. A friend of ours has a dog who is very pickey, and she liked them! Then went to look for shoes, but found a pair that I like for church on their clearance race. They were originally something like $35 and then 70% off then I had a coupon for another 15% off. I also found 2 Halloween shirts on sale for $4 each and I had a coupon for 15% off each of those. Then came home and Vince and I put down the rest of the riverrock for 2013. Sad to say, I think we're going to need another 10 yards next year. Yes, a lot of it is because I want to put rocks under the deck rather than the mulch. Now that this is finished for the year we have to start preparing for the Halloween decorations.

    Tina in MD - woohoo, all your pants falling off you!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump so I can find my place later.:flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my pretties.

    It's turning out to be 'one of those years'. My MIL, who has vascular dementia and has been in a nursing home for almost five years had a stroke on Wednesday. She is hanging on, but has forgotten how to swallow. I really hope that this end-stage of her life does not drag on - for her sake, but also for the sake of her two sons. My DH is really not taking it well and his brother is working in the States and cannot get back to England until the beginning of next week.

    During these difficult times, I always tend to go into overdrive and tend to take on all the responsibilities. It's a habit - I did it when my mother was dying, when DH's granny was dying and have always done it through all my father's illnesses (heart attacks, quadruple by-pass and then 2 strokes earlier this year). On top of all this, my sister is having a hysterectomy in a couple of weeks and I said that I would go and take care of her 3 kids. Feeling a little stretched at present.

    Goodness, I seem to do nothing but moan! Really, life isn't all bad - at least my own surgery is done with, although I'm nowhere near back to normal yet.

    Anyway my darlings, I hope you will forgive me for not catching up with you all, but please know that I continue to think of you and hold you all dear. The support I have received in the three and a half years that I've been coming on MFP has seen me through so many struggles. I count you amongst my blessings.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Yeah its Friday. So far have only had one day that I exceeded my calories, SO EXCITED. I hope everyone has a blessed day. :happy:

    Tina in Fla
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    morning all,
    im up and had lemon water, and back from the gym:bigsmile: even had breakfast and if I say so it was really good...
    I made egg whites, and then I have mini chibatta rolls ,spread some laughing cow light white cheddar on it ~yummy and a cup of tea...
    lost my pedometer sometime yesterday,lucky I have a back-up..
    counting the days till vacation, the DH isn't to worried about the job, so that is a load of my mind...
    today is my dad's 85th birthday and if I live to be his age and in the shape he is in it will be a blessing. he is in real good shape for his age, both he and his brother,last of there generation,both are vegetarian,my uncle more so than my dad, dad, will have fish,wont drink milk ,but will eat ice cream and cheese..he does have A-FIB ,so is on a small amount of coumidin,and a whole bunch of natural stuff, a
    a few years ago when he got babisia(tick borne parasite) I thought he was low in protien, so I bought him some whey protein, and bless him he is still drinking it..(he doesnt know it is a milk derivitive)sp.
    finally back to where I was at 150 ,hoping it is all going down on the scale from here on in,have 5 days before we leave and I am hoping to at least get down to 149 by then:wink:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I was so excited to finally complete my diary yesterday and guess what. It didn't post. I can't figure it our. Any ideas?
    Sue in TX
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Good Friday Morning to everyone. It's been a productive morning so far. I did the obligatory cleaning before our cleaning service showed up. Every spring and fall I get someone to come in and do a very very deep cleaning. Helps me keep things cleaner myself during the year. They are here now, so I have a few minutes to myself.

    I spent last night trying on clothes that I haven't been able to get into. Amazing how things fit better with 7 lbs gone. I don't want to have to buy new clothes for our vacation. I'm determined not to overpack for our 10 day trip. DH and I will be sharing a large suitcase and we will each have a carry-on bag with 3 days worth of clothes for our time in San Juan. Since we will be on the cruise ship over Halloween, we decided to join a few of our friends and dress for the occasion. We're both going as convicts. Our costumes arrived yesterday! I took a chance at ordering an XL and was excited that it actually fit! Hopefully I will reach my 4 lb goal by the time we leave so it will fit even better.

    Tina- We love cruising. We actually got hooked on our honeymoon too! We wanted to have a fun wedding, so we decided to get married on the ship, invite some of our closest friends and had a wonderful week. Now we go at least once but as many as 3 times a year. Although we take land vacations too, I really enjoy seeing new places and not having to unpack more than once. Looking forward to this cruise as we haven't been to a couple of the islands on this itinerary. It's going to be fun, especially with our cruising buddies. I do hope you have a lovely vacation in WV. Such a beautiful area of the country. I miss traveling there for business. Hopefully one day I will get back on the road.

    I just heard the dryer go off, so I better close for now. Have my glass of water with me so I make sure I am getting in my 8 glasses.

    Have a great day!!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Friday ladies!! I was looking at my last post and realized my spelling is really bad and I leave out words. My mind works faster then I can type. It sure has cooled off here and I love this weather. Did hear they are talking about snow this weekend in the Western part of Nebraska. I pray it waites acouple weeks as we need to get the new furnance put in. DH called the company we dicided on and waiting for them to call back. Then yesterday when I came home from work the men were finally here taking the sidling off the house. What a shock to drive up and see the mess. They have most of it off and said they would be back today. I just hope they get it done before the weather changes. I was alittle upset when they left at 4pm as thought they should work longer. At work yesterday they had a bra fitting class and I went and had that done. It was an eye opener. I found out I wear alot smaller size then I thought. Guess that explains why the "girls" keep falling out the bottom. Most the time Halloween candy here is not a problem. I buy something with nuts and since I am allergic I have no problem leaving it alone. This neigborhood has alot of kids and the last couple years we have had over 50 kids each year. I enjoy seeing all the little ones dressed up. Also yesterday I went over to a coworkers as she had some cloths for sale in my new size. Since I plan to lose more I can't make myself spend alot on clothes and most my pants are falling off. Any way I got 7 pairs of pants, two shirts and a skirt all for $10. Came home and got them all washed up and so today my plan is to go thru the closest and bag up the to big stuff. I am going to take them to work for my boss to give to another co worker. Cathy really needs some clothes, but she is so in deial about her weight. She would not take them from me so my boss said she would handle it.

    Sylvia-- Bruno sounds like a very busy little puppy when left alone.Since we lost Sassy, our dog Toby is really naughty when he is home alone. So think we really to think about getting him a friend. I like the clay idea for Halloween. I would like to do something like that, but not sure how to make it. Congrates on getting into the studio each day and on NSV with DH and the smaller butt.

    Joyce--Congrates on the weight loss. I understand your fear. Right now I have a bad pain in my right shoulder. Seems most the time when I really get into the exercise I end up hurting something. One time I messed my back up so bad I couldn't walk for days. That was on a stepper. Fear keeps me from trying many new things.

    Heather--picture looks great. love the boots. Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us. I enjoy hearing about all the places you have gone and things you have seen. Have a safe trip home.

    Barbie--Hope you enjoy your weekend away. Getting away with DH is always nice.

    Meg--Glad you are taking some time for you, hope you feel better soon. I know if I work even one night shift it messes me up for days. We did drive out by the rivers the other evening and the water was way up. Then Wednesday night we got several inches of rain and now things are pretty wet. I will admit I do love this Fall weather.

    grandmalle--Prayers to you and DH. This is sure a mess and I agree that if they had to live by these decisions it would get done alot sooner. My sister lives in SC and she is on unpaid furlough until further notice.

    Linda--Congrates on the wt loss. I love the hope chest deal. I remember having one when I was a teenager and filling it with things for when I was married. It will be a gift DGD will remember for years.

    CWS4ME--I know I get all stressed out when I'm going somewhere, even if only over night. Hope things settle down and you have a relaxful vacation.

    Kathy--Prayers and hugs to you.

    Tamayorga--Welcome, come back often and get to know us. Where are you from? I know what you mean about the changes in our face when we lose weight. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I think that can't be me. Somedays not sure I like it, but know it's better then before.

    Pat--Great news about your sister. Hope the new doctor can help. Prayers do the most good. Hope you enjoy your scrapbook weekend. Wish I was brave enough to do something like that. DS is planning on taking me to a wedding of a dear friends daughter in Lincoln (about 100 miles) in two weeks. He wants to make a weekend of it and take DGD to one of the punkin patches. around there. DH has to work the weekend so can't go. I know we will have fun, but I am already getting stressed about it. Knowing me I will try and talk myself out of it, but my friend Sam has come to anything I've invited her to so really need to go.

    Amanda-- Sorry about DMIL. Prayers to you and family at this time. It's never easy to lose someone you love. Sounds like you are alot like me and we take charge and get things done and then we don't have to think about things. Please take care of yourself.

    Well I need to get busy and get things done. Tonight is our CMA meeting and we nominate officers for next year. I am the secretary so have to get things ready. Also my friend (lee) that is going thru treatment for breast cancer wants to get out for acouple hours so going to pick her up and go to the mall. We can walk around and sit and visit. Sometimes I feel so helpless and not sure what to say or do. Have a GREAT day. I am off the weekend so looking forward to getting alot done.

    Blessed, Vicki GI NE
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello all, I just wanted to share a sweet pic of my DD and her new baby. Yes I am proud.


    Robin, Bodi and Ritter